THE Lord RUSSELS Farewel, VVho was Beheaded for High-Treason, in Lincolns-Inn-Fields' JƲLY 21st. 1683.

To the Tune of, Tender hearts of London City.

Paide the bane of humane creatures, will corrupt the best of natures, when it soars


to its full height, who can stand it or command it, when the object is in sight?

Reason is no more our jewel,
When our dearest thoughts are cruel,
all her Maxims are forgot:
Else what reason, was for Treason,
as this base inhumane Plot.
Russel that injoy'd the treasure,
Every way repleat with pleasure,
had Alegience quite forgot:
Hopes of [...]i [...]ing did advise him,
to this base inhumane Plot.
Who alas! could he desire,
That himself could not require,
pride did only him besott;
To aspire to grow higher,
By a base inhumane Plot.
Safely might have liv'd for ever,
In a gracious Princes favour,
and more honour there have got:
Then his thoughts what e're they wrought,
By any base inhumane Plot.
Those false hopes that did deceive him,
With his nature will nht leave him,
nor with his poor body rot:
Whilst records, the world affords,
his Treason ne'r will be forgot.
Better be the Earl of Bedford,
Then for Treason loose his Head for't,
and to make his name a blot:
In each Lybel as a Rebbell,
In a base inhumane Plot.
If his Prince had ever left him,
Or of any Grace bereft him,
e're his Treason force his Lot:
Yet-Obedience and Alegience,
should have kept him from this Plot.
Treason is a Crime 'gainst nature,
Against Kings the highest matter,
sure can never be forgot:
He that blames him does prophane him
and his soul is in the Plot.
Russel dy'd then unlamented,
By all men but who consented
to this damn'd inhumane Plot:
To Distroy the Nations joy,
the King and Monarchy should Rot.
But Heavens preserve the Crimson Royal
And bring all the rest to tryal
who Alegience have forgot:
And confounded be each Round-head,
in this damn'd inhumane Plot.

Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Gol­den Ball, in West-smithfield.

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