THE deplorable State of the Kingdom of Ireland, and the just apprehensions of a new Massacre from the Papists there, have forced many thousands of Families to fly over into England, who coming away on the sudden, and being obliged to abandon their Houses and Estates, that they might have their Lives for a Prey, are reduced to the greatest Straits imaginable; many of them wanting the necessary Supports of Life, and not a few thousands who some Months ago liv'd in great Plenty, are now upon the point of Starving, if they are not speedily and vigorously reliev'd; Besides that great Numbers are daily coming over, and like to do so, as long as the Kingdom of Ireland continues in this distressed Condition. This hath wrought so much on the Charity and Piety of their Majesties, That they have issued out their Letters Patents for a General Collection over the whole Kingdom, of which a Copy is herewith sent you. And We who are among many others appointed by the Brief to take care of the Execution of it, have thought it incumbent on us to write to you, (No way doubting of your great Zeal for carrying on so good and so necessary a Charity) to Move you to use all possible Care and Diligence for the Advancement of it; Hoping you will represent to the People, that as these our Distressed Brethren are driven from their Houses and Possessions by the Enemies both of our Religion and Country: So if we have any Regard either to the Name of an English-man, or a Protestant, We must be deeply affected with their Misery. It is not long since we our selves had the dreadful Prospect of being forc'd to abandon our Country, and of choosing a Voluntary Exile. But God of his great Mercy has preserved us from those Miseries, into which he has suffer'd these our Brethren and Country-men to fall. We hope therefore you will endeavour most effectually to perswade your respective Charges, to shew that liberal Charity to their distressed fellow-Christians upon this great occasion; which they would have wished others would have shewn to them, if themselves had fallen into the like Calamity; and that they will stir up all Men to consider what a grateful Acknowledgment it will be to Almighty God, who has deliver'd us from the Hands of our Enemies, to shew a most extraordinary Compassion to those who are fallen into this great Distress. And how justly such as can harden themselves against such Objects, may expect to fall under Extreme Misery, and to find none to pity them. And in particular We do desire that every Minister after the reading of the Brief, will also read this Letter to his Congregation. And that on the Sunday before he begins to gather this Charity, he will at the Conclusion of his Sermon earnestly exhort his Parishioners to an extraordinary Liberality suitable to the pressing Necessities of so great a Number, in so great a Distress. And all this We most earnestly recommend to your Care, not doubting but you will so far charge your own Consciences with it, as becomes Men of your Holy Profession. And We think fit to acquaint you, that for the publick Satisfaction there will be Printed and Published an exact Account of the Monies that are Gather'd in every Arch-deaconry, and every Parish thereof, together with an Account of the Distribution of all the Monies that are received upon this Brief Attested by the Commissioners therein mentioned. We are
- Tho. Ebor.
- H. London.
- P. Winchester.
- W. Asaph.
- Gi. Sarum.