A Form of the Indulgences, with which our Holy Father Pope Clement the IX. blesseth the Beads, Rosaries, Crosses, Pictures, or Medals, on the occasion of Canonizing of St. Peter of Alcantura, and St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzis.

WHoever shall use once in a week at least to say the Beads of our Saviour, or of the B. Virgin Mary, or the Rosary, or the third part of it, or the Divine Office, or the Office of our B. Lady, or of the Dead, or the Seven Penitential Psalms, or Gradual Psalms, or shall use to visit the Prisoners, or relieve the Poor, being confest to a Priest, approved of by the Ordinary, and receiving the B. Sacrament on any of the dayes hereafter named, and praying Devoutly for the Extripation of Heresies, and Propagation of the Catholick Faith, and for the other necessities of the Church, may gaine a plenary Indulgence; that is to say, on the Nativity, Circumcision, Epiphany, Resur­rection, and Ascension of our B. Saviour Jesus Christ; on Whitsunday, Trinity Sunday, on Corpus Christi day; or on the Conception, Nativity, Presentation, Visitation, Annunciation, Purification, and Assumpti­on of the B. Virgin Mary; or likewise on the Nativity of St. John Baptist, on the Feast of St. Peter, and St. Paul, or of either of the two Saints now Cannonized, on All-Saints Day, on the Dedication, Chief Patron, or Title of their proper Church.

Whoever shall fast on the Vigil of either of the two Saints, and being [...]est, shall receive the B. Sacra­ment on their Fast, and shall pray as above each time, may gaine a plenary Indulgence.

Whoever shall say Mass, or being Confest, and Communicated, shall hear Mass at the Altar when the Picture, or the Body, or Reliques of either of the two Saints are, and shall pray as above, may once in a Month, at his own Election, gain a plenary Indulgence.

Whoever, being truly Penitent of his Sins, with a firm purpose of Amendment, shall on the same day visit seven Churches; or if there be not seven, shall visit all that there are; or if there be but one, shall visit all the Altars of it, and praying for the Extirpation of Heresies, &c. may once a Year gaine all the Indulgences that are gained by visiting the seven Churches of Rome.

Whoever shall devoutly think on any Mistery of the Passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and in honour thereof, shall humbly kiss the Ground seven times, may on that day gain all the Indulgences that are gained by making the Holy Stares of Rome, once in a year only.

Whoever shall make an Act of true Detestation of his Sins, with a firm purpose of Amendment, or shall exercise some Act of Vertue in Imitation of the said two Saints, as to fast one day with Devotion, to imi­tate at least in some small measure, their great Austerity, may every time gain an Indulgence of seven years, and as many Quarantains.

Whoever shall read one Chapter of the Life of the said Saints; or, shall visit their Altar, or shall reverence their Pictures, and shall pray for the happy state of our Holy Mother the Church, and for the conversion of Sinners, may as often gain 100 dayes of Indulgence.

He may likewise gain the same Indulgence, by giving something to the Poor, or instructing of them, or by getting others to instruct them in matters of Faith, or good Manners.

Those that live in Rome, or within 20 miles of it, being lawfully hindred from being present at the solemne Benediction, which the Soveraign Pope are wont to give on Easter, and Ascention day, being Confest, and Communicated, and praying for the Extirpation of Heresies, &c. may gain the same Indulgences which those gain that are present: And those that are more remote from Rome, may gain the same Indulgence, al­though they have no Impediment, by doing the foresaid things.

Whoever at the point of death, shall devoutly recommend himself wholly to God, and shall invocate the said Saints or either of them, with his Mouth, if he can, or at least with his Heart, being Confest, and Com­municated, if he can, or at least contrite, may gain a plenary Indulgence of all his Sins.

All these Indulgences may be applyed to the Souls in Purgatory, Per modum suffragij, by way of suf­frage.

His Holiness commands, that in the Distribution, and use of the Beads, Crosses, &c. the Decree of Alex­ander the VII. of happy memory be observed, given the 7th. of February, 1657. Which is, that those Beads, Crosses, Rosaries, Medals, and Images, blessed with the foresaid Indulgences, shall not pass the Person to whom his Holiness shall grant them, or them to whom they shall grant them the first time; neither may they be lent, or sold; for if they be, they lose their Indulgences: Moreover, if one be lost, another may not be subro­gated in its place, notwithstanding any grant, or priviledge to the contrary.

A Coppy of the Original printed at Rome, in the Printing-House of the Reverend Apostolick, Chamber, 1669.

Signed Michael Angelus Riccius, Secertary by permission of Superiors.

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