ON THE DEATH OF SIR DAVID FALCONER OF NEWTON, Lord President of the Council and Session.
NOt to disparage other
Hero's praise,
Whose Temples have been wreath'd with
Themis Bayes:
In this our Age we truly may averr,
None liv'd more lov'd, then worthy
The Barr declar'd him Learn'd and Eloquent,
The Bench a Grave Judicious President.
His Parents, Children, and good Lady, prove
His great Obedience, Piety, and Love.
His Life (ah! short) was from his tender Youth;
All Diligence, Integrity, and Truth.
Nothing could him from equity withdraw.
Law's a dumb Judge, he was a speaking Law,
And could no more from that just Rule decline,
Sol can stray from the Ecliptick Line.
R. D.