The double right of Scotish Kings to England Continued upward to the present Reign.

Malcome. 3 Margaret
    • Edward slaine in Anwick
    • Duncan.
    • Maud Queene of England
    • Edgar
    • David. 1
      • Henry.
        • Maud Countese of Anguss
        • David Earle of Hunting
          • Iohn last Earle of Chester
          • A [...]la Lady Hastings.
            • Henry Lord Hastings
            • Iohn Hastings Competit
          • Maud died a virgin.
          • Isabell Lady Bruse
            • Bernard Lorde of Coningto
            • Robert Bruce.
              • Edward slaine in Ireland
              • Thomas put to death by K E 1
              • Alexander put to death
              • Nigell. put to death by Ed. 1
              • Robert. 1
                • Dauid. 2
                • Margaret Countess of Sutherland
                • Mariory Steward
                  • Iames slaine with his brother
                  • Robert. 2
                    • Eufame Lady Dowglas
                    • David Earle of Stracho [...]
                    • Walter Earle of Athole
                      • [...]
                        • Robert Steward
                      • [...]
                        • Robert Graham
                    • A daughter maried Iohn Dubeir E of Athole
                    • Robert. 3
                      • David Duke of Rothsay
                      • Iames. 1
                        • Margaret Queene of France
                        • Alexander borne with Iames 2
                        • Iane Countes of Austria
                        • Eleanor Duches of Austria
                        • Iames 2
                          • Alexander Duke of Albany
                            • Alexander Bishope of Murray
                            • Iohn Duke of Albany
                          • Iohn Earle of Mare
                          • Iames. 3
                            • Alexander Duke of Rothsay
                            • Iames. 4
                              • Iames L. of Mur­ray a naturall sone
                              • Alexāder Bishope of S t. Andrē
                              • Iames died at on years age
                              • A daugh­ter died presently after birth
                              • Iames. 5
                                • Iames died y e same day [...] Arthur
                                • Mary.
                                  • IAMES y e SIXT.
                                    • Robert died without issue.
                                    • Henry Frederick died yong
                                    • Charles afterward King.
                                    • Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia
                                    • Charles. 1
                                      • Charles Died young
                                      • Charles afterward King by y e Name of Charles the 2 d.
                                      • Iames afterward King by y e Name of Iames the 2 d
                                      • Charles 2
                                      • Iames. 2
                                        • Charles Died with­out Issue
                                        • Iames Died without Issue
                                        • Isabel Died without Issue
                                        • Charles Died without Issue
                                        • Catharin Died without Issue
                                        • Henrietta Died witho t. Issue
                                        • Anna Princese of Denmark
                                        • Mary Princese of Orange
                                          • Mary. 2.
                                          • Edgar Died without Issue
                                          • Charles Died without Issue
                                      • Henry died without Issue
                                        • Anna died without Issue
                                      • Mary Wife to the Prince of Orange
                                        • William. 2.
                                        • Henritha Maried to the Duke of Orleance
                                      • Elizabeth died without Issue
                                    • Margaret died with­out Issue
                                    • Mary died without Issue
                                    • Sophia died without Issue
                                • Arthur died at 8 dayes old
                              • Arthur died an infant
                              • Alexāder died an infant
                            • Iohn Earle of Marr
                          • A daughter died before mariage
                          • Mary maried the Lord Boyd
                            • Gregan Countese of Cassels.
                            • Iames Earle of Arraine
                        • Mary Lady C [...]pver
                        • Anabella
                        • Isabell Duchese of Britain
                          • Francis Lady Albert
                          • Margaret Duchese of Britaine
                          • Mary maried Vi­coūt Rob [...] ̄
                      • A Daughter
                    • Elizabet maried. L. Iohn Liōis
                    • Alexāder Earle of Buchan
                      • Alexander a naturall sone
                      • Iames Kenedy Bishop of S t. Andrews
                      • Duncan Steward
                      • Iohn Earle of Bu [...]hqua
                    • Robert Duke of Albany
                      • Robert Steward
                      • Mordo Duke of Albany
                        • Alexander
                        • Iames died in Ireland
                        • Walter Steward
                      • Mardok slaine at Hallidon
                  • Iohn slaine at Hallidō
                  • Alan slaine in Battal
                • Maud died in infancy
                • Iane Sutherland
                  • Iohn heir appa­rant
          • Margare Countese of Galloway
            • Dornidilla Ballial.
              • Iohn. 1
                • Edward 1
        • Malcome. 4
        • Margaret Duches of Britain
          • Alice maried Pinkney
            • Henry Pinkney
              • Robert Pinkney Competit
        • William. 1
          • Henry slaine by his Vncle
          • Marion maried Eustace Vessy
            • William de Vessy
              • William de Vesey Competitor
          • Isabell Lady Rosse
            • William Lorde Rosse
              • Robert Lord Rosse
                • William Lorde Rosse Competitor
          • Adama maried Pa­trick Dun­bar
            • Patrick Earle of Marche
              • Patrick
                • Patrick Competitor
          • Eufana maried to Will Say
            • William Say
              • Martha maried to Mundevill
                • Roger Mundevill Competit.
          • Alexander. 2
            • Alexander 3
              • Alexander died at 20 years
              • David died young
              • Margaret Queene of Denmark
                • Margaret heire of Scot and Norwa
        • Adhama Countese of Holland
          • Florence Earle of Holland
            • William Earle of Holland
              • Florence Competitor
              • Patrik Geletry Competitor
    • Mary Countese of Bollign
    • ALexander. 1
    • Edmōd a Monk in England

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