The PROLOGƲE and EPILOGƲE to the New COMEDY, called, The English Fryer, Or, The Town Sparks.
A True and Impartial Account of the most Material Passages in Ireland since Decemb. 1688. With a particular Relation of the late Forces of London-Derry. Taken from the Notes of a Gentleman who was Eye-Witness to most of the Actions mentioned therein during his risiding there; and now, being in England, publisht the same for the further Satisfaction of this Nation. To which is added, A Description, and an Exact Map of London-Derry, as he took it upon the place. Price 6 d. Licensed and Entred according to Order. Printed for John Amery at the Peacock against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. Sold by Randal Taylor at Stationers-Hall.
London, Printed for John Am ry; and published by Randal Taylor. 1690.