The Scotch Wedding: OR, A short and Pretty Way of Wooing.
When as Complexions do agree,
And all things they are fitting;
Why should the time prolonged be,
Be quick and mind your Knitting.
To a New Northern Tune, much us'd at the Theatres.
With Allowance.
January last, upon
a Munday on the Morn;
As along the fields I past,
to view the Winter Corn:
I ligged me behind the Bray,
and I saw come o're the Slow,
Yean glenting in an Apron,
with a bonny brant brow.
I had good Morrow fair Maid,
and she right courteously,
By Fe and Tro, geud Sir, she said,
geud day agen to ye;
I said to her, fair Maid, quo I,
how far intend you now,
Quo she geud Sir a mile or two,
to yonder bonny Brow.
Fair Maid I'm wéel contented,
to have like company,
For I am ganging on the gate,
where you intend to be;
When we had walkt a mile or two,
I said to her my Dow;
May I not lift your Apron,
and kiss your bonny Brow.
Nay geud Sir you'r mistaken,
for I am na'ne of theise;
I wot you ha mare bréeding,
then lift a wemans clearhes:
Ye kn
[...]w we Mun for modesty,
nea at the first time bow,
But if we like your company:
we are as kind as you.
I Teuk her by the hand so smaw,
an I led her o're the Lawn,
I gave her many a glancing leuk,
so did she me again;
I led her in amang the Bent,
where nean of awe cu'd see,
And then quo I my bonny Lass,
now wilt thou mow with me.
I dare not deathat déed, quo she,
for fear I prove with Bearn,
And then may I sing lullabee,
and live in mickle scorn;
Tush fye, quo I, tack thou ne care,
fear not with Bearn to be,
For weel I wat next Holliday,
that I will wed with thee.
I laid htr down upon the Green,
and said prove kind my dear;
We now are safe from being seen,
thou néeds nea danger sea
She blush and smiled in my face,
my bonny Lad, quo she,
Since we are in this uncouth place,
deal kindly now with me.
I used all my skill and art,
her humour for to please;
I prickt her, but she felt no smart,
but still lay at her ease;
At length I put her to the squeak,
and claw'd her bonny weam;
Quo she, my heart with joy will break,
pray let me now gang heam.
When we had
[...]ane of love our fill,
sea weel she pleas'd my mind;
I vow'd I wad be constant still,
since that she was so kind;
Quo I my onely Duck, my dear,
now let us twa agree;
How to provide cur Bridal chéer,
against we wedded be.
The warft on't is, my love, quo she,
we want a King I trow,
Ne'r rack, quo I, leave that to me,
i'le sell my Dodded Yow;
Miss John the Vicar is my friend,
who will be rul'd by me;
An hour or twa with us to spend,
when we shall wedded be.
Weel ha beath bak'd, & boil'd, & roast,
upon our Weddding day,
Will the Weaver at my cost
shall on the Bag-pipes play;
The Lads and Lasses in the Town,
shall at our Nuptials be,
And thou shalt have a Tawny Gown,
sea weel thou pleases me.
Now when the Wedding day was come
as they did beath conclude,
The dinner was in readiness,
the liquor it was brew'd;
And so they went unto the Kirk,
weel wedded for to be;
And made a mickle merry feast,
and now lives lovingly.
Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, in West-smith field.