AT EDINBURGH, The 9 th Day of July, 1696.
THE COURT OF DIRECTORS of The Company of SCOTLAND Trading to AFRICA and the INDIES, Finding that the nature and course of their Trade, will always Require considerable Sums of Money to be in their Demand; And considering how profitable, easie and convenient it will be to the Proprietors of the Joynt-Stock, as well as beneficial to the Trade, Credit and Improvements of the said COMPANY, to have the greatest part of the Money Advanced by the Proprietors thereof, to be unto them a quick and living Stock, and always at Command; The said COURT OF DIRECTORS do hereby Resolve, Agree and Declare, That the several Proprietors of the said Joynt-Stock, upon their Respective Bills or other Obligations payable in Three Months, shall always have Credit upon their respective Stocks in the said COMPANY, for any Sum not exceeding Two third Parts of the Money severally pay'd in by them, paying only for the same an Interest at the rate of Four per Cent. per Annum: And such Sums may be Repay'd to the COMPANY, in part, or in whole; and the Interest thereof, shall only be reckon'd for the Days that such Sums, or Parts thereof shall happen to remain Unpay'd, and for no longer time.