THe General Meeting of the Ministers and Elders of this Church, finding that the Commissioner His Grace, and the Honourable Estates of Parliament, by their Act the 13 of June 1690. have Indicted a solemn Fast to be kept on [...]e 24 of June instant, on this side the River Tay, and on the 1. of July thereafter, [...]n the other side of the said River; and they being sensible how much it is their [...]uty, and the duty of the rest of the Ministers and People of this Church, religi [...]usly to observe the said Fast on the foresaids days respectively, and particularly, for [...]e Causes therein specified. Therefore we do recommend the strict observance of it [...]cordingly, and that it may be the more religiously observed, and through the [...]ercy of God, prove the more effectual for His Majesties preservation and success in is present undertaking, it is necessary that Ministers excite themselves and the peo [...]e to the exercise of Repentance for their own sins, and the Lands; and particu [...]rly for the great ignorance of God, Profanity and gross Abominations abounding [...]ong all Ranks and Stations, the slighting of Jesus Christ, the Gospel Ordinances [...]d Ministry, profanation of the Lords Day, neglect of Family Worship and Secret [...]rayer, the neglect of the duties of Righteousness and Mercy, the great and gene [...]l defection from the Truth, and ways of God, over the belly of great Light, Mer [...]es and Judgments, and our most solemn engagements to God; Earthly-minded [...]ess, Self-seeking, Scandalous Divisions, and other the like evils; as also, for our [...]sensibleness of, and ingratitude for, the manifold mercies bestowed on this Church [...]nd Kingdom; and in special, in giving us the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ; [...]nd in delivering us in former times, and now signally at this time, from Popery, [...]relacy, and Slavery; that being humbled for our sins, we may obtain Reconci [...]ation with God, and Pardon through Faith in the Blood of Christ, and may have [...]cess with confidence to put up our Supplications to God, for our King and Queen, [...]he Commissioner his Grace, our Parliament, Council, and Forces by Sea and Land, [...]nd for the Lord's carrying on the happily begun Restauration of this Church, and [...]r his sending out of faithful Ministers, and blessing of the Gospel, and for his gra [...]ous presence in the Meetings of this Church; and for that end, that he would dis [...]over and defeat the Plots and Attempts against His Majesty and His Government, [...]nd would be pleased to send seasonable Weather, for bringing forward the Fruits [...]f the Ground, and that a Spirit of Reformation and Repentance being poured out [...]n all of us, Religion and Righteousness, Peace and Prosperity under the shining of [...]is Countenance, may yet flourish in our Land.
THEIR Majesties High-Commissioner, and the Lords of Privy Counsel, Considering, that through the neglect of Posts, or Others, the Proclamations of Parliament indicting a Solemn and Publick Fast, to be observed in [...]ll the Churches and Meeting-Houses within the Kingdom, upon the days therein [...]entioned, may not be sent timously to the Ministers hands, and the Observation [...]f so Religious a duty being the Universal Concern of this Kingdom. There [...]ore they hereby Appoint, that in case the day of the Fast have not been Obser [...]ed upon the particular days mentioned in the said Proclamation, that the Ministers, [...]nd all within their respective Congregations, shall keep the famine, upon the Tus [...]ay next thereafter.