Unto His Grace the Duke of Argile Her Majesty's High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable the Estates of Parliament. THE PETITION OF John Corss Writer in Edinburgh.

Humbly Sheweth,

THat the deceast Andrew Martine Writer in Edinburg'h, from the great respect he bore to his Native Country, and particularly for Pre­servation of the Ancient Records thereof, having in the year of GOD 1650 (at which time he had the care of the Records of the privy Seal) absconded himself with them in the Highlands of this Kingdom, where he preserved them from the Enemy, with a great deal of Expenses and Fatigue, there being upwards of 100 large Folios, and that for the space of Ten years at least, to the hazard of his Life, and irrecoverable ruin of his Family: And the saids Books being some time ago fallen in your Petitioners hand thorow the Death of the said Andrew Martin, and of his Son, whom your Petitioner was necessitat to supply, in advancing consi­derable Sums to him on the Faith of these Books; and conceiving they may be of publick Use; especially seing they contain the Records of Charters, Precepts, Gifts of Teinds, Presentations to Kirks and Benefices in the seve­ral Provostries, Priories and Prebendries, from the Year of GOD 1499, to to the Year of GOD 1650, together with their Minut Books, during all that time, exactly corresponding; as also a Record containing the Taxati­on upon the Clergy of Scotland for sending their Delegats to the Council of Trent, and other old Taxations. Your Petitioner also humbly conceives, that these Records are of the more Use and Value; because the Records of the Chancery, and other Records suffered much when they were transpor­ted to England, and much more by the Misfortune that befel them at Sea in their return.

May it therefore please your Grace and Lordships, to order the foresaids Records to be put into publick Custody, and to ap­point your Petitioner such a Reward for the Expenses and great Pains that has been bestowed in preserving these Records, as your Grace and Lordships in your great Goodness and Bounty shall think fit.

And your Petitioner shall ever Pray, &c.

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