A DISPLAY Of the Headpiece and Codpiece VALOUR Of the most renowned Colonel Robert Jermy, late of Bafield in the County of Norfolk, Esquire, with his Son Captain Toll by his side, now on their way for New-England.
Or the Lively description of a dead-hearted fellow,

to the Tune of a Turd, or the Black-Smith.
DID you ne're hear of the baby of Mars,
That charg'd Tom Fox's wife with his Tars,
For his valour lies all in his Arse.
Which needs must be very strong.
A Sanctify'd Colonel in beaten Buff,
With a Scarlet Jump * that's Cudgell proof,
And his Son
Cudgeld by Mr. Armiger at Wells in Norfolk, No­vemb 4. 1654. ran away six miles at Crow­land Se [...]ge, and neere lookt be­hind him.
Crowland Coward of the self same stuff,
Who got the wench big with young. Probatum est.
He's a journey man Souldier to the States Army,
And 'tis in his terms; when you fight you must spare me,
So runs the Commission of Colonel Jermy,
If I be informed true.
Upon a mock Larme he's sure in the Van,
Where he takes none, and does no more hurt then he can,
He's a pitifull Souldier though a Cruell man,
Let's give the Devill his due.
To Sacrifice to his fears and his pride,
He caus'd a
He caused Parson Cooper to be hang'd by Judge Jermy for fear he should beat him.
Church-Champion be murder'd and try'd
By the Judge of his name, and the rope on his side.
Tis pitty they ever were parted.
Yet you cannot but say 'twas very well meant,
When he went to the house of Parliament,
In Love to his Country before he was sent
In a Coach when he might have been Carted.
He corrupted twenty free Burghers at Ri­sen to give their votes for him in the last election for Parliament.
You must alwayes take the good will for the deed,
Though at Risen he had not the suck to speed,
Yet some other place may have very great need,
If the Devil release but his hire.
So dear was his love that he purchas'd a throng,
He hired 100 men to come with him from Lyn with Swords and Guns, for fear Master Howard and his two men should beat him.
Of Sea men in Lice and Lungs very strong,
Sure he will be some body ere it be long,
If he be not laid in the Mire.
How the Sailors did hollow and throw up their hats,
And the men with wide mouths that use to cry Sprats,
But the brave Spark of Arndel made them look like drown'd Rats,
Mr. Howard gave him a box on the ear with the back of his hand, and he fell to the ground with fear.
When he humbled Tom Toll for his Sin.
That high born Heroe had Cudgel'd their Swords,
Had they not almost expit'd at his words,
But the whole design was not worth two half turds,
Gustice Cre­mar, Gu­stice Peddar, and Gustice Life.
Though you throw the three Jus [...]ices in.
In his last good service he took the City
By an Order from the mistaken Committee,
Where he scap'd a scouring the more was the pity,
For 'twas fowle when you have said what you can.
He took the Ci­ty of Norwich when the Gates were open and [...] opp [...]sition.
He march'd into Gates with an hundred more,
O brave! he ne're did the like before,
For he used to sneak in at the
[...] [...]oxes [...]ack d [...].
back dore,
As becomes a right modest man.
When they entred the Town, they beleagur [...]d the Mayor.
And with wonderfull Courage they stormed the Chair,
But they soon were all foul, and ran very fair,
As if they'd been bred for the Course,
The Be ls were rung backward which alarmed the City who came in & had beat him if he had not run a­way upon the noyse of it.
For the Bells were rung backward as he saies his prayers,
And his head went forward with his haste down the Staires,
Like a man of dispatch in the State Affaires,
Thank Fortune it was no worse.
'Tis much to be wondred he should leave the Rump,
Though his love to that end has receiv'd a Law Frump,
But that is his God what ever is trump,
Yet his Spirit now was blind.
Had the Rump but once fizled 'twas the strongest side,
But a Fart has so routed his Troop in their pride,
Though infallible
Jermys Chap­lin that prayes and swears, and fights and lyes for him in ordi­nary.
Butler was his guide,
That they are both blown down the wind.
Yet that would be thought a true
Let us shew our selves true English men is his usuall say­ing.
English man,
Let him make true Latine if he can,
Yet learned mens lives this Rascall will scan,
And when he has done it deny it.
This is Jeremy's forlorne when brave Jack appear.
He has little of wit, and less of fear,
And swears for his Colonel by the year,
And when he is in he will ply it.
When the Nation was Jaded with a
He that drunk so much Asses milk as without the Par [...]iaments mercy, he is like to be a fool for ever.
This Jippoe for-sooth was a great undertaker,
And amongst other Trades a Justice maker,
2 Gustices in Norfolk.
Brewer, Tirrell, and Gaffer Life
Were made and Created by his stinking breath,
To sit on the Bench upon life and death,
We'd as good have had a Turd in our Teeth
Without any further strife.
I thought this Colonel would fayle,
Master Armi­ger hath the exemplification of a verdict in a box wherein Jermys baude­ry with Foxes wife is set forth.
When he was upon his Cod piece bayle,
He got such a flap with a Fox Tayl,
As more at large in your Box Sir.
But now if we may believe Common Fame.
At present they say he's fled for the same,
How poorly this fellow has plaid his game,
But let him not scape without knocks Sir.
Yet he is such a Coward that I dare say
He neither dares fight nor yet run away,
And yet he'd be glad to stand at a stay,
If he might but have his Quietus.
For tell him his basenesse but once to his face
Y'are sure enough he dies on the place,
If he hangs not himself upon this disgrace,
Tis One to a Thousand he'le beat us.
[...] W. V [...] [...] G. B. W. [...].

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