Aetatis suae 52


A CALL TO Delaying Sinners; Or the DANGER of DELAYING In MATTERS concerning our SOULS.

Being the Substance o [...] several Sermons from Ps. 119. v. 6 [...]

By THOMAS DOOLITTLE Minister of the Gospel.

Ezek. 33. 11.

Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O House of Israel?

The Sixth Edition

LONDON, Printed by H. Newman. and Sold By E. Tra [...] at the three Bibles, on London Bridge 1698

To the READER.

Christian Reader,

ALtho there be no Christian li­ving, but is sufficiently satis­fied, and does very well know, that Repentance and Reconciliation to God, is the One thing Necessary; and the Indispensible Duty of every Man and Woman that do desire to be Saved: Yet such has been, and more especially in this present Generation, is the miserable depravity of Human Nature, that we are too too apt to defer that till last, that ought to be our first and chiefest care and endea­vour. To enforce and convince you of the necessity of this great Duty, is the design of this Treatise; of which never was there greater need than Now; when Men are so far from making this their greatest care and Concern, that they can hardly [Page] spare a thought upon their Eternal Salvation. For the enforcing this most necessary Duty upon the Hearts and Minds of Christians, the follow­ing Sermons are very useful and ex­pedient. The Time and Opportunity of receiving Grace may easily be let slip; it is therefore the Duty of every Christian to lay hold upon the present Opportunity, and to accept of Grace; now, instantly, while Grace is to be had. The learned Pharisees could not discern their Opportunity by dis­cerning the Signs of his Coming, as you have it in Mat. 19. at the beginning Neither could the Jews know their Opportunity, it was hidden from their Eyes, as you may read in Luke 19. 42. Opportunity is hardly em­braced; therefore it becomes every wise Man to lay hold of her fore-top, and not let her pass, least he hereafter sorely repent it. But who is the Wise-man? says Solomon, Eccl. 8. That is, how [Page] rarely is the Wise-man to be found? For the Wise-man, saith he, dis­cerneth Time and Judgment. That is to say, he is able to discern When things are to be done, and therefore its rare to find such a Wise Man; in the Voyage to Heaven it is hard to save our Tide: Not one of a thousand but lets it slip. The im­proving of this therefore, is a Man's greatest Wisdom, Deut. 32. 29. O that they were Wise, that they un­derstood this, that they would con­sider their latter End. The Wise Man's heart is said to be in his right-hand, That is, the Wisdom of his Heart teacheth him to manage his Af­fairs judiciously, and in season. That Man, who tho' he be never so Wise and Prudent in the World and Worldly things, yet if he hath not Wisdom to know the Season of Grace, he may well be termed a Scripture-Fool, and will so appear to himself and others too, to all Eternity: And will it not (think [Page] you) cause the greatest Torment and Vexation imaginable to that Man, who when he comes to Die, shall be com­pell'd to say, O never was I wise, who was wise for every thing, but to save my Soul? laying hold of the present op­portunity in that which facilitates every action and employment, making a work come off smoothly, and with facility. The gracious God, if we embrace an Opportunity, offereth to help us, and work with us. O the goodness of a mer­ciful God, that tho he sets us so light and easie a task, yet offers to work with us too! That Burthen is more light and easie, when two persons assist in the carrying of it, than it would be upon the back of one. When the Boat has the advantage both of Wind and Tide, to carry it forward, it goes easily and pleasantly on. This is the case of that Christian, who seasonably embraces the Offers of Grace and Mercy: He has the Assistance of the Holy Spirit, [Page] for the obtaining his desired happiness. To lay hold of the present Opportunity, makes every action look beautiful: It makes all our Performances look with a lovely Aspect, and with a Grace, Eccl. 3. 11. He hath made every thing beautiful in its Time, &c. We all know, that Fruit gathered in season is the pleasantest Fruit, and that a word spoke in season, is a word upon Wheels. When the season of obtaining Grace is past, our endeavours are unpleasant to God, as well as unprofitable to us: Nor is that all, but we are accountable for every Opportunity we let slip and neg­lect; for we are not only Accountable for every Action we commit, but for the time we do it in, Eccl 11. 9. Re­joyce O young man in thy youth, and let thy heart chear thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes, but know thou that for all these things, God [Page] will bring thee to Judgment: Where you see he shall be not only judged for his Actions, but for the Time he ha [...] mispent. O that every Christian would lay this seriously to heart, and contemplate thus with himself, [...] Wretch that I am! How many Holy Sabbaths have I prophaned! And how many Oaths have I Sworn! How many hundred timee have neglected Prayer, to call upon God! How many times have I deride Godliness! How many Lies have told! And if for every idle word you must give an Account, certainly for every Sermon, Sabbath and Ordi­nance, under which you have been idle you shall not escape wiehout a Rec­koning.

Moreover, the neglecting of Op­portunity, is the greatest Destroy in the World. 'Tis not so much be­ing Bad, as the delaying to be Good that destroys the most. It is not fl [...] [Page] Denials, but foolish Delayings that ruins Christians, Eccles. 8. 6. Because to every purpose there is Time and Judgment; therefore the misery of Man is great upon him. Few deny, but most delay to be saved.

We see Opportunity is embraced by all persons in their meanest Con­cerns; and shall not a Christian much more lay hold of all Opportunities for the Salvation of his Soul? Doth not the Husbandman observe his Sea­sons? the Merchant his? the Sea­man his, &c. Yea, the very work­ers of Iniquity observe Opportuni­ties and Seasons, wherein they may best performe their Delights; and shall only the precious Opportunities for the good of our Souls be neglected? This Delaying in the pursuit of Sal­vation, is a Delaying to be freed from the greatest Evil, (viz.) the Wrath of God, Guilt, Damnation and Hell.

Wherefore, O Christians, let it be your great and immediate care, to make your Peace between God and your own Souls. Neglect not the least Time, but even to day, while it is called to Day, lay hold of, and embrace the Of­fers of Christ in the Gospel.

There are thousands that have beet the servants of sin all their days; and tho the pains and diseases of their old Age convince them, that the pleasure of sin are but for a season, yet they will remain constant and faithful of their Masters Service, and die the Devils Martyrs: They are so far from being weary of this worst [...] Slaveries, that their Lives then one begin to be irksom to them, when sick­ness or age makes them uncapable o [...] taking that pleasure in sin they desire to do And are Satan and Sin better Masters than God and Holiness? Th [...] [Page] latter I am sure, even at present, are more good and kind to their Servants. In the keeping of God's Command­ments, there is great reward, saith the Psalmist. For God desires not so to be trusted at all, but thaet he will grant them so much in hand as may out-bid all that the Devil or Sin can bestow upon them.

But then if we look beyond this life, and compare the infinite difference of the one and others period, one would think it impossible that the Devil and the Flesh should so far prevail upon ra­tional Beings, as to detain them any lon­ger with them. It needs not much deli­beration, whether Eternal Happiness or Eternal Misery be to be preferred; nothing but not believing of either can make one delay in his choice. Consider that little time that is to come, and how much of that little, Eating, Drink­ing, Sleeping, and the Necessaries [Page] of Business of Life, will take from thee; and then judge if tbou thinkest thou shalt have more Time allowed thee than enough, to do the Work allotted thee. But if thou either disbelievest what is spoken in the Scripture, of ano­ther Life; or fanciest a very long stay in this, saying in thy heart, with the evil Servant, My Lord delayeth his coming; no wonder then if thou begin to smite thy Fellow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drun­ken: But a Man must use great vio­lence to his own Ʋnderstanding and Conscience, before he can arrive at such sottishness of mind, and must think it very much his Interest to die like a Beast, before he can believe that he shall do so: But all Men under Go­spel-Revelation, are so far under the Power of this Truth, A Life to come, that he cannot deny it, but his own fearful Apprehensions will give him the lie. He looks out sometime maugre [Page] all his Ease and Security; and his is a fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation, whilst the man tbat hath taken hold of this golden opportunity, looks out also; but his is a looking for that blessed Hope and the Glorious Appearance of the great God and his Saviour. And can the Sinner imagine his own day far off, when he beholds the most Youth­ful Age, or firmest state of Health can­not secure him from the danger of it? There are a Thousand Accidents which we cannot foresee, and so not prevent, which may violently hurry us out of the World; the swallowing a Grape-stone, or the Cutting of a Corn, have brought some persons to their Grave; we may stumble into it at a Stone in the Street, or a Tile from a House may knock us down into it: the strongest Man may be con­quer'd by a Fever in three or four days, or an Apoplexy may dispatch him in so many Hours or Minutes: [Page] none can tell where, when, or by who, Instruments he shall pass out of the Life: which, if he consider, and also that as the Tree falls, so it lies, thou is no rectifying the Errours of our Life after our Death; but we shal for ever continue in the state we die in; we must needs be very careful the Death come not on us unprepared Solomon bids us, Whatsoever our hand findeth to do, to do it with our might; for there is no Work, nor Device, nor Knowledge, nor Wisdom in the grave whither we go. Now if this Argument be pressing, as it is, that we ought therefore to lay hold of all opportunities for our Souls which we live, because we can do nothing after we are dead; it may add to our Seri­ousness to think, that it is uncertain whether a few days may not put at end to our Life, and so to our working [...] 'Twill be sad for the expiring Soul to say, Had I thought Death had been [Page] [...] near, I would have given more [...]ed to God's Call to Delaying Sin­ners, that I might have been prepa­red for it. And yet 'tis the common use of the greatest part of Mankind to [...] their Last Day at too great a di­ [...]nce from them.

To what hath been said of the short­ness of Life, I might add the sudden­ness of Christ's coming to Judgment; [...]et a little while, and he that shall [...]ome, will come, and will not tarry. [...]ow since the Apostles time 'tis above Sixteen hundred Years, and therefore, [...] this day, we may well reckon of a little while; indeed 'tis true, With God (as the Apostle expresses it) a Thousand years are but as one day; and therefore, tho' it be a little while with God till our Lord's Coming, yet according to Man's computation of time, [...] may be long, according to that of our [...]aviour, Shall not God avenge His [...]wn Elect? Tho he bear with them [Page] long, I tell you, that he will avenge the [...] speedily; but howsoever, the term [...] (little while) may be Interpreted, [...] have certain tokens that his com [...] cannot be far off: St. Paul would [...] have the Thessalonians be troubled, [...] if the Day of Christ were at hand; a [...] the reason why it cou'd not be so, he t [...] them, was, because that day should n [...] come, except there came a Falling [...] way first, and that Man of Sin w [...] revealed, the Son of Perdition, wh [...] Christ should destroy with the bright­ness of his coming. Now I think the [...] is no Christian doubts, but the Athe­istical and Prophane Spirit that [...] now in the World, speaks him to [...] revealed, even that Spirit that rul [...] in the Children of Disobedience.

It were Presumption to limi [...] time, seeing of that day and ho [...] knows no Man, so as to determ [...] positively and precisely when it sh [...] be; but it were Fool-hardiness [...] [Page] [...] over-confident, that it may not be [...]en in our days; whensoever it is, it [...]ll certainly come unexpected of the [...]atest part of the World, even as a [...]ief in the night. Our Saviours Pa­ [...]le of the Ten Virgins, may well in­ [...]ruct us what influence this day should [...]ve upon us; for when at midnight [...]e Bridegroom came, the Wise slum­ [...]ed as well as the Foolish, but their [...]amps were burning, being furnished with Oyl, and therefore they went in with the Bridegroom to the Marriage; [...]hereas the Foolish, whose Lamps were [...]one out, and their Oyl spent, had the [...]oor shut upon them; from whence [...]e draws this Exhortation, Watch [...]herefore, for you know neither the [...]ay nor the hour wherein the Son [...]f Man cometh. They that shall be [...]hen alive, are like to have no notice of [...], nor shall they have any time to do [...]ny thing towards their own Salvation, [...]or they shall be changed in a Mo­ment, [Page] in the twinkling of an Eye, [...] the last Trump. Alas for the fruit [...] Wishes the Delaying Sinner shall t [...] make, that he had wrought while [...] was day; for now he sees an Everlast­ing Night approaching, whereing [...] cannot work, but is to receive the I [...] ward of his Sloath. Many times was [...] called upon by the Watchman to awa [...] out of sleep, but he was still for a lit­tle more slumber; and now t [...] the Last Trumpet gives the Ala [...] he is rouz'd indeed out of his slee [...] but before he can bethink himself wh [...] to do, being fill'd with horror and d [...] ­spair, he is call'd upon to give an Ac­count what he hath done: the surpri [...] amazeth, and puts him even besi [...] himself, so that he calls [...]o the Mo [...] ­tains to hide him, as if they had E [...] to hear, or Hearts to pity him; a [...] the Stones less rocky than his o [...] Heart, that would never relent at [...] most earnest beseechings of God by [...] [Page] Ministers of his word, and their calls [...] Delaying Sinners, Alas! now the Sinner is so much diverted and taken [...] with other Lovers, that the Loves [...]f a Saviour are not constraining, nor as Mercies winning; but then his Greatness will affright, his Terrors [...]ake hold, and his Justice seize the Sin­ner.

To prevent this state of the ungodly and impenitent, is the end of the ensu­ing Sermons, which have the unhappi­ness to want the Authors own polish­ing; for which cause it is but Justice, [...]at what Mistakes are found in them, [...]ay not be laid at the Authors door, [...] being altogether ignorant of their [...]ublishing, yet were they taken (as I am [...]formed) by the Pen of a ready Writer, [...]d one much acquainted with the [...]uthors Preaching; and truly this [...]st Testimony cannot be denied them, [...] Spirit and Lineaments of that [...]rthy Person, whose Name they bear [Page] in the Title, is found upon them. A [...] son whose Name needs no Encomiu [...] having so many Immortable Tom [...] the Hearts of many of his Hearers [...] on whom his Ministry hath made [...] Impressions, as doubtless will [...] with them for ever, and carry the [...] Effects into the other World.

Reader, I shall not detain thee [...] ­er in the Porch, but only make [...] few Requests to thee; That thou wo [...] read this small Call over seriously, [...] with deliberation, and when thou [...] done, seriously examin thy own H [...] and see if these things concern not [...] And that if you have any in your [...] ­mily that need an awakening C [...] that you would read either this, or [...] other good Book to them; That [...] make a due Care and Conscienc [...] reading the holy Scriptures; of Pr [...] both Publick and Private; of hea [...] the Word, and all other Ordina [...] commanded by God in the Holy S [...] ­tures. [Page] But above all, neglect not to [...]et a saving Interest in Christ, con­cluding with this Scripture, Ezek. 33. [...]1. Say unto them, as I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the Death of the Wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your [...]vil way; for why will ye die, O [...]ouse of Israel?

These Books following are Printed for, [...] Sold by Hugh Newman, at the G [...] ­hopper in the Poultry.

1. A Rebuke to Backsliders, [...] a Spur for Loyterers [...] several Sermons lately Preached [...] private Congregation, and publish'd [...] the awakening a sleepy Age. By [...] Richard Alleine.

2. The Father's Blessing, Penne [...] the Instruction of his Children: In V [...] with 24 Pictures new added; being [...] fittest Book yet publish'd to e [...] Children to Read.

3. A Looking-glass for Children [...] collected by Henry Jessey in his l [...] time; together with sundry seaso [...] Lessons and Instructions to Youth, [...] ­ling them early to remember their [...] ­ator: written by Abra. Chear, late [...] Plimouth: to which is added many [...] ­ther Poems very suitable; as also [...] Elegies on departed Friends, mad [...] the said Abraham Chear. All now [...] fully gather'd together for the b [...] of Young and Old, by E. P.

4. A Call to Delaying Sinners [...] the danger of delaying in matters [...] ­cerning our Souls; by Tho. Doolittle [...] ­nister of the Gospel.

A CALL TO Delaying Sinners.

PSALM CXIX. Vers. 60.‘I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy Commandments.’

TO shew you the Coherence of these words with those that go before, I shall lay before you these six things worthy of your Imitation, which will bring us with haste unto the Text.

[Page 2]1. You have the wise choice that Dav [...] made of God to be his Portion, Verse. 5 [...] Thou art my Portion, O Lord. Some chu [...] the world for their portion, some chu [...] their pleasures for their portion; but al [...] these are but beggarly portions: We [...] says David, let others make choice [...] what they will, I'le chuse the blessed G [...] for my portion: I know that God will [...] a suitable portion, a durable portion, [...] sufficient and satisfying portion unto m [...] And here he makes his appeal unto Go [...] and says, O Lord, thou art my Portion.

2. You have David's fixed Resoluti­on upon this choice, what he was resol­ved to do; I have said that I will keep the Word, in the same Verse.

3. You have David's supplication, h [...] earnest prayer to God, that he might [...] enabled to perform his Resolution, v. 5 [...] I entreated thy favour with my whole hear [...] be merciful unto me according to thy wor [...] therefore now, upon my knees, I beg th [...] Grace, that I may perform thy Word. [...] had resolved that he would keep t [...] Word of God, and therefore he prays th [...] God would help him to keep his Word.

4. You have David's serious Reflecti­on upon his ways and upon his Walk­ings, [Page 3] Ver 59. I thought on my ways. How few scarce do so much as seriously think on their ways, what they are a doing, and whither they are a going? You think of the world and you think of your Sins, so as to gratifie your Lust; but when do you seriously think of your way, in order to your turning to God;

5. You have David's resolution after he had thought upon his ways; I will keep thy word. I did wander, but I will not go on in my sin any longer; I thought on my ways and turned my feet unto thy testimony.

6. You have David's putting in Pra­ctice what before he did resolve; as in the Text, I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy Commandments.

Some men do not so much as resolve; some resolve, but do not pray; some do pray, but they do not consider, before and after prayer, whether they have walked in the ways of God or no; some do consider, but they do not turn; some do purpose to turn, but they do delay: But, here is a Copy for you all to write after! I delayed not to keep, &c. And so we are come to the Text. The words are plain and easie. The Doctain that I would speak unto from them is this;

That what the Blessed and Eternal God. Com­mands us to do, is to be done with all pos [...] ­ble Speed, with all hast, without delay.

O that you could say as David did [...] have made hast, and have not delayed [...] keep thy Commandments! Sirs, there is [...] room for delaying and trifling in t [...] matters of your God, and in the concer [...] of you Souls. Sirs, if any thing in t [...] World requires hast, this does: I w [...] give you four or five Instances, and [...] wish that every one may take it as [...] Copy to write after.

The first is, the instance of Abraha [...] Gen. 18. from the second verse to the eighth. There came three men to Abra­ham, that is, three Angels in the Shaped men, one of which was an increated An­gel, the Blessed Son of God. They came to Abraham, and Abraham made hast to give Entertainment unto them, verse 2. When he saw them he ran to meet them verse 6. Abraham hastened into the Tent of Sarah and said, Make ready quickly. Sirs, it's Jesus Christ that is Preached unto you that is offered unto you in the Gospel Oh, where is the man that runs to meet [Page 5] with the Blessed Christ! Oh, who is it that Speaks unto him, and says, Make ready, O my Soul, make ready quickly, and give the best room in thy heart for this is Christ that now stands knocking at the door of thy heart.

2. I would allude to the Practice of the Israelites, that night they went out of Aegypt, Exod. 12. 11, 12. Ye shall eat it in hast; it is the Lords Passover. This is a Figure of poor Sinners being delive­red by Christ out of worse than Aegypti­an Bondage. Hast thou lived in thy Bon­dage state so long, and God Commands thee to come out, and wilt thou not make hast? Exod. 12. 33. The Aegyptians urged the People to send them out of the Land in hast, for say they We be all dead men; so say I, Sirs, make hast and get out of your Bondage state, or else you will be so many dead men: Mark my words you will be so many damned souls, Lu. 2. from the 8. to the 17. verse. There when they heard of Christ, that a Saviour was born, that a Redeemer was come into the world, say they, where is he? and when they were told, they made hast, and came and found our Saviour and Mary his Mother in a Manger, Verse 16.

[Page 6]3. The 3d. is that of Zacheus, w [...] when our Saviour was passing by [...] up and climed upon the Tree to [...] him, our Saviour looked up to him a [...] said, Zacheus make hast and come dow [...] for this day I must abide at thy hous [...] and what did Zacheus do; Did he ling [...] and say, hereafter it will be ti [...] enough? No; he made hast and ca [...] down, and received him joyfully

4. A 4th Instance is Mary, who, wh [...] she heard that Jesus was nigh, John 1 [...] 28, 29. as soon as she heard that Chri [...] was come, and that he called for her, [...] ­rose quickly and came to him; But ala [...] the poor Ministers of Christ, they com [...] one day after another to you saying, Sir [...] the Master is come, the Saviour of soul [...] is come, he alone that can Redeem yo [...] from Hell is come, and he calls for you [...] but one delays, and another loyters: A third, a twentieth, a hundredth, they make nothing of all this but delay.

Upon this Subject shall be shewn some Reasons; then the Application; but the whole shall be to urge you to make speed and haste, to come to Christ: Here I shall give you five or six Reasons why you should make all possible speed.

[Page 7]I. The things that God does command you to do, and set about, require all possible speed, that they should be set up­on in haste without delay. Beloved Hearers, do you think the great eternal God, speaks to you about toys and trifles? Surely you think that they are no better, when you linger and loyter, one Sabbath after another, one Month after another, from Year to Year; you put off the work that God commands you to do, when there is nothing in this World that does so much concern you to do quickly, and with haste, and with speed. Let me entreat you, and beseech you, for Gods sake, seriously to weigh what are the Commands of the glorious God up­on you; then tell me if they do not re­quire all possible speed: Here are six things under this Head.

1. The dreadful God commands thee, Sinner, to repent of thy Sin, and tells thee Thou art damned if thou dost not. And wilt thou still delay and loyter, and lin­ger, and not make haste? Beloved Hear­ers, you will find it true, That, except ye Repent, and that soon too, your Souls will be Damned. Now consider, Sinner must thy Soul be for ever Damned and [Page 8] be Tormented in the Lake of burning B [...] stone, and that for ever, except thou [...] ­pent; and wilt thou yet delay! [...] thou not make haste to Repent, and [...] to day! Ah Sirs, is here room for da [...] ­ing, to put off this work of Repenta [...] commanded you by God? to put it [...] the other year still, and the other M [...] still, when the Blessed God assures th [...] that if thou diest without Repentan [...] thou art lost for ever. Shall not the G [...] of Heaven be shut against thy Soul w [...] thou diest, except thou repent whil [...] thou livest; yet wilt thou linger? Turn and see what Christ says, Luke 13. 3. Ex­cept ye repent, ye shall all likewise peris [...] Do not think that Christ speaks unad­visedly; for he says again, vers. 5. Ex­cept ye repent, ye shall surely perish.

2. Thou art Commanded by God to make thy peace with him. This work lies upon thy hand, and is yet undone by many of you, and will you still delay, will you not make haste, when it is to make your Peace with God? Oh do it quickly with all possible Speed: For i [...] thou dost not make thy Peace with God quickly, God and thy Soul will be Ene­mies for ever. Thou wast born an Enemy [Page 9] to God, and if thou dost not make hast [...] make thy Peace with God, thou wilt [...] an enemy to God. O methinks, if [...]u did believe these words, as you will [...]ortly find them true, you would delay [...] longer; but would now make hast [...] make your Peace with God; Poor Sin­ner! how canst thou sleep, and eat, and [...]ink in Peace, whilst thy Peace is not [...] made with thy God! What dost thou [...]ink, thou poor delaying trifler? Canst you make thy Party good with God? canst you resist Almighty Power? Was there [...]er a man since the Creation that did [...]den his Heart against God and pros [...]er [...]? [...]nd dost thou think that thou canst do [...]ore, than all the men fince the World [...]as Created could ever do? Come, I will [...]ive thee a Character. If thou canst stand [...]orth, and buckle on thy Armour; Rouse [...] thy self, and play the Man: If God Af­ [...]ict thee, do not flinch, do not crouch [...]nto him, and take thy Bed. If God Af­ [...]ict thee with the Gout, Stone, or Col­ [...]ick, or if thou be sick at the Heart, do not cry out. What, a stout-hearted sin­ner cry out, when God does but lay his [...]inger upon thee! When God shall Com­mission thee to the Grave, say Lord, I [Page 10] will not die! And make thy words g [...] if thou canst. When God shall Sente [...] thee to Hell, say, Lord, I will not [...] Damned; and make thy words good [...] thou canst: When God gives Devi [...] Commission to drag the to Hell, say [...] God, and Devils, that thou wilt not [...] Ah, poor Sinner! wilt thou thus stan [...] out against this God, that can turn t [...] into Hell, and into torments; and will [...] yet delay, and not make hast to m [...] your peace with God! Rather take [...] ­vice of Christ, Luke 14. 31. 32. What K [...] goeth to make War against another King, [...] sitteth not down first and consulteth, whe [...] with ten thousand, he is able to meet [...] that cometh against him with twenty thou­sand? Ah, so do you, Sirs! Consider whether you are able to stand with Al­mighty strength! And if you are n [...] send up your Prayers to Heaven, a [...] desire that God would be at peace with you.

3. This work lies upon thy hand, [...] get the pardon of thy Sins: To get off [...] Guilt that lies upon thy Soul. And this [...] ­quires haste; quickly, Sirs, or not at [...] Art thou not a Sinner? Hast not th [...] multitude of sins? And are not thy [...] hainous? Art thou not guilty of many [...] [Page 11] of Omission? Hast thou been always wont to pray? Would to God thou hadst. Have you always been wont to walk Close with God? I wish you had. Oh what have you omitted to do that God has commanded you? Are not you guilty of many sins of [...]ommission, that God did charge thee upon [...]ain of death not to do? Say yea, or nay; [...] thou sayst no, thy very Tongue will [...]rove the a lyer. O then make haste to Christ! besides, art not thou guilty of [...]reat and hainous sins? Hast not thou sinned against Knowledge and Consci­ence? Against Law and Gospel? Hast not thou sinned against the Mercy and Pati­ence of God? How many Oaths hast thou sworn? How many times hast thou been drunk? How many Sabbaths mispent? How many Sermons slighted? Sinner, tell me, canst thou bear the punish­ment, that God will inflict upon thee for these sins except thou wilt speedily return to God? O Sirs, I wonder at my heart! I wonder how you can sleep all night and not dream of Hell! How sleep so se­curely, and not dream of being Damned, when you lye down with the guilt of so many sins upon your Souls, and not one Pardon'd, not one forgiven! I wonder [Page 12] how thou canst Drink and Sport, and [...] at so many merry Bouts, when thy [...] are not yet forgiven thee!

4. The Eternal God Commands th [...] upon pain of Damnation, to hasten [...] to Christ, to come away unto Christ, [...] receive him upon the Gospel Term. And doth not this require hast? Is h [...] room, Sirs, for delaying! For God sake, Sirs, consider, you are damned [...] you do not believe on Christ; Yet will you delay and stand trifling with the Eternal God, whither you shall believe or not! 1 John 3. 23. And this is his Com­mandment, that we shall Believe on the Name of the Son of God. O, why do you not hast, and not delay to do this Com­mand of God! See how strictly God Char [...] ­es this upon your Souls, that if you be­lieve not, you must be damned; M [...] 16. 16. Is here any room for trifling? Is here any time to delay, whilst thou art in danger of Damnation, as long as thou dost not believe! The Wrath o [...] God abideth on thee, whilst thou do [...] not believe in Jesus Christ, John 3. 3 [...] But he that believeth not, the Wrath [...] God abideth on him. And is th [...] a case to be delaying in! Sinner [...] [Page 13] what tho thou hast Riches, if thou hast not Christ? What tho thou hast made hast to get an Estate? What is this without Christ? What is this without sanctifying Grace? What if thou hast [...]l the Pleasures that the World can af­ford? If thou hast all that heart can wish, [...] thou hast not Christ, thou art mise­rable. Sinner, remember, it is not riches, [...]t Christ that must save and keep thee [...]t of Hell! Without Christ no Peace! Without Christ no Pardon! Without Christ no Escaping the Damnation of Hell! Without Christ no entring into Heaven! And wilt thou yet delay!

5. Thou hast Death and Judgment to prepare for; and does not this require hast? Wilt thou yet dally, and delay, and not with all possible speed endeavour to be found in careful preparation for Death and Judgment! Tell me, Sirs, are you prepared to Die, if Death should seize you this ensuing Night? Are you prepared to Die? How many of you if you were now upon sick beds, Consci­ence would tell you, As yet you are not prepared to Die! No; What, and yet it still! O what ails thee, Sinner! what dost thou not see that thou art so near to [Page 14] another world! Art thou prepared [...] leave this world, yet didst never Rep [...] of thy sins? Art thou prepared to D [...] and go down to thy Grave, yet n [...] didst heartily beg for Christ and gra [...] Art thou prepared to die whilest t [...] art in the Gall of Bitterness, and Bon [...] Iniquity? Whilest a stranger to God, Christ, and Grace, thou art not fit to d [...] What and wilt thou yet fit still, a [...] past all danger? Or else canst thou [...] away the stroke of death by force [...] that ybu would see what reason the [...] to make haste, and not to delay, 2 [...] 3. 12. Looking for and hastening to the com­ing of the day of the Lord. Mark, you should be hastening for the coming of the Day of the Lord. Do you hasten [...] the coming of this day? Will you still and not make your peace [...] God? The day of Reckoning is comin [...] and all things will be set straight be­twixt God and your Souls; and w [...] you delay, and not make haste?

6. And lastly, Thou art yet uncertain whether thou shalt be damned or sav [...] And does not this require all possible speed? Does not this call for all the h [...] that thou canst make to get an assur [...] [Page 15] of the Love of God, and of Salvation af­ter death? How soon you may be upon death bed, you cannot tell. Now, sup­pose thou wast a dying, think, O, I must [...] farewel to all my Friends! I must take thy leave of my Husband, and Wife, of Chil­dren, Friends, and Neighbours: I must die! [...] whether I go next, I cannot tell! There one but two Places to receive Souls after death, Heaven and Hell; but which of these my Soul must be in, I do not know. No! not know, sinner! and sit still and yet delay, when the blessed God has Commanded thee to all diligence to make thy Calling and Election sure? Is this thy diligence, not so much as to go about it one year after another? Is this thy diligence that thou insest? Put this Question to thy Soul. What will become of it when thou leavest this World? For God's sake arise make haste, Sinner, make haste, least thou be shut out of this Kingdon, which thou takest no care to make sure of.

That is the first Reason or General He [...]d, why the Command of God should be set about with all speed without delay

II. Make haste Sirs, make haste, delay no longer; for all the time that is before you is little enough for you to do what [Page 16] God Commands you. He that begins [...] obedience to God's Commands soon [...] or at least in his youth, will have time little enough to do what God Comman [...] You that are in years, if you had beg [...] this work as soon as you began to under­stand things, you would have fo [...] work enough to have done, if so be y [...] had a thousand years to live in the world; but being you have but a little time to live, must not this little time [...] little enough for you to do the wo [...] that God set you in the world to d [...] Have you one Day to spare, or one H [...] to spare? O how many of this world [...] spend their time so as if they had time too much and work too little! Whe [...] God knows, your time is of the least.

There are these Five things more ud­der this second Head, which will inci [...] you to make hast: To delay not o [...] hour longer. O could I but prevail, b [...] with one sinner resolvedly to go hom [...] and to say, I will delay no longer: I w [...] make hast to keep the Commandments of [...] God! Consider therefore,

1. Thou hast a great Work to do, an [...] therefore shouldst not lose one Minute [...] time for the doing of it. Thou hast many [...] [Page 17] strong Lust to overcome: Many a Temp­tation to resist, Many Duties to perform: thou hast the knowledge of God and [...]rist to get, and of thy own heart, the knowledge of thy State now, and of thy [...]e hereafter: Many a Prayer to make, [...]ny an hour to be spent in searching [...] thy Heart, and trying of thy State. [...]d is not all the time that thou hast [...]ore thee, if thou begin to day little [...]ugh to do this great Work, that [...]d lays upon thee to do?

2. The Work enjoyned by God it is [...]cult Work, and hard Work too. [...]e more difficult your Work is, if you [...]wise, the more time you will take for [...] doing of it. Is not to set thy heart [...] thy love upon God, to love him [...]ove all, and to please him before all? [...]not think you this hard and difficult [...]ork, when the heart of a sinner natu­ [...]ly loves any thing better than God? [...] have thy Will to bow to Christ, and [...]mit to Christ, and accept of Christ, [...]n it is rebellious and stubborn? Is not [...] hard Work? to change thy heart [...]reak thy hard and stony heart, to [...]rm thy Life, is not this hard and [...]cult Work? And all commanded by [Page 18] God. If this Work be not hard, w [...] it not done? If it be hard why do [...] not go about it? Consider then that [...] difficult work that you have to do.

3. The work that you have to do [...] order to another World, it is nece [...] work: It is work that must be done [...] thy Soul will be undone and that for [...] And wilt thou yet delay, and wilt [...] yet stand dallying, and putting it [...] whether thou hadst best do it or no [...] the work were indifferent, whether [...] be done, or left undone, I could [...] blame you for making no more ha [...] but this is not the Case; this is more ne­cessary than Food, when thou art an hun­gry; more necessary than Phisick, w [...] thou art sick. Beloved People, you m [...] be holy, or you must never see God, [...] to your Eternal Terrour; you must t [...] from sin, or burn in Hell! you must [...] ­pent, or you cannot be saved, so grea [...] Necessity there is for the doing of [...] work that God Commands you to d [...] Is it an indifferent thing, whether th [...] escape the Damnation of Hell, or not [...] not, behold holiness is the way to Heav [...] Faith in Christ is the way to Heaven! T [...] must be done, or thy Soul must [...] [Page 19] [...] saved. Sirs, if there be any business [...] this World that lies upon our hands [...] it is necessary to be done, this is it.

This Work that God Commands [...] to do, it is a Soul work: And I am [...] that soul work should not be delayed: [...] work should be done with all possi­ble speed. O that you would resolve and [...] It is my Soul that must be Damned or [...]ed; therefore I will make haste! It is my [...] that must go to Heaven or Hell therefore [...]ll make haste to look after the Salvation of [...] Soul. Thou hast but one Soul, one [...]y soul, Wilt thou make haste to feed [...] Body, when hungy? Wilt thou [...]e haste to quench thy Thirst, when [...]? And send for a Physician, when [...] danger of Death, and to cry out to [...]ose about thee, O Stay not, make haste, [...]ng him away quickly, and yet in the mean [...]ile never think of thy soul? Is thy [...]dy better then thy soul? Is not thy [...]ul far the Better? Wilt thou take care [...] feed and cloath thy Body and delay [...] getting an Interest in Christ to save [...]y Soul? Why so careful for a dying [...]dy, that within a little while shall be [...]thing but a lump of lifeless dust? Do [...]t you know that e're long men shall [Page 20] carry your bodies on their shoulde [...] the grave, and lay them in the d [...] have them rotten? What! will you such care to make provision for a [...] ­ruptible Body, and yet neglect [...] Souls! What mean you, Sirs! [...] mean you! What ails men, that [...] ­dally thus with themselves? Are [...] besides their Wits!

5. And lastly, if you think nothing [...] has been said is worth regarding, [...] pray consider the work that God [...] ­mands you to mind in this World, i [...] Work for Eternity! And wilt thou [...] off for another year, Month, or W [...] Do you think, Sirs, that a short Life [...] Earth is not time little enough to prep [...] for an eternal life, for an endless etern [...] is a few years too much to be spent [...] all diligence, that thou mayst be re [...] for an everlasting State, to which t [...] art a hasting. Beloved Hearers, you [...] I are all before God this day, but h [...] soon we may be in an unalterable est [...] is unknown to us; you are now [...] Time, to morrow you may be in Eterni­ty, you may be in an everlasting st [...] What, and yet make no more ha [...] Death is at your backs, Heaven and [...] [Page 21] before you, what! and yet delay! What! [...] the brink of an Everlasting State, and [...]e no more hast to do what God has [...]manded thee! Remember man, re­ [...]mber, it is Heaven that must be lost [...]on for ever! It is Eternal Joy, that [...] must have, or go without, when­ [...] you shall leave this World! It is [...]lasting Torments or Everlasting [...]sedness that you must enter into, [...]n you leave this World: Yet will [...] not make hast to do that Work, [...] God Commands you to do! Arise [...]er in the Name of God, awake, be [...] and doing, as thou lovest thy Soul: [...]ke hast, Sinner, make hast, begin [...]ay, before to morrow: Begin this [...]r, before the next, to do the Work [...]t God Commands thee; for all the [...]e that is before thee, is little enough [...] do it in.

This Work, Sirs, that God Com­mands you to do, must be now done, or [...]er. What, and yet sit still, and yet [...]ly! It must be now, or never. Sirs, [...] you will Repent, you must now Re­pent, or never to any purpose; if you [...] make your Peace with God, in must [...] done now, or never! God has set us [Page 22] in this World to make preparation another; God has set us in this Li [...] we may make ready for anothe [...] are in this world upon tryal, ac­cording as we behave our selve [...] mind out work, or let it alone, so it [...] be with us for ever. This World [...] place, this Lise the time, when wo [...] Heaven must be done or never be [...] Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do [...] thy might; for there is no work, nor d [...] nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, [...] ther thou goest, Eccles. 9, 10, O that [...] ­ry Trifler in the matters of his [...] and of his Soul, would write that upon his Chamber Door; in w [...] you may mind these three things,

First it is plainly said, that tho [...] going to thy Grave: Thou art upon [...] Journey to thy Grave: Thou art [...] thy way to the dust: Whether tho [...] sleeping or waking, thou art going [...] thy Grove: Whether working or p [...] ­ing thou art going to thy Grave; W [...] ­ther drinking or sporting, thou art [...] ­ing to thy Grave: In this Journey [...] neverstandest still; The Child is g [...] to its Grave as soon as it is born.

2. In the Grave there is no work to [...] one; no Preaching there, nor no [...]s nor helps there. Of which more [...] after.

Therefore it follows, that what [...] thou hast to do, it should be done [...] all thy might, and with all haste [...] possible speed. What thou hast in [...]and to do, do it with all thy might; for [...] is no work to do in the Grave to which [...]art a going. Jesus Christ did work [...] more because his Time was but [...]t, I must work the work of him that [...]me, whilest it is day; for the night com­ [...] wherein no man can work. Behold [...] day is passing away! The Night [...]ming on! O do your work whilst [...]ay lasts, for when the night com­ [...]no man can work. You must Re­ [...] savingly now, or never! You [...] Believe on Christ now, or never! [...] must be made holy and become [...] Children of God now, or never! [...] methinks, these words, Now, or Ne­ [...] should Alarum the most drousie [...]er! But to set home this, that what [...] commands must be done Now or Never, [...]all lay before you these Seven [...]gs.

[Page 24]1. After Death there shall be no [...] of Mercy, nor tenders of Pardon [...] Eternity, therefore now, or never: [...] must now do what God Command [...] not at all. Now God he calls and [...] he calls, and the Spirit he calls, and [...] ­nisters they call, That thou wouldest [...] thy Sin: But if thou stop thine ears [...] harden thy heart till death, after [...] none of these shall call to thee for [...] more! God did never send to Da [...] Souls; What say you now, will you [...] ­cept of Mercy now, will you have a [...] ­viour now, and hearken to God no [...] No, God never took this course as [...] and God will never do it.

2. After Death there is no Repent [...] nor Believing; therefore this must [...] done now or never. When Death h [...] shut thine Eyes, and separated thy S [...] from thy Body, if thou diest an U [...] ­liever, thou never afterwards shalt h [...] Faith. If thou diest Impenitent, t [...] never afterwards shalt Repent. P [...] ­bly Damned Souls may Repent in [...] that they did not Repent upon Ear [...] but Repentance in Hell, is but the [...]gravation of their Misery, it being fr [...] less Repentance. What think you [...] [Page 25] [...]y that would never be good whilst [...]y lived, be good in Hell! It is true, [...]re are many sins that men commit [...] Earth, that they shall not commit [...] Hell: The Drunkard there shall be [...] more drunk: The Gamester there [...] have no more jolly bouts; there [...] Now, or Never.

3. The Soul after Death enters into [...] everlasting State, where there shall [...] no alteration for ever; therefore [...]t you do for your Souls, must be [...]e Now, or Never. The Soul, when [...]e into another World, where it [...]t takes its Lodgings, it will be for [...]er. There once damn'd, and for ever [...]ned! Once in Hell, and for ever [...]e; therefore it must be Now, or Ne­ [...] If a man, in an Ʋnconverted state, [...]old dye to day, and tidings be brought [...] you to morrow, What is become of [...] Soul? The tidings would be, such a [...]e is Dead, and Damned too. You see [...]e Soul enters into an Everlasting state. [...]e 16. 22, 23. There Lazarus he died, [...] his Soul went unto unalterable Joys: [...]e rich Man he died, and his Soul went [...]o unchangeable Torments. When a [...] dies, he goes to his place: Every [Page 26] Soul has a place he must go to whe [...] leaves the Body, Acts 1. 25. Judas [...] ­ed and went to his own place. Hell i [...] Unbelievers own place.

4. When a Man dies, Wrath and [...] [...] ­stice take their turns; and whilst a [...] lives, Mercy and Patience do take t [...] turns; Beloved Hearers, the Attrib [...] of God, as I may so speak, take t [...] turns, now Mercy and Patience taket [...] turns. Mercy takes its turn, and s [...] Sinner, thou art undone: Here is a [...] for thee. Thou art miserable, come to [...] and I will help thee. This is Mercy's t [...] but the Soul does not yet regard, th [...] ­fore Patience takes its turn, and stay [...] the next Lord's Day; it may be, the [...] ­ner will be wiser then; if not, Pat [...] stays another, it may be the sinner [...] bethink himself then; and it may [...] Patience waits from one Year to a [...] ­ther; from one ten years, to another [...] years; Yet the sinner does not hea [...] nor regard. Then, when the Soul is [...] ­parated from its Body, Wrath and Ju [...] take their turns. Says Mercy. Lord, I [...] ­ed this man a Christ even as long as he li [...] yet I was refused. And says Patie [...] Lord, while the Sinner kept his eyes op [...] [Page 27] [...]ted upon bim, even now to his last gasp; [...]efore now, we Mercy and Patience deli­ [...] him up to the hands of Wrath and Ju­ [...]e; take bim. We Mercy and Patience [...]e done with this Man's Soul for ever.

5. Stay a little longer in thy sins, till [...]th hath closed thy Eyes; then thy [...]s and Calls, and Importunities for [...]cy, shall never be heard; God will [...] become a God not to be intreated. [...]w, if you beg for Mercy, you may [...]e it, If you beg and cry, and call for [...]don to God, upon the conditions of [...] Gospel, you may have it; but refuse [...]ttle longer, then if thou cry'st to all [...]rnity, thy Crys shall never be heard, [...] regarded: See this, Matth. 25. 1, 2, [...] &c. Lord, Lord, open to us. No, says [...]ist, not I. Luk. 13. 25, 26. See there [...] strong Crys that Men shall make, and [...]n vain. Luk. 16. 26. What strong [...]uests did the Rich Man put up in Hell, [...] all still deny'd. Should'st thou beg [...] for the least Mercy, as much as one [...] of Water, it could not be had.

6. What God Commands, it must be [...]e now, or never, because when once [...]e is past and gone, it can never be [...]ll'd. Sirs, The last Lord's Day will [Page 28] never come again, Sinner, the time th [...] thou shouldst have Prayed, but didst n [...] will never come again. All that th [...] canst give, will not buy back one h [...] again. And when thou art Dead a [...] gone out of this World, God will ne [...] trust thee with one day more, for to [...] that which thou didst not do while [...] this World. God will not say to a Dam [...] Soul in Hell, here was a fooling, an [...] delaying Sinner, that did delay to co [...] to God, while upon Earth, that ma [...] no hast to come to Christ, whilst Ch [...] might have been had. God will not s [...] Come, go thy way again: I will rele [...] thee for a while: go and sit under [...] same Minister again, I will try thee [...] other Life. O Sirs! this will never b [...] therefore, Now, or Never, Job 7. 6. [...] days are swifter than a Weavers Shutt [...] and are spent without hope. The eye of [...] that seeth me, shall see me ne more, & [...] Sirs, it is not long that you shall dwell [...] your Houses, and lodg in your Be [...] Death will quickly come and hale y [...] out, and take you out of this World, a [...] you must never come again, Job 14. 7. [...] There is hope of a Tree, if it be cut down, t [...] it will sprout again, but man dieth and was [...] [Page 29] [...]way, yea, man giveth up the Ghost, and where [...] he! verse 12. So man lyeth down, and ri­ [...]s not again, till the world vanish away. If [...] man dye shall he live again? i. e. shall he [...]ve upon Earth again? Shall he come [...]nd sit under the means of Grace again? [...]o: Heb. 9. 27. It is appointed for all men [...]ace to dye. Mark, a man shall dye but once a natural death: the Soul is but once to be separated from the Body, It is appoint­ed for all men once to dye. O Lord, how well should that work be done that must be done but once! Must you die but once? O then how carefully should that work be done?

7. After death is the time of receiving [...]our wages of Reward; therefore your [...]ork must be now done or never. If thy [...]ork be done, thou goest away to Heaven, [...]f not done, thou goest away down to Hell. Immediately after Death, the Re­ward is given, or the Punishment is inflict­ed. When the Servant of the labouring Man is to be reckoned with at night, if his work is not done, can he expect a Re­ward? Canst thou look for Heaven when thou hast not believed nor repented, nor closed with Jesus Christ upon Gospel terms? So when the day of Judgment comes presently after death, thou hast not [Page 30] sowed, and canst thou expect to rea [...] [...] ternal Life? Or shall that be thy So [...] time, that should have been thy Rea [...] time? Sirs, this is now your Sowing t [...] your Praying time, and your Repe [...] time; therefore, do it now without d [...] for this must be done now or never. C [...] ­sider, Sirs, you must make hast, there i [...] room for delay, for what God Comm [...] you to do, it must be done now, or n [...]

IV. Therefore, God doth Comm [...] you without delay, to yield Obedi [...] to his Commands. The time is set [...] Commanded by God, as well as the [...] and duty it self. God does not only [...] you what to do, but he tells you w [...] you are to do it. The same God, Si [...] that commands thee to Repent, comma [...] thee to Repent to day. The same God [...] commahds thee to Believe and accep [...] his Son, commands thee to do it no [...] this very instant. The same God [...] commands thee to leave thy sin, and [...] to him, commands thee to do it [...] without delay. Where does God [...] liberty to any Man, to put off his [...] ­pentance till to morrow? Shew me [...] place if thou canst; Much less till t [...] art a Man; Much less till thou art [...] [Page 31] [...]t this is in the thoughts and hearts too [...] too many. Do not Repent as yet, this [...] the Voice of the Devil, and not of [...]d. Let Holiness alone for the pre­ [...]nt, this is the Language of thine Ene­my, and of thy cursed corrupted Heart; [...] is not the Voice of God. Where does God allow to spend this day in a natural [...]ate? In what Chapter, or what Verse [...] it, that God gives thee space to slight Christ for one hour, and to neglect God and thy Soul for one hour? Shew me the place if thou canst; then let God alone, and Christ alone, so long as thou hast leave from God so to do; no, but this thou canst not: Will the Blessed and Holy God give you time to rebel against him? For one day will he give you leave so to do? No, but I can shew thee, Sin­ner, one place efter another, where God Commands thy speedy Return, Ec. 12. 1. Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Remember him, what to do? to Obey his Commandments, to Fear him; Remember him, to love him; Remem­ber him, to make a speedy and voluntary Resignation of your Souls unto him. Observe in that Verse, it is not only said, Remember thy Creator in the days of [Page 32] thy youth. So you young Ones pe [...] may say, you do; and yet stay longer, [...] a year or two; but mark, there i [...] word more, Remember Now thy Creat [...] the days of thy Youth, 2 Cor. 6. 2. N [...] the appointed time: Now is the day of [...] ­vation. Sirs, their is not one of yo [...] can say to morrow is the day of S [...] [...] ­tion, or the next week, or the [...] Year shall be the day of Salvation, [...] 6. 33. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God [...] the Righteousness thereof. How cont [...] is the Commandment of God to [...] Practice of men? First for an Estate, [...] for Holiness, as I was told, was a sa [...] of one that I was lately with, that [...] under horrible Distress of Soul, that [...] eagerly bent to get an Estate, quic [...] and after he had done, he cryed, God [...] give me, Heb. 3. 7, 8. Wherefore as [...] Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will [...] his Voice, harden not your hearts, as in [...] Provocation, in the day of Temptation in [...] Wilderness, Heb. 4. 7. Again, he limit [...] a certain day, saying to day, if ye will [...] his Voice, harden not your hearts. N [...] seriously ponder this, then tell me [...] there be any room for your delays.

5. The last reason is this, There is [...] room for your Deliberation in this cca [...] [Page 33] ther you will obey the Commands of [...]d or no, and consequently there cen be [...] room for delay; there is no time to [...] spent, whether you should keep God's [...]mmand or no. 'There are some things [...]t do not come under Mens delibe­ration, to spend any time to deliberate [...]ether we are to do them or no.

As for instance, which of you do deli­berate whether you shall Eat or Drink or [...]: No Man would, but for quantity or [...]lity, you may deliberate, but whether [...]t or Drink at all, you must not deli­ [...]e. So the Ʋltimate End of Man comes [...]r under Man's deliberation. No Man deliberates whether he shall be happy or [...]. Now such is your obedience to the [...]ommandments of God, Doing that which he Commands you to do; will you spend time to deliberate whether the blessed God should be Beloved or no? Will you spend time to deliberate whe­ther the blessed Saviour shall be believed [...] or no? No, there is no room for deli­beration in this Case: No Man will have [...]e face to dare to call these things in [...]estion. Now is there no room for de­liberation; yet is there room for your [...]lay; So much for the Reasons; now [Page 34] for the Application of this Doctrin. [...] it is but one main Ʋse that I intend [...] this Subject, that is a Ʋse of Exhort [...]

Must the Commandments of Go [...] kept without delay? With all ea [...] hast and possible Speed, Oh then Belo [...] Hearers! Be exhorted in the fea [...] God, without delay, to set about Work that God commands you to [...] Come, Sirs, begin this day, before to [...] row. O come for God's sake, be per [...] ­ded to begin this Work, this very [...] before the next. Sinner, leave thy [...] just now, for the Eternal God comm [...] thee so to do; forsake thy Wicke [...] just now, for the Blessed and Glor [...] God does give it thee in charge so to [...] Turn to God, Believe in Christ, just [...] without delay. Oh that I could but [...] swade thee, to look about thee, to b [...] and doing. If any thing in this W [...] require hast, this does. For your S [...] sake arise, and be up and doing. If [...] Devil tempt thee to delay, do not h [...] ­ken unto him; but say, The Ete [...] God Commands me now to Repent [...] turn to Christ, and the safety of [...] Soul-work requires that I should d [...] with all possible speed. If thy s [...] [Page 35] Companions suggest unto thee, it is [...]me enough yet; reply and say, O it is not so, the Eternal God requires me pre­sently to leave my Sins. If thy own cor­rupt and slothful heart should say the [...]me, O it is not so, the Eternal God re­ [...]ires me to make hast, and the safety [...] my Soul requires me so too. O you young Men, come away, you may not [...]e till you are old: You Young Chil­dren, that understand what I say, make [...]ste, for you may die while you are young. You Old Gray-headed Sinner, make hast and do not delay, for your [...]me is almost spent already.

To force this Exhortation, I shall [...]rge it with Ten several Arguments.

I. The Danger and the Miserable State that thy Soul is in, whilst thou art [...]nconverted, requires thee to make [...]ast: Thy Estate is wretched, thy Con­dition deplorable. O why dost thou make no more hast to get out of this Condition? Dangers seen and apprehen­ded, do usually stir up to hasten: Tell me, Sinner, if a Bear were at thy heels, or a Lion at thy back, what hast wouldst thou make to get away from them, that thou mayst not be torn [Page 36] in pieces? If thou wast in a wild and [...] ­solate Wilderness, that is sull of Pits [...] Serpents, and wild Beasts, and ni [...] were coming on thce, what haste wou [...] thou make to get out? If thou wer [...] thy Bed, and at midnight a voice sho [...] be heard Arise, awake your house is [...] flame; wouldst not thou make hast, [...] not say, There is no need of hast, [...] turn and sleep, and take the other na [...] thy bed; Behold, thy danger is a thous [...] times more, whilst in thy sin; tell m [...] not thy Soul better than thy body [...] not thy soul better than thy goods? [...] wouldst thou rise in hast to save [...] body and thy goods, and wilt not t [...] make hast to save thy soul, and that f [...] Hell-flames too! Or wilt thou turn [...] self like a sluggard upon the Bed of [...] ­nal Security, and say, Let me alone, [...] sturbe me not, there is no such [...] Gen. 19. 15, 16, 17, and 22. verses. [...] case was, that Sodom was to be b [...] with Fire, and the People that wer [...] it; only God would have mercy u [...] Lot, and some with him; therefore [...] Angel came to hasten him to get a [...] because of his danger. This apply, [...] ­ner, thou art in a natural State, in [...] [Page 37] [...]er of a worse Fire than that of Sodom, [...]d God Commands thee to make hast [...]st thou be consumed. Still thou lingrest and loyterest. God sends to us again, [...]rying, Sinner, escape for thy Life, for thy Soul, look not behind thee, after the World, and after thy Sins and Lusts. [...]ast it is for thy life, David when he [...] as in danger of being seized upon by [...]aul, made great hast to get out of that danger. Jonathan, his Friend, had given him a sign, by the shooting of an Arrow, and words spoken to the Lad that should fetch the Arrow, that he should know whether it was good or evil that was appointed for him, 1 Sam. 20. 38. Ah! so say I to thee, Sinner, make hast, make speed, and tarry not, thy case is dange­rous. Saul, when he was in danger, the [...] Philistians invaded the Land, he got away in hast. When David was comming a­gainst Nabal's house, Abigail made hast to pacify and turn away his anger. But alas, what was the danger of Lot unto thy danger! Or the danger of David, of Saul, or of Nabal's house, to the danger thou art in?

First of all, whilst thou delayest to keep the Commandmints of God, God [Page 38] himself is thy Enemy. There is E [...] ­ty betwixt God and thy Soul. Know t [...] whilst thou art trifling, God is angry w [...] thee. The Eternal God is provoked [...] thy Rebellion against his Law. An [...] this a State to be delayed in! If a Gr [...] Man was thy Enemy, what hast wou [...] thou make to be reconciled to him? [...] a Man upon whom is thy dependa [...] and livelihood, should become thy e [...] ­my, O how wouldst thou send to [...] his favour again! Would not the thoug [...] of his displeasure awaken thee out of t [...] sleep! Psal. 7. 11. God is angry with [...] Wicked every day, Mark, God is da [...] Angry with thee, whilst a Wicked Ma [...] Whilst thou breakest God's Command­ments. And is this a condition to [...] continu'd in, when God is daily ang [...] with thee? God is angry with the Wick­ed every day in the week, every day [...] the year. Vers. 12. If he turn not, he w [...] whet his sword, he hath bent his bow, a [...] made it ready: He hath also prepared for hi [...] the instruments of Death. Behold, the an­gry God hath taken his Bow in his hand yea, he hath strung and bent his Bow [...] and he has taken his Arrow out of the Quiver, and put it to the String, and [Page 39] drawn to the top; and Sinner, if thou [...] the Mark that God aims at, if thou [...]t the Butt, he will shoot his Arrow in [...]ry, that so it shall strike to thy very [...]art, and who shall heal that wound! [...]ell me now, is this a State to be con­ [...]u'd in? O it is, because that thou dost [...]t know what God's Anger is! Couldst [...]ou speak with Devils, if they would [...] plain with thee, they could tell thee [...]hat God's Anger is. If thou couldst [...]eak with Damned Souls, they could tell thee what God's Anger is. O did you know and consider what God's anger is, you would say, O this is not a State for me to abide in a day longer.

Take these Six Properties of this E­nemy of thine.

First of all, this Angry God is an Om­nipotent God; and canst thou resist Al­mighty Power? Behold, he makes the Mountains to smoak, and the Earth, and Devils to Tremble. This, Sinner, is he that is Angry with thee every day.

Secondly, This God is Omniscient, and thou canst not deceive him, as to make him Believe, thou art his friend, when indeed thou art not.

Thirdly, This God that is Angry [Page 40] with thee every day, is an Omnip [...] God: And then in thy distress, w [...] canst thou hasten from him? Co [...] Sirs, you that will not hasten to [...] whither can you hasten from him? [...] that will not hasten to him, to a [...] Submission, and a voluntary resign [...] of your selves to God, whither [...] thou hasten from him?

Fourthly, He is a Righteous God, [...] is Angry with thee every day. T [...] canst not bribe him with thy G [...] Thy Silver and thy Gold he will abh [...]

Fifthly, He is Eternal too, and [...] never die. Behold this God that is [...] ­gry every day with thee, shall never [...] If a Man were thy Enemy, thou ma [...] die, or else he may die, so thou ma [...] be deliver'd from his Anger. But this [...] not the case between God and thy S [...] God ever lives to take vengeance [...] thee: He lives to all Eternity, to punish thee to all Eternity: To punish thee [...] thy Rebellion against him. And wh [...] thou diest, this does not deliver th [...] from this Angry God; no, but wh [...] thou diest, then thou fallest more espe­cially into his hands.

Sixthly, and lastly, This God that is [...]gry with thee every day, whilst thou [...]ayest, is an unchangeable God. He [...] never change to be a Friend to thee, [...]cept thou dost change, to become an [...]edient Subject unto him, and yield [...]edience to his Commands.

Whilst thou dost delay to keep the [...]mmandments of God, thou art very [...]r [...]kin to the Devil. The Devil is thy [...]ther all this while, and thou art his ser­ [...]t and his child, And to you that say, [...]ou desie the Devil and all his works, [...]y do you yet delay to come off from [...] service and work? What think you, [...]rs, is this Relation to the Devil so ho­nourable, and is his work so delightful, and will his wages be so desirable, that [...]ou are so loth to leave him and turn to God? That this is true, that there is his Relation and nearness of Kin betwixt he Devil and a wicked man, see Acts 13. 10. [...]ays the Apostle there of a wicked man, thou Enemy of all Righteousness, thou child [...]f the Devil. Ah, Sirs! may you that are [...]e Children of the Devil, be made the Children of God and will ye not make [...]ast to have this done? What if God [...]ould say to thee at last, Thou likest thy [Page 42] Relation well, thou wouldst have [...] Devil for thy Father; now thou are [...] ­parted, get thee down to thy Father [...] Devil, thou shalt have a whole Ete [...] with him.

3. All the while thou dost delay, [...] art under all the Curses of the Bo [...] God; all the Punishments and Th [...] nings in Scripture thou art liable to [...] God may without delay inflict the [...] upon thee, who dost delay to com [...] him, Gal. 3. 10. Cursed is he that com [...] ­eth not in all things that are written i [...] Book of the Law to do them. Thou hast [...] continued to do so much as one t [...] written in the Law. O then if God [...] Curse thee, who shall bless thee? Sin [...] didst thou never read this Book? [...] thou hast perus'd this Book, hast [...] thou beheld the Threatnings of Go [...] [...] ­gainst graceless Men, and ungodly [...] and Delaying Sinners? Or, dost thou [...] ­spise those sayings, and not make [...] to get out of that condition in w [...] thou thou art exposed to God's Wra [...]

4. Whilst thou delayest to keep [...] Commandments of God, thou art u [...] the Sentence of the Gospel too. Ah [...] if the Gospel condemns you, wh [...] [Page 43] [...] you appeal! I do not say, that yet, [...] Sentence is a Final Sentence; no, till [...] Ʋnbelief is final, this Sentence is not [...]l. Ah Sinner, come, Believe quickly, [...]else thy Ʋnbelief will be a final Ʋnbe­ [...]; then this Sentence of the Gospel [...]l be a final Sentence too. The Gospel [...] its Threatnings as well as the Law, [...]nd more severe ones too. You that [...] ready to say, That we are too sharp [...]our Preaching nothing but Hell and [...]mnation: Alas Sirs, I speak no more [...]m I find in the Gospel it self; and that [...]ist hath spoken himself. Do you think [...], that we are too sharp, and too tart [...] our Sermons: alas, you cast the Re­proach upon God, that tells us what we [...]l you. We do no more but tell you [...]hat this God says, and what you must [...]pect: and where you must shortly be, [...] you do not make hast and come away [...] Christ, Mark 16. 16. He that Believ­ [...] not shall be condemned. This is Christ [...]self that shall Judge you shortly, that [...]s you so, Joh. 3. 36. He that Believeth not [...] the Son of God, the wrath of God abideth [...] him, Heb. 2. 3. How shall we escape, if we [...]lect so great Salvation? Mat. 18. 3. Verily, [...]ily, I say unto you, except ye be converted, [Page 44] ye cannot enter into the Kingdom o [...] Luke 13. Except ye Repent, ye shall a [...] wise perish, Heb. 24. Without Holi [...] man shall see the Lord. Now what sa [...] Sirs, do we speak more than God sp [...] Or have we said more than God h [...] hath said? If thou canst not bear [...] Doctrine, tell me; Why wast not [...] one of God's Councellors, and why [...] not thou advise, and direct thy M [...] to make better Laws, and better [...] for Sinners, than in the Gospel he [...] done? Should thy Maker ask thee, [...] on what terms and Conditions [...] wouldst be Saved? thou must tak [...]e terms, or thou must not be Saved a [...] John 3. 18. He that believeth not, is [...] ­demned already. Mark that Sentenc [...] that does not believe. Ah poor Sinner [...] thou a Condemned Man, yet wilt [...] thou make hast, and wilt thou [...] still? And wilt thou come and [...] that thou mayst be Pardon'd?

5. All this while that thou dost [...] all thy sins stand uncrossed in the [...] God; and is this a safe condition [...] continued in? How many Oaths, S [...] hast thou sworn! How many Holy [...] ­baths hast thou Prophaned! How [...] [Page 45] [...]es hast thou derided Godliness? How [...]y hundred times hast thou neglect­ [...] Prayer? To Call upon God? And [...] many Lies hast thou told, and not [...] of them Forgiven? Poor delaying [...]fler! Dost not thou know, that thou [...]st be Pardoned, or Condemned? and Par­doned thou canst not be, while unsanctifi­ [...] and unconverted. O what wilt thou do [...]en thou leavest this World, and stan­ [...] in Judgment, and God shows thee the [...]ok of Knowledg, and thou find'st all [...] Sins stand uncross'd in this Book?

6. While thou dost delay to keep the [...]mmandments of God, thou art in dai­ [...] danger of Damnation. Sirs, are you not [...]sonable Creatures! Do you sit like [...]cks under the plain Preaching of the [...]ord? But if those things are true, as [...]ou wilt shortly know and find them [...] be, Oh, why dost thou delay still, [...]d make no more hast out of that [...]ndition in which thou art exposed to [...] much trouble! O this word Damna­tion, what a sound does it make in my [...]rs! If the Word be so dreadful, what [...] the Thing it self! Yet this is thy dan­ger, while thou delayest to keep the [...]ommandments of thy God, What art [Page 46] thou in danger of? In danger of a [...] of utter Darkness: In danger of a [...] ­tomless Pit: In danger of a pla [...] Torment: In danger of a burning [...] Furnace: In danger of a Place of [...] ­nual Torment with Fire, and with B [...] ­stone. Sinner, when thou liest down, [...] art in danger of Hell, and thou kn [...] not, whether thou shalt awake, be [...] thou art in Hell. Sinner, consider [...] dangerous thou sleepest when [...] goest to Bed; Who dare assure thee [...] thou shalt not be in Hell before the [...] [...] ­rises again? While thou dost delay, [...] sit down at thy Table, thou eatest [...] drinkest in danger of Damnation? w [...] thou dost delay and art siting in thy S [...] thou sittest there in danger of Damnati­on. Methinks thou shouldst have but [...] ­tle heart to stand changing of Mo [...] when thy Soul is in danger of Damnstion [...] When thou art at thy sports and dr [...] ­ken bouts, thou art in danger of Damnti­on. O Lord, what ails the hearts of [...] that can sport, and drink, and game, [...] play in danger of Damnation! They kn [...] not but that they may be in Hell bef [...] another hour, and yet put it off! Sinn [...] remember what I say, Thou never di [...] [Page 47] [...] that hour yet in all thy life, in which [...] couldst say, now I am past danger [...] being damned: Now I have a Promise [...] God, that my Soul shall not be cast in­ [...] Hell: Sirs, what do you mean: Belov­ [...] People, What do you think on: How [...] you sit here as not concern'd! How [...] you eat and drink, and sleep, as if [...] were not in danger of Hell! Canst [...] bear the Wrath of God, the Tor­ments of the Damned! Canst thou endure [...]nner? If thou canst then let Christ [...]e still! But alass, to feel the Torments [...] Hell will be another thing, than to [...]k of them. O Sirs, hearken to this nsel, from one that earnestly desires [...] salvation of your Souls.

[...] come now to the Second Particular. [...]. To urge you to make hast, Con­ [...]r, what hast most do make in the [...]rld to Sin against God, to break the [...]ommandments of their God; so hast [...]ou done too, this has been thy pra­ise. O what hast hast thou made to [...] How fast do many men Swear! How often are many men Drunk! How [...] hast do many make to their wicked [...]panions! How fast does the Whore­ [...] hast to his Harlot! Shall others [Page 48] make hast to Hell, and wilt not [...] make hast to Heaven! Shall others [...] such hast to provoke God, and wilt [...] thou make hast to please thy God! [...] we cannot make you to be slow: [...] we would fain have you to stop, to [...] but you will not do it: If we fetch A [...] ­ments from God, from the Wrath of [...] from the Justice of God, to stop [...] course in Sin; yet you will go on. [...] fetch Arguments from the Promi [...] God, from the Threatnings of God, [...] true and terrible, yet for all this, the [...] ­ner will make hast on in his Sin, [...] we tell you, that Sin is the way to [...] the undoing of your Souls; yet, fo [...] this, you will make hast to Hell, [...] Sinner, art thou afraid that thou [...] not get to Hell soon enough, or [...] enough! Behold, you that make [...] to Sin, I Call and Cry this day, [...] such hast, Sinner; why poor Sin [...] why such hast? Why dost thou [...] ­sten so fast to run on in that couse [...] will certainly bring thee to that p [...] of Torment? Stop thy course, [...] Sinner, turn back, the place that [...] art hastning to, is not a pleasant pl [...] the Torments that thou art [...] [Page 49] [...]g to, are insufferable torments; turn [...]k again then to God, and instead of [...]king hast to Sin, make hast to God. [...]lieve me Sinner, believe me, if that [...]ou comest to hell forty years hence [...]ou wilt find that thou art there soon [...]ugh. Why then shouldst thou make [...] hast! O the blindness of Mens [...]rts, that make more hast to Damn [...]ir Souls than to Save them; that [...]ke more hast to hell, than to hea­ [...]; that make more hast to Devils, [...] to God! That Sinners make hast [...] sin, you have Proof enough in your [...] observation, besides the Scripture, [...]v. 1. 16. Their feet run to Evil, they [...]e hast to shed blood. Prov. 7. 23. The sin­ [...] maketh hast, as a bird that fleeth from [...]nare. Mark. 6. 25. Herodias Daughter [...]de hast to bring a Charger to have John [...]ptists head.

III. To press you to make hast, [...]onsider, what hast most in the world [...] make to be Rich upon Earth; as if [...] sent Men upon Earth to mind no­ [...]g so much as the Riches of this [...]orld. Do you not see men make hast [...] yet the World, as if they could not [...] happy without it? As if they were [Page 50] undone if they were not Rich! W [...] do these Men make hast for Rich [...] and wilt not thou make hast for Gra [...] Tell me, is not Grace better than [...] ­ches, and God, better than Gold? A [...] are not the joys and happiness of [...] unseen World, a great deal better t [...] the outward enjoyments of this pre [...] World. Take Solomon's Counsel, Pr [...] 3. 14, 15. Wisdom (meaning Christ [...] better than Rubies and all that the heart [...] wish or desire, are not to be compar'd [...] him, Phil. 3. 7, 8. There Paul co [...] ­ted all things but dross, and no bet [...] than dung, in comparison of Jesus Chr [...] Ah Sinner, when Death shall co [...] and thou lye on a Bed of Sickness [...] thy Conscience be then awakened, [...] not, then at the furthest, when t [...] shalt lye in Flames, thou shalt cry [...] of thy folly, and say, O wretched Sin [...] that I was, that made such hast to get [...] World, but no more hast to get the Fav [...] of my God, that made such hast to [...] Silver and Gold, but made no more h [...] get the Favour of God, and an Intere [...] Christ.

IV. Yet consider, when Man was [...] ­len into misery, and was a lost Creat [...] [Page 51] [...]e Blessed God made hast to held him [...]t. When Man had Rebelled, Mercy made hast to Pardon: When Man had [...]st his way to Heaven, the God of Hea­ven did make hast, and come himself, and Preach the way of Salvation unto [...]m. O wonderful! That God should make hast to Man. and Man will not make hast to God! That God should make hast to come and help Man, and [...]t Man will not make hast to accept of [...]is help! What would have become of [...]ankind, if God had delayed, if Mercy [...]d delayed! but Mercy was upon the [...]ng, Mercy fled away apace towards [...]en Man: The very same day that [...]an did sin, God did make hast, that [...]ry day, to come and Preach a Saviour [...]to him: Read Gen. 3. 7, 8, and 15. [...]rses, There you read of Adam's Sin, [...]w he had Sinned, and it is said, In [...] cool of the day, God came making hast, [...] find out lost Adam, saying, Adam, where [...] thou? The God of Heaven came to [...]k after the Sinner! As if he should [...], Is this the man that I made in my own [...]age, and is become liable to my Wrath, [...]ect to my Curse, and to the Torments of [...]ll for ever! O my bowels yearn, I must [Page 52] make hast to convince him of his sin; [...] then to Preach a Saviour unto h [...] Gen. 43. Joseph made hast, for his b [...] ye arned towards his brethren, and he s [...] where to weep, and he entred into his C [...] ­ber and wept there. So does God's b [...] ­els yearn towards poor sinners.

V. To press you to make hast, [...] time is coming, when thou wilt [...] that case, that thou wilt cry and ca [...] God to come and help thee. What [...] thou think, Sinner, will sickness n [...] come? Shalt thou never be paine [...] thy Bowels? Shall thy time of Dy [...] never come? Yes, it will, it will, a [...] is a hastning. When thou art full of [...] with Gout or Stone, if thou canst not [...] upon thy Bed, O what will thy say, [...] sinner, then be! O that God w [...] make hast and ease me, and give [...] some relief! O this sickness I cannot [...] ­dure! This will be thy request [...] long, and will it not be the breakin [...] thy heart, if God should say to th [...] thy distress, as now thou sayst to [...] in thy prosperity; God says, make [...] to come to me; yes, thou sayst i [...] heart, after one year I will, or [...] ten Years, then I will? then wh [...] [Page 53] [...]ou, when under such pain shouldst [...]y to God, Help Lord! God should say, [...]ter one year, or ten years, then I will, [...]t till then, thou must lye in thy Di­ [...]ess: Psal. 40. 13. Be pleased O Lord, [...] deliver me, O Lord make hast to help me. [...]erse 17. Thou art my Help and my Deli­ [...]rer, make no tarrying O My God. Thou [...]ouldst not have God to tarry then one [...]y longer, not one Hour longer; thou [...]uldst begin and end thy Prayer in [...]y Distress, with this Request, Make [...]st O God to help me, as the Psalmist [...]es in Psal. 71. 12. O God, be not far [...]m me, O God make hast for my help; even [...]ery Pharoah will cry for help, when [...]dgments are upon him.

VI. All the Provisions and Prepara­tions that the Blessed Glorious God has [...]de to welcome Sinners, when they [...]me to him, do all cry aloud to you, [...] make all earnest hast. The Eternal [...]d has made a great Preparation for [...]e: this Blessed God invites thee: Sin­ [...]r make hast and come to me, thou [...]t be Damned if thou dost not; O sin­ [...], make hast, and come quickly un­ [...]me; thou wilt perish for ever if thou [...]st not come quickly unto me; I have [Page 54] a Pardon for thee, come to me, I hav [...] Heaven for thee, come to me I ha [...] prepared a Kingdom and a Crown [...] thee, and loe thou shalt dwell with [...] for ever; though thou hast Rebelle [...] will Pardon thee if thou wilt com [...] me; though thou hast deserved He [...] will give thee Heaven, if thou wilt [...] to me: Behold, this Blessed God m [...] hast to send his Son, and Jesus Ch [...] made hast to come and dye, the Sp [...] makes hast to come and move up [...] thy Conscience, and the Ministers [...] Christ make hast to come and o [...] Christ to thee; now shall God make b [...] and Jesus Christ make hast, and [...] Spirit make hast, and Ministers m [...] hast, and wilt not thou make hast?

VII. My Sevnth Argument shall [...] to Confider your time that you have [...] come to God.

First of all, The time that thou [...] allowed thee to come to God in, it is [...] short, and but a little time, a few m [...] Years or Months. Weeks or Days, [...] thy Life will be ended. O Sinner, c­sider where thou standest! Upon [...] brink of Eternity, upon the Borde [...] another World; thou art near, exc [...] [Page 55] [...]g near to Heaven or Hell, and yet [...]lt thou make no more hast?

2. This little time that thou hast, it is hastning away quickly. O how [...]wift does yonder Sun in the Firma­ment move! Sirs, do you not see how the Day and one Night rouls away af­ter another, and one Week, one Sab­bath goes away after another, and thy [...]me is a hastning, whether thou art [...] Drinking, or a Sporting? Sinner, except thou canst stop the Suns go­ing of its Race, stay in thy Sins no lon­ [...]er.

3. This hastning time it is very un­ [...]rtain too when it shall end, when an [...]d shall be put unto it; Sinner, canst thou tell, that thou shalt live till to Morrow: let the man stand forth, that [...]an say, I am sure I shall live till to Morrow; Which is the Man amongst [...]ou all that can say, This hour I am [...]re of the next, and this Lord's day, [...]hat can say, I am sure of another? Who knows, but thou art keeping thy last Sabbath, and hearing thy last last Sermon? Who knows, but thou art making the [...]st appearance in a publick Congrega­tion? Boast not thy self of to Morrow, for [Page 56] thou knowest not what a Day may bring forth. Ah Sinner, thou wilt be found to be the Fool of all Fools, that dost not know how soon thou mayest depart this World, yet triflest and delayest, and wilt not make hast to come to God.

4. Thy time that is past, will never come again; if thou wouldst give thou­sands for Yesterday, it cannot be Re­called: Or for last Lord's day, it cannot be Recalled again: Consider your time, then judge if it be not high time for you to make hast, and to delay no longer.

VIII. Yet I pray you consider, all the time you do delay you are abusing the Mercy of God, and abusing of the Pa­tience of God; Is this a thing to delay in? Does the Eternal God stay, yet does not Damn thee, and cast thee down to Hell, which he may do every Hour at his Pleasure? And does he tarry and not Punish thee? And dost thou tarry and wilt not come and submit to him? This God is intreating of thee to accept of Mercy, and is loth that thou shouldst Perish, or lose thy poor Soul. Now is offering of the Rich Blessings, Purcha­sed so dear, as by the blood of his own Son? and while thou dost neglect, [Page 57] What dost thou but say in thy heart I care not for God, nor for his Christ neither? Ah Sinner, remember the time is coming, the hour is hastning, that thou wouldst give Ten Thousand Worlds if thou hadst them, for that Grace which now thou despisest, Rom. 7. despisest thou the goodness of God, not considering that the Patience and Long-suffering of God should lead thee to repentance!

IX. Thy Delaying has in it a great deal of bold, and blind Presumption. Thou dost presume, Sinner, of such things that thou hast not any grounds to make reckoning of. There are three or four things that a trifling Sinner, a delaying Sinner presumes of.

1. Thou dost presume that thou shalt live longer yet; thou dost presume, that thou hast more time to spend in this World; thou dost suppose that thou mayst have another Year yet, another Month still, another Week still; Tell me if this be not in thy Heart; Thou art worse than a mad-man indeed, that wilt not make hast and come to Christ? but this is a bold presumption; thou talkest of another Year, when thou mayst not have another Hour.

[Page 58]2. Thou dost presume, that thou canst Repeut when thou wilt, and turn to God when thou wilt; thou dost presume that thy own will is of thy own strength; but Sinner either thou canst Repent when thou wilt, or thou canst not; if thou canst and dost not, behold thou art inexcusable; but if thou canst not Repent now, dost thou think thou canst better Repent hereafter, when thou hast hardened thy Heart yet more in Sin?

3. In thy Delaying, thou dost pre­sume, that the Spirit of God will help thee hereafter, as well as now, for if this were not in thy hopes, if thou didst not suppose this, if thou wert not be­reaved of thy Understanding, Wouldst not thou Repent now, while the Spirit of God moves upon thy heart? How dost thou know, but hereafter the Spi­rit of God may let the alone, and give thee up to the hardness of thy own Heart? God may say to thee, as to Ephraim, Hosea 4. 17. Ephraim is joyned to Idols, let him alone. Ah Sinner, if God says once, Let him alone, then all the Ser­mons in the world will do no good: If God would say to the delaying Sin­ner, My Spirit let him alone, and mine Or­dinances [Page 59] let him alone, and my Ministers let him alone; That tho you have the voice of the Gospel in your Ears, yet God will let thy heart alone.

X. And the last Argument to persuade you to make hast is this, it may be you may be loth to hear it; I wish, Sinner, that by the yeilding to all the rest, thou wouldest give me Reason to forbear to speak it; but if all that has been said, will not move thee to make hast, then know that thy Damnation is hasten­ing, the time of thy lying in Torment is hastening, the hour of thy being thrown down to Devils, and lying in Chains of Darkness, is hastening. Sin­ner, tho thou slumberest, yet thy Dam­nation does not slumber, 2 Pet 2. 3. Whose Judgment now of a long time linger­eth not, and their Damnation lingereth not. Thou lingerest and loyterst, ay, but thy Damnation does not slumber, Deut. 32. 35. Consider of that place, To me, says God, belongeth Vengeance and Recom­pence; their foot shall slide in due time, for the Day of their Calamity is at hand, and the thing that shall come upon thee maketh hast. Mark, the Day of thy Calamity is at hand, and the [Page 60] thing, the Wrath of God that shall come upon thee maketh hast; the Justice of God that shall overtake thee, makes hast. O then, if thou would'st make hast to escape those dreadful things that are hastening, do you make hast and delay not to keep the Command­ments of your God.

Thus I have given you many Argu­ments and Motives; and if I thought that you had made hast and come away to Christ, I would change my Text and go upon another Subject, but I doubt, after all, that thou art lingring; I would therefore yet try to put thee on, and would direct this Exhortation to five sorts of People.

First of all, I would perswade such of you as are Young, that you would make hast, and not delay, even you that are Children, little Children, the young­est amongst you that understand what the sense is of any of these things. O do you make hast you young Men in your Youth make hast and do not delay.

II. I would direct this Exhortation to such of you as are old, old Sinners, for God's sake make hast, you that are three­score years old and more, make hast.

[Page 61]III. To such of you as are Strong and Healthful of Body.

IV. To you that are Sickly and Cra­zy Persons, often Sick and seldom Well, for God's sake make hast.

V. To such of you as have been Sick, and now are Well, as have been upon Beds of Sickness near to Death, but God hath set thee upon thy Legs again. O make hast, and do not delay to keep the Commandments of God.

First then, You that are young, you that are yet in your Childhood, you young Children, you Young men and Maids; O do you make hast, and do not delay to keep the Commandments of God. I would rather press this Coun­sel upon you, because you chiefly lye un­der the temptations of delay; for you Children have very naughty hearts, and loth to be good, and come to God; you are apt to think, that you have time enough yet: that you may take your Pleasure and mind your Sports now, and think of God hereafter, and think of Heaven and Hell hereafter. But I have Ten Questions to propose to you, you Young ones, and by that time I have come through these, I hope you will see [Page 62] that there is no Reason for you to delay, tho you are young.

I. Tell me, Are you so young that you may not die? are you so young that you may not be sick? Are you Young Men exempt­ed from Death and the Grave? Have you not observed, that as young as you, and younger too, have gone down to the Grave? Have you not seen little Infants carried to the Grave? Have not you seen Infants laid in the Dust? Have you not seen many times that their is but little diffe­rence betwixt the Birth and the Grave? If you doubt of this, go into some Church­yard, and see if you may not find there Graves of all sizes; an Infant was buri­ed here, another young one was buried there, who was not so tall as I; Very well, if you are not so young, but you may die, are you so young then, that you may not make your Peace with God?

II. Are you so young that you may not be damned? Has God any where told you in his Word, that No Young Ones shall go to Hell, those that die in their Youth? Tell me, were not you born in Sin? And are you not by Na­ture Children of Wrath? And by rea­son [Page 63] of that sin in which you were born, are you not liable to the wrath of God, to the Damnation of Hell, and to the Torments of the Damned? Besides, Have not you Young Men many sins of your own commiting, actual Sins? How soon didst thou learn to Lye? How soon did you learn to take God's Holy Name in vain? How soon did you play upon the Lord's Day, and so mispend your precious time? By all these you have deserved Death and Hell too? and if you are not so Young, but you may be Damned, is there any room for you to delay, and not to do what God com­mands you to do?

III. I pray tell me, Is it fit that you should give the first of your time to the Devil, rather than unto God; for you first to serve the Devil, than next to serve God; to give your Youth unto him that would devour and destroy your Souls, rather than to God, that would save your Souls, and make them happy? Should you give to Satan the first of your time, that deserves none at all? And Sirs, I tell you, that you deserve to be Damned, if you give one hour. Think of it, What would the World think of [Page 64] you if you deal with your Parents as you deal with the Eternal God? if you should say, Father I will rebel against you while I am Young, I will vex and grieve you whilst Young, but I will be Dutiful to you when I am Old; Will you in effect say worse to God? And say, We will do what the Devil saith to us now, and we will do what God commands us hereaf­ter. Tell me, Who was it that gave you your Being? Who was it that formed you in your Mothers Womb? Who was it that brought you forth? Who was it that preserved you, whilst you hung upon your Mothers Breast? Who is it that kept you from Death and Hell to this day, that might have cast you into utter Darkness, as soon as you be­held the Light of the Sun? Has the De­vil done for you, as God has done, or can you expect he shall or will? Lay all these together, then see if it be fitting that you should serve the Devil first.

IV. Tell me, you that are young, Can you be good too soon? Or can you love your God too soon? Or can you mind your Souls too soon? Or can you (think you) be mindful to escape the Damna­tion of Hell too soon? Can you be too [Page 65] soon sure of Heaven? Tell me, Would it do thee any harm to know in thy Youth that thy Soul shall be saved? Would it do thee any harm to believe in Christ, to love God above all, and to understand, whenever thou shalt die, that thy Soul should be received to Hea­ven? Remember this, that there have been many who have been troubled that they did repent too late, but there was ne­ver one in this World that ever repent­ed that he repented too soon. Thou­sands, and Ten Thousands have be­wailed that they have staid off from Christ so long.

V. Is not Youth, and Young in Years, the usual time for God to Convert Sin­ners to his Son? especially, those whom he planteth under the Gospel in the time of their Youth. O you that are set under Preaching, if you are not con­verted whilst you are young, it is a thousand to one, if ever you are Con­verted. Pray Sirs consider, Is it usual for God to Convert Old Sinners? I know, God sometimes may call at the Eleventh Hour, but it is but here and there one, now and then one; and commonly they are such as did not sit under the means of [Page 66] Grace when they were Young; if you delay whilst Young, You may let sli [...] the very season of Conversion, the [...] your Souls cannot be brought over t [...] God by all the Preaching in the World [...] Do we not amongst our selves observe [...] that for one Old Person, one Old Sinner [...] that is made sensible of sin, and of hi [...] lost estate, though never so vile, tha [...] does desire the Prayers of a Congrega­tion for them, have we not Twenty, ye [...] Forty, that are younger, that desir [...] your Prayers from them?

VI. Will it not be easier for you to [...] ­pent now, than it will be hereafter, wh [...] by long continuance in sin, you have hardned your hearts and seared your Consciences, and have been accustom [...] to do wickedly? Certainly, now, wh [...] Conscience is tender, and the Hea [...] more tender, it will be easier for you [...] let go your sin now, and to leave your Wickedness now, than it will be Forty Years hence; for the longer you con­tinue in sin, the stronger is Sin upon you, and the stronger your Sin is, the harder your Heart is, and the harder will be your Repentance, as Jeremy speaks, Can the Ethiopian change his sk [...] [Page 67] [...]r the Leopard his spots? Then may ye [...]hat are accustomed to do Evil, learn to do [...]ell.

VII. Shall you not prevent a multi­tude of sins, if you make hast in your Younger Yeats to come to God? where­as if you go on in your Sins, what a Multitude of sins, how many Thousand sins will you add more and more to the sins that you have already committed; [...]f you loiter still, how many Prayers will you neglect; And how many Sab­baths prophane? And how many lies tell, and make no Conscience? And how many Oaths may some of you swear? Whereas, now if you would come to God in your Youth, if you would now Believe and Repent, and come to God, O what a number of Sins may you pre­vent the commission of! And is not this desirable? You have sinned e­nough already, the Youngest amongst you have sinned enough already, you need not go on still, and add more and more to your sins; for they are not to be numbred already

VIII. Consider, Will not this be most pleasing unto God, if you hasten in your Youth to come to God? Early is the [Page 68] time; O, Christ loves Young Ones in­deed, when they will be good. Mark 1 [...] 23, 24. This was a Young man that h [...] but some common good in him; and it is said, That Christ looked upon him and loved him, Jerem. 2. 2. Says God [...] Israel, I remember the kindness of thy You [...] the love of thy Espousal. Ah, God takes it kindly, and Christ takes it kindly when you do believe on Christ, a [...] leave your sins betimes. O will not y [...] do that which God and Christ will takes kindly at your hands! then make ha [...] whilst you are young, and do not s [...] till you are old. O it is pleasing un [...] God to see young ones come and Pray [...] and Believe, to see young ones follow­ing after Christ, Eccles. 12. 1. Remem­ber thy Creator in the days of thy You [...] Now tell me, Young Men, Is it not bet­ter for you to be pleasing to this blessed God whilst you are young, than to [...] provoking of him till you are Old. Is it not more pleasing to have his Lo [...] and Smiles, than to have his Anger and Frowns.

IX. If you make hast whilst you are young, shall not you have the more ti [...] to serve your God, and glorify you [...] [Page 69] Maker? And is not this the End for which thou wert born? Is not this the End for which you were made, that you may glorify him that gave your being unto you? And tell me, Can you begin this Work too soon? Or, Can you do this one thing too much? O young men, think, Will God save you when you die, and will not you serve him whilst you live? Will God glorifie you hereafter in Heaven, and will not you glorifie God whilst you are here upon Earth? Tell me, Do you think you can honour God in a little time, and in Old Age too; as you may in a great deal, begin­ning from your youth, to your Elder years? I tell you, that Multitudes of good People upon their Death-Beds when they have been going to Heaven, they have been full of Grief upon this Account, That they served God so late, and loved God so late; that are going to Heaven to live with God, and have done no more for God when they were here upon Earth.

X. And Lastly, If you now make hast whilst you are young, shall not you have the more time to do the great Work in your own Souls that is there [Page 70] to be done? O what a great deal [...] Work does lie within us? What a great deal of Work does lie upon our Hea [...] to be done! upon our Souls! Is it n [...] more likely that you should do more i [...] Forty years time, than in Five or Ten or the latter end of your days? O how much Knowledge is there to be had [...] God and of Christ and the great My­stery of the Gospel! You will have more time to get a greater measure of the Love of God and of Jesus Christ; you will have more time to get Assurance [...] the Love of God and of Eternal Glory, you will have more time to make your preparation for Death, and the great Account that you have to give unto God after Death. Now take these. Ten things along with you, and then see, if there b [...] any room or reason for you to delay though young, but make all the ha [...] you can to do that God commands, That is the first Sort.

2 The Sort. that I would urge this upon, is, you that are Old, You Old Sinners, consider the Work that you have to do

I. Of all, you that are old, O make hast? for your time is almost gone, your [Page 71] Glass is almost run, your Sun is near to setting; in a Course of Nature you have not much time to live. Behold! [...]ook upon your gray Hairs, and they will tell you, that you are going off the Stage of this World, and are entring into another World. The Age of Man, that the most do reach ordinarily, is Threescore and Ten, Psal. 90. 10. The Age of Man is Treescore Years and Ten. O is there not some in this place that have not outlived the usual time? Are not some of you Threescore Years and upward? Are not some of you Seventy Years and more? O how near, how ve­ry near are you to another World! You are almost at your Journeys end. What, and sit still when you are almost at your Journeys end! Some of you are old al­most to a wonder. When a person be­gins to be going onwards to Eighty, People commonly wonder at their Age. What art thou such a one, yet delaying? Art thou Old to a wonder, and Wicked to a wonder too? O consider, it is but a little, while that you have to stay in this World; make hast therefore, and do not delay.

[Page 72]II. You that are old make hast; for some of you have not yet begun your Work: What! and delay still, and [...] idle still! What do you mean? How many old ones are there here, that ha [...] not spent one hour in Threescore Yea [...] in hearty serving of God; I do not [...] you heve not spent an hour in Heari [...] and in Praying; but some of you pos­sibly have not spent one hour in hear [...] serving of God; which you that are in [...] Natural State and Condition never di [...] O what are you, Sirs, that are old, an [...] never convinced of sin to this day, th [...] are Fifty, Sixty, yea Seventy Years old, a [...] yet strangers to the very first Principl [...] of Religion! Oh how sad is it to [...] gray Hairs and Ignorance! I have se [...] a Child of Five or Six Years old th [...] hath known more of God and of Ch [...] than many that I have seen of fifty or six­ty; and yet these People sit still? Sirs, a [...] you resolv'd indeed to go thus to yo [...] Grave? Are you resolv'd indeed to d [...] and to be Damn'd too? To see old people to be careless of God, and careless of the Souls, negligent and slothful, what shame is it? Age has forced thee to le [...] upon thy Staff, but it has not force [Page 73] thee to lean upon thy Saviour. How may we say of some, wondrous Old, and wondrous Wicked; wondrous Old, and wondrous Ignorant; Have every one of you that are Old, fifty or sixty Years Old, got Christ into your Hearts? Would to God you had, I wish you had: Have every one of you repented of Sin? O consider, Sirs, What a thing is this, to live Fifty Years, yet be without God? to loiter Sixty Years, and never come to God; to live till you come to that state in which Nature is almost Consumed yet no Faith? May not some of you say, That you have not shed one Penitent Tear for all your sins, no, not in Fifty Years time; but you that are in Years, and have begun your work, yet there is Reason, why you should make hast to do more, and to go forward, and make a greater progress still; Thou that hast loved God and believed on Christ, tell me, Dost thou think in thy very Conscience, that thou hast so much love to God, as thou mightest have had in Fifty Years stan [...]ing! o Alas no, who has? If so be, that you have not got [...] much Grace as you should have done [...] so much time, and as you should have [Page 74] done by the help of so much means [...] you have had in so many Years. [...] make hast and do not delay! Wh [...] think you, Sirs, you that are of Year [...] you that I may call my Father for Ag [...] what think you, are there not some th [...] are Twenty Years younger than yo [...] Forty Years younger than you, that lo [...] God, and fear God, and hate Sin mo [...] than you do? Is not this a sign that yo [...] have loytered too much? O therefor [...] make hast and delay no longer.

III. You that are Ancient, ma [...] hast, and delay not; for have not y [...] lost time enough already, but you m [...] lose more still? Have not you served [...] Devil long enough, and served your L [...] long enough, Have not you forgotten God long enough, and neglected Christ [...] Heaven, and your Souls, long enough already; but you will do it still, and will you proceed, and will you do [...] till you die? What do you mean, Sir [...] you old Swearers, and you old Drun­kards, and old Sabbath breakers, yo [...] old haters of God and Godliness? Wh [...] do you mean, do you mean to Rebel [...] your Dying-day? Do it a little long [...] and you will do so: Do you mean [...] [Page 75] give the Devil all your time, and all your strength? You that have lived Threescore Years, I fear should you live the other Threescore Years, you would do so still; you that have lived Fifty Years, I fear, should you live Fifty years longer, you would still be the same. Sinner, Art thou resolv'd to go to thy Grave without Christ, without a Heart [...]hanged? If thou dost, shalt not thou go to Hell too, and to Devils too? What you do, it must be done quickly, [...]r else it will never be done: for you will die before it be done. For shame, Sirs, for shame, love God after so long time, for shame, Sirs, for shame, love Jesus Christ, after so long time: Have [...]ot you seen a great Deformity in Sin, after so much time that you have spent [...] Sin.

IV. You that are old, make hast and do not delay; for if you die Old, and Christless too, if you die Old and Grace­less too, the Patience of God that has waited upon you till your Old Age, will aggravate your Sin, and your Con­demnation too; I tell you, Sirs, that such of you had better to have died in your Childhood, than to have lived to [Page 76] Old Age; you had better have died as soon as you had been born, than to have lived so long, and go to Hell at last you had better have died when you could not go, by reason of Infancy, that to live till you could not go, by reason of Age, and die out of Christ at la [...] if thou diest Old and Wicked, old [...] thy sin, Hell will be the hotter whe [...] thou comest there, though it be the lon­ger till thou comest there; Will you yet delay? O you that are Ancient, I pray you make hast, and delay no longer.

V. And lastly, I pray you make h [...] and delay no longer, for, I pray tell m [...] Can you give an account of your m [...] spent time already? You shall certain­ly be called to an Account for every Year you have had, for every Month you have had, for every Week, Day and Hour that you have had; Time [...] going and you must be called to an Ac­count how you have spent your time. Can you give an Account to God of Fifty Years spent in Ignorance, not knowing of God? Can you give an Account to God of Threescore Years spent in a Na­tural Estate, in which is nothing of God nor ever did one hearty Duty to G [...] [Page 77] in all this time! O you that are Young, for you are my hopes! I profess that I have more hope of you, than of those that are Old and Wicked. I take it to be my great advantage, that I Preach to so many that are young; think of what has been said to you, and what has been spoken to you, and when you come home, consider, you have heard Ten Things, that there is no room for loy­tering; and you that are Old things, if you are not past feeling. O would to God you were not! This is the Mischief, when People are young, then they think it is too soon; and when they are old, then they say, they have been of this Opinion ever since they were born, and change now they will not. Well, think what you will, change you must, or you must be Condemned. You would think it much to wait upon a Fellow-Creature a Day, or Week; yet this Blessed God has waited upon you so many Years, O make hast and come unto God, and do not delay any longer.

III. Then to you that are of a strong and a healthful Constitution, do you make hast and not delay to do what God commands you, though you are [Page 78] strong and healthful, yet make hast and do not delay; you have need of this Ad­vice, because being strong, and in per­fect health, you are apt to put away the day of Death from you, and Repentance too, and Christ too; and the making of your Peace with God, because you are not full of Pain, and God does not of­ten cast you upon Beds of Sickness, there­fore you think there is no need for you to make hast.

First of all, As strong and as stout [...] thou thinkest thou art, many have been cut off in a Weeks time, and less; there­fore do thou make hast; as strong [...] [...] thou art, when Death comes it w [...] make thee cry out, O I am Sick, I am Sick; I am Pained, I am Pained! O I will make thee to Tremble: You see [...] often times that Crazy Persons [...] out-live those that are of a Healthful Constitution; therefore do not venture your Souls Eternal State upon it, because you are strong.

II. Tell me, Who is it that give thee thy strength? Is it God, or Satan If it be God that gave thee thy strength [...] What a dissingenious Sinner art thou [...] God, that because God does not fill th [...] [Page 79] Body with pain, therefore thou wilt fill thy Body with sin? What does God give thee Health for, and give thee Strength for? Does God make thee strong, that thou mayest be strong to sin, and spend thy days in sinning a­gainst him?

III. Consider, which is the fittest time for you to Repent, and to make your Peace with God, now when you are well and strong, or when you shall be sick and near Death? Alas! How oft have I seen People on their sick-Beds unfit to be discoursed with, that put off their Repentance till the last, till they were fick; then sickness brought its Burthen with it, its Excessive Pain with it, that they had no mind to Discourse of any such Things. That is the Third Sort, to those that are strong.

IV. My Exhortation also is to such of you as are sickly and of a weak Tem­per, that are often sick, and often ill. It is time for you to make hast, that live in daily expectation of another World, that daily look for your last Day, and when your laft Hour will come, and when you shall draw your last Breath. How oft has God shaked [Page 80] thee over the Grave? How oft hast thou been in that case upon thy sick bed, that Men could not tell, whither thou shouldst Live, or Die? And now God has restored thee, yet thou art weak still and sick still. Is it not time for you to make hast? Behold! The Voice of every Sickness is, Sinner, make hast; The Voice of every Affliction is, Sinner, make hast.

V. And Lastly, My Advice is to such as have been Sick, and now are Reco­vered; do you make hast and not delay to do what God has commanded you to do: Will you sin again as you did be­fore? Will you slight Christ, again, as you did before? and neglect Heaven, and God and Christ as before? Sinner, Did God give thee thy Life again, that thou shouldest rebel against thy Makes again? Hast thou forgot how thy Soul was filled with amazement and horror when thou thoughtest thy Soul was so near to another World? How didst thou beg, and cry, and call, O that God would restore me this once! O that God would give me a little more time! O if God would recover me, I will become a new Man, I will forsake my sinful Companions, I will [Page 81] neglect Prayer no more, I will prophane God's Holy Day no more! These were thy Promises; God has restored thee again, and hast thou so soon forgot what thou didst Promise unto God, and dost thou delay as much as before? O consider, and for God's sake lay it to Heart. Didst thou tell a Lye to God, when upon thy sick Bed: and didst thou play the Hy­pocrite with God, when thou didst not know whether thou shouldst live or dye? Therefore, you that have been upon the brink of the Grave, and God bid thee look into Eternity, and thou sawest thou wast not prepared, thou beggest a little longer time, and God spared thee, there­fore now make hast.

Now it may be thought, that I have said enough upon this Subject; but, alas, I think have never said enough upon any Subject, till I have gained your Hearts to do what I have Preached up­on; when I consider, how slothful ma­ny Men are, how backward to come to God and Christ, how backward to Be­lieve, to Repent, and be Holy, I think that there is Reason enough to consi­der still, what more is to be said, to press you to make hast, and I beseech you [Page 82] to Answer these following Questions, and let Conscience answer as we [...] along.

First of all, Tell me, Sinner, Who [...] it that does wait upon thee, while thou dost dely? Is it not the Blessed, and Glorious, and Eternal God? Is it n [...] he that the Angels of Glory make [...] possible speed to do his commands? [...] it not he, sinner, that might have Danm­ed thee long ago, and cast thee dow [...] into Eternal Torments, and thou might­est this day have been among Damned Devil? Dost thou do well to make h [...] tarry for thee? Is it not he that Did for thee, that is infinite in Mercy to say thee, if thou comest in; that is Infinite in Power to Damn thee, if thou refuse? Is it not he, that is infinitely thy Supe­riour Judge? Now, if it be reason [...] thee to loyter any longer, do if thou darest; do, I say, at thy Peril.

Secondly, Who, or what art thou Trifler, that this Blessed God should wait thus upon thee? If we consider thee, as thou art a Creature, or as thou art a Sinner, Why should God so w [...] upon thee one year after another? [...] thou art a Creature, Is not thy Body [Page 83] made of dust, and must not thy Body e're long be turned into dust? What art thou, but the better sort of Clay? Dost not thou carry every day a very Dung­hill about thee, and must the Blessed God wait upon thee? Besides, if we con­sider thee, as thou art a Sinner; Art not thou a Hell deserving Sinnor! May not God cast thee this day into Hell if he will, and into Torments, even this very hour if he will? Canst thou be happy without his Favour, and enter into Heaven without his Son, and be saved without his Mercy? Therefore delay any longer at thy Peril.

Thirdly, What is it for, that this God thus waits upon thee? Consider I pray you, What does God give you so much time for, one Week after ano­ther, one Month after another, Year after year? Is it not to make your selves Rich in this World? O no, it is about a greater Matter that God waits and stays? Is it not to see if thou wilt mind thy escaping Eternal Damnation! God gives thee thy time for this, that thou mayest escape an Eternity of Torment: Is it not for this that God waits, think you

[Page 84]2. That God stays so long, Is it not that thou mayest mind the Everlasting Salvation of thy Soul in Glory, that thou mayst get a Title to his Kingdom, that thou mayst get an Interest in his Son, that thou mayst hereafter dwell with him, with his Son, and with his Spirit with his Angels and Saints, when thou shalt be taken out of this World.

3. Is it not that God stays, that thou mayst be Justified, Sanctified, and Par­doned? O Sinner, if God had not stay'd for this, he might have Sentenced the [...] down to Eternal Torments, many years ago.

4. Is it not that God does stay, that o [...] a Captive to Satan, and to Sin, thou mayst be made free?

5. That thou mayst be cured of thy Soul-distemper, and of those sin [...] Maladies that are upon thy Soul; Is [...] not for this, I say for this, that God waits upon thee.

IV. Tell me, who shall have the worse of it, or who shall be the Sufferer if thou still delayest and dost not make hast to Repent, Believe and be Holy? Or who will be the better, if that thou make hast to be Holy and Repent? Whose will [Page 85] the Profit be, and the Advantage be? If thou dost not, Will not the harm be thy own, and will not the wrong be thy own? Sinner, dost thou think that God thus waits upon thee, because he cannot be happy without thee? Flatter not thy self with this; for this God was happy before thou wast, and if thou art Dam­ned, this God will be infinitely happy and blessed without thee, Job. 22. v. 2. 3. Can a Man be profitable to God, as he that is Wise, is profitable to himself: Is it any Pleasure to the Almighty that thou art Blessed or is it any gain that thou makest thy self hap­py? Job. 35. 6, 7, 8. If thou sinnest, What dost thou against him? Or if thy transgressi­ons be Multiplied, What dost thou to him? Or if thou art Righteous, What dost thou give unto him? Thy Ʋnrighteousness may prejudice a Man as thou art, and thy Righte­ousness may profit him. It is a matter of Admiration, that the Blessed God should so long wait upon Sinners, or that the foolish Sinner should so long delay to come to God.

V. Tell me, is it not life and death that is the issue of thy loitering or making hast, yet wilt thou loiter and delay, in respect of Eternal Life and Eternal Death too? [Page 86] If Men will make hast in any thing i [...] will be where their lives are concerned, then they think it is time for them to make hast; there is no room for loiter­ing then: When thou art sick, how dost thou expect that all about thee should make hast? One maketh hast and runs to the Physician, another maketh hast and runs to the Chirurgeon, another ma­keth hast and runs to the Apothecary. O make hast Sinner, thy Soul is in dan­ger, thy Eternal Soul is in danger! Dost not thou know, Sinner, if thou makest hast and comest to Christ, thou shalt have a Life, a Life of Grace, and that is the sweetest Life, the safest Life, the surest Life, the highest, and the noblest Life, the durablest and the most lasting Life; such a Life thou shalt have, if thou wilt make hast to Repent and Believe and at last a Life of Glory, to Live with God, to Live with Christ, to Live with Angels and Saints; but on the contrary; if thou delayest, Death will be thy Portion, Damnation will be thy Portion. And yet wilt thou delay? Do it at thy Peril.

VI. Art thou sure Sinner, or dost thou know that God will wait upon thee one Year, or one Month, or one [Page 87] Week more? How dost thou know but that this may be the very last hour or day, that God will tarry for thy Repentance? It may be God will say, I will wait upon thee Sinner no more, I will not stay one Sab­bath more, I will not stay the other Sermon, if he refufeth me now. I will hearken to him no more: As he wickedly said, 2 King. 6. 33. Behold this Evil is of the Lord, what should I wait upon the Lord any longer? This God may say, This Sinner goes on in his sin still, in the hardness of his Heart still, in his re­fusing of my Son still, What shall I wait for him any longer?

VII. Tell me, and let Conscience judge and let but Reason speak and give the An­swer, Hast thou not spent time enough in Sin already, and yet wilt thou make no hast to leave thy Sin? Tell me, Sinner, is the Devil's Work so good, and his Wages so desireable, and is the Devil so kind a Master to thee, that thou art so loth to leave his Service, and to come away from the Service of thy Sin, to the Service of God? Poor Sinner! what did the Devil ever do for thee, or ever give unto thee, thou art so loth to let his Service go? If I ask thee, What is thy Name? How long since thou wast born? How old art thou? One may say [Page 88] Sixteen, another Twenty, another Thir­ty, it may be some Threescore, What and graceless still! Out of Christ still. Is not Thirty, Forty, Threescore Years a great while to live in danger of Hell, You Young Men, when you have served your Seven Years time, you expect to be made Free, and will you live twice Se­ven, three times Seven, five times Seven, in the service of the Devil, and think it not time now to be made Free? O think, Have I served sin twenty years, forty years, and is not that long enough of all Reason? Ay, long enough beyond all reason? Ay Sirs, how long will it be be­fore you turn? God thinks the time long and Christ thinks the time long, and the Spirit of God thinks the time long, and Ministers think the time long, and all your godly Friends, your godly Relati­ons would fain have your Souls Convert­ed, and Saved, Prov. 1. See there, how Christ thinks it long till you come to him, v. 21, 22. Wisdom (that is) Christ cryeth out in the chief places, in the opening of the Gates of the City, How long ye simple ones will ye love your Simplicity, and Fools hate Knowledge, &c. Psal. 4. 2. O ye Sons of Men, How long will ye turn my Glory into [Page 89] shame? Jer. 30. Wo to thee, O Jerusalem wilt not thou be made clean, when will it once be? So God says to thee; Wo to thee thou Drunkard, thou Swearer, thou Ʋnclean Wretch; wilt not thou be made clean, when will it once be?

VIII. Hast not thou committed Sins enough already? Hast not thou Drun­kenness enough to answer for already. [...]ut thou wilt go on still, and commit sins still? Tell me, thou that art a Swearer, hast not thou sworn oaths enough already Hast not thou sworn so many in a Day, so many in an Hour, for so many Years, and hast not thou sworn enough yet? Is it not time for thee to leave thy Swearing? You that have neglected Prayer in your Closet, and in your Fa­milies? Have you not neglected things that should have been done? Have you not been guilty of Omission? You that have been Profaners of Sabbaths, that go faster to Hell on a Sabbath day than all the Week else? Is not a hundred, a thou­sand Sabbaths enough for thee to Profane?

IX. Seriously weigh, and then tell me, [...]s not the deserved Punishment of thy sin, that is due to thee already, great enough, yet wilt thou make no more [Page 90] hast? What dost thou think, will t [...] Pains of Hell be easie Pains, and t [...] Torments of Hell be easie Torment [...] Dost thou think, that the sins that th [...] hast committed, will not sink thee de [...] enough into Hell, and low enough? [...] not, then go on still. But alas, poor sin­ner, stay, for if the least sin should be in­flicted upon thy Soul, it will make th [...] cry out and roar, it will make th [...] cry I am undone, undone, it will ma [...] thee knash thy Teeth, and tear thy Fle [...] Will one Sin do this? What [...] then all these sins thou hast committed?

X. And Lastly, Tell me, have [...] Multitudes and Thousands been damned already for delaying, and wilt thou l [...] ­ter still? Wilt not thou take all th [...] Damnation for a warning? How many Thousands are at this very time, S [...] while I am Preaching and you Hearing in blackness and thickness of Darkness, thou could you speak with them, you shold hear them say, O it was our wretched delay­ing that did undo us; we purposed to repent but did not; we purposed to go to Christ; a [...] to leave our Sins; but woe be to us, Death ever before that time, and we were damned before that time: Death came and drew us ou [...] [Page 91] the World, and Devils came and dragg'd us down to hell before that purposed time of Re­pentance came; and here we lie in a Lake of Burning Brimstone, roaring and crying out and are undone. Now, Sirs, Have so many Thousands been Damned for their de­laying, and will you delay still? Do it at your Peril. Now, if I did think that there was never a loitering Sinner among you, I would for bear, and go upon some other Subject; but the Lord knows, I am afraid of you; and I have a godly Jealousie over many of you, therefore I will try again, and so conclude this Text: Has all that has been said from Sabbath to Sabbath, made you now to resolve to forsake your sins, and give up your Heart and all to God, and to Jesus Christ? Oh that I had grounds to Judge so of you! But I doubt there is one, and another, and another, and many more, that their hearts are hankering after sin still. I will [...]ry you yet once more; I did propose Ten Questions to the delaying sinner; [...]f thou hast slighted them, yet hearken sinner again; I will propose Ten Que­stions to thee more, and wilt thou [...]ight these too, and say thou wilt do as thou hast done, and live as thou hast liv'd?

First of all, Tell me, poor trifling Sinner, tell me, Dost thou purpose [...] thy Heart to obey God at all, or dost thou not? Dost thou intend to do t [...] Duty that God enjoyns thee to do, [...] dost thou not? Say in thy Heart, Ay [...] No. I am content to stay till thou weigh­est the Question; but I think it is a Qu­stion that is so plain, that there is not Man that dares to have the Face to sa [...] that he does not purpose to turn to G [...] Well then. Is it thy purpose to Rep [...] of sin, and turn to God, or is it not? I [...] be not so much as thy purpose, the [...] of Heaven pity thee, and shew mercy [...] thee before it is too late. For, art [...] thou a Wretch indeed, that hast not [...] much as a purpose in thy Heart to t [...] to God; if thou saist, Yes, I do purp [...] to do what God commands; then, [...] me, Why dost thou purpose? Thou [...] a Rational Creature, Why dost thou pur­pose to obey God, and forsake thy Sin? Is it because thou judgest this to be t [...] safest course? Is it because thou thinke [...] thou must be Damned if thou dost no [...] Is it because thou thinkest thou canst [...] be saved? Is it because that God comma [...] thee? Are these thy Reasons? Then behold! [Page 93] All the while that thou dost de­lay, thou art sinning against thy Con­science and thy Reason: For, thy Con­science tells thee, it is thy safest way to forsake thy sin, and to look after Christ. Well, if it be so, that it be best to leave thy sin, and turn to God, Why then dost not thou do it? If it be not best, why dost thou purpose to do it?

Secondly, Art thou purposed to do what God commands, to obey what he enjoyns? What is it that thou stayest for, and dost not do it then? Dost thou [...]ay, Sinner, to see if God will make new Laws for thee? Dost thou stay to see if God will chalk thee out a more easie way to Heaven, and Salvation, than he has done already in his Word? Dost thou stay to see if God will make such Laws as shall be pleasing to thee, that thou maist keep thy Sins and go to Hea­ven too? Flatter not thy self, he will never do it; If thou stayst forty Years longer, the Laws of God will be the same then, as now, the Commands of God will be the same then, as now. If thou stayest Forty Years longer, thou must Repent at last, or thou must be damned at last; thou must believe at last, or thou must go to [Page 94] Hell at last: It is the same way that we are saved now, that Adam was saved [...] and that Noah, Abraham, David, and Mo­ses, and the Apostles, and all that are i [...] Heaven were saved by, that is the way [...] Holiness, and the way of Faith in Chr [...] Obedience to the Commandments [...] God, being sanctified, loving God abo [...] all. You must not think to dally w [...] God, as with Men in the Market; In t [...] Morning you will not buy, nor at No [...] putting it off till Evening, thinking th [...] that the Prices will fall towards the c [...] of the Market. O do not think that G [...] will come to lower Terms at the end of the World, or towards the end of the Life. You may see, that God has pre­scrib'd the same all along, Isaiah 53. 7, [...] Let the Wicked forsake his way. Prov. 2 [...] 13. He that covereth his sins shall not pr [...] ­sper; but he that forsaketh his Sins shall fi [...] Mercy. See, there must be a forsaking of Sin, according to the old way of Sal­vation, Ezekiel 18. 31. Cast away all you [...] Transgressions, and turn from your Sins [...] so Iniquity shall not be your Ruine. S [...] in Christ's time, Matthew 3. 8, 9 [...] John 3. 16. So in the Apostles time 1 Corinth. 6. 9, 10, 11. So it is still [Page 95] and so it will be to the end of this World.

Thirdly, Consider this too, and let thy Conscience reply whether thou dost well or no. Tell me, while thou dost delay, dost not thou do worse with the Blessed God, than thou dost with Damn­ed Devils? I say, deal worse with God. Do you loiter thus when the Devil calls? Do you delay thus, when the Devil Tempts you; Hast not thou the very same day that the Temptation has been laid before thee, yielded un­to it without delay, and hearkned to the Voice of the Tempter? When [...]dst thou say to the Devil, as thou hast [...]id to God a hundred times, not yet; [...]f God has called thee to Repent, thou hast said in thy Heart, not yet? God has [...]lled thee to Believe, thou hast said, not yet, Lord; God has called thee to [...]elieve on Christ, thou hast said, not [...]t Lord; but when did the De­vil call thee, and tempt the to Sin, and thou saidst, not yet?

Fourthly, Tell me, you that do de­ny, and do not Repent, yet tell me, would you be served so by yours, by [...]ose that you have a power to Com­mand? [Page 96] And will you deal worse wi [...] God, than you would have others to d [...] with you? You Fathers and Mothers, [...] you command your Children to [...] something for you quickly, would y [...] take it well, if they should say, I will n [...] do it yet this Twelve Months, yet th [...] Ten Years? If you that are Master [...] command a Servant to do somethin [...] and suppose the lawfulness of the thin [...] would you be contented, if he should [...] I will do it when I please, but not yet! [...] know your Hearts would rise, yo [...] Passions would be up. Ah Sinner, w [...] not God a patient God, would he ha [...] born this at thy hands? If God we [...] not a patient God, would he have suffer­ed his Creatures to abuse him thu [...] Consider with me here Three Things.

1. The Distance betwixt you, a [...] your Children; you, and your Servant [...] is not so great, as betwixt God [...] you; no, not by a thousand degree [...] No, it is not to be compared, a God [...] thy Maker, God is infinitely above the [...] thou art not so much above a crawlin [...] Worm under thy Foot, as God is above thee; thou canst not bear the delay [...] thy Children and Servants and yet wi [...] thou deal thus with God?

[Page 97]2. Their dependance is not so much upon thee, as thine is upon God; thy Servants have their Food from thee, but thou hast thy Being, thy Life, and all from God.

3. Consider, That the Work that God commands thee for to do? it is in­finitely better than the Work that thou commandest thy Children or thy Ser­vants to do. Suppose thou settest thy Servants about the Work of thy Cal­ling, Is this to be compared with Ever­lasting Works? If the Work be never [...]o mean that you put your Servants to, and bid them do it quickly, if they do not do it, you are Angry; if thou bid­dest him but cleanse thy Shoes, if he does not do it, thou art Angry. Behold! The Blessed God commands thee, to look after the cleansing of thy Soul, and the cleansing of thy Heart, the getting of an interest in Christ; and wilt thou be Angry if thy Servant will not do for thee, and wilt thou delay doing for God?

Fifthly, Tell me, delaying Sinner, Tell me, in all Cases that concern thee in [Page 98] this World, Art not thou for the pre­sent time? If thou art sick, wouldst not thou be presently well? If in Pain, wouldest thou not have present ease? When thou art Sick, if it be told thee that thou canst not have ease this Twelve Months, or Three or Four Months, yet, would not this be tedious for thee to Consider? Tell me, Art not thou for Riches presently? Wouldst not thou be quickly Rich? Wouldst not thou have a great deal of the World [...] thou carest not how soon? Or if thou wast in danger of Death, or of th [...] Grave, how soon wouldst thou be help­ed, or delivered? And though thou a [...] in Danger of Hell, thou makest no hast to be delivered. Thou blind Fool, th [...] blind Sinner, Is not God, and Heaven, and Christ, better than all the Riches [...] the World? And is not Hell mo [...] dreadful than the Grave? And art th [...] so eager after Riches, and not after Hea­ven? Do it at thy Peril.

VI. Tell me, By these Delays dost not thou put the greatest Work that thou hast to do, upon the greatest hazard i [...] [Page 99] the World? What hast thou to do in this World more then to make thy Peace with God, to prepare for Death and Judgment? What to do in this World more than to get off the guilt of Sin, to get a holy Heart? And yet to delay! Thou dost put all to a Hazard. Methinks your delaying to do what God commands, it is a putting of things to a venture, it is a putting your Salvation to a venture, it is a putting of your Damnation to a venture, it is a putting the Loss of God, and of Christ to a ven­ture. Methinks it is as if the Sinner should say, As yet, I will not obey the Commandments of God, and I will put it to a venture, what the Issue will be; I will not as yet look after God, and Christ, and Heaven, and venture what will become of it. Alas, poor Sinner! Hast not thou any thing else to make a venture of?

Seventhly, Whist thou dost thus de­lay, tell me, Do not these Delays prove [...]o thy Face, that thou lovest thy Sin better than God, that thou lovest thy Lust better than the God of Glory? [Page 100] Thou saist, No, I do not: No, Why then dost thou not forsake thy Sin, [...] thou dost not love it? Why then dost not thou let it go, when God commands? If thou dost not leave thy Drunken­ness, and thy Uncleanness, and thy Wickedness, thou shalt not enter into Heaven. Why then dost not thou le [...] it go? If thou lovest Christ indeed, why then dost not thou receive Christ into thy Heart? Wilt thou pretend th [...] thou lovest Christ, when thou wilt n [...] have him come under the Roof of t [...] Heart?

Eighthly, Tell me, Are not delays [...] these Cases, Arguments of great Folly? And is it not a sign of greatest Wisdom for a Man (in such Cases as these ar [...] to make the greatest hast? Is not a Madman, or a Fool, that minde [...] Toyes or Trifles when he is in danger of losing his Life? Sirs, Are not y [...] worse when you mind the Toys [...] Pleasures below, when you are in dan­ger of losing Souls.

There are Five Arguments to pro [...] a Wise Man.

  • [Page 101]1. That he be one that maketh choice of the best good.
  • 2. That he be one that taketh care of the best part.
  • 3. That he be one that walketh in the best way.
  • 4. That he be one that useth the best Means
  • 5. That he be one that doth all these.

This is the Wise Man, Behold, God is the best good, thy Soul is the best part, the way of Holiness is the best way, means appointed by God to get to Heaven, are the only means. But on the contrary, to neglect these it is a sign of the greatest Folly: Wilt thou do it still? Venture on at thy Pe­ril.

Ninthly, Tell me, Do not the De­lays of People greatly discourage the Faithful Ministers of the Gospel? Does not your delaying weaken our Hands, and discourage our Hearts, when we must Study for you, and Pray for you, and Preach to you, and you cast it again [Page 102] in our Faces? Do you think that we can Preach with Life, when we see no Fruit of our Works? I profess, were it not for some of you, you would even tempt me to Preach no more to you, were it not the Command of God to continue my duty. You see, Isa. 49. 4. Then I said, I have laboured in vain, and have spent my strength for nought, and in vain; When he could not see the fruit of his Preach­ing. So Ministers may say, Lord, we have laboured in vain, and have spent our strength for nought, and in vain. Jerem. 20. 8, 9. For since I spake, I cried out, I cried Violence and Spoil, because the Word of the Lord was made a Reproach unto me: Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his Name. And by your delaying, when we come Year after Year, and Preach Month after Month, and see many of you in your Sins still, and walk in your wicked ways; Do you think that this is not a great Discouragement unto Ministers? And do you think, that God will not lay this to your Charge, to weaken the hands of his Servants? Do it at your Peril.

Tenthly, and Lastly, Dost not thou think, O delaying Trifler! Dost not thou know, that every thing that thou settest thy Heart upon, is hastening from thee, and every thing thou lovest is hastening away, and yet, wilt not thou make hast to get something that thou maist need, when all that now thou lov­est will leave thee? Sinner, Dost not thou know, that thy time is a going, thy Health is a going, and that thy Life is a going; and yet wilt not thou make hast? Know, I say,, know if thou dost not hasten unto Christ the sooner, with­out delay, thou shalt e're long be Damn­ed without delay.

Thus you see, I have given you Ten Questions more; Has this done the Work? Are you now resolved to go home, and enter into Covenant to be the Lord's? Are you now resolved to forsake your Sins, and to let go your Ini­quities? I doubt you are not; some of you will keep your Sins still, and will not come to God. Possibly, there are Two Things secret in thy Heart, let me remove these that bear thee up in thy [Page 104] delay. Possibly thou thinkest, Why Sir, why such hast? Is not God a mer­ciful God, a long-suffering God? Is not God ready to forgive, and has he not promised so to do? And if I repent hereafter, God will Pardon me hereaf­ter? Why such hast then? I answer.

I. It is true, Sinner, that God is a merciful God, else Woe would have been thy Case long ago. It is true, God is a Patient God, a long-suffering God, else thou wouldst not have been hearing of a Sermon now, but have been amongst Devils and Damned Souls at this time: But what if it be so, and thou misera­ble But I Answer partieularly: Tell me,

First, Art thou sure that thou shalt see that time, when thou dost purpose to Repent? If so be that the Devil, of thine own Heart would delude thee, now thou art young, to Repent when thou art a Man, Art thou sure to live till thou become a man? If not, where will thy Soul be then? Is it not then bet­ter to Repent now without delay?

Secondly, Art thou sure to have the same means of Grace then as now?

Thirdly, Art thou sure, that the Spi­rit of God will strive upon thy Heart, and move upon thy Heart then, as now he does? If thou art not sure, be not de­leived; for though God be patient, yet he may cut in two the Thread of thy Life, before thou seest those days where­in thou purposedst to Repent.

Fourthly, I suppose all to be true, that thou mayst live longer, and thou mayst Repent at last, and God Pardon thy Sin at last? What then? Is this thy Inge­nuity, to Sin against God now, because thou hopest that God will be gracious and Merciful to thee hereafter? I thought, thou hadst been a more In­genuous Person: Wouldst thou deal thus with a Friend, with a Man? But you say, What need such hast? Some Repent at the Eleventh Hour; all do not Repent while Young. To this I Answer.

II. If some are then brought in, yet it is not all that do stand out till then? [Page 106] No, it is but very few; it is a very rare thing to see Persons Converted, and brought home to Christ at the Eleventh Hour. Sometimes God may do this, and truely, it is but sometimes. Pray, how many is it that you know, that were Converted when they were Old, and sate under the Means of Grace while they were Young? I suppose you can tell but of very few. It is but now and then, and wilt thou put it to a Hazard, whether God will make thee such an Example? I could never find it Recorded in the Scripture, but of one Man, that was Converted at last, and that was the Thief upon the Cross? I do not say, there was no more, but no more Recorded, Matth. 20. 6, 7. You Object, that some came in at the Eleventh Hour; I pray view that Scri­pture, that is, Those that came in at the Eleventh Hour, they were not Cal­led till the Eleventh Hour; Those that were Called the Third hour, came in the Third Hour; And those that were Called the Sixth hour, came in the Sixth hour; and those that were Called the Ninth hour, came in the Ninth hour; [Page 107] but those that came in at the Eleventh hour, they were not called at the Third, nor Sixth, nor Ninth, but at the Ele­venth hour. Now, what is this to you, that have been Called an Hundred Times over, that have had Call after Call, and Invitation after Invitation? For when Men are called at the Third and Sixth Hours, and do not come in, they seldom come in at the Eleventh Hour. What say you, beloved Hearers, shall I, after these Sermons, and after al­most an hundred things spoken to you, and all to this purpose, to press you to make hast, and not delay, shall I go away from your Presence and your Sight, and will you turn your back up­on God, and say, Yet a little longer, yet I must enjoy my Pleasure, yet I must mind the World: As if you had no room in your Hearts for God and Christ, or the things above? I would fain prevail; if I could but prevail with some upon this one Subject, whatsoever I should Preach up­on, I should have the greater hopes to speed upon those Subjects too. Consi­der then a little more to move you. [Page 108] First of all, If thou wouldst make hast and now keep God's Commandments thou shouldest be Blessed now, thou shouldest be happy now, and will not this make you to make hast? Tell me, Sirs, Have you a mind to go home Hap­py, to go home with the Love of God? Oh! If you would go home Happy, Men and Women make hast, delay no longer to keep the Commandments of your God. Christ himself pronounceth you Blessed, if you will but do this Luke 11. 27, 28. It came to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain Woman of the company lift up her Voice to him (that is, to Christ) Blessed is the Womb that bare thee, and the Pap that gave thee Suck. Ah says she, What a Blessed Woman was that, which bore this Man! But says Christ, Yea, rather bles­sed are they which hear the Word of God and keep it; that hear God's Commands, and keep them.

Secondly, This keeping of God's Com­mandments, would be an Evidence to you of your Love to God? Wouldest thou know that thou lovest God Wouldest thou hnow this? Then do [Page 109] what God Commands: Keep his Com­mandments, Obey his Precepts, hereby thou maist know, that thou lovest him, John 14. 21. He that hath my Command­ments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, 1 John 5. 3, 4. This is the Love of God, that we keep his Commandments. Lov­ing of Christ's Person, and keeping of Christ's Commandments, they usually go together. In the Second, Those that love me, and keep my Commandments.

Thirdly, If you will but make hast to keep Gods Commandmants, and Be­lieve when he Commands, and close with Christ when he Commands, God will make hast, and hear thy Prayer? when thou pourest out thy Prayer to God, O Lord make hast, and do not tarry; then God will make hast, and hear thy Prayer. Whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his Command­ments, by doing those things that are pleasing in his sight, Prov. 1. 24, 28. Be­cause I have called, and ye have refused. Remember me, Sirs, that if you lie a dying, and should call to God for Mer­cy upon a Death-Bed; if you should lie [Page 110] a dying, when your Soul is departing, should call to God to save it, yet he would not hear your Prayer: If you neglect to keep the Commandments of God, and for God to neglect to hear the Prayers of a dying Man, What a dread­ful case is this?

Fourthly, If you make hast to keep the Commandments of God, he will make hast actually to keep thee when in Trouble and Temptation. Sirs, if You would make hast to keep the Commandments of God, God would make hast, and would not stay beyond that Hour that Deliverance should be for thy good.

Fifthly, If you would make hast to keep God's Commandments, it would be the readiest way that you could do, to have a Blessing upon your outward Enjoyments, Lev. 26. throughout.

Lastly, If thou wilt do this, thou shall be saved when thou diest; What dost thou desire more? John 1. Verily, Verily, I say unto you, if any Man keep my Sayings, [Page 111] he shall never see death: That is, he shall never see Eternal Death, he shall never be damned: But you may say, Sir, you press us to make haste to keep God's Commandments; so you may, so we have; you make us a Disobedient Con­gregation; I wish to God you were not. I say to you, have you kept the Com­mandments of God? What meaneth then the Passion that we see? What meaneth then the Pride that we see? What meaneth then all the Neglects of Prayer in your Families, that we know of? What meaneth then your hardness of Heart, your slighting of Christ? What are the Commandments of God? Is it not that you should repent? Acts 17. 20. Now God Commands all Men every where to Repent: Hast thou kept God's Commandments? What! And not shed one Tear for a Thousand Sins that thou hast Committed? Yet, dost thou say, That thou hast kept the Com­mandments of God? The Commands of God are, That thou shouldst Believe on Christ; turn and see, 1 John 3. 23. And this is his Commandment, that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus [Page 112] Christ. Now is Christ kept without door and hast thou kept God's Command­ments? Christ kept out of thy Heart? Yet, Have you kept the Commandments of God? O that you would do a [...] you say! Make hast and delay no longer to keep the Commandments of God.

In hopes that you will, I shall lay be­fore you Ten Things, that will be the Joy of Angels, the Rejoycing of Mini­sters, and the Content of the Heart of Jesus Christ.

First of all, It is a Blessed and Joy­ful sight unto Angels, and to Men, to see an Offering God, and a Receiving Sinner, to see a Tendring God, and a Receiving-Sinner. In the Covenant of Grace, you may see God making Offers unto poor Souls, making Tenders unto poor Sin­ners; yea, making great Offers and Tenders of needful things to the Souls of Men. In the Covenant, God offers thee Grace. God offers thee Peace, God offers thee his Spirit, God offers thee his Son, God offers thee his Kingdom, God offers thee Himself: What shall I [Page 113] say? God offers thee all that thou need­est, and God offers thee all that thou canst eesire. Oh, by this you may see on God's part, an offering and a Tendring God: Ay, but let us see on the other side also, a Receiving and Accepting sinner. Methinks, Sirs, that you should heartily receive what God offers you in the Covenant of Grace; Methinks you should say, O Lord, dost thou offer Grace to me? Ah to me dost thou offer [...]o less than thy Self, and thy Son and [...]pirit? Dost thou offer to me? O Lord [...] could never believe that thou wouldst [...]ffer any such offers unto me, except I [...]ad found it in thy Word: O Lord, [...] will prostrate my self down at thy [...]ot, thy Spirit I will gladly accept of, and thy Kingdom to be my Portion; [...]ut some will and some will not, Joh. 1. [...]1, 12. Jesus Christ, He came unto his [...]n (offering himself unto them) but his [...]n received him not, but to as many as did receive him, to them gave he power to be [...]lled the Sons of God, to as many as believed [...] his Name.

Secondly, It would be a blessed sight [Page 114] to see an Inviting and Expostulating God and a Coming, and a Praying, and Weeping Sinner; thus it might be, wh [...] ever this Covenant is entred into be­twixt God and Man; God he calls, a [...] invites, saying, Sinner, here is Me [...] for thee, thou art in the way to Dea [...] and Destruction, that is not the way [...] Eternal Happiness that thou art going in; turn about, Sinner, and I will, thy God, and I will shew Mercy to the God does not only Invite, but he Plea [...] and Expostulates the Case with a poor Sinner; Why wilt not thou accept [...] Mercy? Why wilt thou be so foo­lish to keep thy Sins? Turn, O Tur [...] why wilt thou die, O sinful So [...] This you find in Isa. 55. 1. Oh, eve­ry one that Thirsteth, come ye to the Wa­ters; and he that hath no Money, come, y [...] Buy and Eat; yea come, buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price. T [...] is Gods Invitation, and his Invitatio [...] are large.

Every one of you that hath but heart to desire, come; every one of you that has but a longing Soul after Merc [...] [Page 115] come: And it is made to those that have [...]o worth nor worthiness in themselves, though you have no Money nor Money-worth, yet come, and you shall have all free; you shall have Christ free, and you shall have Pardon free, and you shall have Heaven free, without price: [...]t is true, Christ did not obtain these things for Men without price, his Blood was the price to purchase these things; but there is no price for us remains to say; we are called to come, and have all free? What shall we have? There [...] Wine and Milk; Milk for the need­ful, and every thing necessary for you. [...]ut in the second Verse, you have a [...]leading God: Wherefore do you spend Money for that which is not Bread, and your [...]abour, for that which satisfieth not? Hear­ken diligently unto me, incline your Ear and [...]me unto me. Hearken, God is upon [...]s Invitation again, Hear, and your Souls [...]all live? What is all this in order [...]to? Now, in the Third Verse, [...]nd I will make an Everlasting Covenant [...]th you, even the sure Mercies of David. [...]hat is, I will be your God, and you [...]all be my People; all the Pleadings [Page 116] of God with Sinners, is in Order unto this.

Thus in the Covenant, you see an [...] ­viting, pleading God; O that now, [...] the Congregation, we could see a com [...] and a Praying Sinner? Oh say therefor [...] whoever thou art that hast stood [...] against Terms of Mercy all thy day [...] and wouldst have none of this God [...] thy God, that never came into thy mi [...] ever since thou wast born, now f [...] Now Lord I come, Now Lord, si [...] thou art pleased to call and Plead w [...] me, behold, I come according as th [...] callest.

It would be a lovely sight to see Sin­ners returning to an inviting God [...] Jer. 3. 22. Return ye backsliding Childre [...] and I will heal your back slidings: beh [...] we come unto thee, for thou art the L [...] our God. This is the coming of return­ing Sinners; as God hath pleaded wi thee, so thou must now go and Ple [...] with God. Oh it is a blessed sight to [...] a poor Sinner pleading with God, th [...] has been pleading with him; to [...] [Page 117] [...] Sinner upon his Knees with Sorrow [...]n his Soul, and Tears in his Eyes, Lord, I am a poor miserable Wretch, a Hell-deserving Wretch, and that many years since might have been cast into Eternal Torments, and this day I might have been amongst deplorable Reprobates; but yet thou hast given me time to seek thy Favour and Mercy: Now Lord, forgive my Sins, and renew my Heart, and Sanctifie me throughout; Now Lord, I call unto thee, that thou would­est enable me to turn, and enable me to believe.

Thirdly, It would be a sight rejoy­Cing Angels and Men, to see a waiting God, and a hastning Sinner: Indeed we see every day a patient God, and a long-suffering God, we cannot look upon a grey-headed Sinner, but we do see a patient God in the greyness of his Hairs; we cannot see a person grown up, but this we do see, a patient and a waiting God; but it is but now and then, that we see a hastning Sinner; I mean, not a Sinner hastning to Hell, and hast­ning to Destruction, and hastning [Page 118] on the way of Sin: No, these sights a [...] too common; but a Sinner hastni [...] towards God, and towards Jesus Christ [...] Luke 19. 4, 5. Jesus Christ passed b [...] and looked up to Zacheus on the Tre [...] and bade him to come down; and i [...] said, That he made hast and came dow [...] and followed Christ; God has not o [...] given thee a Call, Sinner, but he [...] stood waiting and knocking at the D [...] of thy Heart; but how long hast th [...] delayed? Thou hast made many a [...] Promise, I will Repent, and I will [...] ­lieve, and take God for my God; [...] thou wilt not do it yet; to see any [...] ­mong you to be hastning towards Go [...] while God is waiting upon you; O th [...] would be a joyful sight indeed! Say, n [...] Lord, Lord, thou shalt not wait an h [...] longer upon me.

Fourthly, It would be a joyful fig [...] to Angels and Men, to see a Promis [...] God, and a Believing Sinner: If t [...] were done, the Covenant were made [...] ­twixt God and thy Soul; if as G [...] does Promise, so thou dost believe [...] Promises, then God would be thy G [...] [Page 119] and then thou shouldest be one of his people it the Covenant of Grace. You [...]o see God, to be a promising God, I will, said God, be merciful to all your [...]nrighteousness, and I will remember your [...]niquity or Sins no more; I will put my Laws [...] your hearts, and cause you to walk in my [...]ays: And Multitudes of these Pro­mises there are. Thus it was with Abraham, when God came to make the Covenaut with Abraham, Gen. 17. 1, [...] &c. And when Abram was Ninety years Old and Nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Al­mighty God, walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my Covenant be­tween me and thee, and will Multiply thee [...]cceedingly. And Abram fell on his face, [...]ad God talked with him, saying, As for [...]e, Behold my Covenant is with thee, and [...]ou shalt be a Father of many Nations: [...]either shall thy Name any more be called Abram, but thy Name shall be called Abra­ham, for a Father of many Nations have I [...]ade thee; and I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make Nations of thee, [...]ad Kings shall come out of thee. And [...] will Establish my Covenant be­tween [Page 120] thee and me, and thy seed after th [...] in their Generation, for an Everlasting Cove­nant; to be a God unto thee, and unto thy s [...] after thee. And God said unto Abraha [...] Thou shalt keep my Covenant therefore, th [...] and thy seed after thee, in their Genera­tion, &c.

You read there of God's coming [...] Abraham; and says he, I make my Cove­nant with thee; and in thy seed shall all [...] Nations of the Earth be Blessed. This [...] a Promise made to Abraham when [...] was Ninety and nine Years Old; [...] there was a Promising God, so th [...] was a Believing Abraham, Rom, 4. [...] 19, 20. Who against hope, believed in [...] that he might become the Father of m [...] Nations; according to that which was spok [...] So shall thy Seed be. And being not week [...] Faith, he considered not his own Body [...] Dead, when he was about an Hundred Y [...] Old; nor yet the deadness of Sar [...] Womb. He staggered not at the Promis [...] God through unbelief, but was strong [...] faith, giving glory to God. When a S [...] is enabled by God to make applica­tion of the Promises to himself, [...] [Page 121] being certain then that he is a Believing Sinner, answering to a Promising God.

Fifthly, In order to your becoming a Covenant People, and God you. Co­venant God, it would be a joyful sight to Men and Angels, to see a Command­ing God, and an obeying Sinner. In the Covenant there are Commands as well as Promises, therefore they must be performed as a Duty, as well as participated of as a Priviledge, Deut. 4. 13. He declared unto you his Covenant that he commanded you to perform. This God comes forth with a Commanding Voice, as well as with a Pleading Tendering Voice: Now, as there is a Command­ing God, so if there were amongst you an obeying Sinner, then the Covenant would be fulfilled, Rom. 11. 8. By Faith Abraham, when he was called to go out in­to a place which he should after recieve for an Inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. God called him from his Friends, and from his family, and he knew not whether he was to go; yet, he obeyed God. But God has told you the place whither [Page 122] you shall go, yet you will not follow him; God has told you, that Heaven shal [...] be the Place, an Everlasting Kingdom [...] you shall have Mansions above in Blis [...] and Glory shall be the Place that Go [...] will lead you to, yet you will not obe [...] God.

Sixthly, To see a Threatning God [...] and a Trembling Sinner; is a very de­lightful sight: Not in it self indeed de­sirable, but in order to your closing with God upon Covenant-terms; for [...] God does invite a Sinner to take him f [...] his God, and does wait upon him, a [...] does Promise him Heaven, if he wi [...] and as God commands him, to ta [...] him for his God, so God does threat [...] Man too very severely, if he will [...] come up to Covenant-Terms. H [...] frequent are these in the Gospel! [...] that believeth not, is Condemned already Ex­cept ye repent ye shall Perish. Without [...] ­liness no man shall see the Lord. Except it be to be his Eternal Sorrow.

You may see a Threatning God [...] those that will not perform his Cove­nant, [Page 123] Levit. 26. 11, 12. And I will set my Tabernacle amongst you, and my Soul shall not abhor you, and I will walk amongst you, and will be your God and ye shall be my People.

Well, but what if Men will not, is there any danger to a Sinner if he will not take God for his God? Ay, that there [...]s vers. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Of that Chap­ter; But if he will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these Commandments; and if you shall dispise my Statutes, or if your Soul abhor my Judgments, so that [...]e will not do all my Commandments, but [...]at ye break my Covenant, I also will do [...]is unto you; I will even appoint over you [...]error, Consumption, and burning-Agues, [...]at shall consume the Eyes, and cause sor­row of Heart, and ye shall sow your Seed in [...]ain, for your Enemies shall eat it; and I [...]ill set my Face against you, and ye shall [...] slain before your Enemies; they that hate [...] shall Reign over you, and ye shall flee [...]en none pursueth you; and if ye will [...]t for all this hearken unto me, then I will [...]nish you seven times more for your sins; [...] God goes on in many Verses; but [Page 124] is there any likelihood that a Sinne [...] will take God for his God till he do [...] tremble before this Threatning God [...] Thy Conscience is sear'd, thou make [...] nothing to come up to Covenant terms [...] but where God Threatens, and th [...] Soul Trembles, then it is a sign th [...] that Man will be brought into Covena [...] with God.

Seventhly, It is a Blessed Sight, re­joycing Angels and Men, to see a Bleed­ing Christ, and a Weeping Sinner. [...] the Covenant of Grace, you may see t [...] one Bleeding Christ; for Christ B [...] to Confirm the Covenant betwixt G [...] and Man. He is the Mediator of t [...] Govenant, and the Surety of the Covenant [...] and the Blood of Christ, it is the Blood [...] the Everlasting Covenant; so that [...] the one side, you may see, a Bleedi [...] Christ; but where is the Weepi [...] Sinner? Where is the broken He [...] ­ted Sinner? Where is the Contr [...] and the Bleeding Sinner? Could [...] but see this, then the Work w [...] done, God were thy God then, [...] thou one of his People, Zech. 12. [...] [Page 125] And I will pour upon the House of David, and upon the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of Grace and of Supplication, and they shall look upon me, whom they have Pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one Mourneth for his onely Son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitter­ness for his First-born. Look O my Soul, and see how thy Sins have Pierced the Lord Jesus Christ, till his very Heart-Blood poured forth. Oh, that he should become a Curse for me! That he should Die, that I might Live! Oh was there ever such Love, and was there ever such Grace! Oh could we but see this, a Weeping Sinner an­swerable to a Bleeding Christ, and the Match would be made, God would be thy God, and thou one of his Peo­ple.

Eighthly, It would be a Blessed sight, to see a striving Spirit, and a yielding Sinner; and this it must be, if ever God becomes your God, and you his People. There must be both of these, a striving Spirit moving upon thy Heart, that must solicit thee for thy [Page 126] love and be wooing thee for thy con­sent, to take God for thy God. Thi [...] the Spirit of God oftentimes doe [...] thou hast felt him knocking at th [...] Heart, moving upon thy Soul at [...] Sermon, Saying Sinner, open; O Sin­ner, thy Danger is great, if thou goes on in thy Sins. The Spirit has bee so powerful upon thy Heart, that i [...] has brought thee almost to resolve; b [...] if thou wilt have this God for th [...] God, thou must yeild when the Spirit strives.

Ninthly, It is a Blessed sight to see [...] Preaching Minister, and a serious an [...] a hearking Sinner. This is as th [...] means appointed by God, to bring Sin­ners into Covenant with God; there­fore Ministers are Ambassadors for God [...] we stand in Christ's room, and in Christ [...] stead, to propose the terms of peace b [...] ­twixt God and Man; therefore to s [...] hearkning Sinners as if they had a min [...] to have God for their God, is a Blesse [...] sight? See Acts 10. 32, 33, 34. Se [...] therefore to Joppa, and call hither Ser­mon, whose Sir-name is Peter; he is lodg [...] [Page 127] in the House of Simon a Tanner, by the Sea side, who when he cometh, shall speak unto thee: Immediately therefore I sent to thee, and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are com­manded thee of God. Then Peter opened his Mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. See, People set themselves as in the sight of God un­der a Sermon: And, what was it that Peter did Preach? Jesus Christ the Media­tor of the Covenant.

Tenthly, and Lastly, which is the Fruit of all; It is a Blessed sight to see a Heaven prepared and a Sinner Sa­ved. This is the fruit of the Covenant, in your taking God for your God and your becoming his People. This sight we shall see, at the coming of our Lord, a Heaven prepared we shall see; Ay, and see Sinners Saved, see Multitudes go in; This we shall see, as the Fruit of this Covenant, Matth. 25. 34. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand, Come ye Blessed of my Father, Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you before [Page 128] the Foundation of the World. Now my Advice to you all is, That you would take this God to be your God, and give up your selves unfeignedly to be the People of this God; or woe be to the Sinner, if there be a God, but none of thine; if there be a Blessed God, but thou hast no Interest in him.

Now therefore for God's sake Sin­ner, for God's sake, and for thine own Souls sake, let me beseech thee, and intreat thee, as ever thou wilt find Mercy at the hand of God another day, come and take this God for thy God; come Sinner, come, as yet, it is not too late; as yet; Mercy may be had, and as yet, Grace may be found; while the day of Mercy lasts, and while the day of thy Life lasts, come in this Instant, and turn not thy Back and say, For all this I will keep my Sins still.

Consider this. If thou wilt not have God for thy God, thou wilt be Con­demned by the Covenant of Works, [Page 129] and thou wilt not be condemned by the Covenant of Grace. Think of this, thou art Condemned by the Covenant of Works, Gal. 3. 10. For as many as are of the Works of the Law, are under the Curse; for it is Written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are Written in the Book of the Law to do them. Here is thy Doom, Cursed is every one, Man, Woman, and Child, every one, Bond and Free, Master and Servant, Husband and Wife; that continueth not in all things written in the Book of the Law, to do them. Hast thou done so? Hast thou continued in all things? No, not in one thing. Then you see that you are Condemned by the Covenant of Works: What is thy Cure then? O the Covenant of Grace must help me: Ay, but thou art condemned there too, John 3. 18. He that believeth on him, is not Condemned; (but) Ay, but there is a but come; but he that believeth not, is Condemned already. For what? What, Because he hath broken the Covenant of Works? No, the Law Condemns him for that, for the Breach of God's Commands, and for [Page 130] the Covenant of Works. What then? because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God The Co­venant of Works, that will condemn you for not performing: and the Cove­nant of Grace, that will condemn you for not Believing.

O methinks, I am loth to leave you, till I see some or other strike Covenant with God and say, O I see I must take God for my God, or else, I am lost and undone, and that for ever; I am accursed by the Covenant of Works, and by the Covenant of Grace; the one for not Obeying, and the other for not Believing. It is in vain for us to flatter you, you must have this God for your Govenant God, or else you will come under the Power [...] the Second Death: Temporal Death were nothing, if Death Eternal did not follow. See what follows Death Revel. 6. 8. I looked and behold, a P [...] Horse; and his Name that sate on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. Ah there it is! There is the Thin [...] that makes Death Terrible! Indeed [...] [Page 131] Sinner, Death e're long will get upon his pale Horse, and will be Riding swift­ly towards thee; Ay, but Hell follows after; Were it not for this, Death were nothing; but Damnation follows after Death; and it will be the case of eve­ry one that will not take God for their God.

Let us a little Consider, what is in this Eternal Death, before you take God to be your God. I hope I shall work upon some of your Hearts.

Consider, therefore, There are Two Things in this Eternal Death, and both of them exceeding Dreadful.

I. Exclusion from the Blessed God; Ah Sinner, as sure as thou hearest my Voice, wilt thou be shut out, and ex­cluded from the Blessed God, and Blessed Christ, and Blessed Angels, and Blessed Saints, if thou dost not take God for thy God, Matth. 25. 41. Depart from me ye Cursed; from me, from the Blessed Jesu; Oh! How miserable must that Man be that must be sent [Page 132] packing away from the Blessed Jesus. This is the Punishment of Loss; but if it were the loss of thy Pleasures only, and the loss of thy Friends only, this were nothing: Ah, but what things wilt thou lose, if thou diest before God and thy Soul agree? It will be the loss of a Loving God, the loss of a Blessed Re­deemer; This will be thy loss, and thou hadst better lose Ten Thousand Worlds than this one God. And if thou art not in Covenant with God, then

1. Thou wilt lose thy Soul. The loss of a Soul, What shall it profit a Man, if he gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? It is not a small matter that thou maist lose, if God gain not thy consent, but it is a Soul.

Consider, It is thy own Soul, Sinner, that will be lost, if thou wilt not con­sent to take God for thy God. I would not be guilty of the Damnation of ano­ther Man's Soul for all the World. Tell me Sinner, Wouldst thou ruine another Man's Soul? Then why wilt thou ruine thy own? Whose Soul wilt thou mind if not thine own? And whose Soul wil [...] thou take care of if not thy own?

[Page 133]3. If so be thou dost not take God for thy God, thou wilt lose thy only Soul. Ah poor Sinner, Hast thou but one only Soul that must be Damned or Saved, and wilt not thou take care for thy own Soul?

Oh take care and see to it, it is thy only Soul. Sirs, God has given to us eve­ry one but one only Soul, lose that, and thou losest all; if that be Damn'd all is Damn'd. Methinks, the thoughts of this should move thee to remember thy Dar­ling, to remember thy only Soul, that when thou hast but one thou mayst se­cure the happiness of that one. In the Body God gives us many parts by pairs, Two Eyes, that if we lose one, we may see by the other; Two Ears, Two Hands, two Feet, that if we lose one, we may have the benefit of the other; but God has given Men but one only Soul.

4. It will be the loss of thy precious and immortal Soul. Were it the loss of a mortal Soul that should die, and cease to be, it could not be so much; but when it shall be the loss of an Immortal Soul, that cannot die, that cannot cease to be, this makes your Punishment the more, that will not come up to the terms of the Covenant. That is the First.

[Page 134]II. In the Eternal Death, is the Pu­nishment of Sense. All manner of Pain and Torments that a just and Angry God can lay upon thee to all Eternity. If you are willing to take this God upon Cove­nant terms, he will make you happy; But if you will not, know to your Faces, this Day. That the Eternal God will Plague you for ever, will be thy Aven­ger and Punisher for ever. Consider the Names by which that Place is called, where all that die without God, must be cast into, I will name but four or five of them, and those briefly.

1. If thou diest without God being thy God thou must to Prison, as sure as thou standest here; so this Place is called, 1 Pet. 3. 19. There by the Prison you read of, is meant the Place of Hell, and the Place of the Damned.

2. Every one that Dies before God is his Covenant God, must be cast into a place of Darkness, into a place of utter Darkness, Matth. 8. 12. The Children of the Kingdom shall be cast into utter Darkness.

3. Every Soul that goes out of this World before God be his God, shall be cast into a Lake of burning Brimstone, Rev. 21. 8.

4. Every Soul that leaves this World [Page 135] before God be his God in Covenant, will be cast into a Furnace of Fire, Matth. 13. 42. Where you see Hell is set forth by a Furnace of Fire.

5. Lastly, It is indeed a Place of Tor­ment, Luk. 16. 28. Says the Rich Man there, O send to my Brethren, and tell them what I endure, that they may not come to this place of Torment. O have mercy on me, for I am Tormented Day and Night. Now what is this, for which you must be cast into such Torments? What for, For refusing of God?

Why art thou so loth, Sinner why, to take this God for thy God? Why, will he do thee any hurt? Besides, I might have shewn how, that Four Things will make your case exceeding woful? for fain I would prevail, though it were but with One or Two, to come over to God, and that will say; O Sir, I come with all my heart, to take this God for my God.

First of all, If thou wilt not, thy Pains will be Universal Pains, all over thy Body, and all over thy Soul, no part of thy Body free, no part of thy Soul free; hereafter in Hell, Eyes, and Head, and Heart, and all the Pains of Hell shall be [Page 136] Universal, every part sinned, and every part shall Suffer.

Secondly, They shall be extream too, Sinner, If thou wilt refuse this God to be thy God, he will inflict upon thee ex­tremity of Pain: Now to have Pain all over, and to be all over in extremity, What a sad case is this?

Thirdly, Then they must be conti­nual, without intermission; not some­times in Pain, and sometimes at ease; No, no, this is not the Case of the Dam­ned; no, there is no intermission, not for an hour, not for one moment in Hell: If so be you have a pain on your Body, for an hour or two, or in the night, and in the morning you have ease, what a refreshment is that? But for a Person to lie under the Pain of Gout or Stone, and Night and Day cryeth out, no ease no mitigation, not an hours rest all Night long: O consider, what it will be, not to have an hours rest to all Eterni­ty, not the least intermission!

Fourthly, As it shall have no inter­mission, so it shall have no cessation. If it were Pain to continue for a Thousand Years, without an Hours Rest between, yea a thousand to that, and a thousand to [Page 137] that, it would be happy Tydings; but those that will not have God for their God, they must have Pain without ease, and without intermission, and that for ever.

But, for one Thing more. Besides all this, Sirs, if you will not have this God for your God, your Covenant God, you will have something to Torment you in Hell, that Thousands of others never shall.

Shall I tell you, Beloved Hearers, shall I tell you, you will have something [...]o Torment you, that Devils shall not [...]ave. I say, something lie heavier on you, than upon Devils; something to Torment you, that the Heathens have not to Torment them: What is that? O it is the gnawings of a never-dying Worm, for the refusing of an offered Christ, of Mercy, while Mercy may be [...]ad. When you shall lie in Hell, if God [...]es not prevent you, What will be the [...]hawings of thy Conscience?

Methinks, I hear poor Damn'd wretches [...]at have sat under the Gospel, accusing themselves after this manner; It was [...] the breach of the Covenant of VVorks that [...]m in this Place; but I might have had [Page 138] help in the Covenant of Grace; God was offered unto me, and Christ was offered unto me, Ministers Pleaded with me day after day; but said Conscience, this thou would [...] not do, thou saidst No, to thy dying da [...] Had I accepted of Mercy, while Mercy might have been had, I need not have come into this place of Torment: But alas, wo [...] me, the Devils above me, never slighted s [...] Mercy as I have done! Wo is me, the Thou­sand of Heathens that are above me, never slighted such Mercy as I have done: a Sa­viour was never offered to Devils; a Saviour was never Preached to the Heathens; But like a Miserable Wreteh now, like a Damn [...] Wretch now, might have had mercy, but wo [...] not: I might have escaped this Place, [...] would not: Wo is me, now I am lost for ever Wo is me, now I am Damned for ever! [...] Praying time is gone over! I might have [...] God to have been my God once, but now [...] will never be offered to me any more.

Thus look to it, it will be worse w [...] you than with Devils and with Heath [...] if you refuse to take God for your G [...] and you give not up your selves to his People.

Mr. B—s. Solemn Covenant with God, privately drawn up by him­self, and found in his own Ma­nuscript.

OH! most Dreadful God, for the Passion of thy Son, I beseech thee accept of thy poor Prodigal, now pro­strating himself at thy Door, I have fallen from thee by mine Iniquities, and am by Nature the Son of Death, and a thousand times more the Child of Hell by my wicked Practices; but of thine infinite Grace, thou hast Promi­sed Mercy to me in Christ, if I will turn to thee with all my Heart; there­fore upon the Call of the Gospel I am now come in; and throwing down my Weapons, submit my self to thy Mercy: And because thou requirest, as the Con­ditions of my Peace with thee, that I should put away my Idols, and be at Defiance with all thine Enemies, whom [...] acknowledge I have wickedly sided with against thee: I do here from the [...]ttom of my Heart renounce them all, [Page 140] firmly Covenanting with thee, not to al­low my self in any known sin; but con­scientiously to use all means that I know thou hast prescribed for the Death and utter destruction of all my Corruptions: And whereas I have formerly inordi­nately and Idolatrously let out all my Affections upon the World, I do here re­sign my Heart to thee that madest it [...] humbly protesting before thy Glorious Majesty, that this is the firm Resoluti­on of my Heart, and that I do unfeign­edly desire Grace from thee; That wh [...] thou shalt call me thereunto, I may pra­ctice this my Resolution, through thy As­sistance, to forsake all that is dear unto me in this World, rather than to two from thee to the ways of fin; and that may watch against all its Temptations whethor of Prosperity or Adversity, let they should withdraw my heart from the beseeching thee also to help me against t [...] Temptations of Satan, to whose wicked suggestions I resolve by thy Grace never to yield my self a servant; and beca [...] [Page 141] my own Righteousness is but as filthy Rags, I renounce all confidence therein, and acknowledge that I am of my self a hopeless, helpless, undone Creature, with­out Righteousness or Strength.

And forasmuch as thou hast of thy bottomless Mercy offered most graci­ously to me, wretched sinner, to be again, through Christ, my God, if I should ac­cept of thee, I call Heaven and Earth to record this day, That I do here so­lemnly avouch thee for the Lord my God, and with all possible veneration, bowing the Neck of my Soul under the feet of thy Sacred Majesty, I do here take thee the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for my Portion and chief Good, and do give up my self Body and Soul for thy Servant, promi­sing and vowing to serve thee in Holi­ness and Righteousness all the days of my Life; and fince thou hast appointed the Lord Jesus Christ the only means of coming unto thee, I do here upon the bended knees of my Soul accept of him as the only new and living way, [Page 142] by which Sinners may have access to thee, and do here solemnly joyn my self in Marriage-Covenant to him.

O Blessed Jesus! I come to thee Hun­gry, and hard be-sted, Poor and Wretch­ed, Miserable, Blind and Naked, [...] most Loathsome polluted Wretch, a guil­ty polluted Malefactor, unworthy for­ever to wash the Feet of the Servants of my Lord, much more to be married to the King of Glory; but since such a thine Ʋnparallell'd Love, I do here with all my Power accept thee, and do take thee for my Lord and Husband, for a [...] times and conditions, to Love, Honour and obey thee before all others, and th [...] to Death; I embrace thee in all th [...] Offices, I do renounce my own worthi­ness, and do here own thee to be th [...] Lord my Righteousness; I renounc [...] my own Wisdom, and do here take the [...] for my only Guide; I renounce my own Will, and take thy Will for my Law.

And since thou hast told me, I must suffer if I will Reign; I do here Cove­nant, to take my Lot, as it falls, with [Page 143] thee, and by thy Grace assisting to run all hazards with thee, verily confiding, That neither Life nor Death shall part between thee and me.

And because, thou hast heen pleased to give me thy Holy Laws, as Rules of my Life, and the Ways in which I should Walk to thy Kingdom; I do here wil­lingly put my Neck under thy Yoke, and fet my Shoulders to thy Burthen, and sub­scribing to all thy Laws, as Holy, Just, and Good, I Solemnly take them as the Rule of Words, Thoughts and Actions, promising, That though my Flesh Con­tradict and Rebel, yet I will endeavour to order and govern my whole Life ac­cording to thy Directions, and will not allow my Self in the neglect of any thing that I know to be my Duty.

Onely because through the frailty of my Flesh, I am Subjected to many Fail­ings, I am bold humbly to protest, that unallowed Miscarriages, contrary to the [...]ettled bent and resolution of my Heart shall not make void this Covenant; for so thou hast said.

Now Almighty Searcher of all Hearts, thou knowest that I make this Covenant with thee this day, without any known guile or reservation, beseeching thee, that if thou espiest any flaw or falshood there­in, thou wouldest discover it to me, and help me to do it aright.

And now Glory be to thee, O God the Father (whom I shall be bold from this day forwards to look upon as my God and Father) that ever thou should [...] find out such a way for the recovery of undone Sinners; Glory be to thee O God the Son, who hast loved me, and washed me from my Sins with thine own Blood and art now become my Saviour a [...] Redeemer; Glory be to thee O God the Holy Ghost, who by the finger of the Almighty Power hast turned about [...] Heart from sin to God; O dreadful Jehovah, the Lord Omnipotent, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou art now [...] come my Covenant Friend; Amen, [...] be it: And the Covenant which I have made on Earth, let it be ratified in Hea­ven.

W. [...].

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