FOrgive, GREAT SIR! if less vvee pay,
Then vvhat is due, to this Great Day;
Wee vvant Apollo to inspire
Strains, fitt to grace your BIRTH-DAY Quire.
Blest Numbers, and imortal Layes,
And Anthems of an endlesse praise.
Are vvorthy You; and only fitt to be
To You, GREAT SIR! the proper harmonie.
DUTY and LOVE is all our Aym,
And these, and More your Vertues claym:
In all your Crosses who e're Knew,
The least resentment come from you,
In Words, or frowns, or any thing,
Beneath the GRANDEUR of à KING?
In all the turns of Fate, You Act your part,
A KING, like DAVID after GOD'S own heart.
DUTY, and LOVE is all our Aym,
And these, and more your Vertues claym;
In highest Dangers voyd of Fear,
Or Pride, when Victories you bear:
Piety, and goodness fill your minde;
Your Foes, when Vanquish'd Mercy find:
Your Justice may, in Time, O'retake, and Aw
Those Men, your profer'd Kindnesse cannot draw.
DUTY, and LOVE is all our Aym,
And these, and More your Vertues claym;
A mighty power, your Kingdoms to regain;
A Goulden Age, And Nestor's years to reign.

Printed by William Weston Printer & Stationer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1694.

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