Unto his Grace, his Majesties High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable the Estates of Parliament. The Petition of Sir John Dalmahoy of that Ilk.
THAT the Commissioners of Supply, of the Shire of Edinburgh, having Appointed Hen [...]e Legat their Collector, to furnish the Forces with Hay, Corn and Straw, at the Rates appointed by the Act of the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, and ingadged that he should be no Loser, b [...] Buying at the current price. Tho the same should exceed the Rates appointed be the Privie Council. B [...] Vertue whereof be began to furnish at Candlemass 1691. And the current rates being far above the prices appointed by the Privie Council, He did represent the same in April thereafter to the Commissioners of Supplie, who desired him to continue to furnish the Forces as formerlie. And renewed their ingagement that he should be no loser thereby, upon the Faith whereof he continued to serve as formerlie.
By this and other Los [...]s sustained through the Publick. Harie Legat turned Bankrupt, And Your peiitioner as his Cautioner was distressed for Cess, and other Ariers due by him, and upon ultimate diligence was necessitat to pay Ten Thousand pounds Scots of his Debt; And I having applied to the saids Commissioners for reimbursing of Harie Legat of the Dammages he had sustained by the furnishing the Forces in manner foresaid. And they having appointed a Committee to consider his Accompts, And to Report. After full consideration thereof and probation taken anent the difference of the current Rates, and these appointed by the Privie Council; Upon Report they found that the said Harie Legat was no less Loser during his Service as Commissar, then in the summ of one Thousand seven Hundred pounds Scots but scrupled to lay on the same upon the Shire, unless the Authoritie of Parliament be inte [...]poned thereto, And seeing the foresaid summ is but a smale part of the loss I have sustained, and a true and real Debt upon the Shyre, and the only Fond of my Relief.
Its therefore Humbly Begged, Your Grace; and the Honourable Estates of Parliament, will be pleased to take the Premisses and my Great Loss to Your Consideration, And to Authorize the saids Commissioners of Supplie, to lay on the foresaid summ of one Thousand seven hundreth pounds upon the Respective Heritors, conform to the Valuation, And to Allow Your Petitioner such Diligence for Inbringing thereof, as is Granted for Supplie, and other Publick Burdens.