The Couragious Loyalists, Or, A Health to the Royal Family.
To the Tune of,
Rowze up Great Monarch.
DRown'd Melancholly
in a Glass of Wine,
We will be Jolly,
let the Miser pine:
Boys Drink about,
we'l make the Tavern Roar,
When the Bumper's out,
we'l call again for more;
It makes good Blood
to run within our Veins,
It puts Good Reason also
in our Brains:
He that will deny it,
hanged let him be,
Here's a Health to all
the Royal Progeny.
Boys we'l be merry
whatsoe're ensue,
Drink Sack and Sherry
till the Skie looks blue;
Let the
Whiggs lament,
and whiningly complain,
We with one consent,
drink to the Royal Train:
Heavens bless Great
and the Duke of
All the Lords and Earls,
and every Royal Spark;
Down with every Factious,
flamming, whining Crue,
Give them Rope and Hanging,
since it is their due.
Drawer bring us Wine,
fill the other Bowl,
Let us lose no time,
for he's an honest Soul
That doth love his Prince,
and the ancient Laws,
He is a man of sense,
he shall have our applause:
As for mighty
his Renowned Name,
Let it be Recorded
in the Books of Fame:
But he that will deny
Allegiance to the King,
Hang him let him dye,
and in a Halter swing:
Brave Noble
be you stout and true,
Stand in Defiance
of the Rabble Crue;
They that design'd
our Laws to undermine,
We will make them flye,
like Chaff before the Wind:
Those that did consent,
yielding to allow,
Those that did invent
Association Vow,
To conceal their Treason,
hang 'um let them swing,
Here's a Health to
the most Renowned King.
Now sure the
they will no more Rebell,
Crumwels Piggs
that suckt up all the swell:
Their hopes are drowned,
as we plainly see,
Some were confounded
in their Villainy:
Tommy he is fled,
Tony he is Dead,
Some of them was Hang'd,
others lost their Head:
Ketch in conclusion,
pay'd them their Arrears,
Since this Confusion
how they hang their Ears!
Then learn to bow,
and in Obedience stand,
Ceasar now
the Glory of the Land:
None can convince,
for what I speak is true,
He is a Prince
of love and pitty too:
Those that are Loyal,
they are perfect free,
There's no denyal
of their Liberty:
Then true hearts be merry,
make the Tavern Ring,
Fling up your Caps,
and cry,
God Save the KING.