THE CASE OF All Persons comprized in the Articles or Capitu­lations of the City of Waterford, Fort and Ca­stle of Bophin, and the Towns of Sligo and Drogheda in the Kingdom of Ireland, humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honou­rable the Knights Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament assembled.

THe Capitulations of WATERFORD, whereby all Persons comprized therein, are to enjoy their Estates, were made with, and signed by, his Majesty in Person in the second Year of his Reign, at his Royal Camp near CARRICK. And his Ma­jesty being resolved, that the said Articles, so given and agreed to by himself, should be punctually kept and performed, and all the Security possible given to the Persons concerned, was graciously pleased to order that the said Articles should be ratified under the great Seal of ENGLAND, which was accordinly done, and all the Persons entitled to the Benefit of the same, continued and protected ever since, in the Possession of their Estates and Pro­perties.

But now so it is, That by a Bill depending before the Honourable the House of Commons, for applying all the forfeited Estates and Interests in IRELAND, and all Grants thereof, and all the Rents and Revenues belonging to the Crown within that Kingdom, since the 13th Day of Fe­bruary 1688, to the Use of the Publick, the Adjudications of those comprized in the Articles of LIMERICK and GALWAY are to be comfirmed; and no mention of, nor Provision what­soever made for, the said Capitulations of WATERFORD, to the great Surprize of those in­cluded in the same; who always took themselves to be upon as secure a bottom, as any other ar­ticled Men in IRELAND, and their said Capitulations every way as binding, and as Authen­tick as theirs.

There is no Provision neither made in the said Bill for the Articles of BOPHIN, which are confirmed also under the Great Seal of ENGLAND, nor no Saving for the Articles of SLIGO, or DROGHEDA which was the first Town that submitted to their Majesty upon the Se­curity of Publick Faith; both which last recited Articles, are by the Law of Nations, as obligatory and as binding as any of the rest, although the Persons concerned, confiding very much in the pub­lick Faith giving them as aforesaid, and being for the most part indigent, and not in a Condition to be at the necessary Expence, made no Application to have their said Capitulations ratified under the great Seal of ENGLAND. Which Ommission in the said Bill, if not remedied, or redressed by the Honourable the House of Commons, may be of the last ill Consequence to a great many Persons, comprized in the said several Articles, considering that there is a latitude given in the said Bill, to Prosecute on still for high Treason, any Person or Persons, concerned in the late War in IRELAND, against the present Government, to which Prosecution several of the said ar­ticled Men apprehend themselves to be liable, if not protected by their said Capitulations, and pro­vided for in the said Bill.

It is therefore humbly hoped, that the Honourable the House of Commons, will take the Cast [...] Persons concerned in the said Capitulations into Consideration, and make such a Provision [...] in the said Bill, as they may hereafter have the Benefit of their said respective Articies.

THE CASE OF Persons Comprized in the Ar­ticles of Waterford, Bophin, Sligo, and Drogheda, in the Kingdom of Ireland.

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