THE Dreadful Uoice OF FIRE, Begun at Edinburgh, the 3d of February 1700.

Quis, talia fando,
Temper [...]t a Lachrymis?
THE Elements. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire,
Make happy M [...] sometime they conspire
A part, or in Society [...]
The va [...]nish't honour [...] Man, frail and vain.
Jamaica lately was a dreadful Scheme,
And sad Example, of this threatning Theam;
Earth opened it's mouth, 'gainst people bad,
(Because to Heav'n, no mouths these people had)
And, weary of it's Bu [...] did enclose
Them in it's hollow womb; There to disclose
The real darkness, which their Sins did love,
And En'mity against the Powers above;
For which just Heav'n sent them a packing thence.
Like Corah, Dathan, for their sad Offence
The World was drowned last by Watt [...] large
Deludge; Which did it's Vials soon discharge,
Upon the Earth, scorch'd by the heat of Lust,
Which them condemn'd, not to be burnt to dust,
But from a Sea of Lust, streight to be sent
By Water, to the Pit of Punishment.
This night, the El'ments did, in strife, contand
For Umpirage, and which should most commend
Their active Vigour, to the double Senses,
Of Knowing Men; when Fire (alas) Commences
A Tragick Act; which, in short to rehearse
Shall be the Scope, of this ensueing Verse.
In Rob'sons Land, 'bout Ten a Cloak at Night,
Happ'ned a Fire, soon shewing clear and bright;
And, in a Trice, from North-East, did o'respread,
The Fabrick whole, well covered with Lead;
And as if pincht in narrow bounds it went,
S [...]reight for St Geils; but soon it did Repent,
And stayed at the Statue, thence did flee
North watd to th' Croce, to serve it's Luxury.
How did it Triumph 'ore the sturdy Oak?
And did obscure fair Cynthia, by it's smoak?
D [...]slodging soon the Loving Man and Wife,
The Family and Children, without strise;
From Babel's Tow'r them sending to the deep
Of saodest Plight, yea soma amidst their sleep.
Vulcan was now inexorable grow'n;
Not Piety nor Riches, would he oune;
Best Gifts of Heav'n and earth he did disdain,
Threatning with blood, his Fury to maintain;
And, deaf as Adria, did neglect the Cryes,
Of rich and poor, all in deep Miseryes;
Yea did invade the day of Holy Rest,
And so the Foun, with hideous flames, molest,
He raged so, so domineered he,
As, but himself, no other God could be,
At last, by Holy Pray'rs, he was apeas'd.
And then his force and cruel fury ceas'd.
Hence learn ye Mortals, what great madness be,
To build up houses, thrice five stories high,
Or to put Trust, in any earthly Thing,
Save in Great GOD, of Heav'n and Earth the King;
But trust in him alone, who can defend
You, from sad accidents, and dreadfull End;
And now repent, and to the Lord now turn,
Lost he should you, in Flames eternal, burn.

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