A Dismal Account of the burning of our Solemn LEAGUE And National COVENANT [...] GOD) and one another. At Linlithgow May 29. 1662. Being the Birth Day of Charles 2d
[...]Ivine Service being ended, the S [...]reets were so filled with Bonefires on every side, so that it was not without Hazard to go along them, The Magistrats about 4 a Clock Afternoon, went to the Earl of Linlithgows Lodging, inviting his Lordship to honour [...]m with his Presence at the Solemnitie of the Day, so he came with the Magistrates, ac [...]panied with many Gentlemen to the Market-Place, where a Table was covered with [...]fections, Then the Curat met them, and prayed and sang a Psalm, then eating some of the [...]fections, they threw the rest among the People, the Fountain Well all that time run [...] French and Spanish, Wine of diverse Colours, and continued running 3 or 4 [...]rs. The Earl, the Magistrats and Gentlemen did drink the K. and Q. their good Healths [...] all Royal Healths, not forgetting His Majesties Commissioner his Health, My Lord Middl [...], and breaking several Baskets full of Glasses.
[...]t the Market Place was erected an Arch standing upon 4 Pillars, on the one side thereof [...] placed a Statue in Form of an old Hag-Mare, having the Covenant in her Hands, with [...] Superscription, A glorious Reformation. On the other s de was placed in Form of a Whig [...]uir, having the Remonstrance in his Hand, with this Superscription, No Association with [...]lignants. Within the Arch on the Right Hand was drawn a Committee of Estates with [...] Superscription, An Act for delivering up the King. Ʋpon the left Hand was drawn, The [...]mmission of the Kirk, with this Superscription, A Commission of the Kirk, and Commit [...] of Estates, and Act of theWest-kirk of Edinburgh, and upon the Top of the Arch stood the [...]il as an Angel of Light, with this Superscription, Stand to the Cause, and on the Top of [...] Arch hang a Tablet with this,
ON the Pillars of the Arch, beneath the Covenants was drawn Kirk stools, Rocks and Reels, upon the Pillar beneath the Remonstrance was drawn, Brechems Cogs, and Spoons. [...]nd on the back of the Arch was drawn, the Picture of Rebellion in a Religious habite, with [...]urned up Eyes, and with a Fanatick Gesture. And in the Right Hand holding Lex Rex, that infamous Book, maintaning Defensive Arms, And in their Left Hand, holding that pitiful Pamphlet, the causes of GODS Wrath. And about their Wast laying all the Acts of Parliament, comittie of Estates, And Acts of General Assemblies, and Comission of the Kirk, with the Protestations, and Declarations, during these 22 Years Rebellion, and above with this Superscription, Rebellion is as the Sin of Witch craft. Then at the Drinking of the Kings health, Fire was put to the Frame, which gave many fine Reports, and soon burnt all to Ashes, which being Consumed, there appeared suddenly a Tablet, supported with two Angels carrying this Suppersciption.
Then the Magistrates accompanied the Noble Earl to his Palace, where the same Earl had a Magnificent Bon-fire. Then the Earl and Magistrates, and all the Rest did drink the K, & Q and all Royal Healths. Then the Magistrates made the procession throw the Burgh, and saluted every Man of account and so they spent the day Rejoicing in their labour.