A Child may learn the fear of the Lord by ta-king heed unto the Light.
Shall not the Plant that thou hast set grow, and be great, and bring forth Fruit for men to eat?
The Lord's Right Hand hath made the Earth, and all things else that is in it.
Man is God's Work, made for his use, his Light is pla-ced to be mans Guide to keep all things from a-buse.
The Way to ob-tain a good Un-der-stand-ing is to be-gin in the Fear of the Lord; but
[Page 7] such as re-ject the Coun-sel of the Light, Dark-ness and Er-ror is in all their Wayes.
A wise Child pre-ser-veth him-self from Cor-re-cti-on by O-be-di-ence; but a Fool-ish Child pro-cu-reth Strips by his Re-bel-li-on.
A So-ber Child hath E-steem a mongst the Wise, and a Youth that fear-eth the Lord shall be ac-count-ed a-mongst the God-ly.
O-be-di-ence to Pa-rents is of good Re-port a-mong all men, there-fore the Child that li veth in Sub-je-cti-on shall be lo-ved a-bove o-thers.
And the bles-sing of the Lord
[Page 8] shall be mul-ti-ply-ed up on such; and his mer-ci-ful hand shall ac-com-pany them.
The Coun-sel of the Light is the way of Wis-dom, and such as heark-en there-un-to, ob-tain the true know-ledge.
That which re-pro-veth thee for E-vil is good, and bles-sed are they that love it, and turn from their E-vil.
That which ma-ni-fest-eth Sin, is con-tra-ry to Sin, and lead-eth in-to Righ teous-ness, such as fol-low it.
And that which makes ma-ni-fest is the Light, which is con-tra-ry to all the works of Dark-ness.
That which lead-eth in-to Sin is na-tu-ral, but that which leads out of sin, and re-pro-veth it, is spi-ri-tu-al.
The na-tu ral man can-not un-der-stand the things of God, be-cause they must be seen with that which is spi-ri-tu-al. The Light of the Bo-dy is the Eye, and that is spi-ri-tu-al.
He that ta-keth heed un-to this Light, with it he shall see Temp-ta-ti-ons, and they that are wil-ling to o-bey it, shall re-ceive Pow-er, and be pre-ser-ved.
Lit-tle Chil-dren, let your Ears be di-li-gent to hear the Voice of the Light, for that calls out of e-ve-ry E-vil Way.
That is the Light which tel-leth thee in se-cret thou should-est not do E-vil, and that is pla-ced with-in thee, to be a Wit-ness for God a-gainst all E-vil.
He that doth E-vil ha-teth the Light; yet he can-not hide him-self from the Judg-ment there-of.
There-fore cease from that which is E-vil, and O-bey the Light with-in, and then shalt thou be de-li-ve-red from Con-dem-na-ti-on.
For the Way of the Lord is Peace to the Righ-te-ous; but he re-ward-eth the Wic-ked with Sor-row.
So, all Chil-dren and Peo-ple,
[Page 11] mind the Fear of the Lord God, that so ye may be pre-ser-ved out of I-ni-qui-ty, and may come to un der-stand the things that be-long to your E-ver-last-ing Peace, in this the Day of your Vi-si-ta-ti-on (be-fore they be hid from your Eyes) Now whilst the Light Re-pro-veth, the Lord cal-leth, and such as turn at his Re-proof, and answer his Call shall find Mer-cy, but the Light shall be the Con dem-na-ti-on of the Re-bel-li-ous.
So all ye lit-tle Chil-dren, ex-er cise
[...]our selves in the Law of the Lord, which the Scrip-tures
[Page 12] of Truth saith is the
Light; for if ye re-ject the
Light, then ye re-ject the Law of God, and cast it be-hind your backs, and with such God is not well plea-sed.
And hear-ken not to the de-cei-vers, who keep you from the
Light of Christ Jesus where-with he hath
en-ligh ten-ed e-ve-ry one of you, and tell you it is na-tu-ral, where-as ye know Sin is na-tu-ral, and the
Light in Your Con-sci-en-ces is con-tra-ry to the Sin, and re-pro-veth you for sin; there-fore be-lieve them not that turn you from the
Light, for
[Page 13] they are not Mi-ni-sters of Christ; his Mi-ni-sters turn-ed Peo-ple to the Light, as you may read in the six and twen-ti-eth Chap-ter of the
Acts; and the eigh-teenth verse.
And such are al-so De-cei-vers, who tell you the on-ly way to come to the Know-ledge of all Truth is by the Scriptures; for the know-ledge of Truth is by the Spirit of Truth, which is the
Light that con-vin-ceth you first of un-truth, and then being o-bey-ed, doth bring to the know-ledge of Je-sus Christ, who said,
I am the
[Page 14] Truth, and his Spi-rit lead-eth in-to all Truth.
And such are De-cei-vers, who preach for mo-ney and for Tythes; such can-not lead you out of Trans-gres-si-on, for they are in Trans-gres-si on them-selves; for Christ said to his,
free-ly you have re-cei-ved, free-ly give; and
Paul made not the Gos-pel charge-able; but these Priests, that preach for fil-thy Lu-cre, do de-ceive peo-ple, and keep them from be-lie-ving in the
light, lest by it they should come no see their a-bo-mi-na-ti-ons and de-ceits.
And such are no Mi ni-sters
[Page 15] of God's Word, who tell you the Scrip-ture is the Word of God; for they speak con-tra-ry to the Scrip-ture, which saith,
Christ is the Word, and was in the Be-gin-ning, which the Scrip-ture was not;
and did be-come Flesh, which the Scrip-ture never did;
and made the World, which the Scrip-tures could not do; and these are Mi-ni-sters of the Let-ter, who are Mi-ni-sters of the Scrip-ture, and not Mi-ni-sters of Christ the Word, see-ing the Scrip-ture is nei-ther Christ, nor the Word; There-fore let e-ve-ry one, Old and Young, High and Low, mind
[Page 16] the
Light of Jesus Christ within, in the the Con-sci-ence, and it. Tea-ching, that you may know the Path of Life, and the Way of Righ-te-ous-ness, that ye may be sa-ved from the Wrath that must come up-on them, who by con-ti-nu-ing in their e-vil
deeds pro-voke the Lord to An-ger.
And may be made Par-ta-kers of the Mer-cy and Lo-ving-kind-ness of God, which is laid up in Christ Je-sus the Light, for them that fear him, and de-part from I-ni-qui-ty.
GOD that made the World, and created all Things that therein is, he is not a Man, sitting as a Man above the Stars, in some one place, which place is called Heaven, as many of the World, and the Teachers thereof imagine.
But the true God, who was Creator of all things, h
[...] is an Eternal Spirit, and he is the Life and Vertue, and Power that upholdeth
[Page 18] all his Creatures, and by him all things consist.
For without him no Creature can have a being, for he giveth Life and Breath unto all that have it.
And this Eternal GOD no Mortal Man can approach unto; for he only hath Immortallity, and dwelleth in the Light.
And this Immortal God, he cannot be kept in one place, for his presence filleth Heaven and Earth, &
the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him, as saith the Scripture.
And this God, who is an Immortal
[Page 19] Spirit, he was your Creator, and this is he whom you are to remember in the dayes of your Youth.
And to know this true and living God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent (and freely given to be the Light of the World, that all through the Light might believe) it is Life Eternal.
Now God the higher Power, he is called the Father, and Christ, the Light, is called the Son; and Christ was glorified with the Father before the World began.
And Christ the light was (and is) called the Word, which
[Page 20] was with God in the beginning, and was (and is) God; and God the higher Power, and Christ the Word are One, by whom the World was made.
And the Spirit of Truth that is Life, which proceeds from the Father and the Son, as say the Scriptures of Truth.
And these, the Father, Son and Spirit, the world and their Teachers call
Three Persons; but they speak they know not what, even as they have imagined, contrary to the Scriptures. Therefore Children, believe them not.
For the Father, which is called the Higher Power, and the Son,
[Page 21] which is called the Word, and the Spirit, which is called Life, which proceeds from the Father and Son; these are one, and are not separated.
For he that hath seen the Son, hath seen the Father also; for the Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father, and the Spirit proceedeth from the Father and the Son, as saith the Scripture, and these are one Being and Subsistence.
Now that Word which was in the Beginiing with God, and was (and is) God, by whom all things were made, that were made
[Mark] in that Word was
[Page 22] Life, and that Life was (and is) the Light of men.
And this is the true light, which lighteth every one that cometh into the World, that all through that Light might believe, as saith the Scriptures of Truth.
This Light which every one is enlightned withal, the Priests of the World call it a natural light; but Children, believe them not, for they speak contrary to the Scripture.
For the Scriptures of Truth say,
That in the Word (which was God)
by whom all Things were made, was Life, and the Life was the Light, of Men
[Page 23] So Children, take notice, that the Light of Men is the Life of the Word, which is God: And this Word is Eternal and Spiritual; and this Word made all the natural lights, and this Word also is called,
Christ the Son of God, whose Life is the Light of Men.
And this Word became Flesh, and in due time he was made Manifest in the Likeness of Sinful Flesh, in that Body which was supposed to be
Joseph the Carpenter's Son, and he was called
And in him dwelt the Fulness of the Godhead bodily; and this
[Page 24] Jesus fulfilled the Will of him that sent him, and
he freely gave his Life a Ransome for many, as saith the Scripture.
And as concerning the flesh, he was crucified without the Gates of
Jerusalem, and he was buried, and he is risen again, according to the Scriptures, and he wrought Eternal Salvation for all them that obey him.
And so, the same that descended, the same also ascended (as saith the Scriptures) he that came from the Father, the same is gone to the Father again.
And he is glorified with the Father, with the same Glory
[Page 25] that he had with the Father before the World began.
And though some have
known him after the flesh, yet henceforth know they him so no more (as say the Scriptures of Truth.)
Now Children, the Scriptures of Truth do declare of God and Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, which are one; but the Scriptures cannot bring you to know God and Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.
For no man knoweth the Father, who is a Spirit, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him, as say the Scriptures.
And they that come to see
[Page 26] and know the Son, they come to see and know the Father also; for the Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father, as saith the Scriptures.
And they are call'd by
one name which is the Word or the Light; for the Word is God, and Christ is the Word, and God is Light, and Christ is the Light of the World, and the spirit of Life proceeds from God and Christ, who are Light.
And whatsoever the Son seeth the Father do, that doth he also, and the spirit of Life is not separate from the Father and the Son in the Work.
Now Children, the Father, Son and Spirit, which are one Being, is the true one only God, which you are to know, believe in, and Worship, which God is a Spirit of Truth,
and they that Worship him, must Worship him in the Spirit, and in the Truth; and before you can Worship him aright, you must know him, and believe in him.
And the Knowledge of God, and the Faith in him, man lost through disobeying the higher Power; and so fell from God in the Transgression, into darkness and death.
And all Children (and People)
[Page 28] that be in Transgression, in their Natural estate in the Fall, they are out of the Knowledge of God, and out of the true Faith, and out of the Spirit of Truth, and so out of the Worship of God.
And in this Estate they are alienated from the Life of God, and Strangers to the Covenant of Promise, even Strangers unto the Law of God (which is Light) written in the Heart; and so in this estate they are Darkness.
Now Children, although you be darkness, yet the Light shines in the Darkness (as saith the
[Page 29] Scripture) and the Darkness cannot Comprehend it; the Darkness cannot shut up the Light, that is plain to your Understandings.
For the Light breaks through the Darkness, and sheweth unto you your
darkness; and shines into your hearts, to give you the kn
[...]wledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
So, that which may be known of God is manifested in you, for God hath shewed it unto you: Therefore Children, ye should not seek nor look out, nor search in your own Thoughts to find out the Knowledge of God; for
[Page 30] the World by their Thoughts and Wisdom know not God.
But the Lord God is nigh unto every one of you, for to shew unto you your Thoughts, for he knoweth your Thoughts, and none of them can be withheld from him; and he that declareth unto man what his Thoughts are,
the Lord of Hosts is his Name; so Children, take notice of that which sheweth you your Thoughts, for that is the Lord.
And it was prophesied concerning Christ,
That he should be a Light to lighten the Gentiles, that the Thoughts of many Hearts
[Page 31] may be revealed; and again,
The Word discerneth the Thoughts and the Intents of the Heart.
So Children, there is something in you, that makes manifest your bad Words, and your bad Deeds, and your bad Thoughts unto you, and reproveth you for them. Now
all things that are reproved, they are made manifest with the Light (as saith the Scriptures)
For whatsoever doth make Manifest, the same is Light.
And God is Light, who said, to him that thought God to be such a one as himself,
I will reprove thee, and set thy sins in order
[Page 32] before thy eyes; and they that would have none of Gods
reproof, they were the stubborn children, whom God, the Light, brought his Judgments upon; therefore take heed of rejecting that which doth reprove you for sin.
And again, the Scripture saith, of the Spirit of Truth,
That he shall reprove the World of Sin, of Righteousness, & of Judgment; & Christ the Word,
he for Sin condemned Sin in the flesh: So take notice of that which makes manifest, reproves and condemns you for Sin; for that i
[...] God, or Christ, or the Spirit, which are but One.
Now Children, there are but two Grounds or Powers from whence all Peoples Deeds arise, and by which all People are acted or led, that is to say, the Ground of Truth, and the Ground of Unrighteousness,
[...]nd the Power of God, and the Power of Satan, which is the Devil, who abode not in the Truth: And there is the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Error.
Now, the Ground, and Power and Spirit of Truth, are of one Nature, which is the DIVINE NATURE; and the Ground and Power, and the Spirit of Error, they
[Page 34] are also one in their Natures, which is the Cursed Nature, and these Natures are contrary one to the other.
Now, they that Act any manner of Unrighteousness, it ariseth from the Unrighteous Ground; and they are moved, acted and led in all Unrighteous Actions, that they Act by the Power of Satan, the Spirit of Error.
And they that act any thing that is Just and Right in the sight of God, it ariseth from the Ground of Truth, and they are moved, acted and led in all such Actions by the Power and Spirit of God.
Now these Powers, or Natures, or Spirits being contrary one to another, oppose one another; and thus Children ye may come to know that it is so, and discern it by the Light, which makes manifest all Words, Actions and Motions.
For when ye have disobeyed your Parents, or them that have the Rule over you, in any thing that ye ought not, or when ye have done any Evil, then ye have been acted by Satan his Power; and then the Power of God hath moved in you against the Evil that you have committed, and then (many times)
[Page 36] with the Spirit of Truth you have seen that you have done amiss, and have been troubled for it.
And when you have told a Lye, the Devil hath begotten that in you, for he is the Father of all Lyes; and then the Light of God's Spirit hath often times shewed unto you your Lye, and hath condemned you for it.
And thus the Spirit and Power of God Opposeth the Power and Spirit of Satan in all things that Satan begets in you, and moveth and leadeth you to do; for the Spirit and Power of God
[Page 37] moves and stirs against every moving and stirring of the Power and Spirit of Satan, and calls you from the evil to refrain, and not to joyn to the Evil Motions, but to the good.
And likewise, where the Spirit and Power of Satan is not yet limited or destroy'd
[Mark] when the Power and Spirit of God begets any tender Desires, or stirrings, or movings in you after Truth and Righteousness, then the Power and Spirit of Satan moves and stirs in you against them, and seeks to draw your Minds from that which is good, into that which is evil.
And thus you may plainly see that the light hath no fellowship with the darkness, nor the darkness with the light; for the Spirit and Power of God is Light, and the Spirit and Power of Satan is Darkness, and these are contrary one to each other in all things.
And they that joyn to to the Darkness, and believe in it, they by it continue, or are made Children of Darkness, and so of the Devil.
And they that joyn to the Light, and believe in it, they by it are made, or continue Children of the Light, and so of God.
Now Children, there is a day of Visitation, if ye slight it not, which the Lord God giveth you, wherein you may come to witness this Word of God, in making you his children through his Workings and Operations of his Eternal Spirit.
But if ye let slip the Day of your Visitation, and continue resisting the Workings of the Spirit, and harden your selves against the Reproof of the Lo
[...]d, then the Spirit of the Lord will cease striving with you, and ye will be shut up in Darkness.
Therefore, whilst ye feel something which convinceth you
[Page 40] of Sin and Evil, take heed unto that; for that which lets you see that ye should not lye, nor swear, nor be proud, nor wild, nor disobedient to your Parents in any lawful thing that they command you, nor act any manner of Unrighteousness whatsoever;
This is the Manifestation of the Spirit, which is given you to profit withal, or the true
Light of God or Christ, who are one.
And this ye should mind r
[...] joyn unto (when it convinceth you) and to abide in it, and then ye would come to feel the Mighty Power of God, which
[...]s Christ manifested in you, who
[Page 41] was (and is) made manifest for this very end, that he might (and may)
destroy the Works of the Devil.
And they that commit Sin, are of the Devil, and in the Devil's Work; for that is the Devil which begetteth Sin, and works it in the Members; and they that joyn to that which moveth to Sin, they become one with the Devil, the Author of Sin; and so joyn with him in his Work, and he becomes their Master.
Now Children, Christ that
Power of God, he appears against Sin in the Members, therefore
[Page 42] mind the stirrings, and movings and arisings of Christ, the Power of God (in you) against Sin, and believe and wait in it, and th
[...]n ye will come to feel Sin, and the Devil, who is the Author of it, consuming even by the brightness of the coming, or appearing, or Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Power of God (in you.)
And then you will grow into Soberness, and Stilness, and Quietness, and Innocency, and true Tenderness and Obedience both unto God and your Parents, and them that have Rule over you; and then the Blessing of the Lord will come upon you.
So Children, ye being turned unto the true Light that shews you Sin and Evil, with that, as ye mind to abide in it, ye will come to see and know, that the true God, the true Christ, and the true Spirit is but one Being and Substance, and as ye wait in the Light, with it ye will come to see the Works and Workings of the one true and living God; and so ye will grow into a good Understanding, as ye believe and wait in that Light of God manifested in you.
And then ye will come to see and know the Devil also, (who abode not in the Truth)
[Page 44] and his Works and Workings, and as ye abide in the Truth, (which the Devil is out of) ye will come to feel the Devil and his Works and workings destroyed and consumed by the Brightness of the appearing of the one God of Light, who is a consuming Fire.
So Children, ye need not look out, nor strive in your own Thoughts for the Knowledge of things; but keep your Minds within, in that which calls for Soberness and Stilness, and Quietness and Harmelesness of Spirit; and as ye wait in that, ye will be kept in God's fear, then
[Page 45] whatsoever is needful for you to know, the Lord will reveal it unto you by his Spirit.
For the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him, as say the Scriptures;
and they that fear the Lord shall not lack any thing that they have need of; for they that stand in awe of God, the light, they shall be kept out of Sin, and they shall grow into the pure Knowledge and Wisdom of God and therein be preserved; for the Wisdom of God preserves all things that are preserved.
And Children, with the Wisdom of God all God's Creatures
[Page 46] must be ordered, and they that come into the Wisdom of God
[Mark] they must first come into the fear of God;
for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom; and the fear of God is to depart from Iniquity, even from every Evil Way.
And before any can depart from their Iniquity, they must first see their Iniquities; & before they can see their Iniquities, their Sins and Evil Deeds, they must first hear the Light which they are enlightned withal, which will tell them that they are in Iniquity, and also shew them their Sins and Evil Deeds.
And Children, they that hear the Light, they hear God, for God is Light; and they that hear God, they hear Christ also; for God and Christ are One (as saith the Scripture) and they that hear Christ, hear the Author of the True Faith, and so hear the Saviour of their Souls; and the Light is that Prophet, which all that hear not him are to be cut off.
Now Children, that which moves, or leads, or draws to Lying, to Swearing, to Dissimulation, to Pride, to Covetousness, to Wilfulness, to Stubbornness to Envy, to Rashness, to Wildness,
[Page 48] to Disobedience to Parents, or Masters, or Dames, (when they command that to be done by you, which you ought to do) or that which moves, draws or leads you into Gaming, or into any manner of Evil whatsoever, the same moves, and draws, and leads you from hearing the Voice of God.
And that which moves, draw
[...] and leads into any Evil, that i
[...] the Devil; and going into the Evil, which the Devil tempts to, that hardneth the Heart, and the Heart being hardned, that stop
[...] the Ear that should hear Gods Voice.
Therefore Children, mind that which will shew you all the Motions and Temptations of the Devil, and hear that which will tell you your Thoughts, for that is God, the Light, who is the Word, and the Word is as a Hammer, to break the hard Heart; and the Heart being broken into Tenderness, then the Mercy and Virtue of God will be felt to heal again.
And then the presence of God will be witnessed;
for the Lord dwells with those that are of a broken and contrite Spirit, and tremble at his Word; and in his presence is fulness of Joy, as say the Scriptures.
So little Children,
Learn of
the Light, which is Christ, who
is meek and Lowly in the Heart, and he will teach you to be
meek and lowly, and patient, and innocent, and harmless, and to live in true Love and Tenderness, and Obedience, and Honesty, and Uprightness toward God and toward Men; and then ye will find Rest and Peace for your Souls.
Now Children, the wisdom of the Lord God is more precious then all the
riches of the world.
They that are of a froward, stubborn, crooked, envious, rash, fretting Nature, they shall not
[Page 51] be acquainted with the Wisdom of God.
But they that fear the Lord, and are of a tender, humble, meek, patient lowly Spirit, they shall be filled with true Wisdom and Understanding.
They that are wild and studborn, and run into wicked and prophane Language, and Sport themselves in Vanity, and live in disobedience, the Lord God will overtake them, with his Judgments, before they are aware of them.
The End of a disobedient, stubborn, wicked Man, who will not depart from his wi
[Page 52] shall be full of Torment, Sorrow and Misery.
But the End of an Upright and Perfect man, who delighteth himself in the Way of the Lord, shall be full of Joy, and Comfort & Peace in the Lord.
The Way of the Lord, which is the way of Holiness, and the Path of the Just is the bright shining Light, which shi
[...]ore and more until the perfect Day.
And the bright shining Light is that which will shew you your evil Words, and your evil Deeds, and your evil Thoughts, and will chek and reprove you for them; and this is the way wherein ye should walk.
Every good and perfect Gift comes from God, and the Gift of God is perfect; and God gives Gifts even to the Rebellious; and the Gift of God to the Rebellious is the Light, which sheweth him his Rebellion, and for this Cause it is given him, that he might return from his Rebellion unto God, the Giver.
Now Christ is the Light, the Way, the Truth and the Life and this is the Gift of God, and they that receive, love, believe and follow the Light, which showeth unto them their Sins, they shall receive Power to come out of their Sins, and to
[Page 54] become Children of God, and that Light, which is the Gift of God, that shall justifie and comfort them.
But they that disobey, reject, despise and hate the Light which sheweth unto them their Sins, they shall abide in Darkness; and if they Repent not, they shall dye in their Sins; and the Light, which was God's Gift to them, which shewed unto them their Sins, and call'd unto them to forsake their Sins, shall remain their Condemnation.
Blessed are they that love and obey the Light, and believe in it; for they shall be kept
[Page 55] by it through Faith, out of condemnation, and they shall feel and know the
Light to be their continual Teacher, to
teach them that which God requireth them to do, and it will give them Power to do it also.
Children, joyn not your selves to the Wicked, (Mark) neither keep Company with them that walk in Unrighteous Wayes, lest they tempt you to run into Wickedness also; and so ye come thereby to receive the Wages that Sinners must receive;
and the Wages of Sin, and of such as live in S
is Death.
And they that partake with the Wicked in their Wickedness, they also must partake with them in the Judgment; therefore refrain from the Company of the Wicked, and delight your selves in the Fear of the Lord.
They that seek to the Wicked for Counsel, they go to a corrupt Fountain; but they that seek to the Lord for Counsel, and live in his Fear, they shall find the Treasures of Wisdom, and the Fountain of Life.
Children, delight not your selves in earthly Riches, nor in the Honour of the World, nor
[Page 57] in the Pleasures of the Flesh, nor in gay Apparel, nor in vain Mirth, in Musick, nor in any Evil whatsoever; but let this be your Delight to learn to know the Lord, and to be obedient unto him.
Now Children, the Light, if ye wait in it, that will learn you the fear of the Lord, and it will shew unto you what the Lord commandeth you to do, and it will lead you in Obedience unto God and his Commandments, and so ye will be brought unto the End of the Matters, and to the whole Duty of man, which is
[Page 58] to
fear God, and keep his Commandments; and in the Light his Commandments are seen, and they that receive the Light, receive Power to keep them, and to such they are not grievous, but joyous.
Little Children, wait in the Light
An Exhortation to Families, who have desires to serve the Lord God in their several places, that they may all learn in the Light of Christ Jesus, the Wisdom & Power of God, who is true Teacher.
O Ye Fathers and Mothers, stand ia the pure Fear of
[Page 73] the Lord, and wait in his Light, that ye may receive his living Wisdom, and live in it, that so ye may be ordered by it, and with it order all things to God's Glory, and bring up your Children in the fear of the Lord, Watching over them in the Seasoned Savoury Life of God, not suffering them to live in VVildness, nor Idleness, nor Vain Talking (Unreproved) but in the Sober, Meek Spirit, and in the Authority of God's Lamb, reprove them, and that will reach the Witness of God in them; and Correct them in the Fear and
[Page 74] Wisdom and Freedom of God, in the Patience, and follow not their Foolish Wills, neither Correct them in your own Wills, nor in Hast
[...]ness, Rushness or Passion; for if ye do, then that will use the Rod, which is to be beaten with the Rod of God, and that wi
[...]l make your Children mo
[...] Stubborn and Wicked, and this will Offend God; but stand ye in God's Counsel, and discourage nothing in your Children but Evil, and let them have that which is meet, ju
[...] and reasonable, and no more, that none of God's Creature
[Page 75] be wasted; and be ye Patterns and good Example, in all Holiness, Gravity and Uprightness, unto them; and let them have sufficient Liberty to go to Godly Meetings, and rather stir them up, and Encourage them to go to such, than hinder or discourage them; and keep your Minds out of them unto the Lord, and let your Love to them be in the Lord, that so ye may feel his Blessing come upon you, and them.
And all ye Children who have Parents, honour (and be obedient unto) them in the Lord, and mind the Light of Christ in you,
[Page 76] and that will not suffer ye to be Wild nor Wilfull, Stubborn nor Vain, but it will check and reprove ye for all Evil; and if ye will own its Reproof, and believe and wait in it, it will lead ye out of all Evil, and it will bring ye into Soberness and Meekness, Tenderness and Innocency, and preserve ye in it, and it will bring ye to know and remember your Creator in the Dayes of your Youth, and it will reveal God's Power and Wisdom in ye, whereby ye will be kept in true order: So, suffer not your Minds to follow Vanity, neither walk in Stubborness towards your
[Page 77] Parents, (nor others) I Warn ye in God's Fear, lest he shorten your days, and cut ye off by his righteous Judgments; but mind his fear, and wait therein, that ye may feel his Grace, and be taught by it, and be obedient unto it, then ye will feel the mercy and blessing of the Lord.
And all ye that are Masters and Dames, wait in the true Light, that ye may feel Christ the Power and Wisdom of God to be your Master, that so ye may Rule in your Places in his Fear and Wisdom; and lay no more upon your Servants, than ye would be willing should be
[Page 78] laid upon you, if were
[...] their Places and Condition▪ [Mark that] and forbear thre
[...] ning them, and be not hasty t
[...] turn them away if they be wi
[...] ling to abide with you, but in patience and meekness shew them their Place and Service, an
[...] therein Teach them, if the
[...] know it not; and let them hav
[...] for their Service that which i
[...] Convenient, Just and Reasonable, that they may have no jus
[...] Cause to Mu
[...]mur or Conplain
[...] and keep out of Covetousness, least that hinder you from giving them sufficient Liberty, (who desire it) for going to
[Page 79] the Meetings of the People of the Lord; and if in the wisdom of God ye see freedom to turn any away, give them sufficient Waring, that they may provide themselves otherwayes, for this is but just, and reasonable; and be not hasty nor rash with them, nor run into Jangling with them, but if ye have cause to reprove them, let it be in the Fear & Wisdom of God, in the Freedom and Authority of the Truth & that will reach unto the Witness of God in them: So be not high minded, but fear, and be patterns unto them in the lowly, meek and quiet Spirit: and
[Page 80] bear with the weak, and forgive them that trespass against you, and render not Evil for Evil to any, but overcome Evil with that which is Good, and live in that which overcomes Evil, that so the Truth of God may be exalted over all.
And all
[...]e that are Servants, live in the Fear of the Lord, and wait in his Light, and be obedient thereunto, and also be obedient (in your places) unt
[...] those that are your Masters an
[...] Dames, according to the Flesh, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward, serving them in Faithfulness and
[Page 81] Uprightness of Heart, doing what ye do for them, as diligently, faithfully and willingly, as ye should do any thing to the Lord, for this is right in the sight of God; and take heed that none of God's Creatures be lost, or wasted under your Hands, through your neglecting them, or sloathfulness in your places, wd do not falsly accuse any, or speak Evil behind any ones Back, thereby thinking to get the Favour o
[...] Love of any, or upon any other account; for that is Evil: and be as diligent in your places, when your Masters or Dames
[Page 82] are absent, as when they are present; for this is just and right: and be not stubborn nor wilful, neither use many wor
[...]s to your Masters or Dames, and if ye know not well how to pe
[...] form your Service aright, th
[...] in true Humility be willing
[...]o learn; and take heed of Highmindedness and Pride, or of being wise in your own Eyes and when ye have any spare Ti
[...] allowed ye, being free fro
[...] outward Imployment, see that ye spend it in the Fear of th
[...] Lord, in waiting upon him
[...] his Light, that so all vain Tal
[...] ing, corrupt Communication,
[Page 83] foolish jesting, and all Vanity may be kept out of: and give ye not way to that mind which is Unstable, which would be oft shifting and going from place to place, for this is not right in the sight of God, but wait in the Light, that ye may be staid and settled in your Minds; and if ye see Freedom in the Fear of God (Mark that) to go to another place, then give your Masters or Dames sufficient notice of it: and if any of you, who know the Truth, come to be moved of the Lord to go to any place in his Service, be faithful to the Lord, and when your service
[Page 84] which he required of you
[...] done, then return to your place▪ again, except it be otherway
[...] ordered in the Fear and Wi
[...] dom of God; and be diligent in your places, doing the same that ye would others should do unto you in the like condition; and mind the Lord in and above all things, and be faithful unto him, and he will be your Reward.
And all ye Fathers and Mothers, and Children, and Masters, and Dames, and Servants, who have the Creatures of God to buy or sell, or to exchange, live in the fear of the Lord, that ye may feel his Wisdom to
[Page 85] guide you in your Trading, and do not speak better or worse of the Creatures then you know them to be, thereby to get the greater gain; for that is Idolatry, it arising from Covetousness; but wait to feel God's Spirit to bridle your Tongues; and use but few words in your Trading
[...] and if ye ask a question therein, do it in simplicity, and keep in the Light, which is equal, that when ye offer or ask a Price for the Creatures, it may be in Equality, and let that be your Rule, and not the Price of the Market, except that be equal; for so ye may
[Page 86] reach the equal Principle on in another, and then stand t
[...] your Word, and here
your Y
[...] will be Yea, and your Nay will
[...] Nay, and so ye will be kept in the Doctrine of Christ, with his Light, out of Evil: and ye abiding in the Light, it will bring you
to do to every one as ye would be done unto: and take heed that ye stir not up the Impatient, Crooked, Disorderly Nature one in another, with your Words or Actions; but bear one with another, and forgive one another, and when ye tell each other of a Fault, do it in the Fear and Wisdom, and
[Page 87] meek Spirit of God's Lamb, that so ye may restore each other therein; and when ye have any convenient time, assemble your se
[...]ves together in the Name and Fear of the Lord, and wait every particular in the Measure and Gift of God in you, which is given ye to profit withal; and all wait together in the Light, and believe in it, that ye may be Children of the Light, and therein watch unto Prayer, and one over another, and this will beget ye into unfeigned Love; and walking in the Light ye will have true Unity and Fellowip one with another: and
[Page 88] the Blood (which is the Life) o
[...] Jesus Christ you will feel cleansing you from all Sin, so ye will come into the Unity wit
[...] God. Also, to feel his Word, his Power and Wisdom (i
[...] you) by which all things were Created and made, and are upheld, that therein ye may be ordered in the particlar, and that therein ye may use and order all God's Creatures to his Glory; and then all false Weights, and Measures, and Wayes, and Worships will be destroyed; and then shall Truth, Equity, Righteousness, and true Order and Mercy prosper, and
[Page 89] run down as a River: So let your Faith stand in Christ Jesus the Light, and Wisdom and Power of God, and then true Worship, true Weight, true Measure shall be set up and established, and then shall the Lord be exalted over all the Works of his Hands, and so ye will feel his blessing; unto him belongeth Dominion and Honour, for he is worthy of it for evermore,