I Am Debitor to all, but specially to you but how to requite my Obligations I know not, to return all is impossible, to return no [...]hing is great ingratitude, ye know what kind my return must be; I have desired and do desire your well beeing, and walking in [...]he Truth, without a further look to yours, be humble always, thankful for what ye have received: and still Thrifting after more; for his fulness is Infinite, and your wants is wonderful great, and it cannot be [...]ight with us where our needs are not right [...]n our Eye, and Christ in our Heart. And [...]et none think it sufficient to be right in one [...]hing if he be not labourng to be Right in all, it was if I mistake nor, the fault of our Professors that syded with the times & work of Reformation, [Page 2]Communicating of these common g [...] that followed it, made them start, and sli [...] into their Profession; GOD did indeed s [...] shyne upon these times, is things that [...] warmed Hearts, when it did not melt them and he also gave these common gifts of th [...] Spirit, (as to Saul) without that immorta [...] seed, that only makes durable. And thos [...] were the things together with the mistake (to say no worse) of Minister that gav [...] those names and places, wherewith they wer [...] poffed up, and authorized; These present defections & this with what will follow (for al [...] is not yet done, and seen) shal more fully discover this defect, and take away both tha [...] Spirit and Name, and leave them poorli [...] standing (O! that the Writing of this migh [...] make some of them prevent it) having nothing for all but maintaining a Cause, that i [...] neither Right Libertie, nor true Religion Nor whereof I hope ere all be done, the [...] shall be no rule. I do not speak this of then all, for there are some of them, who not onli [...] were in Christ before me, but also before these times, and was otherwise wrought upon, and these are neither so fullie nor ( [...] hope) shal be so firmlie there, they having the imortal seed, the saving Graces of th [...] [Page 3]Spirit in them, that does either keep from falls, or surelie and quicklie recover them again, there being there a real difference, we ought to acknowledge it in our compassion tenderness and affection, and withal Pray, that they may be made to see what and whom they have relinguished: O! that God would open Mens Eyes, that they may see how little good, and how much evil it has wrought, I pray how little it has done for the freedom, and enlargement of the Kingdom of Christ, and how much for confirming. Its thraldom and confyning, its enlargement, neither do I see that it makes for the gaining of Souls into God for their adherance, who is not religions will go no further with them, nor they come to their own desires, which together to provide for their own private safetie, gain, and a name of Nonconformists, & on the other hand what evil has it wrought? They themselves when come to themselves, and sober, will see that it hath not increased, the Treasure of God in themselves, but has begotten an evil affection, and raised passion against these whom I think themselves esteemed Godly, because they laboured to waken Consciences, and return them to a rightness, and mind them of their Vows to God, and because [Page 4]they stand in the way of gratifyng a sinful power, of saving Life on any terms, securing their quiet, and shunning the Cross of Christ, who is calling all at this time to take it up: And under a greater damnage nor what is, or can be secured by these ways, or they can compence▪ And it is just with God, and I fear, it shal [...] fall out that these People shall never be severed from these Ministers, nor they from these Me [...] till they lead one another to Judgement, and this shall far exceed the benefites, that has been gotten; and as it hath begotten an evil eye toward their own, so it has abated zeal, and conciliated a favour toward these that are enemies of God and all Righteousness. And has so ensnared and all [...]enated the Land f [...]o [...] God, and him from it, that he will n [...] more shyne on it, till these sins be purged and these Persons removed, either by th [...] providence and judgements of God, or justic [...] and zeal for Men: But as he has give [...] you to be right in one, so studie to be righ [...] in all, and let not your Hearts be taken u [...] with nothing to the Prejudice of the who [...] of Religion: It is true it is a great one, bu [...] there is a greater than it, without which nothing can be rightly done by you nor accep [...] ed with by him, & withal let them see that [Page 5]have as great a Heart hatred of Secret and private Sins as of publick evils; for Satan may Sometimes Foyl you in both; Keep livelie and in Sight of him, and so ye shall see best, Taste Best, Savour best: By this ye shall onlie be able to quit Your selves Rightlie, and let the World see, tho' ye be necessitate to be more hea [...]d in this at this time, yet that ye are walking in all other things according to his Commands, & are tender of every one of them in their turn, and that ye are not making this a Cloak for other Sins, neither think that it Discharges us of all or any one of the other duties of Religion, but on the contrair that we are the more obliged to holieness both in regard of the Cause that we are to adorn, & in regard of the Opposers, who when they find themselvees behind in Reason, studies to find our something in our Conversation, to hold us out to the World as Men destitute of holiness; and so such as truth cannot be expected to be found with: As also, to set up such Spotted Creatures, destitute of wisdom and knowledge to compare themselves with and to raise in themselves, that which is high enough alreadie; That under that their greatness, they may shred themselves [Page 6]from the checks of Conscience, and the challenges of Non-performed Vows which runs the Quite contrarie way to what they are doing. But let us look well to our selves, and the more we are right in these publick things the more Satan will Assault, and seek to foyl in other things; for tho he be an Enemie to all that hath any thing of the fear of GOD or form of Godliness: Yet he exercises most against persons (when and where he is permitted, more or less, as they are against his Kingdom (and its Dimmishing,) and for the exaltment and enlargment of the Kingdom of GOD; So that ye shall have him more emminentlie against you nor you Oposites eve [...] these of them which may be has a greater measure of personal holieness: For I will not say but there may be true Godlieness which is much, I do not say too much; for that cannot be if we neglect not the other a [...] Home, and within; and with these will all lukewarm professors Joyn, in regard of their design and desire, is the same, tho upon fa [...] different Accounts; for both desires Libertie [...] and Quite the one, that he may exercise Religion, and the other for other ends; For this in the trulie godlie is not an Affection newly begotten by fear of the Cross, as in the othe [...] [Page 7]much less is it from any deffect of Judgment, if they would extend, and exercise their mind to the Contemplation of these things. But I must say that this their way that are trulie godlie may seem to be great, and sometimes to my self, has seemed greatest, yet is not so great as it seems, being Defective in a manner (a Zeal to) he Expounded Kingdom and publick Glory of GOD and Good of Mankind, and suffers Satan to sit beside God and his Kingdom to be Triumphant and free, and Gods to be Beggarlie and Enslaved, and so in a manner he gives a Cessation of Arms where there is such a yielding to his interest and instruments that are acted by him, and follows him: and for others of your Opposites that has less of Religion and takes upon them more of this Combat, he has less quarrel with them, if any more at all, but what he bears to all Mankind; And so they have a greater Cessation from him as to his Temptations. I do not say from the Temptations of their own Corruptions, for that works naturally: So always, tho not always alike, but he works rationallie, and upon design; so that he is so far from troubling with other things, that he enables them with gifts for agenting that Cause & Virulence to Convince [Page 8]all that Oppose it, and suffers them to retain their formality in worshiping, for adorning it, and deluding themselves in the Point of Regeneration, True Religion and Righteousness. And I may Truly say, that there may be more True Godlieness, in one against whom Satan exercises his full malice; and is permitted sometimes to puddle, nor in the fairness of a Thousand such who wants the broken heart and Regeneration; And this I fear will be found to be the Case of these Combatants that are alwise in Arms upon its, and no other account: Let them then that are Studying Righteousness in all things and seeking the enlarging and exalting of Christ's Kingdom, and the overthrowing of Satans expect the encreasing of Devils and multiplying of Temptations, for procuring of your foyll and fall, O! Fear, Trust, Watch, Pray for your selves and one another, knowing that ye have all the same Conflict, Temptations, and Weakness of the flesh, and have the more fervent Love among your selves, seing you are now Fewer, and have all Your things Common; Your Griefs, Your Temptations: Your Mercies your Joys, your Substance, your Goods so far as it shall be needfull, for it is like the time is every near that will make all alike in these [Page 9]things, I fear many are Buying, Building, and Gathering, for our Enemies: We know not ere it he long, but Forraigners may be holding in one side and Intestine Enemies the other; and the Sea all: and then our Gentiles and others that saw nothing to their Lairdships, and Estates find them to be nothing, and the greatest and the Richest, so put to it, that if they escape, shall not be able to carry away Cloaths, so much as to cover them from the cold, nor Mony so much as to Buy them Bread, if they find it where they come to be bought, and then this will be the Price of our evil Consciences, when nothing will be left but Sin and Sorrow (for if any thing shall remain as we pray and hope there will) a revive after all these Vastations and Over-running of Judgments, it shall be that poor and hated party who sought his glory, and laboured for a good Conscience above all other things; For if the Lord give any of these things again to anie of us, it will be to those that shal sincerly study to have them his, and shall not give them up to Men to Judge them after the Lusts: For the present, I have comfort in nothing, but that I think I see his abode in the Land; And it is a thing so wonderful, that I can hardly [Page 10]get it believed after there has been so great indignities done to him by the multitude great and mean, and such, and Unfaithfulness in his Rights, misregarded as Indifferencies shown in his Matters, with atchieve to have and hold them that are not only perejudicial to his Reigning, but utter overthrowers of his Kingdom, inconsistent with his Cohabitation with us; Yet, I say, I think I see his Abode and Glorie beyond all these Judgments tho' we should come short of this, yet if we be his we shal fall in a better. And O! How good is it to die, having these Desires, and to leave behind us the Mould of such a Fabrick to our Successors: And it seems the Lord is making a far off Preparation for Building, by removing of the old rotten Stuff of the Former House, and tho' we cannot see at present where the matter for the New shal come, yet it shal be surelie furnished in its time, and it shal be said with great Admiration, I was— and who both.— If anie of us shal come to these things, we may have this Advantage, that throw Age or Grace, or both, we shal be past the relish of any thing but what is Divine, and this verie thing as it may help now to make our End right, so it [Page 11]shal help them to make our Enjoyments pure and sweet: But the Cloud betwixt this and it is dreadful. And O! that I knew how to Warn, Counsel, Confirm and Comfort you, yet it is in his Hand, who is Infinitely more tender, and I leave it to him, but prepare for Death, and that which to some is worse, and think not that Rightness in these debated Matters will do it, tho I esteemed much of that, and cannot but say if it be single and extensive, that it looks like a Spark of true Grace; yet think it not sufficient without Repentance, for the manie sinful steps we have stepped throw Fear, Corruptions and Temptations, and come also by waiting on them (who are now gone from us, to have had them up with us. Beside all these, there must be a constant Dependance upon, and imploying of God throw Christ for keeping a Perseverance; and that further ye flee from these Men that are standing stated Enemies to GOD the better; and I am mistaken if the LORD be not calling all Beasts to come from the Shadow, and all Fowls out of the Branches of that Tree that is to be cut down, and these that have sled thereto first, but especial lie last shal find it. So this their doing in regard of Sin, shall [Page 12]be like Jehoshaphats Association with Ahab, & in regard of its Fortunateness, or rather Unfortunateness, like the Visit of Ahaziahs Brethren to Jehoram, who was cut off by Jehu, and I fear that Ministers and others that has concurred with them shal not be the least part of the Fewel of this Burning, and these of them that shal Survive, shal be to consume the Eyes, & grieve the Hearts of the Relatives; And sure they will want much, as the Comfort that that Word would have yielded, ye are they that have continued with me in my Temptations. But stand off from the Enemies of the LORD, and think it much if ye be keeped free of their Injuri [...]s & be Submissive & content tho injured: but seek none of their Favours; for they are Snares, neither accept of them if they give them as their Favours, and not as your own Right; For these that want them shal have but a short Time to bemoan their Loss, and these that gets them but a short while to rejoice in their Enjoyments; For he is lifting up an Ensign to the Nations from afar, and hissing to them from the Ends of the Earth; [And behold they shal come with speed swiftlie, Isa. 5.26.] It shal indeed come suddenlie, and when it comes it will give them no offer of Parlie, Occasions [Page 13]if tampering or agreement upon any Conditions; For he that sends it, intends nothing but Punishment and Sweeping, and he knows they have such changeable Minds, and lacks Consciences, that would agree upon any Interest for their own Safetie, but nothing will do it but Lives, Lands, & Religion, which to them is least of all. When ye see the Beginnings of these Things, if near God, and if not; it is like ye will be Involved in the common State: Take heed what he suggests and offers for Safety, and let him that thinks himself most engaged to a bide, flee first; For flee, and judge we must till the Vengeance be poured forth, and then shal be seen another Cause ( beside the owning of that cursed Interest, and that sinful Defection, which GOD denyed Success to Bothwel, that it was not Mercy to Victors, or Favour to the Land, or Ʋnjustness of the Quarrel, if it had been rightly stated, as some would have had it) but in Judgment as those that opposed it, and to those that mistated it, that he might deliver them up to more hardned Hearts, and Cruel Hands to be punished, and for Chastisement to those who continued to appear for a mistated Quarrel, and in the one Providence shall expone another. We have seen the hazard, let us [Page 14]no more own their Interest, nor make further Conjunction with them, no not for Defence, tho' National and Religious Obligations seem toty us: For all that seems to engage us to their help is but a Temptation; for if they should be able to retain any thing, they would retain it neither for GOD nor us; and we should but establish them to expose GOD and oppose us; And if we shall essay to help them, we shal fall in their Wrath; And I know not any Duty this Day we owe them but Prayers as for the Enemies of GOD, and to execute Judgment on them if we had Power: and because that has not been do [...] [...] he will cause some from elsewhere upon our Charges to do it. I do not give you here long Arguments to Debate with Exposites, because I judge ye should leave that and them to Annotations of Providence, — pouring out of the Spirit of Judgment, as they shal be found Friends or Enemies.— As for our Agreement with our real Friends that are on the other fide, if they would return from the evil of their way, few Words would do it, where Hearts are not at an Enmitie; but if not, trouble not your selves about it; For the Time will not be long.
As for your Collections; the Poor are yours as well as others; and ye ought to see to them, either by your selves or others; But as for your Contribution to Ministers, I see not how ye can do it, more than ye can hear them. Peace be with you all.