Come turn to mee thou pretty little one, and I will turn to thee.

To a pleasant new Tune.
SWeet if thou wilt be
As I am to thee,
Then by Cupids Mother,
I have vow'd to have
none other she:
Then turn to me thou pretty little one,
And I will turn to thee.
Those bright eyes of thine
Which do dazzle mine
Like the stars of Heaven,
Which do keep their even
course and shine:
Then let us in conjunction meet
and both our loves combine.
If that lovely Face,
Will to mine give place,
That with loves devotion
We may use the motion,
of imbrace:
Then sit thee down my pretty little one
and let us love a space.
What hurt is in this?
For to take a kisse
If it may be granted
I that long have wanted
such a blisse:
Then be not sparing of a few,
whereas such plenty is.
If thy breasts do pant
For the milk they want,
Every Hill and Mountain
To supply each Fountain,
be not scant:
Then give to mee thy lilly white hand,
and I thee mine will grant.
If so be that I,
May but thee come nigh,
The Vine and Elm shall never,
Ioyn more close together
then will I:
Then shew thy fruits my amorous joy
and Ile with love supply.
If that thou dost crave,
Silks and Garments brave
Or what rich attyre
Could thy heart desire
to receive:
Declare to me thou pretty little one,
thou canst but ask and have.
From the Indies far,
Where rich Iewels are;
I will bring thee treasure
Far beyond all measure
and compare:
Then be not coy my pretty little one
for I no cost will spare



SWeet-heart for thy sake
I will never make,
Choice of any other,
Then by Cupids Mother
freely speak:
It's at thy choice my dearest Love,
either to leave or take.
I thy Mary gold
Wrapt in many fold,
Like the golden Clyent
To the Sun supplient
shew it's gold:
Display the beams my glorious Sun
and I'le to thee unfold.
Those bright locks of hair
Spreading o're each ear,
Every crisp and curle
Far more rich then pearl,
doth appear:
Then be thou constant in thy love
and I will be thy Dear.
Till I have possest,
Thee whom I love best,
I have vow'd for ever,
In thy absence never,
to take rest:
Deny mee not thou pretty little one,
In whom my hopes are blest.
If a kisse or two
Can thee a favour do
Were it more then twenty
Love's indu'd with plenty
Lovers know:
For thy sweet sake a thousand take,
for that's the way to wooe.
It doth grieve my heart
From thee for to part
It is to mee more pleasant,
Ever to be present
where thou art:
Yet in the absence of a friend,
my love shall never start.
As to mee thou art kind,
Duty shall mee bind
Ever to obey thee,
Reason so doth sway mee
to thy mind:
Thou hast my heart where e're thou art
although I stay behind.
In thy bed or bark
I will be thy mark,
Couples yet more loving
Never had their moving
from the Ark:
Welcome to mee my onely joy,
all times, be it light or dark,

London, Printed for Charles Tyus at the three Bibles on London-bridge.


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.