Christs Impressions Strong, Sweet, and Sensible on the Hearts of BELIEVERS,

Delivered in a Sermon at Athelstonfoord, June 16, 1700. at the Celebration of the Sacred Eucharist. With some Addition,

By I: C. M. D.

Isai: 8.11. The LORD spake unto me with a strong Hand.

[...]er. 31.33. I will put My Law in their Inward Parts, and write it in their Hearts.

Flacc: Illyricus in 2. Cor. 3.3.
Cor carneum, I: E: Molle, seu spirituale,
sentiens Impressiones Verbi Dei.
— Permulcent alacres Proecordia flammae.

Printed by John Reid, 1700.


THE Powerfull Spirit of Our Re­deemer, who only can reach the Soul, will make Impressions and make clear Characters of Divine Truth on it, 2. Cor. 3.3. None can alter, nor Mould, Frame, and Temper a Spirit. But He — Epigrapso, is a Metaphor, setting out a Real, Actual Powerfull-Work of the Spirit of Christ which leaveth the Express Characters, of all GOD's saving Mind, and will upon the Heart or Soul, as plain as Writing upon Paper, or Engraving upon Stones, such an Operation on the Spirits of Men, as where­by is Conveyed unto them, a new Light, Life, Power, so that they are made by i [...] Partakers of a Divine Nature.

A POETICK Epistle to the Reader,

CUm Christus digito pulsat proecordia div [...],
Interior jugiter rumpitur omnis obe [...]t.
Nonobstante, caroquicquid sat anasveperurgent
E contra, ad sese corda proterva trahit,
Etquumflammiferam fors desuper exerit art
in flammamvertitcorglaciaele sacram,
Corda arefacta rigans, perfuso rore supernotem
Fructus quam salubres, perpetuos (que) ferunt.
Cimmerias longe tenebras dispellit, ad imam
Mentem diffundit ter ratilos radios.
Praefractis animis validos etiam imprimit ictus
Queisin mollitiem saxea corda terit.
Mens agitata malis furiis compescitur, omnes
Et stimulos mulcet, cunctipotente manu.
Denique; divinum transformat adiconacunct [...]s
Affectus animi, Cor renovatque vetus.
Solerti sermonem animo pervolve sequentem
si Christi forsan tu' experiare manum.
CHrists Heav'nly Virtue doth transcend
what words or writings can commend,
This Sermon doth in part Essay,
His sweet Impressions to display.
Bright Orient Beams He makes to shine
Into the Blinded Mistie Mind:
The Stubborn will he bends and bowes
To yield Him all His Sacred Dues:
The Frozen Heart he doth Inspire,
Into a Flaming Spiritual Fire.
The Withered Soul he doth bedue,
Fine Flowers do bud, where Thistles grew
On which when gently he doth blow,
What Fragrant Odours from them flow:
What Heart of stone unbroke can stand
Before the Hammer in his Hand?
Sweetly, yet strongly doth he draw
Hearts t'imitate his Life and Law,
He makes a Conscience storme arise,
And sends anon calme Halcyon Days,
In fine, Christs vertue doth Imprint,
Like fair Coines, new come from the Mint
GOD's Image deep on the whole Man,
Which neither Sin nor Satan can.
Efface, so that this Creature new
Shews furth a Heav'nly Form and Hew,
Reader my Muse Concludes, to Pray
Thou from Experience may say,
Blessed be Christ. I feel, and find,
His sweet Impressions on my mind.
Luke 24.32. And they said one to a­nother, did not our Heart burn within us? while he talked with us by the Way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures.’

OUR LORD JE [...]US CHRIST having broken the Bonds of Death, and made open the gates of the Grave, that he might notifie or make known his Resur­rection to His Apostles and Disciples, he appeated to them and Conversed with them, at sundry times, and in diverse manners; particularly he manifested himself to two of the Disciples that were going to Emmans: So that if we take a back-look to the 13 verse of this Chapter, and from thence to our Text; We will find that thir two Dis­ciples were in a Religious Conference, as is most probable about the Passion, Crucifixi­on, and Resurrection of Christ, who, while they are thus Exercised, joined him­self to their Society, and walking along [Page 2] with them, enquired at them what manne [...] of Communications they had; In Answer whereunto, Cleophas, one of them, told them what strange things had happened Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who wa [...] Crucified, and according to the Report o [...] some, risen again from the Dead: Bu [...] they speaking some what darkly and doubt­ingly about these things, he who alway went about doing good, explain [...] to them more fully and clearly out of th [...] Scrip [...]ures, the Prophesies, that concern [...] the Messiah, and though for a while th [...] did not understand so distinctly the Myste [...] ies he was exponing, as applicable and Re­lative to himself; yet at length he made th [...] scales fall from their eyes, and darted [...] Beam of Divine Light into their Mind [...] which did both Illuminate and warme thei [...] Hearts, so that they knew him, and ca [...] feelingly to perceive, they had receive Vertue [...]m him, the marvellous energ [...] whereof our Text tells us, did work upo [...] their Spirits, did not our hearts burne with in us? being thus handed into our Text, Comprehends these three things.

1. A new Conference of their two Di [...] ciples going to Emmans, and they said on [...] it another.

[Page 3]2. The Subject of their Dialogue, did not our heart burn within us?

3. Th occasion and Cause of this heart burning while he talked with us by the way, an opened to us the Scriptures; Now the cope of the Text is to inform us, what mighty Impressions Christ maketh on hearts, when he pleaseth to exerce and ap­ply his Divine power and Energie, of whom it is said, verse 19. that be was a Prophet mighty in word and in deed, who alwaye: indeed spake with an Extraordi­nary Authority and Efficacie, so as never man spake, and without who's Assistance; none that speake in His name, can speake to purpose.

We shall not insist to Explain the Terms of our Text Critically and Articulatly, for the only Terme that is Metaphorical, and so most needs Exposition, will be cleared af­terward, when we come to speake of the deep Impressions Christ makes on hearts un­der the Notion of Fire: So the phrase, did not our hearts burn within us, being the only part of the verse we mind to Preach from, may be thus Glossed; O were there not warme, sweet and Sensible Motions of Christs Power on out Hearts, that have left deep and abiding Impressions with us, [Page 4] the like whereof we never felt before: Now we come to make a Doctrinal Observati­on, which shall be the su [...]ject of our En­suing discourse. viz.

Where Christ comes he makes deep Im­pressions and Gracious Dispositions.

In Prosecution of this Doctrine we will Handle these particulars.

1 Offer a a few Perliminary propositi­ons, that may give Light to the matter in Hand.

2 Give some Grounds of proof of the Doctrine.

3 Inform wherein Christ makes deep and Sensible Impressions.

4 Tell what we must no [...] for our parts in order to obtaining and preserving Christs Impressions.

5. Make some practical use of the Doct­rine.

1. An use of Reproof, 2 of Caution. As to the 1 particular, of preliminary propositions.

1. Prop: By Christs Impressions we mean not, any Extraordinary Motions or Rapide Propensions and Agitations of mind, such as Quakers the German Anabap­tists, and other Enthusiasts pretend to, and boast oft, carrying them either to say or [Page 5] do, what is contrary too; not warranted by or, above that which is written, in the Holy word of GOD, Und [...]rstanding ne­ther what they say, not whereof they A­ffirm, 1, Tim: 1, 7, many are deluded and Imposed upon by their own deceitfull dreams, and over heated Imaginations, mis­taking the Excentrick and Spurious motiones of their own light Spirits, (not knowing what manner Spirits they are of) for the Inspirations and Impressions of the Spirit of GOD, which yet may be no other, but the Fluxes and Refluxes of their own wild Fancies, or the spunks and sparks of their own kindling: At all times there have been some such deluded E [...]thusiasts, such as David Georgi, Knipperdoling, and of late the Bu [...]ignians.

2. Prop: But by Christs Impressions we Understand, a Supernatural wo [...]k of his Spi­rit, whereby he not only brings the heart under a right set, and to a new Spiritual Temper, which may be called the first great stroak of his Hand at Conversion, Print­ing and Stamping the Image of GOD, on the Soul: but whereby also on all the believers occasions and Exigencies afterwards, he sends such Renewed Inspirations, and Re­peated Influences into his Soul, as make and [Page 6] leave Sensible Workings, on the Respective Faculties, and affections of it, in the vertue whereof, the Gracious Believer, is strongly Prompted to that which is truely Good, and Restrained, or made averse from what is ill and Impious, and is dayly Excited in his Progressive Motions Heavnward. See Isa: Cor. 3:3.5 Son. 4 16. But least we anticipate what afterwards may be Discoursed more Conveniently, we say no more here, hoping what is to be said, will Contribute for further clearing of this point.

3. Prop: Some Gracious Souls have more frequent, more Sensible, and deeper Im­pressions than others, according to the Measure of the Gift of GOD, yea and the same persons may at diverse times undergo and Experience very Sensible, Alterations in their Frame and Inclinations, even such Ebbings and Flowings, such alternate Ups and Downs, as may make them feel and owne that they are necessarily dependant on the Spirit of Christ, who blows and Breaths, where, how, and when he lifteth, Pss. 30. throughout.

As to the second particular, we will offer some Grounds of Proof of the Doctrine, To wit, that where Christ comes, he makes [Page 7] deep Impressions. 1 It is Congruous and Suitable to his Magnificence and Royalty, Christ is King of Kings, Encircled with most Excellent August Majesty, the Beam­ing Rayes whereof, cannot but make a Mighty dash on those they teach and beat upon: Says Solomon. Eccl. 8.4. Where the Word of a K [...]ng is, there is Power, Potently pressing the Spirits of them that hear it, when Isaias Eyes saw the King the LORD of Hosts, how deeply was he Af­fected, and made to cry, w [...]es me for I am Undone, I am a Man of Unclean Lips: Isa 6 4. Did not all the Camp of Israel tremble, yea and the whole Mount quake greatly, when the LORD made his Ma­jestick Appearance on Mount Sinai, Exod: 19.16.18.

2. The LORD hath promised so to Work upon Souls, as to make great Im­pressions, and a Sensible Change upon them, Ezek: I will sprinkle clean Water upon you, and ye shall be clean, I will take away the Stonny Heart, and I will give you a new Heart, a Heart of Flesh, I will put my Spirit within you, and Cause you to Walk in My wayes: O what mighty Impressiones here, to Bleach and Press filthy Souls to be clean, to make a [Page 8] hard stone turn soft Flesh, and by a Physical Efficacious Touch of His Finger, to Cause the Refractorie Selfish-will, choose and follow his Will, no doubt this is the Result of Enduement with Power from on High, Luke 24, 43.

3. Many instances may be adduced of the Actual Fulfilment of thir his Gracious Promises, in the Sensible Sweet Experiences of his People; Let every one of you Re­tire into the Repositorie of your own Minds, and Memories, Revolve and View Your Diary, And I dare say, If ever thou hast had any Heart Work or Soul Exercise, thou wil put to thy seal, thou canst produce thy Witnesses, to attest this thrice sweet Truth: Says the spouse, Son: 2: 3: 4 5: I sat vnder his shaddow with great delight, and his Fruit was sweet to my tast, he brought me to the Banquetting House, and his Banner over me was Love, which made me sick of Love. Son. 5.4. My Beloved put in his Hand, by the hole of the door, and my Bowels were moved; Came not Christ ve­ry early to Elizabeth? if we may say so, even when he was (with Respect to his Huma­nity) but an Embryo in the Womb of his Mother, and yet what a Forcible Impres­sion felt she within her. Luke 1.43.44 [Page 9] Whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me? For lo! as soon as the Voice of thy salutation soun­ded in mine Ear, the Babe leaped in my Womb for Joy: But what need I more Multiplie instances, Out Text being such a plain and Pregnant One, did not our Heart burn within us, when he talked with us by the way, &c.

4, None Ele can make Eff [...]ctual Impres­sions on hearts but Christ, this Surpasseth the Power of men and Angels, who must all cry out, who is sufficient for these things? It is neither Paul who planteth, nor Apollo who watereth, but GOD who, (by his In­fluences) giveth the increase 1, Cor: 3: 6, 7: Suppose one endued wi h all the Embel­lishments and advantages, of Naturall parts, acquired Abilities, and Supernatural ver­tues in their prime and the Superlative de­gree, and that particularly Eloquent in the most charming phrases of finest Language, yet he cannot speak into thy heart, this is Christs peculiar prerogative, who's proper Elogie it is, never man spake like this man John, 7: 46. As no person else, so no­thing but his mighty power can make Effica­cious Impressions: for Imagine that Heavens gates were cast open, so that thou might­est [Page 10] have a prospect into the Supercelestial Glory and happiness, it would not Court or carrie thy Affections to choose and follow Holiness, or Imagine that Hell were open­ed wide, so as thou mightest see the fright­full flames of the Lake, or be admitted to hear the horrible Sk [...]icks of the damned wights there, it would not prove an Ar­gument forcible enough, to perswade or prevail with thee to leave thy Lusts; no, no, it is only the Victorious Impre [...]e vertue of Christ can performe such Glo­rious Feats Rom: 9: 16. Phil:

5. The last Ground of proof that where Christ comes he makes great Impressions, we take from several figurative Terms & De­nominations, that Christs Operati [...]ns get in the Scripture, which Import mighty Efficacie.

1: A Creative power is attributed to Christ & specially as it Terminates in the Formation of the new Creature, the Na [...]a [...]ions of this Act of Creating is the pro [...]uction of something out of Nothing by such an Almighty Divine Efficiencie, as is not Communicable to any Creatures: hence it is Accord­ing to faith, that all Creatures visible, and Invisible, by the alone word of his power, were at the beginning of Time brought into a reall Existence; without anie preex­istent [Page 11] matter or subject to operate, either upon or by Coll: 1, 16: Heb: 11: 3. Even so it is agreeable both to faith and feeling that they who are Regenerated and Renew­ed, are made so by the Creative ver­tue of Christs Power? therefore they who are Renewed in the Spirit of their mind, are said to be Created after GOD in Righte­ouseness and true Holiness, Eph: 4: 23: 23: 24: and 34 3: 2: 10. They are GODS workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto Good Works. and 2 Cor: 5: 17: They are Called new Creatures, and further, Rom: 12: 2: The are said to be Metamorphosed as the Original word is, or as we Translate it, Transformed: All which Import they are another thing then they were, they pass under a new form and Figure; Now to have the Image of GOD Imprinted where it was not, to be made a new and an other Creature, then before the Application of this Effecacious Divine vertue, what an undeniably Sensible Impression is there made.

2. The Divine hand is said to draw Sin­ners unto himself, which is such an Act and exercement of Divine power, that they who are drawn, cant but be sensible thereof, for to illustrate this, let us Suppose, when Christ [Page 12] first puts in his hand at the hole of the doo [...] of the heart of an Elect Sinner, and by hi [...] Divine Touch sweetly Impresscis the Son to sway and move towards him, thereupon the Devil, the World and the Flesh are all alarmed and stirred to put thei [...] hand to hold fast the gripp they before had Now these all drawing and pulling upo [...] the one side as by a strong three fold Cor [...] of Iniquitie; And Christ who is stronge [...] then they all, drawing and pulling on th [...] other side, it is not imaginable, but tha [...] the party thus dragged and drawn feels Im­pressions from both these adverse part [...] drawing Contrar ways, and from the greater Power the greater Impression, Christ being at length Victorious and Imvincible▪ Hence Jo. 12:32: And 8. I be lifted up from the Earth ( viz. On the Cross, by the attractive vertue of my Crucifixion) will draw all, (the Elect) men unto me: And Jo: 6:44. No man can come unto me, Except the Father which hath sent me draw him, Yet we would not have any body to misunderstand this attractive ver [...]ue of Christ, as if by his drawing he did violent the will of the Rationall Creature, or did Committ a kind of perforcible Rape upon his Affections, no, but he so works [Page 13] agreeably to our Nature, altho by a Super­natural Efficacie, as that he Gently and Sweetly sways our wils, (upon most Rati­onal considerations proposed and suggested to the Intellect at sundrie times, and in di­verse manners) of choice and Complea­santly to Comply with his will, and to yeeld to his working, whereby of Naturallie un­willing, he makes Supernaturallie willing in a day of his Power, Psal: 110:3, There­fore we may Imagine it to be such a Drawing as is spoken of Jer: 31:3: I have loved thee with an Everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have I drawen thee. Or as it is Hos: 11:4: I drew them with Cords of a man, with bonds of love.

3. Christs opperations are also set off un­der the Notion of Fire; We need not in­sist to demonstrate what Exquisitly sensible Impressions fire makes, let any man if he would be satisfied by Experience, but hold his finger to the Flame of a burning Coal or Candle, and he will soon own it makes an Intollerable Impression: the fire pur­geth, the fire melteth and makes malles able, the fire Transformeth, and fiercelie consumeth, and that the most solide and hardest things, as Pontanus saith, [Page 14]Excoquit saxum violentus ignis.’ And the fire still Augmenteth into a greater and more violent flame, and it is fed and furnished with agreeable matter combustib­ly, so that it may be hard to extinguish it; Hence Solomon comparing Spiritual Love to Fire, saith he, Song. 8.6, 7. Love is as coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame: many waters cannot quench love, Neither can the floods drown it: The narrow compass of one Sermon will not allow to be so prolix, as to run the parallel, betwixt the various Effects of fire, and the many Analogous or correspondent impressions that Christ makes on hearts, but seeing we may have occasion afterward to touch at some thing of affinity hereunto, we will not now Enlarge further, but let Suffice that Christs Impressions on the two Disciples Hearts, are in our Text Ex­p [...]essed by the Figure of fire: And John the Baptist saith of Christ, That he Baptiseth with the Holy Ghost, and with Fire. Luke 3:16.

4: Christs workings are Represented by wind, and the Blowings of it, the Impressi­ons whereof whoever have their Senses about them, cannot deny to be sensible, this pierce­ing Element affecteth and reacheth all the other Elements; Enquire at the Gardner or Husbandman, and they will tell you what [Page 15] Impressions the wind maketh on the earth and the Fruits thereof; Ask the Merchant or Mariner, and they will Informe you of its mighty power on the Waters; Yea but spear at the Kitchen maid that Blowes the Bellowes, and she can tell you how it for­ces Sparks into Flames: It is a Common say­ing Aer est Anima ignis, Air is the Soul of Fire, which quickens and Animates it, hence Paul hath a Phraze. 2 Tim: 1.6. Which alludes to this, Stirr up the Gift of GOD which is in thee, the word in the Original Greek is very Emphatical and Significant Anazoporein, i: e: As with Bellows to blow the Coals and to revive or stirr up Fire that seems to be extinct and Bur [...]ed under Ashes: O what would become of the Believer when his Spi­rit is dull and flatt, when his Graces are Languishing and readie to dye, if the Inspi­rations of the Almighty, if the Sweet Brea­things of the life giving Spirit of Jesus, did not Influence and stirr him up unto Activity and motion in Heavenly things, and Heaven­ward therefore do we find Languishing Chris­tians in their Lasie & flatt f [...]itts forced to cry out, Son: 4:16: Awake O North wind and come thou South, blow upon my Garden that the Spices thereof may flow out: And Christ him­self Compares the working of his Spirit to Wind. Jo: 3:8:

[Page 16]5. Christs Impressions are whiles set off u [...] der the Notion of Water, the Notable ef­fects whereof are so many, we cannot insi [...] to enumerate them all. Hos. 14.5: I will b [...] as the Dew unto Israel: When Christ please [...] to make the dew of Heaven come down o [...] the Bellievers withered and barren Soul, O how do the seeds of Grace and Vertue tak [...] life? how do they Grow and Fructifie? s [...] that the Believer lookes out more Verdent, Fresh, and Flowrishing than he did, he Buds and Blossomes like the Lillie and the Ross, he revives as Corn from under the Clod.

Isa. 55.1. Ho every one that thirsteth, come to the Waters, and he that hath no Money, &c. The scorched Thi [...]stie Believer when he gets a draught of this Water of Life, how refreshfull is it and sweet to him, Christs Water is of more Worth, than other Folkes Wine; and yet for as precious as it is, may be had without Price, which makes us the more Unexcuseable, if we neglect to go seek and get it, Psal: 65.11. Thy Pathes drop fatness, May we not here­un [...]o allude, Considering what Impressions the Droppings of his Pa [...]nes make on Hearts, Gutta cavat lapidem. The Drops of Rain from Sklates or Tyles of Houses, make [Page 17] holes and Cavities in the very Stones, so the Drops of Christs Influences pierce Our Rocky Hearts, and make them yield to their frequently Repeated Impulses.

Now from these instances, (and many more might be added) is it not Palpably proven, that Christs Operations are very Impressive and Powerfull on Hearts.

The 3d. thing we proposed to handle, is to inform wherein Christ makes great Impres­sions: And that 1st upon the Heart: 2d upon the Conscience: 3d upon all the Senses, and 4th upon the several Affections.

As to the 1st of these, we say, Christ makes great Impressions on the Heart, Viz. These 5 wayes, 1. By renewing the Heats, chaing­ing it from its Corrupt Natural Constitution into a new Gracious Disposition, so that the renewed Heart hath a new Light, and a new Sight of Things, he sees sin with another Eye than before, even in the Sinfulness and Ug­lyness of it: He now discerns an Admirable Amiableness and Beautie in Holyness, which before he hated: He sees in Religious Dueties what engages his Soul with delight and diligence to perform them, whereas before they were a weariness, he sees in himself so much Wretchedness, Emptiness, and Vanitie, that he Wonders he should [Page 18] ever have been Proud or Self-conceited in any case: He sees in GOD, that Majestie and Perfection, which stricks his Soul in­to deepest Veneration, Highest Love, and Inge­nuine Propension to strickest Obedience, and as the Understanding Shares of New Light, so the Will and Desires are brought under a new set, he hath new Principles, and new Projects, he is Promp [...]ed by more Pure Prin­ciples in the Pursuance of all his Pr [...]jects, he Projects higher than ever he did, his great and Gracious Soul is not slavishly Chained and Restrained to Earthly, Temporal, and Transitorie Things, but Generously aspires after the things that are above, and that in the Nature are Spiritual and Eternal, he now crys out, Whom have I in Heaven but thee, and there is none upon the Earth I desire besides thee, Psalm 73.25. In a word, he Conceives and beholds Celestial Things, under a more August and affecting Aspect, than ever he was Capable to apprehend before, from all which are not these new Qualities and Conditions of the thus Trans­formed Soul, the Native Resultances of his Powerfull Gracious Impressi [...]ns, Ezek. 36.26. A new Heart also will I give you, &c. Rom: 12.2. Tit. 3:5. But having spoken some­what of this before, we superceed further Enlargement now.

[Page 19]2. Christ makes great Impressions on the H [...]art by opening the H [...]art, and this he doth sometimes in a more gentle way, as it were softly stealing and slipping in his Hand by the hole of the Door, Thereby making the Bowels easily move and Open for his own Reception and Admission. Son: 5.4.5. This way was Lydias, heart opend Acts 16.14. at other times he opens in a more roughsome manner, as it were making use of the Kings Keyes, by the Hammer of the Word, forci­bly breaking open the Doors, and making the Iron Bares, and Bands of Unbelief and Obstinacie to flee assunder, but whatever way he takes, (The Holy One of Israel not be­ing Limited to stinted Methods and Measures) he makes his Royall Entrance so sensible, that soon or syne the Believer comes to Under­stand, That the King has made way and access unto his Soul.

3. Christ makes great Impressions on the H [...]art, by Purging the Heart, when Valetudinarie Persons under Disorder, or Indisposition of Body get a Purgative potion which Works to purpose, readily they are under violent Pressures and Grippings, so when Christ gives a bitter Potion and Cup of Affliction, it may through his Blessing prove Operative to Purge and Work out [Page 20] heir Peccant ill humors, but not without some Throws and painfull Resentments within, Isa: 27 8, 9 By this therefore, ( viz. This Chastisement spoken of in the Preceeding Verses) Shall the Iniquity of Jacob be Purged, and his sin taken away, when Christ Purges the Temple of the Soul by casting and Scourging out the Buyers and Sellers? Viz. Our Diverse evill Lusts, that make Merchandise of us, and sell us into the Hands of Satan, the Lashes of his Cords make Prints and Blac Marks upon us, which to be sure, we have some feelling of: When he Purgeth our House of the old Possessores, Viz Legions of Ʋnclean Spirits that have Haunted our Habitation, readily in their departure they make us Cry, and rent us sore. Mar. 9 25.26.

4. Christ makes great Impressions on the H [...]art by fixing and Establishing the Heart, against all Dangers and Fears, the Fear of Sin, the Fear of Satan, the Fear either of the Wrath of GOD or Man, the Fear of Death and Hell, may shake the Courage of the best sometimes, and nothing may be able to stay and settle them, till Christs Hand be upon them for good, and thereby they may come to get a Heart established by Grace, Heb: 13.9 When the Heart is like a Wavering Leafe, and a reed shaken with the [Page 21] Wind, yet Christs Presence can settle the Heart, Ps: 23.4. Psal: 4.6 8 Yea, and bring it to such a Consistencie of Established Com­posure, as to be able to say, My heart is fixed, My heart is fixed. Ps. 57.7.

5. Christ makes great Impressions on the Heart, in raising the Heart, and that to these 3 things.

1. Christ Raises the heart too high Ele­vations of Admiration, doth not the Raised believer, whiles break forth to wonder at the wise and Matchles Contrivance of Redemption by GOD manifested in the Flesh, which is a marvellous mistery indeed, doth he not won­der at the Thoughts of special Differenc­ing Love, that hath chosen him out of the World, while whole Nations, Coun­try sides, and Streets full of others are pas­sed by to perish and pine away, ignor­rant of GOD; Insensible of sin, and in hazard every moment of plumping into the pit? Doth he not admite the Transcen­dent mercie of his GOD, that pardoneth his great and many sins, and Intimateth an Act of Indemnity to his Soul, while many farr less guilty are Condemned and Con­founded? doth he not also admire that Christ should Assume him, who is by Nature [Page 22] an heir of wrath, and Limb of Satan even as others, to become an united mem­ber of his Blessed mystical Body, and to be an adopted apparent heir of Heaven, so that under these Astonishing Impressions he is made to Cry out: Who am I O LORD, and what is my Fathers House that thou hast brought me thither too! 2: Sam: 7, 18. And also, John 1, Eph: 3:1. Behold what manner of Love, the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of GOD!

2, Christ Rises the heart unto Impatient desires after Communion and Soul intercourses with himself, so that the believer is ne­ver in his Right Element but when in Christs Company, never at true Rest, but when leaning on his bosome, Christs left hand being under his head, and his Right hand Embracing him. He is never cheerfull but when Christ Smiles, and when he frowns then all in the Dumps, and when he with­draws, O what lookings and longings till he Returne! Or at least shew himself throught the Lattes, and there are no words drop from his Mouth have such an Air and Accent, as when his love sick Soul cryes, O lett him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, Son, 1, 2. And whence all these so Fer­vent desires after Christs companie, but [Page 23] from the Impressions and Resentiments of by gone sweet Enjoyments, one kiss draw­ing on another, and one visi [...]e promp­ting and pressing, to court and cry for an­other, or rather to have a constant tack of his presence: Hence when Christ was Transfigured in the Mount and the Discipls in his company had a vision and display of the Excellent Glory, they had ill will to flit thence, and therfore Peter says, Master it is good for us to be here, here let us dwel; Mat. 9, 35.

3 Christ Raises the Heart to cheer­full Enlarged Praises: O when the be­liever views his Diary, to Extract an Ac­count of his Received Mercies, Christ Touching his Heart with feeling Resent­ments thereof, how high doth he Raise his Notes in hearty and thankfull Sonnets of Praise, Singing and saying; Praise, Endle, Praise be to thee my Gracious and Bountifull LORD, I Praise thee that ever I heard of thee with the hearing of the Ear, I Praise thee for thy Word and Sacraments, I Praise thee that ever I had heart to Repent and b [...]lieve I Praise thee, for all thy Giftes and Graces, I Praise thee for Health and Strength and Liberty, I P [...]aise thee for Food and Raiment, I Praiseing Praise thee for all thy [Page 24] mercies bodily and Spirituall, and thus Procceds the Enlarged believer in the Magnifica­tions of the GOD of all Grace, and we may easily suppose that it is the Finger of Christ, which tunes the harp of his heart, to fit him for this Angelick Work, it is Christ that fixes all the pines and Strings of his Soul, so that he can say, my heart is fix­ed, my heart is fixed, I will sing and give Praise, awake up my Glorie, awake Psalterie and harp, [...] my self will awake early. Ps. 57.7.8.

The second thing wherein Christ makes great Impressions is upon the Conscience, and that these 2 wayes.

1. By awaking the Conscience, when GOD Thunders, Conscience Shakes, when GOD Raises a Storme there, O what Perplex­ing Impressions and Grievous Concussions the stoutest sinner will stoup, when GOD opens his Eyes, and sets his sins in order before his face, and Raises strong Appre­hensions in him of Divine Wrath and Vengeance Impendent over his head! he feels then a wounded Spirit who can bear, and that the Tortures of a Troubled Con­science are a piece of Hell before hand, the Intollerable paines whereof have pres­sed them near to Dispair and Distraction: The Tragick story of Francies Spire, may [Page 25] help to prove what Tormentfull Impres­sions GOD can make on Consciences.

2. Christ makes Impressions on Con­sciences to calme and quiet the Stormes therein: he that by the Word of his Power made the Roaring and Soaring Surges of the Sea be still, and as it were made horried Tempests to fall into a deep Sleep of silence, Math: 8:24.26.27: Can also break all the Clouds, setle all the Stormes, and allay all the raging Tumults of a Troubled Con­science, after a Rough Storme, he can send calm Halevon dayes to succeed, for as the Poet says.

Nunc pluit, & claro nunc Jupiter aethers fulget. And when this change of Weather is brought to pass by his Fatherlie Care, Kindness and Indulgence, with what quiet and Serenitie is the Soul p [...]ss [...]ssed? Ps: 30, 5, Ps. 126.5. What a Soul Storme had the Jailout! yet within a while, a profound calm of Joy & Rejoicing, Acts 16.29, 30, 34. And some­time it falleth out that they who have been sorrest harassed with severest stripes and stric­tures of Law-work in their Conscience, have also had the sweetest and highest measures of Peace and Tranquilitie of mind, when the Lord hath brought them out of the deeps of their Soul distresses.

The 3d thing wherein Christ makes great [Page 26] Impressions, is in aff cting all the Senses, which we would have understood in a Spiri­tual sense According to the Apostels mean­ing, when he speaketh Heb. 5:14. Of having the Senses exercised to discern both Good and Evil. Now we will endeavour to demon­strate how Christ thus affecteth all the 5 Senses.

1 Christ affects mightily the Sense of Hear­ing, making the voice of his Word, the Voice of his Providence, the Voice of his Spirit, and the Voice of our Consciences, so to reach the cares of the Soul, as that it is raised to advert and Listen to what he speaketh: Son: 5:2. though the Spouse was slumbring, as it were betwixt Sleeping and Waking, yet she understood it was the Voice of her beloved, that Knocked, say­ing, Open to me my Love, my Dove, &c. Yea so pierceing is his voice, that he makes even the Dead to Hear it, John 5:25: Never did the terrible rumbles of Lowdest Thunder­ings more forcibly beat the ears of Men than the fearful denunciations of his tremenduous threatnings the Souls of those he minds to awaken. Acts 2.37. VVhen Peter is charg­ing them home in his Sermon with the guilt of the Horrid Crimson crime of the Blood of Christ, they were stricken into such a Conster­nation, that it is said, when they heard this they were pricked in their Hearts, and from the [Page 27] painful Impression of this Divine thrust (as [...]he word in the Original will bear) they cryed out as men strangely frighted, Men and Bretheren what shall we do? and says Habbakuk. 3.2.16. O Lord I have heard thy Speech, and was affraid; When I heard my Bellie trembled, my Cups quivered at the Voice. Also never did the sweetest Consort of Musick more passi­onatly affect them that delight therein, then [...]he Melodious utterance of his Comfortable promises doth raise and ravish the Souls of Believers. In the same Sermon of Peter, Acts 2.39. where after the Commination of threatnings, he changes his Tune to speak of the promises, (for the promise, sayes he, is to you and to your Children) you may see the Effect thereof, verse 46.47. They did eat their Meat with gladness, and Singlenes of heart, praising God, their sighings were turned to Sing­ings.

2. Christ mightily Effects the Sense of seeing, when this Sun of Righteousness pleases to dart down the Beams of his Brightness, what an Insufferable display of Light illuminats the Minds of Believers, the Sable Clouds of ignorance are Rent in pieces, and forced last, and farr to flee a­way, we already told the Enlighted Eye of the Believer, is so furnished with New Light, [Page 28] and a clear sight that he Discerns Spiritua [...] Things under other colours than befor [...] the Scales fell from his Eyes, wherefore w [...] proceed no further in this point: But sur [...] a Blind Man that hath his Eyes Opened, cannot but perceive that some strange Af­fecting Operation hath pass [...]d upon him which will Print the Sense and Remembran [...] thereof on his Thoughts for ever: Was not Zecharias under great Impressions, when he said (what partly he Felt) that the day spring, or ( Sun rising, as in the Margine of our Bibles) from on high hath visited us, to give Light to them that fit in darkness, and in the shaddow of Death, Luke Must it not be a very Affecting Light? that is called a Glorious Light, or the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ, which GOD Commandeth to shine into the Hearts of Believers? 2 Cor: 4.4 6.

3. Christ mightily affects the Sense of Smelling, where ever this perfumed Prince cometh, be sendeth such a fragrant smell through all the Ambient Air, that who­ever draw it at their Nostrils, cannot but find it: Never did a [...] bed of Roses, nor a bundle or Posie of most fragrant Aromatick flowers, yeild a more ravishing Scent, than this Rose of Sharon? this Lilly of the Valleys [Page 29] Song: 2:1. & Song: 1.3. Because of the savour of his good Ointments, His Name is as Ointment poured forth, whereby Believers are raised and pressed in Soul to Love and ad­mire Him, and from His Odoriferous presence is it, that all about Him smell strongly of him, the Graces of Believers being stir­red and perfumed by His Grace-giving Vertue. Song: 1.12. While the King sitteth at his Table, my Spickenard sendeth forth the smell thereof. Now O Communicants, have ye not this day smelled Christ present at His Table? have not your Spices fl [...]wed out? are not your Graces more fresh and fragrant than before?

4. Christ mightily aff [...]cts the sense of Touch­ing; when His Finger touches the heart, when He puts in his hand by the hole of the door, He makes a strange moving of the Bowels, Son 5:4. O Christian didst thou never touch and feel Him by the Finger of Faith? I hope thou hast, and that thou canst experimen­taly say, that thou hast Touched him so E­ffectually and he hath Touched thee so Power­fullie, that vertue hath gone out from him to Cure thy flux of Blood, and to cleanse thy Le­prosie Mar. 1.41, 42, 5.28, 30.

5. Christ mightily Affects the sense of Teast­ing, O Communicante, while thou was this [Page 30] day Ea [...]ing His Flesh, which is Meat indeed and Drinking His Blood, which is Dri [...]k in­deed, had not this Heavenly Manna, a more Delicious Taste, then any Delicacie ever thou did'st Taste? Hast thou not in the Sa [...]rament, senceably Touched, Tasted, and handled sweet Christ: I dare say that the sw [...]ete [...] Carnal Gust, that ever the most sen [...]ual E [...]icure f [...]und in his swinish fills of bodi [...]y plea [...]ures, never came ne [...]r to be so swee [...] and ravishing as the Tastings of Christs [...]piritual fruits and pleasures: Song: 2.3.4 5. I sat und [...]r under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste, [...]e br [...]ught me to the Banquetting h [...]use, and his Banner over me was Love, stay me with flaggons, comfort me with Aples for I am sick of Love; We dare no [...] say she got a [...]urf [...]it of Christ, but we may [...]ay, she got a tastable fill of Christ, for a surfeit occasions to soath and nauseate, but the fill sh [...] got appetized her, for Christ still more, which may be gathered from the verses Immediatly, and the Chapters after following, where she passionatly longs, she indefatigably paints and pursues after Christ. And Peter hath a passage also to our pur­pose, 1. Pet: 2.3. If so be ye have tasted that the LORD is Gracious. O Believer hast thou not tasted and felt the Lord to be Gra­cious, [Page 31] in accepting and Answering thy Pray­ers, in healing all thy Diseases, in pardon­ing all thy sins, in strengthning thee a­gainst all thy Temptations and Tribula [...]i­ons, in bestowing liberally upon the many Love Tockens and Pledges of his fav [...]ur, as fore [...]asts of Glory, and an earnest [...]f the future full I [...]heritance in Heaven, I hope some of you understand in Experience what I say.

The 4 thing wherein Christ makes great Impressions, is in raising high all the Af­fections this Discour [...]e would swell too big, to sp [...]ak of all the several Aff [...]ctions and Passions of the Soul that Christ works upon, therefore we will touch but at some few, as a sample h [...]w far Christs Impressions g [...].

1. Christ raiseth into a flame the Affecti­on [...]f Love, did not our H [...]arts burn within us? saith the Text, and its smal wonder our Love should enkindle towards him, when we consider how much Lovely Christ in pure Love hath done and suffered for us; But how can we moreover but be deeply enamoured with him when we look upon him as the Orient and Glorious Beauty of Heaven and Earth, being the Brightness of his Fathers Glory, and the Express Image of His Person, All created Beauties, are but faint [Page 32] and fading Resemblances to His matchless, Comeliness, He is the Beauty of [...]aints [...]he Admiration of Angels, a [...]d the dearly beloved of GOD; And this further Commands our Love to him, that t [...]is [...]xcelent Beauty, is content to Cement, and be United to such ugly souls as we a [...]e; this Son of the Ki [...]g of Kings, we are called, and have Acc [...]ss to be Married unto; and O when the Believ­er contemplates on this honourable and happy Match, he is raised into Raptures of Love and Admira [...]ion, where by his ravished soul is like to faint and expire in inflamed desires after Him, Song 12. 5. stay me with flagons, comfort me with Aples for I am sick of Love, was not this a deep Im­pression, the flame of Love made o [...] Her Hear [...]?

2. Christ Raises the Affection of Spiritual hatred, self Loathing, and shame facedness, with what Confusion is the Soul Perfused, when he thought fully Recounts and Reviews all his Abominations? when he looks on him­self as ugglie and Loathsome in the sight of a Holy GOD, at the same time also is he hateful and Loathsome in his own eyes, and can't lift them up towards Heaven, where Lesed Majesty Resides, eve [...]ie look into His Innerman Forces sighs from his heart, [Page 33] tears from his eyes, complaints from his mouth, a Smi [...]ing upon his Thighs, and makes some pe [...]it [...]ntia [...] Impressi [...]ns on the whole man: When Jobs eyes were opened, He abhorred himself, and Repented in dust and in ashes Job. 42.5 6. When GOD's hand Reached E [...]raim, he Repented, he Smote on his Thigh, yea was ashamed yea even Confounded. ver. 31.19. When the self Abhorring publican was under a working sense of his guilt, he stands a far off, will not lift u [...] so much as h [...]s eye unto Heaven, But smits upon his breast. Luk, 18.13. Look Ezek. 36.31.

3 Christ Raises the Affection of Godly sor­row, the Soul having Received a self Loath­ing view of all his guiltiness, as said is, his eye. Affects his heart, yea his Rockie heart by a Touch of Christs finger gushes out into Waters of penitential sorrowings, when he considers how much he hath dis­honoured and Angered GOD, how much he ha [...]h filed and Endangered his precious Soul, he mournes like a Dove, he Chatters like a Cron, and whence all their penitential Boylings in his Bowels but from a look of Christ, and a look to Christ that draws from him a heart melting vertues. Zeck. 12.10. they shall look upon me whom they have [Page 34] pierced, and they shall mourn, &c. Luk 22.61 62. It was a piercing look of Christ to Peter over his shoulder, that made weep him bitterly.

4. Christ Rais [...]s the Aff [...]ction of holy fear, a f [...]at both of sin and Wrath, how anx­io [...]slie Cau [...]ious is the Believer, (from this Gracious Principale planted in hi [...] h [...]ar [...]) least be Off [...]nd his Heavenly Father, and how mightily Aff [...]aid least b [...]cause of his Offen­ces his GOD hide his face and Frown up­on him. And when the fear of man, and any thing that he can own in his Malice, or Wickedness, and dreed of the great Je­hovah, come in competition together, the fear of GOD so strongly overpowers and swalows up all other feats, that it keeps the ascendent in the heart; and restrains the Believer both fr [...]m Impiety against, and A­postacie from GOD; The which spiritual fear is one of the new Covenant benefits and Blessings. Jer: 32.40. I will make an ever­last [...]ng Covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them to do them good, but I will put [...] fear in their Hearts, that they shall not de­part f [...]om me.

5. Christ raises the affection of Heavenly joy which whiles overflows all Banks: let me pose thee, exercised Christian, hast [Page 34] thou not sometimes found (specialy aft [...]r deep Humiliation, delight and diligence in thy Devotions, or strick ca [...]e [...]o lead a holy Life) hast th [...]u not found [...] say, an insuf­ferable and swalowing J [...]y, [...]hat the narrow necked V [...]ss [...]l of thy Soul could contain no more, dost thou not mind some sp [...]ing Tydes of the ineffable Consolation [...] of the Spirit of GOD, which Christ the Giver of it calls a full joy, John 16.24. Luk: Cap. 24.52. calls a great Joy, Matthew calls an exceed­ing g [...]eat joy, Cap. 2:10. And Peter, A Joy unspeakabl [...], and full of Glory. 1. Epist: 1.8. The which joy for as grea [...] as it is in the sense of us Mortals, yet is but a crumb, a drop of the Heavenly joyes, we shall be e­ternaly satisfied with at our Fathers Table in Paradice, where we shall enjoy a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory, 2. Cor. 4.17.18.

The 4th particular we promised to han­dle is to tell, what ye must do for your pa [...]ts, in order to obtaining and p [...]eserving Christs Impressions, as we have touched before in the first proposition, you must not like Enthusiasts look for extraordinary impulses and inspirations, but in the ordinary way of the diligent use of proper means: said the Heathean Poet, Metathenes kai Chaeira.

Kimie, with Minerva, put to thine own hand, even so Christian, with Christ put to thine own hand. Then

1. Purge out and abandon all ill impressions: sure I am if thou dost observe the ways of thine own ill heart, and art sensible of the disorderly and distracting motions thereof, many a time, and many may [...]st thou sigh and say, that innumerable ill Impressions too frequently molest and pervert thy Spi­rit: let bitter Experience speak? Have not the desires of sensual pleasures, the immo­derate eares of this World oppressed and occupied thy thoughts? Have not many im­peruous carnal Lusts haunted thy heart, and inflamed thee unto filthy inclinations? Have not malicious and revengeful designs sunk­en deep in thy mind? Hath not envy grated thy intral [...]? Have not many furious p [...]ssions fired thy bosom, are there not innumerable more inordinate ill Impressions, that daily affect and disorder thy whole Man, that we cannot stay to specifie, but whereof thou mayest; be conscious to thy self; All which thou must disgorge, and put far from thy Tabernacle, if thou wouldest have the Spirit of Christ to dwel and wo [...]k in thee; This tubbish must be removed, e're thou become a Temple of the Holy-Ghost, at least [Page 36] thou must daily be doing something that may contribute this way: set thy [...]elf then O Believer in the Grace and strength of Christ, by deep Repentance by serious mortification, by constant Watchfulness, by active Faith on Christ to weaken and expel all the ill Impressions of thy Spirit, that thus thou mayest be the more fitted and capable to take on Christs gracious Impres­sions. Hence 1. Cor: 5.7.8. We are re­quired to keep the Feast (such a Feast as you have been at the day) not with old Leaven, neither with the Leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened Bread, of sincerity and Truth. Now in order to our being a new Lump, he advises first to purge out the old Leaven: And Peter after the same manner, exhorting, as new born Babes, to desire the sin­cere Milk of the Word, that we may grow there­by, exhorteth also in or [...]er to the words having the deeper Impression and being the more tasteable, that we should lay aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisie, and envies, and all evil speakings, 1. Peter 2.1.2. 3. And Paul also col: 3.2. Recommending to l [...] our Affections on things above, that this may be the more readily attained, he [...]equires not to set our Affection on the things on the Earth, which is Equivalent, as if he had said Ab­stract [Page 37] and withdraw your Affections fro [...] carnal things, that they may be the mor [...] pure, spiritual, and less clogged, in thei [...] mountings and soaring [...] Heavenwards.

2. Be frequent and [...]erve [...] in these Due­ties and pieces of devotion, wherein Christ Usualy Communicat [...] his Impressions: O [...] Christian, i [...]ure thy self to Heavenly Medi­tation, diligently hear and Read the good word of GOD, and Impartial [...] a [...]ply b [...]t [...] promises and Threatnings as th [...] a [...]t concerned, and see thou N [...]gl [...]ct no. Christian conferences, for as Iron sharpens Iron, so many one civ [...]ly Ex­perienced Christian put an edge upon an [...]ther, And Remember it was whi [...]e cu [...] [...]wo Disciples in the Text, were talking tog [...]ther of Spiritual things that Christ cam [...] to them and made their hearts to burn, verse, More Especialy, be much in the Duty of Prayer, O the many sweet visi [...]s and Com­munications of Christ, that Believers have gotten on their knees; While they have been Fervently powring out their hearts to Christ, Christ has Favourably powred in his Heart upon them, and filled them with Love, Joy, peace, and much grace, if at any time O Believer thou find thy frame fl [...]t and dull, thy graces Low and weak, what must thou do, but with the spouse cry [Page 38] out. Awake O North wind and come thou South, [...]low upon my Garden that the spices thereof may flow [...]ut; I [...] is in Pra [...]er thou art [...]o invite Christ to [...]ome into his Garden, and eat his pleasant Fruits Can [...]: 4.16 Yea see how soon he Answers [...]er votes in the very next words. Chap: 5.1 H [...] puts her not off with a promise that he will come to morrow or the next day, bus sayes he in the present Tense, I am co [...]e into my Garden, my Sister, my Spouse, &c. and Ezeck. 36. you may see, tha [...] GOD wil do so Much for Pra [...]er, that he will do nothing without it. for having given many gracious Promises, V. 26, 27.28. he tells them, I will yet for this be Enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them.

4 Above all make daily use of Christ, the Inexhaustable fountain of all grace, for all our springs are in him, and out of it is, we must derive, and gett grace for grace; J [...]hn 3.15.16. On all thy occasions Act faith on his Bounty and fulnass and this is the True way both to get and to keep Heavenly Impressions Zech. 12.10 It's by locking to Christ, we must come by Spiritual Influences: Paul also tels us, that the holy Spiritual Life which he Lived, was by the faith of the Son of GOD Gal, 2.20; see Job, 15:5. Phil. 2.13.

The fifth and last point in prosecu [...] of this Doctrine is to make some [...] of it.

1. Use of Reproof. Two sorts Rebukable.

1. Who are ind ff [...]rent of having Chri [...] Impr [...]ssions on their hearts, Poor Souls [...] know not where your Mercy Lyes, are you [...] d [...]ff [...]rent to be Rich? are you indifferent [...] peace and comfort, are you indifferent to [...] happi [...]? are you indifferent of going [...] Heaven? if you be so, how unspeakabl [...] miserable? are you, for Christs working and Impressions, they make us Rich towards GOD, they yeeld us solide and abiding peace and Joy? hey prepare us for Heaven and happiness, thorow who ever had any Impressi [...]ns of grace, shall never have any Impressions of glorie?

They are Reproveable who mock at a Spiritual work of Grace in Believers, how ma­ny men of profain and loose spirits are there, who, under a vogue of wit, Indulge themselves too Rashly to Nickname, and thorow dirt upon exercised Christians, there­by to discredit Religion, and disgrace the grace of GOD, in a work of Conversi [...]n and Regeneration, Ignorantlie Enough, Accounting the Impressions and Experi­ences that Believers have therein, to be [Page 40] but the Enthusiastick whimsies and Brainesick [...]nceits of Airie Fanaticks: Alas! mad [...]ul because ye are strangers thereto our selvse, should y [...]u therefore Judge [...]o body hath the R [...]al sense and and Expe­ [...]ience thereof but only in fansie, It seems [...]uch know not that Christs inward Impressions, & saving grace whereby assurance of salvation [...]s given to Believers, in the Scripture stile [...]nd dialect, is called a white stone, that hath therein writen a New Name, which man knoweth, [...]aving he that Receiveth it. Revel: 2.17. O be Affraid to be mockers least your Bands be made strong, and ye be found even to fight against GOD.

1. Ʋse of Caution of Four Things.

1. Have a special Care Ye resist not the Workings of the Spirit of Christ in your Soules, quench not Christs fire, This, like the Sacred Vestal fire among the Romans, is to be keept always Burning, and therefore. O Believ­er, make much of Christs Impressions, Fo­ment and Improve Carefully all the Moti­ons and Impulses of his Spirit, that thereby thy Soul may be both put, and keept in Life, I fear it is our dayly Grieving and Quenching the Spirit makes us so dull, Barren, and Cold [...], in all our perform­ances and Devoti [...]ns.

2. What Measure of Christs Impressions [Page 41] hou gets, be not so Selfi [...]h, as only to improve them for thine own particular Use and Service as we use to say, no Man is born for himself only bu [...] a [...]so for others, S [...] no Man is Born again for himself, but that he may Em­ploy, the G [...]fts, Graces, Experiences, and Consolations he ha [...]h Received, for the help, Comfort, and Furtherance of others, in the way to H aven: Says Paul, 1 Th [...]s [...] 5 11. Comfort your selves together and Edif [...] one another. Heb: 10 24. Consider one ano­ther, to provocke unto Love and good Works: Hence also says David, Come and hear all ye that fear GOD, and I will declare what he hath done for my Soul, Psal. 66.16. And did not our Inflamed Disciples here run the very same Hour, while there Hearts were yet Hot, and told to others what had passed betwixt Christ and them? V. 33.34.35.

3. Have a care ye mistake not the Wild Spurious and Irregular Motions of your own Spirits for Christs Genuine Impressions: If thou art Proud, Self conceited, a Despiser of others, making too great Ostentation of thy Professi [...]n and Religion, suspect thy Spirit not to be in a right Temper; for the true Worki [...]gs of [...]hrists Spirit, incline to be Holy, Humble, Sincere, Peaceable, Self-denyed, M [...]ek, Patien [...]; Watchfull, and Diligent in serving and Walking with GOD.

[Page 42]4. Have a care that [...]he impressions from [...]hrist you get, do not wear off, nor decay: [...]ow many seem to have great Flashes and [...]arm Frames at a Communion Occasion, [...]pecially, which yet prove but like Ephraims [...]oodness, That is, like a Morning cloud, and [...] early dew that goeth away, Hos: 6:4. And [...] Jeremiah says, soon doth this Holy flesh pass [...]om them, chap: 11.15 An [...] who among [...]s all, (that we may Remember our faults this Day) that ever found what a Wo [...]k of Grace or Conversion Meant; but many must say, that at this time we are under a grea [...] Alteration to the worse, whereas our [...]st Love? whereas our Love of Espousals, whereas our Tenderness and Filiar Fear, Whereas our Mighty Joy of the Holy Ghost, Where our Heart Melting and Mournings, [...]hen our Hatred and Destation of sin, where our H [...]art keeping and Watchfulness, where our Burning Zeal for GOD's Honour? yea we may almost say, where is Our GOD? and not to Multiply more, where are all the Spiritual Impressions and Impulses, that we had in the Younger and Earlier Days of our conversion? Are they not sadly a­way, have we not Dangerously fallen there­ [...]rom; and is not a Carnal, Worldly, Vain [...]nd Frothie Frame, come in the place there­of: [Page 43] so that alas! we bring furth but Wil [...] Grapes unto the Lord, as if we were the Degenerat Plan [...] of a strange Vine, therefore Remember from whence thou art fallen and Repent & do thy fi [...]st Works? And l [...]ast th [...]u ma [...]es [...] fall still further, O Communicant conside [...] with Fear, that thou art (after their Communion days are over) to be engaged it thy World [...]y Bussiness and cares, tho [...] mayest Rencounter many Temptations, tho [...] hast a Deceitfull Unconstant Heart with hi [...] thee, and hence art in great hazard of ne [...] ill Impressions, that may Juffie out and Expel any Spiritual ones thou hast got at thi [...] Occasion, and the more thou hast gotten thou art in the greater hazard of satans at tacks; Who like Pyrates set not upon Ligh [...] Vessels, but the most Loaden: put thy Impressions and Experiences in Christs Han [...] that gave them, he is the best Hand to kee [...] them, and will restore them as thou neede [...] with Increase and Addition: And if tho [...] sincerely and carefully do thir, and th [...] other things, we have been Recommend in [...] thou mayest often be Receiving Spiritua [...] Communications and Impressions fro [...] Christ, whereby thy Heart will he made [...] Burn within thee. Amen.


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