A COMMENTATION On the late wonderful Discovery OF THE New Popish PLOT, Being the Jesuites Diabolick. Device to Inveagle the Son to betray the Father.
IN spite of Fate, the Jesuite like the Devil
To the Worlds end must still be doing Evil:
Plotting his Nature is, and he doth think
To mischief Hereticks, is meat and drink.
Tho God his Vengeance on their plots hath shown
And by his mighty Hand has them or'e thrown,
They still against all Mercy shut their Eyes,
And will new Mischeif, and new plots devise.
What is it that these Devils doe not dare
To Act; for God nor Nature doe they Care,
True Labourers, unweariable still,
In plotting mischeif, and in doeing ill.
Whence Comes their plots, Can any mortal tell?
If not from the
Divan that's held in Hell,
Wkose black results are by evil spirits sent
To th' Jesuites, the Devils Instrument;
Who with much pleasure and industry go
To Act the mischief they had hatch'd below.
Tho their She Champion had but ill suecess,
And had a devilish squeeze got in the press
Tho she who midwifes Trade well understood.
Miscarried with her bladders Cram'd with blood,
Yet they, like
Antheus who new strength still found,
Each time that He was flung unto the Ground,
For all these falls, new Life and strength do gather,
And plot to make the son betray his Father
Thus against Nature they dare make their way
And urge a Son his Father to betray,
Thus for the Cause to Such Extreams they run
To hang the Innoent Father by the Son.
Horrid! if this Jesuites Religion be
I still will put it in my Letanie
From Such Religion Lord deliver me.
The first true plot, still sticks within their Maw,
Which they with all their Arts off ne'r will Claw,
Tho since that time they Kept so fowl a stir,
And thought to fling it on the Presbyter,
Tho God their Arts so planely did Consound
When Waller did the Mealtubs bottom sound.
A new plot now from Hell it self they sprung,
To lay the old on Dr.
Oates and Tongue;
And the poor son is made an Instrumnt,
To Swear the Father did the plot Invent.
To send the Son they to the devil ment,
God touch'd his Heart and made him to Repent,
And on a Suddain Cut their we
[...] of Sin,
And turn'd them loose Some more strange Plots to spin
Ere it be long we shall more plainly See
Who these damn'd
Machivilian Plotters be,
Not Priest or sesuites all, I am afraid,
Some lay men will be found in Masquerade:
who rather then their Arts shall not prevail,
Will stoop to wipe clean madam Celliers Tail
And at the same time against
Baxter rail.
Never since first our happy Reformation
Did Pope or Jesuite So bestride our Nation,
They hop'b by th' English Fleeces to grow Rich
Finding the sheep had got a Popish Itch,
But we yet hope, the aproaching Parliament
Will find some way th' Infection to prevent,
That this Disease so very lately bred,
May now among the Flock no farther Spread,
But Father Pope and his industrious Tools
who are no dreaming or unthinking Fools;
With Wondrous Industy, and Pollitick Care-
Foresee, and 'gainst the Evil would prepare
A new full Mission to their priests they grant,
With to' Each a promise he shall be a saint,
Who swarming here like Ghosts our Cities haunt
Where privatly in several shapes they lurk,
Doeing their Father Pope and devils work'
More dreadfull to us then either Jew or Turk'
But our wise Prince, whom they would fain remove,
Has to the Nation shew'd his Care, and love
In's royall Edicts, and his strict Command,
To keep such dangerous Vermine from the Land.
Ah happy England happy thou wilt be,
When we no popish Priest in Thee can See,
And the Reformed all as one agree.
LONDON, Printed for T. Addams. 1680.