The KINGS Bench Prisoners Thanks To His Majesty, for their Late Deliverance By His Maiesties Most Gratious Act.
GReat and Dread Sir Late Prisoners Write to show,
That you have made us Debtors, now we owe
Far more then ever, since you did us free
Israelites from
Aegypts Cruelty.
This is a Debt, which we can never pay,
Unless your Majesty find out some way,
Wherein our service may our thanks explain,
Willing to dye for such a Soveraign:
This Act surpasseth
Alexanders plause,
Your Scepter swaying the too rigid Laws,
Ingratitude is base in every sence,
Our lives or fortunes cannot recompence
This most Heroick Act in setting free
Distressed Subjects from Calamity.
Worthy of note you free us first, and then
By gratitude you fix us fast agen.
Like to the Bird's pen'd up within a Cage,
Just so were we clos'd in an Iron Age;
Till your most Gratious Key unlock'd the dore
Commanding that which was deny'd before.
Almost incredible without a fee;
This was a Type of Sacred Dignity.
Sure we can ne're forget so good a King,
Sapho's Bird, your praise we'l always sing.
And thus conclude; wishing our hope prevails,
God send succession in a Prince of
December 16. 1671.
LONDON, Printed for and sold by Peter Lillicrap living at the Five Bells near the Church in Clerkenwell-Close. 1672.