A NEW FORM OF Meditations For every Day in the Year.
Reviewed, Corrected, and Enlarged.
Written Originally in FRENCH, by F. JOHN CRASSET.
And put into ENGLISH at the Request of several Persons of Honour and Quality, by a Well-wisher to Devotion.
LONDON, Printed for William Grantham, in Cock-Pit Alley, near Drury-Lane. MDCLXXXV.
The AUTHOR's Necessary Advertisements FOR The better Use of the ensuing MEDITATIONS.
THere are many People already advanced in Prayer, who cannot away with long Meditations. Som, because they have not time enough to read them. Others, because they have not a Memory good enough to retain them. Besides, their Understanding seeing that ready made, which it was to have wrought out, and finding without difficulty, what it was to have searched out by its discourse becoms slack and negligent, and does ordinarily wander away in those vast Regions, which are discovered to it. Whereas having but a little matter to meditate upon, it retains it without difficulty, [Page]it relishes it with Pleasure; because every Workman loves his own Handiwork, which has cost him so much pains to make.
A Hunter, who has been a long time in quest of his Game, finds much joy when he has discovered it. The discovery of a Truth, makes a greater impression upon the Soul, that finds it, than a hundred that are proposed to her.
She acknowledges better the effect of the favour, when being in a barren and waterless Desart, she sees a Heavenly Manna fall down from Heaven for to feed her, and Waters break forth in abundance out of the bosom of Rocks for the quenching of her Thirst.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a grain of Mustard-seed, which is very small; but when it is beaten and pounded, it warms the Stomach.
We must not load our Mind with too much Matter, no more than our Stomach with too much Meat: otherwise, it will not be able to disgest it. For that reason, St. Ignatius, that great Man of Prayer, in his Book of Exercises, gave us very short Meditations. And the more one advances, [Page]the less matter he gives; to the end that the Soul may put her Confidence in God, and may beg Lights of him, apply her own Powers, expect his Succour, and sensibly acknowledge what she has from her self, for her Humiliation thereby: and what she receives from God, that she may thank him for it.
There is a great difference between a Lecture and a Meditation. He who reads a good Book, ought to understand what he reads without pain, and without labour. Truth ought to present it self to his Understanding, without his being obliged to search after it. But he who meditates, must by his reasoning dig in the Evangelical Field, that he may find the Treasure of Grace that lies hid therein. 'Tis true that all the World are not capable of busying themselves, and framing Discourses. And indeed, that very Reason has obliged som very Learned Men of our Time to Publish long Meditations, wherein Truths are propounded in all their force, and in all their extent, that those who have not such penetrating Wits, might help themselves by their Reading, and have nothing more to do in their [Page]Prayer, but to have an affection for what they Read. But those who have their Wit quick, active, curious, earnest, and solid, require much Matter to busie themselves with, and are like unto Fire, which goes out when it has no more Fewel.
I confess that it is a hard matter to content all the World, yet I dare be so bold as to promise my self, that both the one and the other, will be fitted with the Meditations, which I present them. Those who desire but a little Matter, will find in one only Line employment enough for a long time. Those who desire a great deal, by passing from one line to another, will rather want time, than matter for their entertainment.
Learned Persons will without difficulty find out, that most part of the Propositions, of which these Meditations are made up, are Sentences of the Holy Fathers, translated word for word into our Language. I was once in the mind to have quoted them in the Margent. But having considered, that such like Citations are only for Books of Doctrin, and that R.F. Pontus has not made them in his Meditations: I thought I might [Page]dispense with my self therein. But instead of the Passages out of the Holy Fathers, I have set down som out of the Scripture for the maintenance of the Truths, which are in these Meditations, and for to give them, as I may say, a little seasoning: for the words of Men are flat and insipid, without the salt of the Word of God: nor do they make that impression in Hearts, as the Sacred Text is wont to do, whose Weight and Authority do persuade mens Minds more efficaciously, than all human Ratiocinations. Thus those who have a Mind to act by Faith may stop upon the Scripture Passages: those who have a mind to discourse may take the matter of the Meditations.
There are Meditations upon almost all Virtues, and upon all Vices, as also upon all the Mysteries of our Lord, and of our Lady. And because the sense of these Truths is to be included in one or two lines, it was necessary to make these Meditations in form of Sentences, and little Verses, for to give them a more pleasing Cadence, without mingling any Rhimes, which I broke off as much as I could possible.
I confess you will find som Repetitions therein. But is there any Book of Meditations wherein there are none? And is it possible to handle so many Matters so like, without falling into the same thoughts? Moreover, I affirm, That it is good to meditate the same things three or four times over. For a Truth that doth not touch you at one time, does often touch you at another; as S. Ignatius takes notice. And for that reason, I voluntarily left some Repetitions therein, which I might have changed.
As for the order of the Meditations, it is conformable to that of the three States of a Spiritual Life, to wit, Of Beginners: Proficients, and Perfect: that every one may without difficulty find Matters conformable to their Disposition. 'Tis the Method that F. Ponte makes use of, which I thought fit to follow.
But for to content those who desire to have different Matter for all the year long: I have made a Table, which marks out to them for every Day the subject of their Meditation.
Now, whereas it is not possible to furnish different Matters of this Nature for [Page]a whole year, and because these Meditations are filled with so great a number of Truths, that each one of them is sufficient to take up several days: I was forced twice or thrice in the year to give the same subject to meditate on, leaving it to every one's Devotion to change his Meditation, when that, which he meets with, pleases him not.
I have for every day proposed the Subjects the most conformable to the Gospel of the Sunday. Wherefore you would do well to Read it, in the beginning of every Week. The same thing I have likewise observed on the Feasts of the Saints: for I give Meditations either on the Virtues which they practised, or on the Gospel that is Read on their Mass. Those who shall Read the Abridgment of their Life, may easily joyn their Example to the Truth, which they meditate on.
There are some virtuous Persons, who desire every Month to make the Exercise of Death: and for to satisfie their Devotion, I have at the end of every Month put four Meditations for to prepare them thereunto. Those, whom this Devotion does not please, may make use of the [Page]others that are there marked out for them, or choose those they have a mind to in the first Table, that follows. Now, for to make profit of these Meditations, this, I conceive, is the Method, they are to be made in.
After the ordinary Preparations, of which we have spoken in our Method of Prayer, Read with respect and attention the words of the Holy Scripture: Weigh each word of them: Make Acts of Faith: and if you find your Mind to be taken up, stop there without going any further.
But, in case it fix not upon that subject: Read then the first part of your Meditation, and stop at that Truth, which makes most impression on your Heart: or else begin by the two first lines. Endeavour to penetrate the sence of them. Make reflexion on your self, and see whether your life be conformable to those Truths. Conceive a Sorrow, and consequently made good Resolutions.
For example, if you meditate upon Patience, and that you be com to these two lines, All that I endure is nothing in comparison of the Punishment that I have deserved. [Page]Call to mind for a while the principal Sins of your life: compare the place that you are in, with that which you ought to be in: the pains that you suffer, with those that you ought to have suffered. Measure the time of your pains, with that of Eternity, and see whether you have reason to complain. Say, If God had don with me according to his justice, where should I now have been? Am not I better here than in Hell? If I were there, as so many others are, would not I reckon my self happy to com out from thence for to endure, what I now endure? Why then should I complain? Does God do me wrong? Have not I deserved infinitly much more? Push on this Consideration, and press your heart until it submits it self to God's Orders.
Consequently frame your affections: give thanks to our Lord for his Goodness and Mercy that he has used towards you. Beg Pardon of him for your Impatiences, and make resolutions of suffering, better than you hitherto have.
Then you shall pass on to the following line. In comparison of the Glory that is prepared for me. And you shall meditate [Page]on it, as on the foregoing lines: Thus flying up and down like a Bee from flower to flower, until you have found the honey of Devotion.
But in case nothing do touch you: yet quit not your Prayer for all that: but remain quiet in the Presence of God: or else make use of the Practices that we have taught you in the Method of Prayer. You may also Read the words of Devotion, which are at the end of the Fourth Part; and there doubtless you will find som comfort.
When at any time you find your self in any extraordinary disposition of Joy, or Sadness: it will be good, even out of Prayer to entertain your self in this manner. Lift up your heart to God: beg of him to make known to you his Divine Will and Pleasure. Then opening your Book, stop at that Meditation on which you have lighted, and you will oftentimes find therein, what you seek after. The Providence of God, says the Wise man, plays upon Earth with Men, and takes delight to manifest it self in casual, and unforethought-of accidents.
Since I am commanded to put my Name to this new Edition, I conjure all virtuous Persons, through the Charity which they owe to those who are in misery, to give som place in their remembrance to him, and som share in their Prayers.
Here follow two Tables: the First, of the Meditations of the two Tomes. The Second, of those which are to serve for every Day in the Year.
A TABLE OF THE Meditations Contain'd in the First TOME.
The First PART. For the Purgative Life.
- Med. 1. OF the End for which Man was made. Page. 1
- Med. 2. Of the Dominion of God over his Creatures. Page. 3
- Med. 3. Of the care of our Salvation. Page. 6
- Med. 4. Of disengagement from Creatures. Page. 7
- Med. 5. Of the Will of God. Page. 9
- Med. 6. Of the Obligations we have to love and serve God. Page. 10
- [Page]Med. 7. Profitable thoughts fit to draw us off from the World. Page. 12
- Med. 8. Of Death. Page. 13
- Med. 9. Of the Death of the Just. Page. 14
- Med. 10. Of the Death of Sinners. Page. 17
- Med. 11. Of the Last Judgment. Page. 20
- Med. 12. Of Hell. Page. 22
- Med. 13. Of the Two Eternities. Page. 24
- Med. 14. Of Mortal sin. Page. 25
- Med. 15. Of Venial sin. Page. 26
- Med. 16. Of Pennance. Page. 28
- Med. 17. That we ought not to differ our Conversion. Page. 29
- Med. 18. Of the Conditions of a true Pennance. Page. 32
- Med. 19. Of the flight from Occasions, and evil Companies. Page. 35
- Med. 20. Of a good and a bad Conscience. Page. 39
- Med. 21. Of the peace of the Soul. Page. 41
- Med. 22. Of vain Desires. Page. 42
- Med. 23. Of Tepidity. Page. 43
- Med. 24. Of the Hatred of the World. Page. 45
- Med. 25. Of the small number of the saved. Page. 48
- Med. 26. Of Scandal, or bad Example. Page. 50
- Med. 27. Of outward Pennance and Mortification. Page. 53
- Med. 28. Of the excellency of Mortification. Page. 55
- Med. 29. Of the profit and necessity of Temptations. Page. 56
- Med. 30. Of the causes of our Temptations. Page. 58
- Med. 31. Of the troubles and pains of Mind. Page. 61
- Med. 32. Of natural Inclinations. Page. 62
- Med. 33. Of Aversions. Page. 65
- Med. 34. Of Presumption. Page. 67
- Med. 35. Of the good use of Time. Page. 71
- [Page]Med. 36. Of Persecutions. Page. 73
- Med. 37. That it is necessary to be afflicted and persecuted. Page. 75
- Med. 38. Of human Respect. Page. 77
- Med. 39. Of Slander or Detraction. Page. 79
- Med. 40. Of Sadness. Page. 81
- Med. 41. The ill effects of Sadness. Page. 83
- Med. 42. Remedies against Sadness. Page. 84
- Med. 43. Of Pride. Page. 89
- Med. 44. Of the Pardoning of Injuries. Page. 91
- Med. 45. Of the judgment of men. Page. 94
- Med. 46. Of Avarice. Page. 97
- Med. 47. Of Relapse. Page. 100
- Med. 48. Of Customary Sins. Page. 102
- Med. 49. Of Preparation to Death. Page. 105
- Med. 50. How to resolve for Death. Page. 108
- Med. 51. The Affections of a just Soul at the approaches of Death, which we should cause to be read to us in our last sickness. Page. 111
- Med. 52. A Paraphrase upon our Lord's Prayer for the comfort of the sick. Page. 118
The Second PART OF THE MEDITATIONS For the Illuminative Life.
- Med. 53. OF the care of our perfection. Page. 127
- Med. 54. Of Prayer, and the difficulties that occur therein. Page. 130
- Med. 55. Of Faith. Page. 134
- Med. 56. Of the conduct of Faith. Page. 136
- Med. 57. Of Hope and Confidence in God. Page. 139
- Med. 58. Of Charity. Page. 142
- Med. 59. Of the Purity of Intention. Page. 144
- Med. 60. Which is the noblest Intention. Page. 145
- Med. 61. Of the Marks of a pure Intention. Page. 147
- Med. 62. Of Humility. Page. 149
- Med. 63. Of Patience. Page. 152
- Med. 64. Of the Exercise of Patience. Page. 153
- Med. 65. Of the Cross. Or several Motives of Patience. Page. 155
- Med. 66. Of Conformity to the Will of God. Page. 162
- Med. 67. Of the love of our Neighbour. Page. 164
- Med. 68. Of the Duties of Fathers to their Children, and of Masters towards their Servants. Page. 166
- Med. 69. Of Mildness and Choler. Page. 170
- Med. 70. Remedies against Choler. Page. 172
- [Page]Med. 71. That we ought to do all our actions well. Page. 175
- Med. 72. Of fidelity in small things. Page. 176
- Med. 73. Of good Works. Page. 178
- Med. 74. Of Alms. Page. 180
- Med. 75. Of the Conducts of God. Page. 183
- Med. 76. Of the benefit there is in leaving our selves to the Conduct of God. Page. 186
- Med. 77. Of the hurt there comes by straying from the ways of God. Page. 187
- Med. 78. Of Dryness and Aridities. Page. 190
- Med. 79. Of Silence. Page. 191
- Med. 80. Of Sickness. Page. 194
- Med. 81. Of Modesty. Page. 196
- Med. 82. Of Divine Inspirations. Page. 199
- Med. 83. Of the Word of God. Page. 201
- Med. 84. Of the happiness of a Religious State. Page. 203
- Med. 85. Of Poverty. Page. 204
- Med. 86. Of Chastity. Page. 206
- Med. 87. Of Obedience. Page. 208
- Med. 88. Of Religious Disciplin. Page. 210
The Second TOME.
The Third PART. Of the Principal Mysteries of the Life and Death of the Son of God, and of his Holy Mother.
- Med. 89. OF the Imitation of JESƲS Christ. Page. 217
- Med. 90. Of the Virtues of Jesus compared to our Vices. Page. 219
- Med. 91. Of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Page. 220
- Med. 92. Affections of tenderness towards the Infant Jesus. Page. 221
- Med. 93. Of the Poverty of the Infant Jesus. Page. 224
- Med. 94. Of the Humility of the Infant Jesus. Page. 226
- Med. 95. Of the Divine Humiliations in the Mystery of the Incarnation. Page. 227
- Med. 96. Of the Holy Name of Jesus. Page. 229
- Med. 97. Of the Kingdom of God. Page. 231
- Med. 98. Of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and that of Satan. Page. 232
- Med. 99. Of the Passion of Jesus Christ in general. Page. 235
- Med. 100. Of the sadness of the Son of God, in the Garden of the Olives. Page. 237
- Med. 101. On the Prayer of our Lord in the Garden. Page. 239
- Med. 102. Of the Outrages that our Lord suffered in Annas and Caiphas 's house. Page. 241
- [Page]Med. 103. Of the contempt that Herod used Jesus Christ with: and that Jesus shewed of Herod. Page. 243
- Med. 104. Of the preference of Barabbas before Jesus Christ. Page. 245
- Med. 105. Of the flagellation of Jesus Christ. Page. 246
- Med. 106. Of the Crowning with Thorns. Page. 248
- Med. 107. On Jesus Christ's journey in carrying of the Cross. Page. 250
- Med. 108. Of Jesus Crucified. Page. 252
- Med. 109. Of the first Word of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Page. 255
- Med. 110. On the Repentance of the good Thief: and the Impenitence of the bad one. Page. 257
- Med. 111. Of the Passion of the B. Virgin. Page. 258
- Med. 112. Of the Dereliction of our Lord. Page. 262
- Med. 113. On the Thirst of our Lord on the Cross. Page. 264
- Med. 114. On the sixth Word of our Lord on the Cross. Page. 267
- Med. 115. On the last Word of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Page. 270
- Med. 116. Of the Death of the Son of God. Page. 272
- Med. 117. A Meditation in form of a Prayer on the seven Stations of the Sufferings of the Son of God. Page. 274
- Med. 118. Of the Burial of Jesus Christ. Page. 278
- Med. 119. Of the Resurrection of our Lord. Page. 280
- Med. 120. Of our Lord's Wounds. Page. 282
- Med. 121. Of the good Shepherd. Page. 284
- Med. 122. Of the Sheep of Jesus Christ. Page. 286
- Med. 123. Of the Ascension of our Lord. Page. 289
- Med. 124. Of the coming down of the Holy Ghost. Page. 292
- Med. 125. Of the most Sacred Trinity. Page. 294
- [Page]Med. 126. A Meditation, in form of a Dialogue, of the Institution of the B. Sacrament. Page. 296
- Med. 127. Of the Love of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar. Page. 301
- Med. 128. Of the Holy Communion. Page. 304
- Med. 129. A Meditation in form of a Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ, which may serve for a Thanksgiving after Communion. Page. 309
- Med. 130. Of Devotion towards the B. Virgin. Page. 310
- Med. 131. Of the Immaculate Conception of the B. Virgin. Page. 312
- Med. 132. Of the Purification of the B. Virgin. Page. 314
- Med. 133. Of the Annuntiation of the B. Virgin. Page. 316
- Med. 134. Of the Humiliations of the Son of God, and the Elevations of Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation. Page. 318
- Med. 135. Of the Visitation of the B. Virgin. Page. 321
- Med. 136. Of the Death of the B. Virgin. Page. 323
- Med. 137. Of the Resurrection of the B. Virgin. Page. 325
- Med. 138. Of the Assumption of the B. Virgin. Page. 328
- Med. 139. Of the Nativity of the B. Virgin, and of the Name of Mary given to her. Page. 331
- Med. 140. Of the Presentation of the B. Virgin. Page. 333
- A Protestation of Service to the B. Virgin, which ought to be made, and renewed on all Holy-days and Communion-days. Page. 334
The Fourth PART. For the Ʋnitive Way.
- Med. 141. OF the Love of Jesus. Page. 337
- Med. 142. Of the Ʋnity of Love. Page. 339
- Med. 143. Of the Presence of God. Page. 341
- Med. 144. Of Solitude. Page. 342
- Med. 145. Of the leaving of our selves. Page. 343
- Med. 146. How we ought to leave our selves. Page. 345
- Med. 147. Of Annihilation. Page. 347
- Med. 148. Of the five degrees of Perfection. Page. 349
- Med. 149. Of the divine Perfections. Page. 350
- Med. 150. Of the Amability of God. Page. 355
- Med. 151. How God loves Men: and how Men ought to love God. Page. 357
- Med. 152. Of the Incomprehensibility of God. Page. 360
- Med. 153. Of Simplicity. Page. 362
- Med. 154. Of the fulness of God's riches. Page. 366
- Med. 155. Of Heaven. Page. 368
- Med. 156. Of divine Ʋnion. Page. 370
- A Prayer to the B. Trinity for to obtain the Grace of Ʋnion. Page. 374
Spiritual Canticles for Holy Souls. Page. 376
- Med. 1. Canticle. ibid.
- Med. 2. Canticle. ibid.
- Med. 3. Canticle. Page. 377
- Med. 4. Canticle. Page. 378
- Med. 5. Canticle. Page. 379
- [Page]Med. 6. Canticle. Page. 380
- Med. 7. Canticle. Page. 381
- Med. 8. Canticle. ibid.
- Med. 9. Canticle. Page. 382
- Med. 10. Canticle. Page. 383
- Words of the Holy Scripture for the chast Spouses of the Son of God. Page. 385
- Words of Love taken out of the Book of the Following of Christ, for Souls which aspire to Ʋnion. Page. 387
A TABLE OF THE Meditations For the whole Year.
- Med. 1. OF the last Judgment. Page. 20
- Med. 2. Of Death. Page. 13
- Med. 3. Of the End for which Man was made. Page. 1
- Med. 4. Of the same Subject. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of good Works. Page. 178
- Med. 6. Of Pennauce. Page. 28
- Med. 7. Of the same Subject. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of human Respect. Page. 77
- Med. 2. Of Persecutions. Page. 73
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of Poverty. Page. 204
- Med. 5. Of Scandal. Page. 50
- Med. 6. Of Conscience. Page. 39.
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of Humility. Page. 149
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of the judgment of Men. Page. 94
- Med. 4. Of vain Desires. Page. 42
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of Disengagement. Page. 71
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. That we ought not to deferr our Conversion. Page. 29
- Med. 2. Of the Conditions of true Pennance. Page. 32
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of Mortal Sin. Page. 25
- Med. 5. Of the Peace of the Soul. Page. 41
- Med. 6. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 7. Of Tepidity. Page. 43
- Med. 1. Gospel, Luk. 2. v. 1.25.
- Med. 2. Gosp. Luk. 2. v. 15.21.
- Med. 3. Gosp. John. 1. v. 1.15.
- Of the Pardoning of Injuries. Page. 91
- Of the love of our Neighbour. Page. 164
- 28. Holy Innocents, G. Matth. 2. v. 13.19.
- That we must be Persecuted. Page. 75
- 29. Affections of Tenderness towards the Infant JESUS. Page. 221
- 30. Of the Poverty of the Infant Jesus. Page. 224
- 31. Of the Humility of the Infant Jesus. Page. 226
- A Preparation for Death. Page. 105
The four following Meditations may be made on the four last days of every Month for to learn how to Dy well.
- Med. 1. Of the Preparation to Death. Page. 105
- Med. 2. Motives to resolve for Death. Page. 108
- Med. 3. The Affections of a just Soul, &c. Page. 111
- Med. 4. A Paraphrase on our Lord's Prayer. Page. 118
- Of the Holy Name of JESUS. Page. 229
- Med. 2. Jan. Of the good use of time. Page. 71
- Med. 3. Jan. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Jan. Of the divine Humiliations, &c. Page. 227
- [Page]Med. 5. Jan. Of the Virtues of JESUS, &c. Page. 219
- Med. 6. Jan. Epiphany. G. Mat. 2. v. 1.13.
- Of the Kingdom of JESUS Christ. Page. 232
- Med. 7. Jan. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 8. Jan. Of the Kingdom of God. Page. 231
- Med. 1. Of the Duty of Fathers, &c. Page. 166
- Med. 2. Of the Care of our Salvation. Page. 6
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of the leaving of our selves. Page. 343
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. How we ought to leave our selves. Page. 345
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the happiness of a Religious State. Page. 203
- Or, Of divine Ʋnion. Page. 370
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of Chastity. Page. 206
- Med. 4. Of the Contempt of the World. Page. 45
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of Patience. Page. 152
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of Sickness. Page. 194
- Or, Of Communion. Page. 304
- [Page]Med. 2. Of Faith. Page. 134
- Med. 3. Of venial Sin. Page. 26
- Med. 4. Of Preparation for Death. Page. 105
- Med. 5. Motives to resolve for Death. Page. 108
- Med. 6. The Affections of a just Soul, &c. Page. 111
- Med. 7. A Paraphrase on our Lord's Prayer. Page. 118
- Med. 1. Of the Profit of Temptations. Page. 56
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of God's dominion over his Creatures. Page. 3
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of Hope. Page. 139
- Med. 6. Motives to Patience. Page. 152
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the flight from occasions, &c. Page. 35
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of the Purity of Intention. Page. 144
- Med. 4. Of Hell. Page. 22
- Med. 5. Of the hatred of the World. Page. 45
- Med. 6. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 7. Of the two Eternities. Page. 24
- Med. 1. Of fidelity in small things. Page. 176
- Med. 2. Of Presumption. Page. 67
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of the Conducts of Faith. Page. 136
- [Page]Med. 5. Of the troubles and pains of mind. Page. 61
- Med. 6. Of natural Inclinations. Page. 62
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the small number of the saved. Page. 48
- Med. 2. Of Slander. Page. 79
- Med. 3. That we ought to do our actions well. Page. 175
- Med. 4. A Preparation for Death. Page. 105
- Med. 5. Motives to resolve for Death. Page. 108
- Med. 6. The affections of a just Soul, &c. Page. 111
- Med. 7. A Paraphrase on our Lord's Prayer. Page. 118
- Med. 1. Of the Word of God. Page. 201
- Med. 2. Of driness. Page. 190
- Med. 3. Of Alms. Page. 180
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of Inspirations. Page. 199
- Med. 6. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 7. Of Avarice. Page. 97
- Or, Of Devotion to the B. Virgin. Page. 310
- Med. 1. Of the obligation we have to love God. Page. 10
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of Modesty. Page. 196
- Med. 4. Ash-Wednesday. Of outward Pennance. Page. 53
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of the excellence of Mortification. Page. 55
- [Page]Med. 7. Of customary Sins. Page. 102
- Med. 1. Of the Causes of Temptations. Page. 58
- Med. 2. Of our Lord's Passion in general. Page. 235
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of our Lord's Sadness. Page. 237
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of his Prayer in the Garden. Page. 239
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The seven Stations. Page. 274
- Med. 1. Of Heaven. Page. 368
- Or, Of Solitude. Page. 342
- Med. 2. Of the outrages that our Lord suffered, &c. Page. 241
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of the contempt that Herod, &c. Page. 243
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of the preference of Barabbas. Page. 245
- Med. 6. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The four Meditations for Death. Page. 13
- Med. 1. Of Relapse. Page. 100
- Or, Of Slander. Page. 79
- Med. 2. Of our Lord's Flagellation. Page. 246
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of his Crowning with Thorns. Page. 248
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- [Page]Med. 6. His bearing of his Cross. Page. 250
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The Seven Stations. Page. 274
- Med. 1. Of Alms. Page. 180
- Or, Of Hope. Page. 139
- Med. 2. JESUS crucified. Page. 252
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. The 1. Word of Jesus. Page. 255
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. The good Thiefs Repentance. Page. 275
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The seven Stations. Page. 274
- Med. 1. Of Aversions: Page. 65
- Or, Venial Sin. Page. 26
- Med. 2. Of the Passion of the B. Virgin. Page. 258
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of our Lord's Dereliction. Page. 265
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of our Lord's thirst. Page. 264
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The seven Stations. Page. 274
- The Passion according to S. Matthew.
- Med. 1. Of the Kingdom of Jesus. Page. 235
- Or, Of conformity of our will to God. Page. 162
- [Page]Med. 2. Of the 6th Word. Page. 267
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of the last Word. Page. 270
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of our Lord's Death. Page. 272
- Med. 7. Of his Burial. Page. 278
- Or, The seven Stations. Page. 274
- Med. 1. Of our Lord's Resurrection. Page. 280
- Med. 2. Of the same again. ibid.
- Or, Of the ill effects of sadness. Page. 83
- Med. 3. Of the Peace of the Soul. Page 41
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. The third spiritual Canticle. Page. 377
- Med. 6. Of the five degrees of Perfection. Page. 349
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the Wounds of our Lord. Page. 282
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of Charity. Page. 142
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of the troubles and pains of Mind. Page. 61
- Med. 6. Of Pride. Page. 89
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the good Shepherd. Page. 284
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- [Page]Med. 3. Of the sheep of Jesus Christ. Page. 286
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of the conducts of God. Page. 183
- Med. 6. Of the benefit of leaving our selves, &c. Page. 186
- Med. 7. Of the hurt of leaving God's ways. Page. 187
- Med. 1. Of Sadness. Page. 81
- Med. 2. Remedies against Sadness. Page. 84
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of Persecutions. Page. 73
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- Med. 5. That it is necessary to be persecuted. Page. 75
- Med. 6. Of disengagement from Creatures. Page. 7
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. The bad effects of Sadness. Page. 83
- Med. 2. Ʋseful thoughts to make us slight the World. Page. 12
- Med. 3. Of the hatred of the World. Page. 45
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. What is the noblest Intention. Page. 145
- Med. 6. The marks of a pure Intention. Page. 147
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of Prayer. Page. 130
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. How God loves Men, &c. Page. 357
- [Page]Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of the Ascension of our Lord. Page. 289
- Med. 6. Of Heaven. Page. 368
- Med. 7. Of the Love of our Lord Jesus, in, &c. Page. 337
- Med. 1. Motives to Patience. Page. 155
- Med. 2. Of human respect. Page. 77
- Med. 3. Of Silence. Page. 191
- Med. 4. Of Solitude. Page. 342
- Med. 5. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 6. Of the flight of Occasions. Page. 35
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the coming down of the Holy Ghost. Page. 292
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of the Presence of God. Page. 341
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- Med. 5. Of divine Ʋnion. Page. 370
- Med. 6. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 7. The first and second Canticle. Page. 376
- Med. 1. Of the Mystery of the Day.
- Med. 2. Of the divine Perfections. Page. 350
- [Page]Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of the Amability of God. Page. 355
- Med. 5. Of the Institution of the B. Sacrament. Page. 296
- Med. 6. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the Holy Communion. Page. 304
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Of the love of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar. Page. 301
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. A Prayer to our Lord. Page. 309
- Med. 6. Of Simplicity. Page. 362
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The fifth and sixth Canticle. Page. 379
- Med. 1. Of the Love of Jesus. Page. 337
- Med. 2. Of the Virtues of Jesus. Page. 219
- Med. 3. Of the Amability of God. Page. 355
- Med. 4. How God loves men, &c. Page. 357
- Med. 5. Of Pennance. Page. 28
- Med. 6. That we ought not to differ our Conversion. Page. 29
- Med. 7. The Conditions of true Pennance. Page. 32
- Med. 1. Of God's dominion over his Creatures. Page. 3
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Or, Of Religious Disciplin. Page. 210
- [Page]Med. 3. Of the Purity of Intention. Page. 144
- Med. 4. Which is the noblest Intention. Page. 145
- Med. 5. Of Humility. Page. 149
- Med. 6. Of Annihilation. Page. 347
- Or, Of the happiness of a Religious State. Page. 203
- Med. 7. Of Poverty. Page. 204
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- Med. 1. Of Mildness and Choller. Page. 170
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 3. Remedies against Choller. Page. 172
- Med. 4. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 5. Of Aversions. Page. 65
- Med. 6. Of the Pardoning of Injuries. Page. 91
- Med. 7. Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Page. 217
- Med. 1. Of the holy Communion. Page. 304
- Or, Of Driness. Page. 190
- Med. 2. Of Confidence in God. Page. 193
- Med. 3. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 4. Of the leaving of our selves. Page. 349
- Med. 5. The seventh Canticle. Page. 381
- Med. 6. Of the benefit of leaving our selves, &c. Page. 186
- Med. 7. The same again. ibid.
- Med. 1. Of the Will of God. Page. 9
- Med. 2. The same again. ibid.
- [Page]3. Of good Works. Page. 178
- 4. Of Hell. Page. 22
- 5. Of Charity. Page. 142
- 6. Of the care of Perfection. Page. 127
- 7. Of Faith: Page. 134
- 1. Of the fulness of God's Riches. Page. 366
- 2. The same again. ibid.
- 3. Of the good use of Time. Page. 71
- 4. The same again. ibid.
- 5. Of Alms. Page. 180
- 6. Of the Last Judgment. Page. 20
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- 1. How God loves men, &c. Page. 357
- 2. Of the Death of the Just. Page. 14
- 3. Of the Death of Sinners. Page. 17
- 4. Of Inspirations. Page. 199
- 5. Of the Ʋnity of love. Page. 339
- 6. Of Prayer, &c. Page. 130
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of Annihilation. Page. 347
- 2. Of Presumption. Page. 67
- 3. The same again. ibid.
- 4. Of Pride. Page. 89
- [Page]5. The same again. ibid.
- 6. The conditions of true Pennance. Page. 32
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of customary Sins. Page. 102
- 2. The same again. ibid.
- 3. Of the end that Man was made for. Page. 1
- 4. Of the care of our Salvation. Page. 6
- 5. Of Silence. Page. 191
- 6. Of the Conformity of our will to the Will of God. Page. 162
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of the Love of Jesus. Page. 337
- 2. The same again. ibid.
- 3. Of Charity. Page. 142
- 4. The same again. ibid.
- 5. Of the Imitation of Jesus. Page. 217
- 6. Of the love of our Neighbour. Page. 164
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- 1. Of the flight of occasions. Page. 35
- 2. Of disengagement from Creatures. Page. 7
- 3. Ʋseful thoughts for drawing us off, &c. Page. 12
- 4. The same again. ibid.
- 5. The eighth and ninth Canticle. Page. 381
- [Page]6. Of Sickness. Page. 194
- 7. Of Obedience. Page. 208
- 1. Of the Ʋnity of Love. Page. 339
- 2. Of Avarice. Page. 97
- 3. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The five degrees of Perfection. Page. 349
- 4. Of vain Desires. Page. 42
- 5. Of the Obligations we have to love God. Page. 10
- 6. Of the care of our Perfection. Page. 127
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of Death. Page. 13
- 2. Of the Death of Sinners. Page. 17
- 3. Of Sadness. Page. 81
- 4. The ill effects of sadness. Page. 83
- 5. The tenth Canticle. Page. 383
- 6. Remedies against Sadness. Page. 84
- 7. Of Devotion to the B. Virgin. Page. 310
- 1. Of Humility. Page. 149
- Or, Of the holy Communion. Page. 304
- 2. Of the judgment of Men. Page. 94
- 3. Of Pride. Page. 89
- 4. Of God's Incomprehensibility. Page. 360
- 5. The same again. ibid.
- 6. Of divine Ʋnion. Page. 370
- [Page]7. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- 1. Of God's Amability. Page. 355
- 2. Of the Presence of God. Page. 341
- 3. The same again. ibid.
- 4. Of the divine Perfections. Page. 350
- 5. Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Page. 217
- 6. Of the love of our Neighbour. Page. 164
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of Sickness. Page. 194
- 2. Of Tepidity. Page. 43
- 3. The same again. ibid.
- 4. Of Slander. Page. 79
- 5. The same again. ibid.
- Or, The third Canticle. Page. 377
- 6. Of customary Sins. Page. 102
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of the love of Jesus Christ in the Sacr. Page. 301
- 2. Of the Kingdom of God. Page. 231
- 3. The same again. ibid.
- 4. Of the small number of the saved. Page. 48
- 5. Of Inspirations. Page. 199
- 6. Of the two Eternities. Page. 24
- 7. That we ought to do our actions well. Page. 175
- 1. Of the Conducts of Faith. Page. 136
- 2. Of Patience. Page. 152
- 3. Motives to Patience. Page. 155
- 4. The same again. ibid.
- 5. Of the care of our Salvation. Page. 6
- 6. The same again. ibid.
- 7. Of the Duty of Fathers and Masters. Page. 166
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
- 1. Of the Kingdom of Jesus. Page. 232
- 2. The same again. ibid.
- 3. Of the Pardoning of Injuries. Page. 91
- 4. Of Relapse. Page. 100
- 5. The same again. ibid.
- 6. Of Scandal. Page. 50
- 7. The same again. ibid.
- 1. Of human respect. Page. 77
- 2. The same again. ibid.
- 3. Of the Profit of Temptations. Page. 56
- 4. Of the Causes of Temptations. Page. 58
- 5. Of the Obligations we have to love God. Page. 10
- 6. Of the Conformity of our will to God. Page. 162
- 7. Of the Virtues of Jesus. Page. 219
- 1. Of Death. Page. 13
- Or, Of the Communion. Page. 304
- 2. Of the Death of the Just. Page. 14
- 3. Of Hope. Page. 139
- 4. The same again. ibid.
- 5. Of Solitude. Page. 342
- 6. Of the hatred of the World. Page. 45
- 7. The five degrees of Perfection. Page. 349
- 1. Of the care of our Salvation. Page. 6
- 2. Of venial Sin. Page. 26
- 3. Of the flight from Occasions. Page. 35
- 4. An Exercise of Patience. Page. 153
- 5. Of the leaving of our selves, &c. Page. 343
- 6. How we ought to leave our selves, &c. Page. 345
- 7. Of the Presence of God. Page. 341
- Or, The four Meditations of Death. Page. 13
A TABLE OF MEDITATIONS. For the chief FEASTS of the Year.
- Dec. 6. S. Nicholas, G. Matth. 25. Of Alms. 180
- Dec. 8. Conception of the B. V. Mary. 312
- Dec. 21.
S. Thomas.
Of Faith. 134
- Of our Lord's Wounds. 282
- Jan. 25. Conversion of S.
- That we must not deferr our Conversion. 29
- Febr. 2. Purification of our B. Lady. 314
- Febr. 24. S. Matthias. Of the few that are saved. 48
- March. 19. S.
Joseph. Of the Peace of the Soul. 41
- Of Silence. 191
- Of Conformity, &c. 162
- March. 25.
Annunciation of our B. Lady. 316
- Of the Humiliations, &c. 318
- Apr. 25.
S. Mark
Evang. Of the Causes of Temptation. 58
- Of the Will of God. 9
[Page]May 1.
SS. James
and Philip,
- Of the Troubles of Mind. 61
- May 3.
Invention of the Holy Cross.
- Motives of Patience. 155
- June 24.
Nativity of S. John Baptist.
- Of Solitude. 342
- Of Mortification. 53
- Of Venial Sin. 26
- June 29.
SS. Peter
and Paul.
Of Faith. 134
- Of Charity. 142 Of Obedience. 208
- June 30.
Commemoration of S. Paul.
- Of the conducts of God. 183
- Of the love of Jesus. 337
- July 2. The Visitation of our B. Lady. 321
- July 22.
S. Mary Magdalen.
- Of Simplicity. 362
- The conditions of true Pennance. 32
- Of Charity. 142
- Of divine Ʋnion. 370
- July 25.
S. James
- Of the Duties of Fathers, &c. 166
- Of Conformity. 162
- Of vain Desires. 42
- July 26.
S. Anne.
of Driness. 190
- Of the Will of God. 9
- Of leaving our selves, &c. 186
- July 29.
S. Martha.
Of good Works. 178
- That we ought to do our works well. 175
- Of divine Ʋnion. 370
- July 31.
S. Ignatius
- Of the love of JESUS. 337
- Of the love of our Neighbour. 164
- Which is the noblest Intention. 145
[Page]Aug. 5.
Our B. Lady ad Nives.
- Of Devotion to our B. Lady. 310
- Aug. 6.
Transfiguration of our Lord.
- Of Solitude. 342
- Of the Imitation of J. Christ. 217
- Of Heaven. 368
- Aug. 10.
S. Laurence.
Of Patience. 155
- Of Mortification. 53
- Of the Two Eternities. 24
- Aug. 15.
Assumption of our B. Lady. 328
- Of the Death of our Lady. 323
- Of her Resurrection. 325
- Aug. 24. S. Bartholomew Apostle. Of the excellence of Mortification. 55
- Aug. 25.
S. Lewis
King. Of the conducts of God. 183
- Of the Benefit of letting our selves be conduducted. 186
- Of God's Dominion over his Creatures. 3
- Aug. 28.
S. Austin,
Doctor. Of God's Incomprehensibility. 360
- Of God's Amability. 355
- Of Faith. 134. Of Humility. 149
- Aug. 29.
Decollation of S. John Baptist.
- Of the Hatred of the World. 45
- Of Fidelity in small Matters. 176
- Of Human respect. 77
- Sept. 8. Nativity of our B. Lady. 331
- Sept. 14.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 155
- Of the Cross. 155
- Remedies against Sadness. 84
- Sept. 21.
S. Mathew
Apostle. Of Avarice. 97
- Of Poverty. 204. Of Inspirations. 199
[Page]Sept. 29.
S. Michael
- Of Pride. 89. Of Humility. 149
- Oct. 4.
S. Francis
Of Assis.
Of Poverty. 204
- Of the Cross. 155. Ʋseful Thoughts. 12
- Oct. 9.
S. Denys.
Of divine Ʋnion. 370
- Of divine Perfections. 350
- Of Prayer. 130
- Oct. 15.
S. Teresa.
Of Dryness. 190
- Of Annihilation. 347
- Of the fulness of God's riches. 366
- Oct. 18.
S. Luke
Evang. Of the excellency of Mortification. 55
- Of the Peace of the Soul. 41
- Of the Pains of the Mind. 61
- Oct. 28.
SS. Simon
and Jude.
Of the love of our Neighbour. 164
- Of Persecutions. 73
- That Persecutions are necessary. 75
- Nov. 1. All Saints.
Of Heaven. 368
- Of the Two Eternities. 24
- Of the Divine Perfections. 350
- Nov. 2. All Souls.
Of venial Sin. 26
- Of Pennance. 28
- Of the good use of Time. 71
- Nov. 11.
S. Martin.
Of Alms. 180
- Of good Works. 178
- Of the Death of the Just. 14
- The affections of a Just Soul. 111
- Nov. 21. Presentation of our B. Lady. 333
- Nov. 30.
S. Andrew
Apost. Of the Cross. 155
- Of the Five degrees of Perfection. 349
- 1. OF the End for which Man was made. 1
- 2. Of the Dominion of God over his Creatures. 3
- 3. Of the care of our Salvation. 6
- 4. Of the Obligation we have to love God. 10
- 5. Of the Will of God. 9
- 6. Of Tepidity. 43
- 7. Of Customary Sins. 102
- 8. Of the Conditions of true Pennance. 32
- 9. Of the Happiness of a Religious state. 203
- 10. Of Poverty. 204
- 11. Of Chastity. 206
- 12. Of Obedience. 208
- 13. Of Regular Disciplin. 210
The FIRST Meditation. Of the End for which Man was made.
Lord make mine end known to me, that I may know what is lacking to me, Ps. 38.5.
I have created him, framed him, and made him for my glory, Isa. 43.7.
I am the beginning and the end, Apoc. 2.8.
I have brought up Children, and exalted them; but they have despised me, Isa. 2. v. 2.
II. MED. Of the Dominion of God over his Creatures.
The Lord your God is the God of Gods, and the Lord of Lords: great, and powerful and terrible. Deut. 20. v. 17.
If I am the Father, where is my honour: and if I be the Lord, where is my fear? Mal. 1.6.
Thy hands have made me and framed me. Ps. 128.
Who is it that plants a Vineyard, and does not eat of the fruit thereof? 1 Cor. 9.
Who art thou to answer God? Rom. 4.
Wilt not thou, O my Soul, be subject to God? Ps. 61.
III. MED. Of the care of our Salvation.
One thing is necessary. Luk. 10.
What will it avail a man to gain the whole VVorld, if he lose his own Soul? Matth. 26. VVhat exchange shall man give for his Soul? ibid.
Attend to thy self. 1 Tim. 6.
Have pity on thy soul, and please God. Eccles. 3.
IV. MED. Of disengagement from Creatures.
Vanity of Vanities, and all is Vanity. Eccles. 1.
In all things I perceived there was Vanity, and affliction of Spirit. Eccles. 2.
Turn, O my Soul, into thy rest, because our Lord hath done well to thee. Ps. 114
VVhy do ye love Vanity, and seek after lying? Ps. 4.
V. MED. Of the Will of God.
Life is in his will. Ps. 26.
As it is his will in Heaven, so be it don. 1 Mach. 13.
Not as I, but as thou wilt. Mark 14.
Let our Lord's will bedon. Act. 2.
Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Act. 9.
VI. MED. Of the Obligations we have to love and serve God.
Thou art my Servant. Isa. 41.
I am thine. Ps. 118.
VVhether we live, or whether we die, we are the Lords. Rom. 14.
You are not your own; for you have been bought with a great price. 2 Cor. 6.
O Lord, I am thy servant: I am thy servant, and the Son of thy Handmaid. Ps. 115.
VII. MED. Profitable thoughts fit for to draw us off from the World.
VVhat will it avail a man, should he gain the whole VVorld? Luk. 19.
Ye are of this VVorld: I am not of this VVorld. John 8.
O just Father, the VVorld hath not known thee. John 4.
Ye are not of this VVorld. John 15.
VIII. MED. Of Death.
Behold the day of thy Death is at hand. Deut. 31.
O death, how bitter is thy remembrance to a man who has peace in his Riches? Eccles. 41.
Man knows not his end. Eccles. 9.
It is decreed that all men must die once. Heb. 9.
Be ye therefore prepar'd, because in the hour that you think not of, the Son of Man will come. Luk. 12.
Dispose of thy house, for thou wilt die. Isa. 38.
IX. MED. Of the Death of the Just.
Blessed are the dead that die in our Lord. Apoc. 14.
To him that fears our Lord, it shall be well in his extremity: and he shall be blessed in the day of his departure. Eccles. 2.
Precious in the sight of our Lord, is the death of his Saints. Psal. 115.
VVhen these things being to be don, look up and lift up your heads, for then your Redemption is at hand. Luk. 21.
Ye shall go forth in gladness, and be conducted in peace: the mountains and hills shall sing praises before you. Isa. 5.
X. MED. Of the Death of Sinners.
The death of sinners is very ill. Psal. 33.
Evils will surprize the unjust man at his death. Psal. 139.
VVhy should I fear in the evil day: the iniquity of my heel will encompass me. Psal. 48.
They shall leave their riches to strangers, their graves shall be their houses for ever. Psal. 48.
The rich man died, and was buried in Hell. Luk. 16.
Unless you do pennance, ye will all perish in like manner. Luk. 13.
XI. MED. Of the last Judgment.
VVe shall all stand before the Tribunal of Christ. Rom. 14.
VVe must all be manifested before the Tribunal of Christ, that every one may receive what belongs to his body, as he has behaved himself, be it good or bad. 1 Cor. 15.
Our Lord will bring into Judgment all that is don. Eccles. 11.
In the end of man is the disclosing of his works. Eccles. 11.
If the just man will scarce be saved, where will the wicked man and the sinner appear? 1 Pet. 4.
XII. MED. Of Hell.
A Land of misery and darkness, where the shadow of death, and no order, but an everlasting horrour does dwell. Job 5.
Cast out the unprofitable Servant into outward darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matth. 25.
VVho shall be punisht eternally from the face of our Lord, and from the glory of his virtue. 1 Thess. 1.
[Page 24]Thou wilt put them like an Oven of fire in the time of thy countenance our Lord in his wrath will cast them down, and fire shall devour them. Psal. 20.
The sinner shall see, and be angry, he shall gnash with his teeth: the desire of Sinners shall come to nothing. Psal. 111.
XIII. MED. Of the two Eternities.
These shall go into everlasting torments: and the just into life everlasting. Matth. 25.
I would they were wise, and did understand, and provide for the last things. Deut. 32.
Their worm does not die: and their fire shall not be quenched. Isa. 66.
Be gon from me, ye accursed, into fire everlasting. Matth. 25.
Come ye blessed of my Father. Matth. 25.
XIV. MED. Of Mortal sin.
The Highest hateth sinners, and will render revenge to the wicked. Eccles. 12.
What hast thou don? The voice of thy Brother's blood cries unto me from the Earth. Gen. 4.
The Soul, which through pride shall have committed any thing, whether he be a Citizen or a Stranger, shall perish from amongst his people. Numb. 15.
The impious man and his iniquity are hateful. Wisd. 14.
What profit had you in those things, in which you now blush? for indeed their end is death. Rom. 6.
XV. MED. Of Venial Sin.
He who is unjust in a small matter, will be unjust in a greater. Luk. 16.
See how small a fire burns a great wood? Jam. 3.
He that slights small things, will fall by degrees. Eccl. 19.
Of every idle word that men shall have spoken, they shall give an account in the day of Judgment. Matth. 16.
XVI. MED. Of Pennance.
Do fruits worthy of Pennance. Luk. 3.
Unless you do pennance, you will all perish together. Luk. 13.
Enter in at the narrow gate. Matth. 7.
Do ye pennance, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matth. 2.
XVII. MED. That we ought not to differ our Conversion.
Turn to our Lord, and leave thy sins Eccl. 5.
Do you contemn the riches of God's goodness and patience, &c. Rom. 2.
Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. Act. 3.
Do not delay turning to our Lord, nor differ it from day to day: for his wrath will come on a sudden. Eccles. 5.
[Page 32]Ruin will fall upon that man, who with a stiff-neck contemns him that rebukes him. Prov. 29.
XVIII. MED. Of the Conditions of a true Pennance.
If with all your heart you will return to our Lord, Take away the strange God from the midst of you. 1 Kings 17.
He that hides his crimes shall not be directed, but he that shall confess them, and relinquish them shall obtain mercy. Prov. 28.
Turn unto me with all your heart, and rent your hearts, and not your garments: be converted to God your Lord, because he is gracious, and merciful, patient, and of much compassion, and ready to be moved upon the malice. Joel 2.
Ananias, why did Satan tempt thy heart to sin to the Holy Ghost, and defraud of the price of the field? thou didst not ly to man, but to God. Act. 5.
Her transgressing Sister hath not return'd to me with her whole heart: but in lying. Jer. 3.
Cast away from you all your prevarications, and make to your selves a new heart, and a new spirit. And why should you die, O house of Israel? Ezech. 8.
XIX. MED. Of the flight from Occasions and evil Companies.
Be not familiar with a cholerick man, neither do thou walk with a furious man, least thou learn his foot stept Prov. 22.
[Page 39]He that touches pitch shall be defiled with it, and he that keeps company with a proud man will put on pride. Eccles. 14.
He that joyns himself to Fornicators will be naught. Eccles. 14.
If any one be a Fornicator amongst you, do not so much as eat with such an one. 1 Cor. 5.
He that loves danger shall perish therein. Eccles. 3.
Go off from the Tabernacles of the wicked men, and do not touch any thing that belongs to them, that ye be not involv'd in their ruin. Numb. 16.
If thy right eye scandalize thee pluck it out, and cast it from thee. Matth. 5.
We denounce unto you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, That you withdraw your selves from every brother that walks disorderly. 2 Thess. 3.
XX. MED. Of a good, and a bad Conscience.
My sin is always before me. Psal. 50.
There is no peace to the wicked, saith our Lord. Isa. 48.
A good conscience is, as it were, a perpetual feast. Prov. 15.
Tribulation and anguish upon every Soul that works evil. Rom. 2.
Hell is my house. Job. 17.
This is our glory, the testimony of our conscience. 2 Cor. 1.
XXI. MED. Of the peace of the Soul.
He will do the Will of those that fear him. Ps. 144.
VVhence come the wars and brangles amongst you, is it not from your concupiscences? James 4.
Glory be to God on high, and on Earth peace to men of good will. Luk. 2.
My peace I give you: let not your heart be troubled. John 14.
Much peace there is to those that love thy law. Ps. 118.
XXII. MED. Of vain Desires.
Covetousness is the root of all evils. 1 Tim. 6.
The desires of sinners shall perish. Ps. 122.
Desires kill the slothful man Prov. 21.
Turn away from me all desires. Eccles. 23.
Yield me not, O Lord, from my desire to the Sinner. Psal. 139.
Martha, Martha, thou art Sollicitous, and troubled about many things. Luk. 10.
XXIII. MED. Of Tepidity.
If thou wert either cold or hot. Apoc. 3.
Pervent in Spirit. Rom. 12.
Remember from whence thou art fallen, and do pennance, and do thy first works. Apoc. 2.
Because thou art tepid, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. Apoc. 3.
XXIV. MED. Of the hatred of the World.
VVo unto the world from scandals. Matth. 18.
I am not of this world. John 8.
Now is the judgment of this world. John 12.
I pray not for the world. John 17.
Have confidence, I have conquer'd the world. John 10.
He that loves the world, the charity of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2.
XXV. MED. Of the small number of the Saved.
Enter in at the narrow gate. Math. 7.
Many are called, but few chosen.
Thy perdition is from thy self, O Israel, in me alone is thy help. Hosea 13.
What more could I do to my Vineyard, and have not don it? Isa. 5.
His bones shall be fill'd with the sins of his youth, and sleep with him in the dust. Job 20.
XXVI. MED. Of Scandal, or bad Example.
Wo unto the world from scandals. Matth. 17.
He that scandalizes one of these little ones, it were better for him to have a Milstone hung about his neck, and to be flung into the Sea. Matth. 17.
[Page 53]If thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off. Mark. 4.
VVo unto him by whom scandal cometh. Luk. 7.
XXVII. MED. Of outward Pennance and Mortification.
The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. Gal. 5.
Those who are in the flesh, cannot please God. Rom. 8.
[Page 55]Those that belong to Christ, have crucified their flesh with its vices and lusts. Gal. 5.
If you live according to the flesh, you shall die. Rom. 8.
XXVIII. MED. Of the excellency of Mortification.
I beseech you brethren, through the mercy of God, that you yield your bodies a living and holy Host, and pleasing to God. Rom. 12.
I die every day. 1 Cor. 15.
I am fastned to the Cross. Gal. 2.
I fulfil the things that are wanting to the Sufferances of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the Church. Col. 1.
If by the spirit you mortifie the works of the flesh, you shall live. Rom. 8.
XXIX. MED. Of the Profit and necessity of Temptations.
He that is not tempted, what does he know? Eccles. 34.
Gold and Silver is tried in the fire, and men that are acceptable in the furnace of humiliation. Eccles. 12.
Esteem it all joy, brethren, when you fall into several temptations. Jac. 1.
Vexed in few things, in many things they shall be well disposed. Wisd. 3.
XXX. MED. Of the causes of our Temptations.
God tempted Abraham. Gen. 20.
Fear not, for God came for to try you. Exod. 20.
The Lord your God tempts you, to make it publickly known, whether you love him or not. Gen. 13.
Anania, why did Satan tempt thy heart? Act. 5.
Every one is tempted by being drawn and allured by his own concupiscence. Jam. 1.
God tempted them, and found them worthy of him. Wisd. 3.
XXXI. MED. Of the troubles and pains of Mind.
Let not your heart be troubled. John 14.
Because thou wert acceptable to God, it was necessary that Temptation should try thee. Tob. 12.
God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able: but he will make profit of your temptation, that you may be able to sustain it. 1 Cor. 10.
Blessed is the man, who suffers Temptation. Jam. 1.
XXXII. MED. Of natural Inclinations.
There is no acception of persons with God. Rom. 2.
He makes his Sun to rise upon the good, and the bad, and rains upon the just, and unjust. Matth. 5.
Thou shalt not make acception of persons Deut. 16.
[Page 65]Is there not one Father of us all? Is there not one God who created us? why then does every one contemn his Brother? Mal. 2.
These are those that separate themselves: Animals that have not the Spirit. Jude. v. 19.
XXXIII. MED. Of Aversions.
If you love those that love you, what reward will you have? do not the Publicans do the fame? Matth. 5.
If you salute your Brethren only, what do you do more? do not the Heathens do the fame? ibid.
Amen, I say to you, as long as you have not don to one of these little ones, neither have you don to me. Matth. 25.
Their heart is divided, now they will perish. Os. 10.
XXXIV. MED. Of Presumption.
Man knows not whether he be worthy of love or hatred. Eccles. 4.
The heart of man is wicked and unsearchable, who shall know it. Jer. 17.
I am not conscious to my self of any thing, but I am not thereby justified. 1 Cor. 14.
Thou standest by faith: be not high-minded, but fear. Rom. 4.
Be ye therefore humble under the mighty hand of God. 1 Pet. 5.
XXXV. MED. Of the good use of Time.
They were taken away before their time. Job 22.
Do not much wickedness, and be not a fool, that thou maist not die in a time not thine. Eccles. 7.
Time is short. 1 Cor. 7.
Redeeming time. Eph. 5.
He swore by him that lives for ever and ever, That Time shall be no more. Apoc. 10.
Wherefore, whilst we have time, let us do good. Gal. 6.
XXXVI. MED. Of Persecutions.
Fill their face with shame, and they will seek thy name, O Lord. Ps. 82.
Lord, in their anguish they sought after thee. Isa. 26.
I will hedge thy Vineyard with thorns. Hos. 26.
You shall be hated by all men for my sake. Matth. 24.
Blessed are those, who suffer persecution for justice. Matth. 5.
XXXVII. MED. That it is necessary to be afflicted and persecuted.
Through many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdom of God. Act. 14.
If you suffer any thing for justice, you are happy. 1 Pet. 3.
Communicating with the sufferances of Christ, rejoyce, that we may rejoyce in the revelation of his glory. 1 Pet. 4.
[Page 77]All that will live piously in Christ JESUS, shall suffer persecution. 2 Tim. 3.
XXXVIII. MED. Of Human Respect.
He that is afraid of man, will soon fall. Prov. 9.
I say to you, my friends, be not frightned by those who kill the body, and after can do no more. Luk. 12.
[Page 79]Every one that shall confess me before men: the Son of man will confess him before the Angels of God. Luk. 12.
He that shall be ashamed of me and my words: him will the Son of man be ashamed of, when he comes in his Majesty, and that of his Father, and the holy Angels. Luk. 9. v. 26.
XXXIX. MED. Of Slander or Detraction.
I persecuted him who did secretly slander his neighbour. Psal. 100.
[Page 81]Detract not one another brethren: he that detracts his brother, or he that judgeth his brother, detracts the law, and judges the law. Jam. 4.
He that detracts any thing, he obliges himself for the future. Prov. 13.
Neither Robbers nor Slanderers, shall possess the Kingdom of Heaven. 1 Cor. 6.
Out of thy words thou shalt be justified, and out of thy words thou shalt be condemn'd. Matth. 12.
XL. MED. Of Sadness.
Drive away sadness far from you. Eccles. 30.
Rejoyce in our Lord, and exult, O ye just. Psal. 31.
Let the just exult in our Lord, praise becomes the upright. Ps. 32.
Rejoyce in our Lord always, again, I say, rejoyce. Phil. 4.
As it were sad, but always rejoycing. 2 Cor. 6.
XLI. MED. The ill effects of Sadness.
He will not be sad, nor turbulent. Isa. 42.
Why is thy countenance sad? 2 Psdr. 2.
As it were sad, but always rejoycing. 2 Cor. 6.
A wicked heart will cause sadness. Eccles. 36.
Be not like Hypocrites, sad. Math. 6.
XLII. MED. Remedies against Sadness.
Anna, why dost thou weep? 1 Kings 1.
Why art thou sad, O my Soul, and why dost thou trouble me? Ps. 41.
He said to her, Weep not. Luk. 7.
My brethren, rejoice in our Lord. Phil. 3.
Let the hearts of those who seek God rejoyce. Ps. 140.
Is any among you sad? let him pray. Jam. 5.
XLIII. MED. Of Pride.
Every arrogant man is an abomination to our Lord. Prov. 16.
Our Lord swore in his soul: I hate the pride of Jacob. Amos 6.
He that humbles himself shall be exalted, and he that exalts himself shall be humbled. Luk. 14.
Amen, I say to you, unless you be converted and become like little ones, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matth. 18.
God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Jam. 4.
XLIV. MED. Of the pardoning of Injuries.
Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Luk. 6.
Love your enemies, do well to those that hate you. ibid.
If you forgive men their sins, your heavenly Father will forgive your sins: but if you do not forgive men, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you yours. Matth. 6.
XLV. MED. Of the Judgment of Men.
Be not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. 1 Tim. 3.
If I should please men, I should not be Christ's Servant. Gal. 2.
For all these things be not counfounded. and do not accept of a person to do amiss, Eccles. 42.
For my part I make little reckoning. that I am judged by you, or by human light. 1 Cor. 4.
XLVI. MED. Of Avarice.
Do not labour to becom rich: but put a bound to thy industry. Prov. 23.
Trust not in iniquity, and covet not rapins: if riches abound, lay not your heart to them. Psal. 61.
He that hastens to grow rich will not be innocent. Prov. 17.
Those that desire to becom rich, fall into the temptation, and into the snare of the Devil. 1 Tim. 6.
There is nothing more wicked than a covetous man: for his very soul is to be sold. Eccles. 10.
How hard shall those that have monies enter into the Kingdom of God? for it is an easier thing for a Camel to pass through the eye of a Needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of heaven. Luk. 18.
XLVII. MED. Of Relapse.
It is impossible for them that were once illuminated, and have tasted also the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost: and have moreover tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the World to com, and are fallen, to be renewed again to Pennance. Hebr. 6.
If what I have destroyed, I build up again, I make my self a Prevaricator. Gal. 2.
Behold you are now cured, sin no more, least something worse befal you. John 5.
The latter things are becom worse than the first. Luk. 11.
XLVIII. MED. Of Customary Sins.
Let not sin reign in your mortal body, that you obey the concupiscence thereof. Rom. 6.
If an Ethiop can change his skin you may also do well having learnt to do ill. Jer. 13.
My scars are grown rotten, and are corrupted. Ps. 37.
My iniquities have over-topped my head. ibid.
A young man according to the way of his youth: so will he be in his old age. Prov. 21.
XLIX. MED. A Preparation to Death.
Remember that death doth not tarry. Eecles. 14.
Watch, because you know neither the day nor the hour. Matth. 25.
VVatch at all times. Luk. 21.
If thou do not watch I will come to thee like a Thief. Apoc. 3.
Therefore be ye prepared because in what hour you think not the Son of Man will come. Matth. 24.
L. MED. How to resolve for Death.
Better is death than a bitter life: and eternal rest than continual sickness. Eccles. 30.
O Death, good is thy judgment to an indigent man, and whose strength decays in his old age. Eccles. 41.
Fear not the judgment of Death, remember what things were before thee: and what things will come after thee: this is God's judgment on all flesh. Eccles. 41.
VVe know if this earthly house of ours of this habitation be dissolved, that we have a building from God, not made with hands, but eternal in heaven. 2 Cor. 5.
Unhappy man that I am, who will deliver me from the body of this death. Rom. 6.
LI. MED. The Affections of a just Soul at the approaches of Death, which we should cause to be read to us in our last sickness.
I rejoyced in the things that were said to me, we will go into our Lord's house. Psal. 121.
Blessed are those that dy in our Lord. Apoc. 14.
Blessed are those that are call'd to the Nuptials of the Lamb. Apoc. 19.
In thee, O Lord, have I hoped: I shall not be confounded for ever. Ps. 30.
VVhat is there to me in Heaven, and what besides thee would I have on Earth? my flesh and my heart have fainted. O the God of my heart, and my portion, God for ever! Ps. 72.
I am straitned on both sides: having a desire to be dissolved, and be with Christ, much more better. Phil. 1.
[Page 118]One thing have I asked, that will I require, that I may dwell in the house of our Lord all the days of my life. Ps. 26.
How beloved are thy Tabernacles, O God of Hosts, my soul doth long and faint after the Courts of our Lord. Ps. 83.
Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, O Lord, they shall praise thee for ever and ever. Ps. 83.
All this Psalm is full of sweet thoughts to raise in a sick person a desire of Heaven.
If thou dost observe iniquities, O Lord, who can sustain? Ps. 126.
VVith our Lord there is mercy, and with him a copious redemption. ibid.
LII. MED. A Paraphrase on our Lord's Prayer, for the comfort of the sick.
I Believe, O my God, that you are my Father, who have given me the life of my soul and body for to serve and love you: and which you have repaired by the Death of your Son, after I had miserably lost it through my sin. You are the Father of all men, and of the most miserable of all men, whom you see here extended on this Bed. O how glad am I, that I have such a Father! So good, so wise, so holy, so [Page 119]powerful. I hope that since you have given [...]ne a temporal life, you will do me the favour [...]lso to give me an eternal one. O my Father, [...] render back unto you the life which you have given me! I am sorry, that I have employed it so ill; and that I have used it to offend you therewith. My Father! I have sinn'd against Heaven and against you: I am not worthy to bear the quality of your Child: but receive me, I beseech you, into the number of your Servants.
My Father, if it be possible, let this Chalice of Death and Sufferance pass from my mouth: and let me not drink it as yet. Yet let your Will be don, and not mine.
My Father, glorifie your Son, that your Son may glorifie you: and since I have not honored you upon Earth, make me praise you Eternally in Heaven.
Alas! you are in Heaven, and I am yet here upon Earth: You are in a place of peace, and I am in a place of warfare: You are in Heaven for to reward me, and I am on Earth for to honour you. I hope, O my God, that I shall soon be with you in Heaven: I hope so, on the merits of the precious blood, which your Son hath shed for me. O when will that day com? How tedious is it to live banished from your presence? How the Earth displeases me, when I lift up my eyes to Heaven? O Heaven! O [Page 120]Heaven! What ought not we to do, to gain thee? What ought not we to suffer, for to obtain thee? All that I endure is nothing in comparison of what I hope for.
O admirable name of God! I came into this World for to sanctifie thee, and I have don nothing but profane thee. I came upon Earth for to give glory to thee, and I have don nothing but dishonoured thee. I have glorified my own name, instead of glorifying of thine. I have made known my own name, instead of making known thine. I beg thy pardon for it, O God of Glory and Majesty: and since I have not honored thee, during my life, I will honour thee in my Death. I dy for thy glory, and for to acknowledge the Immortality of thy Being, by the destruction of mine. I wish I were able to render you as much glory by my death, as your beloved Son rendred you by his. O why can I not make you to be beloved by all hearts? make you be praised by all mouths? O holy name of JESUS! Thou art all my hopes. Whosoever shall call upon thee, shall be saved. I invocate thee with love, and with respect, suffer me not then to be damned.
My God! When will that time come? When will you reign absolutely in my heart? When shall I reign peaceably in yours? Alas! I have not made you reign upon Earth: I have all my life long protested, That I had no other King but Caesar. I have given up my heart, which is your Kingdom, to the power of the Devil. I have made all your enemies to reign therein.
But my God! Through your grace, I acknowledge my fault, and my perfidiousness, I confess that I deserve death. I accept of it, with all my heart, in satisfaction for my sins. I hope that you will admit me into your Kingdom, although I have driven you out of mine.
O my God! How happy are those, who dwell in your house, for they shall praise you for ever and ever. Happy are those that serve you here on Earth, for they shall reign with you in Heaven.
Comfort thy self, O my Soul! Behold, the Kingdom of God is at hand. Thou hast but one moment to suffer in, and thou shalt have an Eternity to rejoyce in. What ought not one to do for to gain a Crown? What ought not one to suffer for to get Heaven?
My God! I feel great pains. My Body is overwhelm'd with Sufferings. Death assaults me on all sides. I cannot resist its Batteries. It presents me my Chalice to drink, which is very bitter. Is there no means to remove it from my mouth? Yet let thy Will be don, and not mine.
My God! My Soul is in her Agony. My Spirit is disturb'd at the approaches of Death. She apprehends this passage, and has difficulty to quit her Body. She would fain stay a little longer here upon Earth, for to redeem the time past, and repair the losses, she has been the cause of. Must she drink this Chalice? Can not she be dispens'd from it? My God, let your will be don, and not mine. Let me do it at my death, since I have not don it in my life.
O my God! If it were in my power not to dy: I would beg Death of you as a favour, that I might sacrifice to you, what I have dearest in this World, thereby to imitate your Son; thereby to acknowledge his love, and for to drink in his Chalice.
O I will be consummated upon this bed of sorrow, and upon the Altar of my Cross, as a a Victim of your greatness; as a Victim of your Justice; as a Victim of your Love; as [Page 123]a Victim of your Grace; as a Victim of your Glory.
Happy is he that shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God. I thank you, O charitable Father, for all the corporal and spiritual goods, that you have bestowed on me, during this life: and above all, for the bread of Angels, which I have so often eaten, and with so little fruit. O bread of life! I am no more afraid of death, since I have eaten thee in this my last sickness. I will march on, being fortified with this bread, till I com to the Mount Oreb, which is the clear sight of God.
O Eternal Truth! You have promised and sworn, That he who shall eat your Body, and drink your Blood, shall live eternally. This is that, which grounds my hopes: This is that, which disperses my fears. Since we have been united together in this life, I hope we shall not be divided asunder in the next.
O JESUS! Give me my bread this day. Strengthen me with your graces, that I may compass the great journy of Eternity, and that I may persever to the end. Without this bread I shall faint, and shall never be able to get to Heaven.
Lord, the number of my sins is infinit. If you keep an account of our iniquities, alas! who will be able to subsist? I expect my Salvation from your mere grace, and not from your justice. I can, no more, do pennance. I am no longer in a condition to pray or to fast. What shall I then do to appease your justice, and to secure my Salvation.
You have promised to forgive him that forgives: to shew mercy to him that shows it. I do with all my heart forgive those who have offended me: and I pray you to forgive them, and not to lay to their charge the ill they have don me. Alas, they knew not what they did. Forgive me, my God, as I forgive them. Forget the evil that I have don to you, as I forget, that which they have don to me.
Now it is, O my God, that I stand in need of your protection, and your assistance. See how all my enemies surround me on all sides. The roaring Lyon is com out of Hell for to devour me: But if you are with me, what need I fear? Although I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I shall apprehend nothing, being in your company. Although I [Page 125]were besieged by an Army encamped round about me, my heart would not be astonished. Although all the Devils of Hell were ready to enter into combat against me, I would not tremble, since you are with me, and that you make me hope, that I shall have your assistance.
Arise then, O God of Hosts, com quickly to my succour. Send St. Michael with his Troops, to relieve me. You know my weakness: there is none greater in the World. Preserve me therefore, O my God, from Temptation; at least suffer me not to yield unto Temptation.
From evil of body, which I have very well deserved: from the evil of the Soul, which I am threatned with. Deliver me from the greatest of all evils, which is that of Eternity. This is the only sole evil that I apprehend. I accept of all the rest, that you shall think fit to send me. I am ready to go to Purgatory for to satisfie your Justice. But, O God of mercy, I conjure you by the pretious blood of your Son, and for the love that his holy Mother bore him, send me not into Hell, where no body praises you, nor loves you. Call me to Heaven, where I shall see you, where I shall love you, where I shall praise you for all Eternity. Amen. So be it.
One may also read to the Patient, the Meditations upon the last words of JESƲS, upon the Cross, which are in the Third Part.
LIII. MED. Of the care of our Perfection.
Be ye therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matth. 5.
Do not you know, that those who run a Race, all run; and but one gains the Prize: so run, that you may get it. 2 Cor. 9.
I therefore do so run, not as in uncertain: I so fight, not as beating the air: but I chastise my body, and bring it into servitude. 1 Cor. 4.
I said, Now I have begun: this is a change of the right hand of the highest. Ps. 76.
LIV. MED. Of Prayer, and the Difficulties that occur therein.
We know not what we ought to pray for: but the spirit himself doth petition for us with unexpressible groans. Rom. 8.
Pray without intermission: in all things give thanks. 1 Thess. 4.
Ask and it shall be given you: seek and you shall find: knock and it shall be opened to you. Matth. 7.
God is a Spirit, and those who adore him, must adore him in spirit and truth. John 5.
You ask, and you receive not, because you ask ill. Jam. 4.
[Page 134]My prayer shall turn back into my bosom, and the speeches of my mouth shall be acceptable to you, and the meditation of my heart in thy sight always. Ps. 15.
LV. MED. Of Faith.
Behold he that is incredulous, his soul will not be upright in himself: but the just man shall live in faith. Hab. 2.
Faith is the substance of things to be hoped, an argument of things that appear not. Heb. 11.
Reducing every understanding into captivity to the obsequiousness of faith. 2 Cor. 10.
Unless ye believe, ye will not understand. Isa. 7. according to the Septuagint.
We have a firmer Prophetical speech to which you do well to attend, as it were to a light shining in the dark. 1 Pet. 3.
LVI. MED. Of the Conduct of Faith.
We walk by faith, and not by sight. 1 Cor. 5.
I will espouse thee to my self by faith: and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Os. 2.
Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him to justice. Rom. 4.
He went forth, not knowing whither he was to go, Heb. 11.
VVilt not thou be subject to God, O my Soul? Ps. 61.
LVII. MED. Of Hope and Confidence in God.
VVho is she that comes up from the desert, leaning upon her beloved. Cant. 8.
Those who hope in our Lord, shall change their strength, they shall take wings like Eagles, they shall walk, and not faint. Isa. 40.
Many are the scourges of a sinner, but him that hopes in our Lord, mercy shall encompass. Psal. 31.
Our Lord said to Gideon, you have much people with you, nor shall Madian be delivered up into his hands, least Israel glory against me, and say, I was delivered by my own strength. Judg. 8.
Command the rich men of this world, not to be highminded, nor to trust in the uncertainty of their riches, but in the living God, who does bestow abundantly on us all things for us to enjoy. 1 Tim. 6.
LVIII. MED. Of Charity.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, Matth. 22.
The end of the precept is Charity, out of a pure heart, a good conscience, and an unfeigned faith. 2 Tim. 1.
Charity covers a multitude of sins. 1 Pet. 4.
Many sins are forgiven her, because she loved much. Luk. 7.
God is Charity, and he that remains in Charity, remains in God, and God in him. 1 John 4.
This is the charity of God, that we keep his Commandments. 1 John 5.
[Page 144]He that has my Commandments, and keeps them, 'tis he that loves me. John 14.
LIX. MED. Of Purity of Intention.
All men seek their own interefts. Phil. 2.
Do I seek to please men? Gal. 1.
If I should yet please men, I should not be Christ's servant. ibid.
VVhether yeeat, or whether ye drink, or whatsoever else you do: do all things to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10.
LX. MED. Which is the noblest Intention.
I have inclin'd my heart to do your justifications for retribution. Ps. 118.
VVhat is there to me in Heaven, and what would I besides thee on Earth? Ps. 72.
Let no man seek his own interest. 1 Cor. 20.
To thee alone. Ps. 50.
Not as pleasing men, but God, who trys our hearts, 2 Thess. 7.
LXI. MED. Of the Marks of a pure Intention.
Is your heart right? 4 Kings 10.
Whom seek you? John 18.
Woman, why do you weep? John 20.
Martha, Martha, thou art sollicitous. Luk. 19.
To the immortal and invisible King of ages: to God alone be honour and glory for ever and ever. 1 Tim. 1.
I always do things that are pleasing to him. John 8.
LXII. MED. Of Humility.
Humble thy spirit very much, for fire is the revenge of wicked flesh. Eccles. 7.
Com unto me all ye that labour, and you shall find rest to your souls. Matth. 11.
VVhoever among you would be made great, let him be your servant. Mark 10.
He that exalts himself shall be humbled. Luk. 10.
XLIII. MED. Of Patience.
The Sufferances of this time are not worthy of the glory, which shall be given us hereafter. Rom. 8.
Through many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdom of God. Act. 14.
Patience is necessary for you, that doing the VVill of God, you may gain the promises. Heb. 10.
If any one will com after me, let him deny himself. Matth. 6.
LXIV. MED. Of the Exercise of Patience.
VVo unto those who have lost their patience. Eccles. 1.
This is a grace of God, if for your conscience to God any one does unjustly suffer sadness. 1 Pet. 2.
Accept of all that is applyed to thee. Eccles. 2.
VVe glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation works patience, patience probation, probation hope. Rom. 5.
Be patient towards all. 1 Thess. 5.
Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example to follow. 1 Pet. 2.
LXV. MED. Of the Cross: or several Motives of Patience.
Blessed is the wood by the which justice is made. Wisd. 14.
Then Jesus said to his Disciples: if any one will come after me, &c. let him take up his Cross. Matth. 6.
The word of the Cross to those that do perish, is foolishness: but to those that are saved, that is to us, 'tis the power of God. 1 Cor. 1.
I rejoyce in Sufferings for you, and fulfil the things that are wanting of the suffering of Christ for his body, which is the Church of God. Coloss. 1.
[Page 162]God forbid that I should glory, saving in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gal. 6.
The sinner hath provoked our Lord to wrath, he will not seek after him according to the multitude of his wrath. Ps. 9.
LXVI. MED. Of Conformity to the Will of God.
Good, and evil, life, and death, poverty, and honour, are from God. Eccles. 11.
I have found a man according to my heart, who will do all my wills. 1 Kings 13.
Whatsoever shall befal a just man, shall never make him sad. Prov. 12.
Whosoever shall do the will of my Father, he is my Brother, and Sister, and Mother. Matth. 12.
Not as I will, but as thou. Matth. 29.
LXVII. MED. Of the love of our Neighbour.
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as t' y self. Matth. 12.
To love your neighbour as your self, is more than all Holocausts and Sacrifices. Mark 12.
Bear one another's burdens, and so you will fulfil the Law of Christ. Gal. 6.
But above all things having continual Charity in your selves, because Charity covers a multitude of sins. 1 Pet. 4.
[Page 166]In this all shall know, that ye are my Disciples, if you have a love for one another. John 3.
LXVIII. MED. Of the duty of Fathers to their Children, and of Masters towards their Servants.
Son hast thou Children, instruct them. Eccles. 7.
Fathers provoke not your Sons to wrath, that they may not becom pusillanimous. Gol. 3.
He that spares the rod, hates his Son. Prov. 13.
He that scandalizes one of these little ones, it were better that he had a Mill-stone, &c. Matth. 18.
If any one has not care of his own folks, and especially of his Domesticks, he has denied his faith. Tim. 5.
LXIX. MED. Of Mildness and Choler.
Be not hasty to be angry, because anger will rest in the bosom of a fool. Eccl. 7.
He will direct the mild in judgment: he will teach the mild his ways. Ps. 24.
The naughty man always seeks out brangles: but a cruel Angel shall be sent against him. Prov. 17.
But the meek shall inherit the land, and shall be delighted in the multitude of Peace. Ps. 36.
Every one that is angry with his brother is guilty of judgment. Matth. 5.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the Earth. ibid.
LXX. MED. Remedies against Choler.
On whom shall I look, but on the meek one, and the contrite in spirit, and him that trembles at my speeches. Isai. 66.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land. Matth. 5.
Learn of me, for that I am meek and humble of heart. Mat. 11.
Why art thou angry, and why is thy countenance fallen? Gen. 4.
LXXI. MED. That we ought to do all our Actions well.
Thou shalt justly prosecute what is just. Deut. 16.
In all thy works be thou excellent. Eccl. 33.
Cursed is he that does the work of God fraudulently. Jer. 48.
He will render to every one according to his works. Matth. 17.
He did all things well. Mark. 7.
LXXII. MED. Of fidelity in small things.
He that slights small things will fall by little and little. Eccl. 14.
He that fears God, neglects nothing. Eccl. 17.
He that is faithful in the least, will be faithful in a greater: and he that is unjust in a small matter, is unjust in a greater. Luk. 16.
And though the Prophet had bid you don a great matter, you ought indeed to have don it: much more then, since now he said to you, be washed, and you shall be cleansed. 4 Kings 15.
VVho shall find a faithful man? Prov. 20.
LXXIII. MED. Of good Works.
The Son of man will com in the glory of the Father, and then he will render to every one according to his works. Matth. 16.
Behold I com quickly, and my reward is with me to render unto every one according to his works. Apoc. 22.
See how a man is justified by his works, and not by faith alone. Jam. 2.
As a body without a soul is dead: so faith without works is dead. ibid.
Cut it down, why doth it take up the ground? Luc. 13.
The ground that drinks in the showres that fall down on it, and brings forth thorns and thistles, is reprobate, and next to a curse. Heb. 6.
Therefore whilst we have time let us work good. Gal. 6.
LXXIV. MED. Of Alms.
Redeem thy sins with alms-deeds, and thy iniquity with the mercies of the poor. Dan. 4.
He that shall see his Brother to be in necessity, and shall shut up his bowels, How is the Charity of God in him? John 3.
[Page 183]I command thee to open thy hand to thy needy and poor Brother. Deut. 15.
Give, and it shall be given to you. Luk 11.
Blessed is the man that understandeth concerning the needy and the poor, in the evil day our Lord will deliver him. Psal. 40.
Come ye blessed of my Father, &c. I was hungry, and you gave me to eat, &c. Matth. 25.
LXXV. MED. Of the Condusts of God.
Our Lord led the just man through strait ways. Wisd. 20.
Her ways are beautiful, and all her paths peaceable. Prov. 3.
There is a way which seems just to a man: but the last ends of it lead unto death. Prov. 14.
Our Lord mortifies and quickens: leads down to Hell, and brings back. 1 Kings 2.
He went forth not knowing whether he went. Heb. 11.
Make known unto me the way in which I may walk. Ps. 14.
As the Heavens are exalted above the Earth, so are my ways, &c. Isai. 55.
LXXVI. MED. Of the benefit there is in leaving our selves to the Conduct of God.
Lead me, O Lord, in thy way. Ps. 85.
Protect me under the shadow of thy Wings. Ps. 16.
I have gon astray like a sheep that was lost. Seek thy Servant. Ps. 118.
He led them along in a wonderful way. Wisd. 10.
LXXVII. MED. Of the hurt there comes by straying from the ways of God.
Was not this don to thee, because thou didst forsake the Lord thy God, at what time he led thee in the way? Jer. 2.
What wouldst thou have in the way of Egypt, for to drink troubled waters? ibid.
Thy malice shall argue thee, and thy aversion shall rebuke thee. ibid.
Know and see that it is evil and bitter to have forsaken the Lord thy God. ibid.
See whether the way of iniquity be in me, and lead me in the eternal way. Ps. 138.
LXXVIII. MED. Of Dryness and Aridities.
In darkness I have made my bed. Job. 17.
Meat and drink is not the Kingdom of God, but justice and Peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rom. 14.
They shall be dispersed for to eat, and if they be not satiated they will murmur. Ps. 58.
It is expedient for you that I should go: for if I do not go, the Comforter will not com to you. Jo. 16.
God is a Spirit, and those who adore him, must adore him in spirit and truth.
LXXIX. MED. Of Silence.
If any one offends not in word, he is a perfect man. Jam 1.
If any one thinks himself to be Religious, not bridling his tongue, his religion is vain. ibid.
Since thou hast spoken to thy servant, I have more impediment, and slowness of tongue. Exod. 4.
Where there are many words, there frequently is want. Prov. 14.
[Page 194]The heart of fools is in their mouth, and the mouth of the wise is in their heart. Eccl. 21.
Let every man be quick to hear, but slow to speak. Jam. 1.
LXXX. MED. Of Sickness.
Son in thy Sickness despise not thy self, but pray to God, and he will cure thee. Eccl. 38.
Behold, thou art now healed, sin no more, least something worse do befal thee. Jo. 5.
This sickness is not to death, but to the glory of God. Jo. 11.
When I am weak, then am I strong. 2 Cor. 12.
LXXXI. MED. Of Modesty.
A man is known by the sight, and a wise man is known by the shew of his face. The cloathing of the body, and the laughing of the teeth, and the gate of the man, tell of him. Eccl. 19.
Let your Modesty be known unto all men. Phil. 4.
The man of the heart that is hidden in the incorruptibility of a quiet and a modest spirit, which is rich in the sight of God. 1 Pet. 3.
I beseech you by the modesty and meekness of Christ. 2 Cor. 10.
Do you on like the Elect of God, Humility, Modesty, Patience. Col. 3.
LXXXII. MED. Of Divine Inspirations.
Wo to thee that despisest, shall not thy self also be despised? Isai. 33.
I called and you refused: I extended my hand, and there was none that regarded. Ye despised all my counsel, and ye neglected my rebukes: and I will laugh in your destruction. Prov. 1.
I go, and you will seek me, and you will dy in your Sin. Jo. 8.
Extinguish not the spirit. Thess. 5.
This day if you hear his voice, &c. Ps. 44.
LXXXIII. MED. Of the Word of God.
Blessed is the womb that bore thee, &c. Yea, blessed are those, who hear the Word of God and keep it. Luk 11.
He that turns away his ear, that he may not hear the Law, his Prayer shall be execrable. Isai. 28.
Not in bread alone shall man live, but in every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matth. 4.
See that you refuse him not speaking. Heb. 11.
The seed is the Word of God. Luk. 8.
LXXXIV. MED. Of the Happiness of a Religious State.
He took away his people like sheep, and brought them through like a flock in the desart. Ps. 77.
They remembred not his hand, in the day that he redeemed them from the hand of the afflicter. ibid.
How beloved are thy tabernacles, O Lord, my Soul doth long and faint into the courts of our Lord? Ps. 89.
I have chosen to be abject in the house of my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of Sinners.
Better is one day in thy courts above a thousand. ibid.
Every one who shall leave his house, or Brothers, or Sisters, or father, or mother, or vvife or children, or land, for my sake, shall receive a hundred fold, and possess life everlasting. Matth. 19.
Amen, I say unto you, That there is none, &c. vvho shall not receive novv in this time a hundred fold vvith Persecutions, and in the World to com life everlasting. Mark. 10.
Much more in this time, &c. Luk. 18.
LXXXV. MED. Of Poverty.
Fear not my Son, vve lead indeed a poor life, but vve shall have many goods, if vve fear God. Tob. 4.
[Page 206]Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matth. 5.
If thou vvilt be perfect, go and sell all thou hast, and give it to the poor. Matth. 14.
We brought nothing into this World, nor doubtless shall vve carry any thing avvay. 1 Tim. 6.
LXXXVI. MED. Of Chastity.
The Disciple whom Jesus loved. Jo. 21.
These are they who were not stained with women, for they are Virgins. Apoc. 14.
Incorruption makes one near unto God. Wisd. 6.
In the Resurrection they shall neither marry, nor be married; but they shall be like the Angels of God in Heaven. Matth. 22.
Therefore God delivered them up to the desires of their hearts; into uncleanness for to abuse their own bodies among themselves ignominiously. Rom. 1.
[Page 208]Therefore God hath delivered them into passions of ignominy. ibid.
LXXXVII. MED. Of Obedience.
Would God have Holocausts and Victims: and not rather to be obeyed? Better is Obedience than Victims. 1 Kings. 15.
It is, as it were, the sin of enchantment to resist, and as it were, the wickedness of Idolatry to refuse to obey. ibid.
The obedient man shall speak Victories. Prov. 21.
He that resists power, resists God's order. Rom. 13.
Obey your Prelates, and be subject to them: for they watch, as being to render an account for your Souls, that they may do it with joy, and not mourning. Heb. 13.
LXXXVIII. MED. Of Religious Discipline.
Keep the Law and Counsel, and there shall be [...] thy Soul. Prov. 3.
If you love me, keep my Commandments. Jo. 14.
He that is faithful in a small matter, will be fait [...] a greater. Luk. 16.
He that slights small things will fall, &c. Eccl. 19.
They afflicted the spirit of the holy one. Is. 63.
Odious unto all, as an Out-law; and execrable, as enemy to his country and citizens. 2 Macch. 5.
Great are thy judgments, O Lord, and unutterable a thy words. For this, undisciplined couls have gone astray. Wisd. 17.
THE THIRD PART. OF THE Principal Mysteries of the Life and Death of the Son of God, and of his Holy Mother.
LXXXIX. MED. Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ.
Look on, and make it according to the pattern that was shewed thee in the Mount. Exod. 25.
Whom he has predestinated to be made conformable to the Image of his Son. Rom. 8.
He that says that he remains in him, ought as he walked, to walk also. 1 John. 2.
I have given you an example, That as I have don, so you do also. John. 13.
XC. MED. Of the Virtue, of Jesus compared to our Vices.
Is thy heart upright as mine is? 4 Kings. 10.
The Disciple is not above his Master, nor the Servant above his Lord. Matth. 10.
He is made unto us Wisdom from God, and Justice, and Sanctification, and Redemption. 1 Cor. 2.
I am the way, the truth and the life. Jo. 14.
XCI. MED. Of the Nativity of JESƲS Christ.
I Evangelize unto you great joy, &c. Luk. 1.
She swathed him in clouts, and laid him down in a manger. ibid.
A child is born to us, and a Son is given to us. Is. 9.
Let us go over to Bethlehem, and see this Word that is don. Luk. 2.
The Word was made flesh. John. 1.
XCII. MED. Affections of tenderness towards the Infant Jesus.
XCIII. MED. Of the Poverty of the Infant Jesus.
The foxes have their holes, and the Birds of the air their nests: but the Son of Man has not where to lay his head. Matth. 8.
He came into his own, and his own received him not. Jo. 1.
[Page 226]Amen I say unto you, as long as you have don to one of these my least brothers, you have don to me. Matth. 15.
He was made poor being rich, that by his poverty you might be made rich. 2 Cor. 8.
XCIV. MED. Of the Humility of the Infant Jesus.
Whosoever shall humble himself like this little one, he is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Matth. 18.
Behold God is my Saviour, I will do confidently, and will not fear. Isai. 12.
He exinanited himself, taking the form of a Servant. Phil. 2.
XCV. MED. Of the Divine Humiliations in the Mystery of the Incarnation.
The Word was made flesh. John. 1.
He exinanited himself, taking the form of a servant. Phil. 2.
[Page 229]God sending his Son into the similitude of the flesh of sin. Rom. 8.
Him who knew not sin, he made him a sin for us, that we might be made the justice of God in him. 1 Cor. 5.
XCVI. MED. Of the Holy Name of Jesus.
But thou art in us, O Lord, and thy holy name is invocated on us. Jer. 14.
It shall be that every one, who invocates the name of Lord, shall be saved. Joel. 2.
For there is no other name under Heaven given to men, in which we must be saved. Act. 5.
In the name of Jesus let every knee bow. Phil. 2.
XCVII. MED. Of the Kingdom of God.
He will do the will of those that fear him. Psal. 44.
I am in the midst of you as one that serves. Luk. 22.
Thy Kingdom com. Matth. 5.
The Kingdom of God is within you. Luk. 17.
XCVIII. MED. Of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and that of Satan.
Behold your King. John. 19.
My Kingdom is not of this World. ibid.
Do thou and thy Son rule over us. Judg. 8.
Let not Sin therefore reign in your mortal body. Rom. 6.
The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Apoc. 13.
XCIX. MED. Of the Passion of JESƲS Christ in general.
In him dwells all plenitude of the Divinity corporally. Col. 2.
God anointed him with the Holy Ghost and virtue, who passed along, doing good, and healing all that were opprest by the Devil, because God was with him. Act. 10.
Who loved me, and gave himself for me. Gal. 2.
I am to be baptized with a Baptism, and how am I straitened until it be performed? Luk. 12.
From the sole of the foot to the crown of the head, there is no health in him. Isai. 53.
C. MED. Of the Sadness of the Son of God in the Garden of Olives.
He began to fear, and to be heavy. Mark. 14.
My Soul is sad even unto death: stay here, and watch. ibid.
His sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down upon the earth. Luk. 22.
He surely hath born our infirmities, and our sorrows he hath carried. Isai 53.
CI. MED. On the Prayer of our Lord in the Garden.
Going forwards a little he fell prostrate on his face, praying. Matth. 26.
My Father, if it be possible, let this Chalice pass from me: yet not as I will, but as thou wilt. ibid.
Father, if this Chalice cannot pass unless I drink it, thy will be don. ibid.
My God I will cry out by day, and thou wilt not hear. Ps. 21.
CII. MED. Of the Outrages that our Lord suffered in Anna 's and Caiphas 's house.
One of the servants that stood by, gave a buffet to Jesus. John. 18.
He hath blasphem'd, what need we any longer of witnesses? What do you think? And they answering, said, He is guilty of death. Matth. 26.
They spit in his-face, and beat him with buffets. ibid.
I have not turned away my face from those that rebuked me, and from those that spit upon me. Isai. 50.
He shall give his cheek to the striker: he shall be filled with reproaches. Thren. 3.
Why dost thou strike me? John. 18.
I was troubled and did not speak. Ps. 76.
CIII. MED. Of the Contempt that Herod used Jesus Christ with, and that Jesus Christ shewed of Herod.
Herod was a long time desirous to see him, because he had heard many things of him, and he hoped to see him work some miracle. Luk. 23.
He questioned him with many speeches, but he answered him nothing. ibid.
And Herod with his army set him at nought. ibid.
That which is foolish of God is wiser than men; and that which is weak of God, is stronger than men. 2 Cor. 1.
To thee, O Lord, will I cry, be not silent from me, least at any time thou hold thy peace from me, and I shall be like to them that go down into the lake. Ps. 27.
There is a time to besilent, and a time to speak. Eccl. 3.
CIV. MED. Of the Preference of Barabbas before JESVS Christ.
Whom will you that I release to you, Barabbas or Jesus, that is called Christ? Matth 27.
To whom have you compared me, and to whom have you likened me? Isai. 46
They all creed out saying: not him but Barabbas. Job. 19.
I have bred up children, and exalted them, but they have slighted me. Isai. 1.
CV. MED. Of the Flagellation of Jesus Christ.
Then Pilate took Jesus and scourged him. Jo. 19.
He delivered Jesus beaten with whips. Mark. 15.
Many are the scourges of a sinner. Ps. 31.
[Page 248]I am prepared for scourges: and my sorrow is always in my sight. Ps. 37.
They are not in the labour of men, and they shall not be scourged with men. Ps. 72.
Our Lord chastizes those he loves: and he scourges every Son whom he receives. Heb. 12.
CVI. MED. Of the Crowning with Thorns.
The Souldiers platting a crown of thorns, put it upon his head, and they put about him a purple garment. John. 19.
Jesus went forth earrying the Crown of thorns, and the purple vestment. bid.
Lo the Man. ibid.
Lo your King. ibid.
Crowning, he will crown thee with cribulation. Isai. 22.
We have no King, but Caesar. John. 19.
Jesus of Naza reth the King of the Jews. ibid.
My King and my God. Psal. 5.
CVII. MED. On Jesus Christ's journey in carrying of his Cross.
Carrying his own Cross, he went forth into that which is called the place of Calvary. John. 19.
Com, and follow me. Mark. 10.
Then Jesus said to his Disciples: if any one will com after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross, and follow me. Matth. 16.
I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. Luk. 9.
We have all strayed like Sheep: and God laid on him the iniquites of us all. Isai. 53.
CVIII. MED. Of Jesus Crucified.
They crucified him, and with him two others on this side and that side, and Jesus in the middle. John. 19.
They gave him wine mingled with gall to drink, and when he had tasted it. he would not drink. Matth. 2.
All the day long I spread forth my arms to an unbelieving and contradicting people Rom. 10.
With Christ I am fastned to the Cross. Gal. 2.
They that be Christ's, have crucified their flesh with the vices and Concupiscences. Gal. 5.
God forbid that I should glory saving in the Cross of our Lord Jesus-Christ, by whom, &c. Gal. 5.
[Page 255]Crucifying again, to themselves, the Son of God, and making him a mockery. Heb. 6.
CIX. MED. On the first Word of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luk. 23.
Forgive thy neighbour hurting thee, and then shall thy sins be loosed to thee when thou prayest. Eccl. 28.
Love your enemies: pray for those that persecute and calumniate you. Matth. 5.
To me revenge: and I will render it, saith our Lord. Rom. 12.
CX. MED. On the Repentance of the good Thief, and the Impenitence of the bad one.
One of the two thieves did blaspheme, saying, save thy self and us. Luk. 23.
The other rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou also fear God? We indeed suffer justly, for we receive worthy of our doings, but this man hath don no evil. ibid.
Lord remember me when thou shalt com into thy Kingdom. Amen I say to thee, This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise. ibid.
There shall be two in one bed, one shall be taken, and the other left behind. Luk. 17.
CXI. MED. Of the Passion of the B. Virgin.
A couragious woman who shall find? Prov. 31.
There stood besides the Cross of Jesus, his Mother. Joh. 19.
He said to his Mother, Woman, behold thy Son!
Then he said to his Disciple, Behold thy Mother! ibid.
Thy very Soul a Sword shall pass through, that cogitations may be revealed out of many hearts. Luk. 2.
Thy contrition is great like the Sea. Thren. 2.
CXII. MED. Of the Dereliction of our Lord.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me. Matth. 28.
Forsake me not, O Lord my God, go not away from me Ps. 37.
Cast me not away in the time of my old age, when my strength fails me, forsake me not. Ps. 70.
My enemies said: God hath forsaken him: persecute and lay hold of him, because there is none to deliver him. ibid. Forsake me not wholly. Ps 118.
He said: I will not desert, nor forsake thee. Heb. 13.
CXIII. MED. On the Thirst of our Lord on the Cross.
That the Scripture might be fulfill'd, he said, I thirst. John. 19.
O that som one would give me water of the cistern of Bethlehem, which is in the gate. 1 Par. 11.
Woman give me to drink. John. 4.
[Page 267]They gave for my food, gall, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. Ps. 98.
As the heart desires the fountains of waters; so doth my soul thirst after the living God. Ps. 41.
CXIV. MED. On the sixth Word of our Lord on the Cross.
It is consummate. John. 19.
By this one oblation he consummated for ever the sanctified. Heb. 10.
Looking upon the Author of faith, and the Consummator Jesus. Heb. 12.
He learnt by those things which he suffered obedience, and he was made consummate. Heb. 5.
If a man lives many years, and do rejoyce in all these things, he must remember the darksom time, and the evil days, which when they com, the things that are past will be argued of vanity. Eccles. 11.
CXV. MED. On the last Word of JESƲS Christ on the Cross.
Jesus crying with a loud voice, said. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: And saying this, he gave up the Ghost. Luk. 23.
And bowing down the head, he gave up the Ghost. John. 19.
Our King before ages wrought Salvation in the midst of the Earth. Psal. 73.
He that adheres to our Lord, is one spirit. 1 Cor. 6.
If God be for us, who is against us? Rom. 8.
[Page 272]Therefore let those who suffer according to the Will of God, recommend their Souls to their faithful Creator in good deeds. 1 Pet. 4.
CXVI. MED. Of the Death of the Son of God.
Bowing down his head, he gave up the Ghost. John. 19.
The just man perisheth, and no body thinks of it in his heart. Isai. 57.
Think upon him, who endured such contradiction against himself from sinners, that you may not be wearied in your minds fainting. Heb. 12.
He died for the wicked. Rom. 5.
Christ died for us. ibid.
For this end did Christ dy, and rose again, that he might be Lord of the quick and the dead. Rom. 14.
Your are dead, and your life is hid with Christ, &c. Col. 3.
CXVII. MED. In form of Prayer on the seven Stations of the Sufferings of the Son of God.
O Jesus my Saviour, who didst sweat blood and water in the Garden of Olives, at the sight of thy torments, and of my sins! And who didst strip thy self of thy farce, for to cloath thy self with my Infirmities. I aadore thee, all bathed in thy blood. I give thanks to thy sacred heart for having afflicted it self for my sake. I detest all the sins, which did cause so great a sadness. I resolve to dy rather than ever more to afflict thee. Give me grace, that I may, as thou didst, conceive a great sorrow for my iniquities: that I may resist, even unto blood, the Temptations of the Devil, and of the Flesh; and that I may conform my self in all things to thy example, and to the will of thy Father.
2. STAT.
O Jesus, my Lord, who wert buffeted, and ill treated in the houses of Annas and Caiphas, I give thee thanks for having suffered these injuries, and these confusions for the love of me. Alas! how often have I buffeted and injured [Page 275]thee in the person of my neighbour; since thou reckonest as don to thy self all the ill that is don to him? I beg most humble pardon of thee for it: And I resolve henceforth, for thy sake, to suffer all the injuries that shall be don to me: and never more to offend thee in the person of my Brothers, either by action, words, judgment, or will.
3. STAT.
O Jesus my King, who wert scorned by Herod, and by the Jews; when they preferred a Robber, a Seditious felow, and a Man-killer, before thee. I beg pardon of you, for having so often preferr'd the Devil and wretched Creatures before you. I promise, never more to dishonour you. You shall always be the King of my heart, and I will rather dy than lay you, as I have don, under the feet of Lucifer, that Robber, that Seditious wretch, and Murderer of all men.
4. STAT.
O Jesus, the purest and chastest of all men, whose innocent flesh was torn with the blows of the Whips in Pilate's house, for to expiate the Criminal Pleasures that we take in our flesh. I acknowledge, that it was for my sake that you suffered such cruel torments. I am sorry for having given you so many wounds, and that I have so often renewed them by the satisfaction [Page 276]which I have given to my Senses. I conjure you by your Dolours to sanctifie my Body and Soul, and to wash them with your pretious blood from all their Impurities, and never to suffer that that flesh, which has been washed in your blood, be ever stain'd with any sin.
5. STAT.
O Jesus the greatest of all Kings, who wert crowned with Thorns, and didst wear on thy Shoulders the Royal Marks of thy Principality. I acknowledge thee for my King, as despised and disfigured as thou art. And since thou hast no part of thy body, which was not wounded: I will take no more pleasure in my body: but will live in grief and pain, that I may be one of thy Subjects, and one of thy Members.
6. STAT.
O Jesus my Redeemer, who for my sake wert fastened to a Cross, and who didst shed all thy blood for to rescue me from the power of the Devil, whose Slave I was. I give the thanks for this incomparable love that thou didst bear to me: for so many torments which thou didst suffer for my sake. I kiss with respect thy sacred feet, and thy sacred hands, which were pierced for my sake. I adore that sacred heart, which was opened for my love, and I promise [Page 277]rather to dy, than ever more to crucify thee in mine.
7. STAT.
O Jesus my life, who didst dy for me: and who wert forsaken by thy Father, that I might not be forsaken at my death. O most meek Lamb! immolated for the Salvation of men: Victim of Love and Patience, who wert consummated on a pile of sorrows. O the Saint of Saints! O the King of Kings! What can I do for to acknowledge so great a goodness? Why may not I dy for you, as you died for me? I believe, that thou art my Saviour: and I should despair, did I not believe it. I hope that thou wilt pardon me my sins, and that thou wilt bestow on me thy Heaven, since thou gavest me thy life. I detest my Crimes, which are the cause of thy death, and I will rather lose my life than ever make thee dy in my heart, since this death is infinitly more sensible and more ignominious to thee than that of the Cross. I beg your pardon for all those, who have offended me. I give my self to your holy Mother. I choose her for mine, and I desire to dy betwixt her arms. I recommend my spirit into thy hands: and I conjure thee by thy dereliction, not to forsake me at the hour of my death, but to receive me into thy Heaven; there to see thee, there to love thee, there to praise and bless thee for all Eternity. Amen.
This Prayer may be recited in the time of Mass, before Confession and Communion, especially when one is sick, and on all Fridays in the year, at the foot of the Cross. You must make a little Pause at each Station, and produce in heart the acts that you pronounce with your mouth.
CXVIII. MED. On the Burial of Jesus Christ.
Joseph taking the body, wrapt it in a clean Sindon, and laid it in his own new monument, which he had hewed out of a rock. Matth. 27.
Woman, why weepest thou? They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have put him. John. 20.
My Soul was filled with evils, and my life drew near unto Hell. Ps. 87.
I was reputed with those that descend into the lake: I became like a man without help, free amongst the dead. ibid.
They laid me in the lower lake, in dark places, and in the shadow of death. ibid.
Like the vvounded that sleep in their graves. ibid.
CXIX. MED. Of the Resurrection of our Lord.
Our Lord is truly risen, and hath appeared to Simon. Luk. 24.
Christ rising from the dead, dies no more: death shall domineer no more over him. Rom. 6.
If ye are risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, not that are on earth. Col. 3.
Crucifying to themselves again the Son of God, and setting him at nought. Heb. 6.
CXX. MED. Of our Lord's Wounds.
He shewed them his hands and feet. Luk. 24.
He shewed them his hands and side. John. 20.
What are those wounds in the midst of thy hands? With these was I wounded in the house of those that loved me. Zech. 13.
Behold I have written thee in my hands. Isai. 49.
Whom thou hast stricken they have persecuted, and they have added to the pain of my wounds. Ps. 68.
CXXI. MED. Of the good Shepherd.
I am a good Shepherd: I know my sheep, and my sheep know me. John. 10.
He goes before them, and the Sheep follow him. ibid.
And I am not troubled following thee my Pastor. Jer. 17.
Our Lord governs me, nothing will be wanting to me: he placed me in a place of pasture. Psal. 22.
I have gon astray like a sheep that is lost; seek after thy servant. Psal. 118.
CXXII. MED. Of the Sheep of Jesus Christ.
Thou that rulest Israel attend, who leadest on Joseph like a Sheep. Psal. 79.
My foot has followed his footsteps. Job. 13.
He shall be led like a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb before the shearer he shall be dumb, and shall not open his mouth. Isai. 53.
I was dumb, and did not open my mouth, because thou didst do it. Psal. 38.
In this shall all know, that you are my Disciples, if you love one another. Jo. 13.
If you bite and eat each other, see ye be not consumed by each other. Gal. 5.
CXXIII. MED. Of the Ascension of our Lord.
And our Lord Jesus after he had spoken was assumed into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God. Mark. 16.
Ascending on high, he led captivity captive: he gave gifts. Eph. 4.
Let not your heart be troubled: I go to prepare you a place: I will take you to my self, that where I am you also may be. John. 14.
And if I be exalted from the Earth, I will draw all to my self. John. 12.
Draw me after thee. Cant. 5.
CXXIV. MED. Of the coming down of the Holy Ghost.
'Tis the Spirit which enlivens. John. 6.
They were all replenisht with the Holy Ghost. Act. 2.
Grace is diffused in our hearts by the Holy Ghost who is given to us. Rom. 5.
If any one hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is not his. Rom. 8.
Whoever are acted by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. ibid.
If we live in spirit, let us walk in spirit. Gal. 5.
CXXV. MED. Of the most Sacred Trinity.
Going, teach ye all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matth. 28.
Three there are who give testimony in Heaven, the Father, Word, and Holy Ghost, and these three are one. 1 John. 5.
[Page 296]Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, the Earth is full of thy glory. Isai. 6.
All that is in the World is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and pride of life. 1 John. 8.
CXXVI. MED. In form of a Dialogue. Of the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
CXXVII. MED. Of the Love of JESƲS Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar.
The children of Israel said to one another, Manhu, which signifies, What is this? for they were ignorant, what it was. To whom Moses said, This is the bread which our Lord has given you to eat. Exod. 16.
This is the bread that came down from Heaven: not as your Fathers did eat Manna, and died. He that eats this bread shall live for ever. John. 6.
Who shall give us of his flesh, that we may be filled? Job. 31.
My flesh is truly meat. John. 6.
When he had loved his who were in the World, he loved them unto the end. John. 13.
CXXVIII. MED. Of the Holy Communion.
With desire have I desired to eat this Pasch with you before I suffer. Luk. 22.
He that eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, remains in me, and I in him. John. 6.
A certain man made a great Supper, and called many, and they all began to excuse themselves. Luk. 14.
I say to you, that none of those men, that were called, shall tast my Supper. Bring in hither the poor and weak, and blind and lame, force them to com in, &c. ibid.
CXXIX. MED. In Form of Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ: which may serve for a Thanksgiving after Communion.
You must pause at every verse, and relish that which shall touch your heart.
CXXX. MED. Of Devotion towards the B. Virgin.
He saith to his Mother, Woman, behold your Son: Then he saith to his Disciple, Behold thy Mother. And from that hour the Disciple received her for his. John. 19.
Dwell in Jacob, and have thy inheritance in Israel, and take root in my Elect. Eccl. 24.
He that shall find me, shall find life, and draw salvation from our Lord. Prov. 8.
CXXXI. MED. Of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.
Who shall declare her generation? Isai. 53.
Thou art all fair, my friend, and there is no spot in thee. Cant. 4.
Our Lord possest me in the beginning of his ways. Prov. 8.
[Page 314]'Tis a great work: for a habitation is prepared, not for man, but for God. 2 Paral. 29.
Holiness becoms thy house: O Lord, for length of days. Ps 92.
CXXXII. MED. Of the Purification of the B. Virgin.
They carried him into Jerusalem, to present him to our Lord. Luk. 2.
Take thy only begotten Son Isaac, &c. and there thou shalt offer him in a Holocaust. Gen. 22.
In the simplicity of my heart, I joyfully offered all these things. 1 Paral. 29.
Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord. Luk. 2.
O Lord I am thy servant, and the Son of thy handmaid. Ps. 115.
CXXXIII. MED. Of the Annunciation of the B. Virgin.
Behold the handmaid of our Lord, be it don unto me according to thy Word. Luk. 1.
Whosoever shall do the Will of my Father, who is in Heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother. Matth. 12.
He is not ashamed to call them brothers. Heb. 2.
The Holy Ghost shall com down on thee, and the virtue of the highest shall over-shadow thee. Luk. 1.
CXXXIV. MED. Of the Humiliations of the Son of God, and the Elevations of Mary, in the Mystery of the Incarnation.
The Word was made flesh. John. 1.
You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for you he was made poor, whereas he was rich: that by his poverty you might be rich. 2 Cor. 3.
He exinanited himself. Phil. 1.
He was subject to them. Luk. 2.
All generations shall call me blessed. Luk. 2.
CXXXV. MED. Of the Visitation of the B. Virgin.
Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, because he hath visited, &c. Luk. 1.
Through the bowels of the mercy of our God, in which he visited us. ibid.
[Page 323]Visit us in thy salvation. Ps. 205.
Thy visitation hath preserved my Spirit. Job. 10.
As soon as she heard the salutation of Mary, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. Luk. 1.
Arise, make hast my friend, my sister, let thy voice sound in my ears: for thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely. Cant. 2.
CXXXVI. MED. Of the Death of the B. Virgin.
I adjure you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, that if you find my beloved, you will tell him, that I languish with love. Cant. 5.
Love is as strong as death. Cant. 8.
Let my soul dy the death of the just. Numb. 23.
The Death of sinners is very bad. Ps. 33.
He shall laugh at the latter day. Prov. 31.
Into thy hands, O Lord, I recommend my spirit. Luk. 23.
CXXXVII. MED. Of the Resurrection of the B. Virgin.
Thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell, nor wilt thou give thy holy one to see corruption. Ps. 15.
I have slept, and been at rest, and have risen up, because our Lord hath taken me. Ps. 3.
Father, those that thou hast given me: I will have them to be where I am. John. 17.
He that sows in his own flesh, of flesh he shall reap corruption: but he that sows in spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting. Gal. 6.
Com from Libanus my Spouse, and thou shalt be crowned. Cant. 5.
CXXXVIII. MED. Of the Assumption of the B. Virgin.
Com from Libanus, and thou shalt be crowned. Cant. 4.
Who is she that ascends from the Desert flowing in delights, leaning on her beloved? Cant. 8.
A great sign appeared in Heaven, a Woman cloathed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and on her head a Crown of twelve stars. Apoc. 12.
The Queen of Saba entred in with riches, Aromatical spices, and very much gold. 2 Par. 9.
There was a Throne set for the Kings Mother, who sat at his right hand: and the King said to her; Ask Mother, for it is not lawful for me to turn away my face. 3 Kings. 2.
CXXXIX. MED. Of the Nativity of the B. Virgin: and of the Name of Mary given to her.
Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou the joy of Israel, thou the honour of our People. Judith. 25.
Who is she that comes forth like the rising morning? Cant. 6.
Do thou and thy Son rule over us. Judg. 8.
He shall comfort us from all the works and labours of our hands, in the land that God hath cursed. Gen. 5.
CXL. MED. Of the Presentation of the B. Virgin in the Temple.
'Tis good for a man, when he has born the yoke from his youth, he shall sit solitary, and shall be silent, because he hath raised himself above himself. Thren. 3.
And having not found where to rest her foot, she returned unto him into the Ark. Gen. 18.
In the simplicity of my heart, I offered up all. Kings. 8.
Ananias with Saphira his wife sold a field, and bringing the price he laid it at the Apostles feet. Ananias, why hath Satan tempted thy heart to ly to the Holy Ghost, and defraud of the price? Act. 5.
Their heart is divided, now will they perish. Os. 10.
A Protestation of Service to the B. Virgin, which ought to be made on all Holy-Days and Communion Days.
O Holy Virgin, most worthy Mother of God, altho I know my self unworthy to be in the number of your Servants, and of your Children; yet trusting in your goodness, and in your mercy, and pushed on with a desire of serving you: I declare in the Presence of God, and of all the Heavenly Court, that I choose you this day for my Queen, for my Mother, and for my Advocate: And I make a firm resolution never to forsake your Service: never to do or say any thing against your honour: and never to permit that any that depend upon me ever offend you, or dishonour you in any manner whatsoever. I most humbly beseech you to receive me [Page 335]into the number of your Servants, and of your Children; to help me in all my Necessities, and not to forsake me at the hour of my Death. Amen.
I thought my self obliged to make this Form, for those, who know not the manner how to give themselves to the B. Virgin.
CXLI. MED. Of the Love of JESƲS.
Goodly of beauty above the Sons of men. Ps. 44.
All in all Christ. Col. 3.
Simon of John, dost thou love me? John. 14.
He that has my Commandments and keeps them, it is he that loves me. John. 14.
If any one doth not love our Lord Jesus Christ, be he Anathema. 1 Cor. 16.
CXLII. MED. Of the Ʋnity of Love.
No man can serve two Masters. Matth. 6.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart. Matth. 22.
How long do you halt on both sides? if our Lord is God, serve him, &c. 3 Kings. 18.
Wo unto the double hearted. Eccl. 2.
Their heart is divided, now they will perish. Os. 10.
CXLIII. MED. Of the Presence of God.
Lord thou hast tryed me and known me; whither shall I go from thy Spirit, or fly from thy face? Ps. 138.
But thou art in us, O Lord. Jer. 4.
The God of Hosts in whose sight I stand. 4 Kings. 3.
CXLIV. MED. Of Solitude.
I will lead her into solitude, and speak to her heart. Os. 2.
Our Lord is not in commotion. 3 Kings. 19.
The woman fled into the wilderness. Apoc. 12.
I have gon far flying away, and I abode in the wilderness. Ps. 54.
He shall sit solitary and be silent. Thren. 2.
When you pray, enter into your chamber. Matth. 6.
Through the places and the streets, I will seek whom my soul loves: I sought him, but did not find him. Cant. 3.
CXLV. MED. Of the leaving of our selves.
Blessed is the man that hopes in him. Ps. 34.
Whatsoever befals the just man will not sadden him. Prov. 12.
You shall sleep in sorrows. Isai. 50.
He that fears our Lord, shall dread nothing, and shall not be afraid, because he is his hope. Eccl. 34.
To thee is the poor man left, thou shalt be a helper to the orphan. Ps. 9.
I know whom I have trusted, and I am certain that he is able to keep my depositum unto that day. 2 Tim. 1.
CXLVI. MED. How we ought to leave our selves.
Into thy hands I commend my spirit, thou hast redeemed me, O God of truth. Ps. 30.
In peace in the self same, I will sleep and rest. Ps. 4.
I am a beggar and poor, our Lord is sollicitous for me. Ps. 74.
I am becom like a lost Vessel. Ps. 30.
He said, I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee. Heb. 13.
CXLVII. MED. Of Annihilation.
Let all flesh be silent before the face of our Lord. Zach. 2.
I was reduced to nothing: thou hast like the wind taken away my desire. Job. 30.
My substance is like nothing before thee. Ps. 38.
When I was gon a little beyond them, I found him whom my soul loveth. Cant. 3.
Bring me yet another Vessel. 4 Kings. 4.
CXLVIII. MED. Of the five degrees of Perfection.
My dearest, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims to refrain your selves from carnal desires. 1 Pet. 2.
With Christ I am fastned to the Cross: I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me. Gal. 2.
Ye are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Rom. 6.
The sorrows of Hell have encompassed me. Ps. 17.
Thou hast brought my soul out of Hell. Ps. 27.
CXLIX. MED. Of the Divine Perfections.
I am who am. Exod. 3.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, says our Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to com, Omnipotent. Apoc. 1.
Who is like unto thee among the strong, O Lord? who is like unto thee? magnificent in sanctity, terrible, and laudable, doing wonderful things. Exod. 25.
Out of him, and through him, and in him, are all things, to him be glory for ever. Amen. Rom. 15.
CL. MED. Of the Amability of God.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with all thy forces. Luk. 10.
[Page 357]In this did appear the charity of God, because God sent his only begotten son into the World that we may live by him. 1 John. 4.
Let us therefore love God, because he loved us first. ibid.
I will love thee, O Lord, my strength: our Lord is my establishment, and my refuge, and my deliverer, my God and my helper, &c. Ps. 17.
CLI. MED. How God loves men: and how men ought to love God.
I have loved thee in perpetual charity. Jer. 31.
The Father himself loveth you. John. 6.
He will have all men to be saved, and to com to the knowledge of truth, 1 Tim. 2.
He loved them to the end. John. 13.
Is the death of the wicked man my Will, saith the Lord God, and not rather that he should be converted from his ways and live. Ezek. 18.
CLII. MED. Of the Incomprehensibility of God.
Great in counsel, and incomprehensible in thought. Jer. 32.
To whom have you compared me, and made me like unto? Isai. 46.
My Soul hath refused to be comforted: I was made full of God, and was delighted. Ps. 76.
All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee? Ps. 34.
Rase it, rase it unto the foundation thereof. Ps. 136.
CLIII. MED. Of Simplicity.
With the simple is his Communication. Prov. 3.
The simplicity of the just shall direct them. Prov. 11.
If thy eye be simple, all thy body will be lightsom. Matth. 6.
Thou art troubled about many things: but one thing is necessary. Luk. 10.
In the simplicity of your heart seek him. Wisd. 1.
CLIV. MED. Of the fulness of God's Riches.
I said to our Lord, thou art my God, because thou dost not want my goods. Ps. 15.
I will shew thee all good. Exod. 33.
He that replenishes your desire in good things. Ps. 102.
What is there to me in Heaven, and what else but thee would I have on Earth, O God of my heart. Ps. 72.
CLV. MED. Of Heaven.
I will shew thee all good. Exod. 33.
We shall be filled with the goods of thy house. Ps. 64.
They shall be inebriated with the plenty of thy house: and thou wilt give them to drink of the torrent of thy pleasure. Ps. 35.
God will wash away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor clamour, nor dolour. Apoc. 21.
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entred into the heart of man, what God hath prepared for those that love him. 1 Cor. 2.
CLVI. MED. Of Divine Ʋnion.
Write: Blessed are the dead, that dy in our Lord. Apoc. 14.
He puts darkness his covert. Ps. 17.
When Moses was gon up, &c. Exod. 24.
Behold the Spouse comes: those who were ready entred in with him, and the dore was shut. Matth. 25.
A Prayer to the B. Trinity for to obtain the grace of Ʋnion.
You must make a Pause at every Verse, and relish that which touches your heart.
Spiritual Canticles FOR HOLY SOULS
Words of the Holy Scripture for the chast Spouses of the Son of God.
Words of Love taken out of the Book of the Following of Christ, for Souls that aspire to Ʋnion.
This whole Chapter is divine, and fit to comfort a Soul, that is in Privation.
Read all the 48 Chapter of the Third Book, which is of an infinit sweetness, and comfort.
Read all this Chapter, which is the last of the Third Book, and you will find much comfort.
These words taken out of the Book of the following of Christ, may sweetly and profitably employ a Soul in Prayer, and after Communion.