London, and Ten Miles round it, on
Sunday the
15th of this instant
January, and throughout
England on
Sunday the
29th of the same Month, by all Parsons, Vicars, and Curates, in their Respective Parish Churches, and Chapels, in behalf of the
King, the
Queen, and the
Royal Family, upon Occasion of the
Queen's being with Child.
¶ This Service shall be the same with the usual Office for the Days above named, except where it is hereafter otherwise appointed
¶ At the beginning of Morning Prayer, the Minister shall read these Sentences following.
I Exhort, that first of all Prayers, 1 Tim. Supplications, Intercessions, and Thanksgivings be made for all Men; for Kings, and all that are [Page] in Authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godliness, and Honesty; for this is Good, and Acceptable in the sight of GOD our Saviour.
S. Math. 7.12.Whatsoever Ye would that Men should Do unto you, Do ye even so to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
¶ In the Place of [Venite Exultemus] shall be used this following Hymn.
Psal. 96.1.O Sing unto the Lord a new Song, sing unto the Lord all the whole Earth.
vers. 2. Sing unto the Lord, and Praise his Name by telling his Salvation from day to day.
For the Lord is Great, and cannot worthily be Praised, He is more to be feared than all Gods.
Glory and Worship are before him, Power and Honour are in his Sanctuary.
Ascribe unto the Lord, O ye Kindreds of the People, Ascribe unto the Lord, Worship and Power.
Ascribe unto the Lord, the Honour due unto his Name, Psal. 22.11 bring Presents, and come into his Courts.
God standeth in the Congregation of Princes. He is Judge among the Gods.
Psal. 33.13. There is no King saved by the Multitude of an Host, neither is any mighty Man delivered by much strength.
[Page]But the Eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, ver. 17. and upon them that put their Trust in His Mercy.
Let all those that seek Thee, Psal. 40.19. be joyful and glad in Thee, and let such as love thy Salvation, say alway, the Lord be praised.
O Think upon thy Congregation, Psal. 74.2. whom thou hast Redeemed and Purchased of Old.
Think upon the Tribe of thine Inheritance, Psal. 74.3. and Mount Sion, wherein thou hast dwelt.
Thou, O God, hast sent forth strength for Us, Psal. 68.28. Establish, O Lord, what thou hast wrought in Us.
So We thy People, and Seep of thy Pasture, shall give Thee Thanks for ever, and be shewing forth thy Praise from Generation to Generation.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
As it was in the beginning, &c.
¶ Proper Psalms,
¶ Proper Lessons
- Gen. 17. to ver. 17.
- Heb. 11.
¶ To be Added in the Versicles after the Creed.
O Lord, save the King.
And evermore mightily Defend Him.
Prevent Him with the Blessings of Goodness.
And make him glad with the joy of thy Countenance.
O Lord, save Thy Servant the Queen.
And make Her a joyful Mother of Children.
Endue thy Ministers with Righteousness, &c.
¶ The first Collect instead of that for the Day.
O Almighty God, the Fountain of all Life by whose only Gift it cometh, that Mankind is Encreased; Blessed be that good Providence, which has Vouchsafed Us fresh Hopes of Royal Issue by our Gracious Queen Mary; Strengthen Her, we beseech Thee, and Perfect what thou hast begun. Command thy Holy Angels to Watch over Her Continually, and Defend Her from all Dangers, and evil Accidents, That what she has Conceived may be happly brought forth, to the Joy of our Sovereign Lord the King, the farther Estalbishment of His Crown, the Happiness, and Welfare of the whole Kingdom, and the Glory of thy Great Name. Which We humbly Beg of thy Gracious Goodness through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
¶ At the end of the Litany, immediately after [ We humbly beseech Thee, &c.] this following Prayer is to be used.
ALmighty and Everliving God, We most humbly Acknowledge, That in Thee alone We Live, Move, and have our Beeing: and that Children, and the Fruit of the Womb are a Gift and Heritage that cometh only of Thee. We therefore devoutly beseech Thee to [Page] Preserve and Protect our most Gracious Sovereign Lord King JAMES, and so bless Him, that He may see His Children's Children, and Peace upon Israel. We pray Thee also for his Royal Consort Queen MARY, Make her, O Lord, as a Fruitful Vine upon the Walls of his House, and his Children like Olive branches round about his Table. Encrease and Multiply the whole Royal Family, That the King's Seed may endure, for ever, and his Throne be as the Sun before Thee. So we thy People shall remember, and Praise thy Name from one Generation to another, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
¶ In the Common Service next after the Commandments, the first Collect shall be the same, as in Morning Prayer, O Almighty God, the Fountain of all Life, &c.
Then shall follow one of the two Collects for the King.
¶ The Epistle 1 Thes. 5. v. 14. to the 26.
¶ The Gospel. S. Matth. 5. v. 3. to the 13.
¶ After the Prayer for the Church Militant, shall follow this Prayer.
O Almighty GOD the Blessed and only Potentate, by whose Appointment and Blessing Kings Reign, and Kingdoms are Establish't [Page] in Peace: We become Humble Suitors to thy Divine Majesty in Behalf of our Dread Sovereign Lord King JAMES, That Thou wouldst Defend his Person in Safety, and Prosper his Reign with Honourable Successes, and make his Name Glorious in the maintenance of Truth, Righteousness and Charity; That under the happy influence of his Government, We may all lead Quiet and Peaceable Lives, in all Godliness, and Honesty. We Acknowledge, with thankful Hearts, the great Mercy Thou hast bestow'd upon Him, and his Royal Consort, and the whole Realm, in the apparent Hopes of farther Issue. Let the, Prayers of thy People prevail, that our Hopes be not Cut off, nor our Expectations Disapointed. Let thy Watchful Providence Overshaddow our Gracious Queen Preserve her Health. Support her Spirit, and Grant her an Easie, and Happy Deliverance. And do thou so Graciously Bless and Multiply the whole Royal Family, that the Ages to come may evermore Rejoyce under the Government of our Sovereign, and his Posterity; Which we earnestly Crave of thy great Mercy, through Jesus Christ our only Lord, and Saviour. Amen.