To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, in Parliament, Assembled.
The humble Petition of
Abjohn Stokes,
THAT your Petitioner, in the Reign of King Charles the Second, and the late King James, being in the Commission of the Peace for Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, and Somersetshire, did make a Discovery of about Six Hundred Clippers, Coyners, and Utterers of False Money; and by the Encouragement of both their said Majesties, Four Years, did Prosecute and Convict great Numbers of the said Criminals, at his own proper Cost and Charges: All which is well known to most of the Gentlemen in those Parts, and particularly to the Members of this Honourable House of Commons for the said respective Counties, who have attested the same under their Hands
THAT your Petitioner, to the great Damage, and almost Ruin of himself and Family, having expended above 3000 l. did at length meet with Obstructions in the said Proceedings from the late Lord Chief Justice Jefferies, who being prevailed with by indirect Means, us'd by the said Criminals, did oppose the farther Prosecution against them.
THAT His said Majesty King Charles the Second, declar'd your Petitioner should be refunded his Charges, and also gratified for his said Services, but died soon after, before any Order was made. The said late King James did order 1000 l. to be paid your Petitioner, by Richard Kent, Esq Receiver of his said Majesty's Customs, in part of your Petitioner's Disbursements, and also a Commission for a Regiment of Foot, provided he would use his Endeavours to Abrogate the Test and Penal Laws; but because your Petitioner would not comply, the said Commission was not sealed, nor the 1000 l. paid, so that your Petitioner was forc'd to Mortgage the greatest part of his Estate, and since Sell, for the Payment of Debts contracted in the Prosecution.
THAT your Petitioner, in Testimony of the Truth hereof, hath to offer Nineteen Informations, Four Lists of Offenders, prosecuted and convicted; a Copy of the Deputation from the Wardens of the Mint; Mr. Macy's Receipt for a number of Engines, Stamps, and Clippings; a Certificate from several Members of this Honourable House; the Justices of the Peace, Gentlemen, and Substantial Dealers; Mr. Collier's, Mr. Gough's, and Sir Charles Rawley's Certificate; Colonel John Windham's Letter; the said Collier's, Keiling's, Elliot's, and Allen's Affidavits of the Truth of this Petition, Sworn before Judge Turton, Judge Rookby, and the Lord Chief Justice Holt; with your Petitioner's Affidavit, that he never Received any Reimbursement or Satisfaction for his aforesaid Service: All which Testimonials are ready to be laid before this Honourable House, when they shall please to Order.
Your Petitioner most humbly Implores, That this Honourable House will vouchsafe to take his great Sufferings into their Considerations, that some Expedient may be found out (as in your great Wisdom shall be thought meet) by which your Petitioner may be preserv'd from Ruin.
And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.