Alexander the Great, and
Dindimus King of the
Brachmans, which has been Printed in Greek and L
[...]e, and also into high Dutch, in
Anno 1642. And made into English by
T. Raicroft in
London, 1668.
AND because some through ignorance in History have presumed to affirm that none of the Heathens so (called) knew or practis [...]d such things, for the conviction of them, and a general service to the truth, we shall here alledge some remarkable examples to evince the truth of what is affirmed in those particulars: which made Aristotle in his Ethicks lib. 10. chap. 4. 7. say, they that did these things did them, not as men, but as having some thing divine, or of God in them.
Not then to quote at large the Noble Testimony given by Palladius, Ambrosius and others, concerning Dindimus King of the Brachmans, as they are at large published in Latine and Greek and printed in London by T. Raicroft 1668. intituled Palladius de Gen [...]ibus Indiae & Bragmanibus. S. Ambrosius de moribus Brachmanorum, & Anonymus de Brachmanibus. As also another in the high Dutch language, intituled, Historie von dem grossen Konig Alexander, &c. Yetzo auffs new aus der alten Teutschen sprache in druck gebracht. Printed Anno 1642.
All which do relate the excellent and Christian Evangelical lessons given by the said Dindimns to Alexander, who sent Ambassadors to him to require him to come to him, promising him great rewards if he did, and loss of his head if he did not, and this in the Name of Alexander the King of all men and Son of the great God jupiter. But Dindimus smiling at this Vapour, and not m [...]ving his h [...]nd from the leaves he lay upon, answered, ‘God the great King never begot injury, but light, peace, life, the wa [...]r body and soul [...]s, which he also receives when they have finished their course, nor was he ever the author of lust. This i [...] my [Page] Lord. and only God, who as he hates murther so he wageth not war, &c. And a little further he saith. The things that I seek I easily atiain to, those things which I regard nor I am not to be driven to. If therefore Alexander take my head he shall not destory my soule which will return to the Lord, while the body which was taken out of the earth shall thereunto return. For I being made a Spirit, shall ascend unto my God, who included us in the flesh, and placed us upon this earth t [...] try whether we being gone forth from him, would live unto him, as he hath commanded: who deman [...]s an account of those that depart; for he is a judge of all injuries: and the sighs o [...] those that are inj [...]riously treated, become the pains of those that injure them. L [...]t Alexander then threaten those that love silver and gold, and fear death; neither of which hath place among the Brachmans, who do neither feare the one nor love the other. Go therefore, and tell Alexander, Dindimus wants him nor, and it he wants Dindimus, let him come to him.’ Which being reported to Alexander, he was the more desir us to see that single old man that could conquer him after he had conquired so many Nations. ‘And so coming to him said, I come to hear a word of wisedome from thee whom I hear dost converse with God.’ To whom Dindimus replyed, ‘Very willingly would I administer to thee the words of the wisdome of God, hadst thou but place in thy mind to receive the gift of God administred. But thy mind being filled with various lusts, insatiable avarice, and a devilish desire to rule, which fights against me, and my designe of drawing thee off from destroying Nations and shedding hum [...]ne blood is in all things contrary to the wisdome by which I and the Brachmans are led, who worship God, love men, contemn gold, despise death, and slight pleasures: whereas Alexander and his, fear death, love gold, covet pleasure, hate men, and despise God. adding how can I speak unto thee the words of the wisdome of God, whose cogitations are so filled with pomp, ostentation and inordinate luste that a whole world is not able to satiate thee?’ however [Page] he refused not to give him that counsell, which Alexander was (as he confussed) convinced in his heart was good, but could not follow, Viz. ‘to cease warring against men without, & engage himself in another warfare, against the enemies within himself, his lusts, his affections, his desires, she desired to be rich indeed and to be a true victor: asuring him that all his power, all his hosts, all his strength, all his Riches, all his Pomp, would at last not availe him any thing; But (saith he) if thou will hearken to my words, thou sha't possess of my goods, who have God to my friend, and whole inspiration I enjoy within me. Thus thou shalt overcome lust the mother of penory, which never obtains what it seeks. Thus thou shalt, with us, honour thy self, by becoming such as God had created thee. Adding though thou slay me for telling thee these profitable things, If ar not. For (saith he) I shall return to my God which created all things, who knows my cause, and before whom nothing is hid [...]en.’
‘I know not (saith he) whether thou shalt be so happy as to find thy self p [...]rswaded by my words, but I assure thee, it thouse not, when thou art departed hence I shall see thee punished for thy actions, and hear thee lament with deep and sharp sighs, the misery thou hast put many to, &c. Viz. when thou shalt have no other companion then them mory of the evils thou hast heap [...]d up upon thy self. For (saith he) I know the pains justly inflicted by God upon unjust men. Then thou shalt say unto me, Dindimus, how good a counseller wert thou to me? &c’
Those things Alexander heard (as tis said of Herod concerning John the Baptist) not only without wrath, but with a placed countenance, and replyed. ‘O Dindimus thou true teacher of the Brachmans! I have found thee the most excellent amongst men, by reason of the Spirit that is in thee; I know all that thou hast spoken is true; God hath brought thee forth and sent thee into this place: in which thou art happy and rich, wanting nothing, all thy life long quiet, injoying much rest.’
[Page] ‘But what shall I do who cohabit with continual slaughters? &c. who if I would live in the desert, my Lievtenants would not suffer me, and though they would being in this state. it is not lawful for me to quit them, for how shall I defend my self before God, who hath assigned me this Lot.’
‘But thou reverend old man and servant of God, for these words of wisdom wherewith thou hast helped, and rejoyced me, dehorting me from war, receive thou my presents and despise me not: I am affected with k [...]ndness, honouring wisdom,’ and so commanded his servants to bring forth gold and several sorts of array, bread and oyle. Which Dindmus beholding lauged, saing to Alexander ‘Perswade (if thou canst, the birds about the woods to receive thy gold, and sing the better for it: but if thou canst not p [...]rswade them, nor shalt thou ever perswade me, to be worse then they. I therefore receive no anprefitable present, which I can neither eat nor drink, nor do I serve soul-hurtful riches, &c. Here's nothing in this desert to be bought with gold, For God gives me all things freely, &c. selling nothing for gold, but freely bestowing all good things, and even the mind on those that freely accept it, &c.’ But the oyle be took; and walking about the wood gathered some sticks, and kindling a fire, he said, ‘The Brachmans have all things, being sed by providence, and into the fire he powred the ovle, till it was all consumed and sang a hymne unto God. Oh God immortall, I give thee in all things thanks. For thou rulest in all things, giving all things abundantly unto thy creatures for their food. Thou creating this world dost preserve it, expecting the souls which thou hast sent into it, that thou mayst, as God, justify those that have laid a pious life, and condemn those that have not obeyed thy laws. For all righteous judgment is with thee and life eternal prepared by thee. Who with eternal goodness shewest mercy unto all.’
He that shall read Hermes Trismegistus, his Divine Pimander, translated out of Arabick by the famous Dr. Everard, printed in English 1657. and especially his book, or secret sermon in the [Page] mount, of Regeneration, and the profession of silence, if he underst and what he reads, shall without all hesitation say, the things there uttered transcend the reach of natural wisdome and proceed from a more profound source. As also his Doctrine in his 12. Book called Crater or Monas, where he doth not darkly preach the Baptism of Christ, i. e. of the Spirit which he (in his dialect) calls the mind.
A certain Indian Monk or secluse, an ancient man living in a chappel in toe Island Calempluy which certain Portugals having robbed of no small treasure, they were by this old man sharply reproved and advised, if they escape the just judgment of God, and find mercy and pardon of their sins, that their souls might not perish eternally, to restore the spoyle they had taken away, to pray with tears for forgiveness, and as freely to give almes as they would bestow any thing upon themselves. Which they promised to do, but fearing least their prey might be taken from them, they asked him whether there were no arms upon the Island: the old man replyed no, adding that all that would go to heaven, stood more in need of patience to bear injuries, then arms to revenge themselves. See Ridderus his shamed Cbristian.
Lucupang Emperor of China, taught that it was the part of a great mind, to forgive injuries, and that the greatness of the mind never shines clearer then where opportunities of revenge are neglected. Demonax taught that we ought not to be wrath with offenders, but endeavour to become their amenders: to sin, saith he, is humane, but to amend the faults of others is the part of God, or of men most near unto him.
Claudianus taught, that we ought to be ready to forgive offenders, of our own accord, and more ready to lay aside anger then to stirr it up, and not refuse reconciliation with any that seek it.
King [...] the Emperor of China said, there is nothing that encreaseth vertue, more then the slighting of all sustained injuries.
Nothing inferiour to this was that action of Lycurgus that famous Spartan Legislator, who, for making wholesom laws to reduce his people to good manners was hated stoned, and, among many other insolencies sustained, had one of his eyes smot out, with a cudgell, by a certain young man called [Page] Alexander, for which he being apprehended, and condemned to dye, Licurgus redeemed him, took him as a friend into his own house and there taught him to live well, so that its said be became a good man. If this be not to overcome evil with good; what is?
That famous Athenian General Pericles having been upon a time, all the day long reviled by a certain man, who followed him even to his house at night railing at him, was by this noble man so meekly born that he not only reviled him not again but commanded his servant, with his lanterne to light him home.
Phocion that noble Athenian being unjustly condemned to dye, by the drinking (after manner of that countrey) a cup of p [...]yson, being asked what he would leave in charge to his son, answered, Nothing but this, that he should never so remember this cup, as to avenge his death.
Aristides an Athenian noble and righteous man, being banished out of Athens, and in order thereunto, by the Magistrats led out of town, a certain ill-natured person, ran after him, and spit in his face. Whereupon the meek man only d [...]sired the Magistrats to teach that man for the future to be more mannerly. And after he was, through envy thus unjustly banished, seing his countrey in perill, secretly helped it against King X [...]rxes, being the chief occasion of that victory.
Solon being by one abused who spit in his face, nothing moved thereat, said, If a fisher man, to catch a small fish, bear the sea water, why should not I to catch a man bear th [...]s.
Just so Aristippus, when having reproved Dionysius, who for it spat in his face; said, If a fisher man be not afraid of being wet to catch a small fish, why should I to catch a whole salmon fear a little sprinkleing?
The same Aristippus being railed at held his tongue, and went his way; the Reviler following him, said. What! Dost thou runn away? Aristippus replyed, Thou hast power to speak evill, and I to forbeare hearing (or heeding) it.