A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty GOD, for having made His HIGHNESS the
ORANGE, The Glorious Instrument of the Great Deliverance of his Kingdom from
Popery and
Arbitrary Power.
To be used in the City of
London and Ten Miles distant thereof, on the 31 of
January Instant, and throughout the whole Kingdom on the 14 of
February next.
ORDERED by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Assembled at Westminster, That the Lord Bishop of London, the Lord Bishop of Rochester, the Lord Bishop of Norwich, the Lord Bishop of Ely, the Lord Bishop of Chichester, the Lord Bishop of Gloucester; the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, the Lord Bishop of Peterborough, the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, the Lord Bishop of Bristol,, and the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, be, and are hereby desired to draw up a Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for having made His Highness the Prince of Orange, the Glorlous Instrument of the Great Deliverance of this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power, to be used in the City of London, and Ten Miles distance thereof, on the 31th of January Instant, and throughout the whole Kingdom on the 14th of February next.
¶ The Service shal be the same with the usual Office for Holy days in all things; except where it is in this Office otherwise appointed.
¶ Morning Prayer shal begin with this Sentence:
¶ In stead of Venite Exaltemus, shall be sung or said this Hymn following; one verse by the Priest, and another by the Clerk and People:
¶ Proper Psalms. XLVI. CXV. CXXIV.
¶ Proper Lessons. The first, Zachary, VIII.
¶ Proper Lessons. The second, Romans XII.
¶ In stead of the Collect for the Day, this following shall be used.
¶ After the general Thanksgiving ( Almighty God, Father of all Mercies,) shall this be used:
¶ In the Communion Service, immediatly before the Epistle, let that Prayer which is in stead of the Collect for the Day be repeated, [ O God, the Defender, &c.] For the Epistle,
The Gospel. ANd when he had called the people unto him, with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross, and follow me; For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels, the same shall save it: For what shall it profit a Man, if he shall gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? Or what shal a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful Generation, of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father, with the holy Angels.
¶ After the Prayer for the whole State of Christs Church, these Pravers following shall be used.
O Eternal God, the blessed and only Potentate, the Prince of Peace, Accept, we beseech Thee, the Thanksgivings and Praises of thy Servants, for our Deliverance from those great and apparent Dangers, wherewith we were compassed. It is of Thy Mercy, O Lord, that we were not utterly consumed, that our Religion was not destroyed, nor our Liberty subverted: but that we still freely profess Thy Sacred Truth, and joyn in Thy most Holy Worship, and possess the Rights and Inheritances of our Fathers. Go on to perfect, O Gracious God, the Work that Thou hast begun amongst us. Bless and prosper the Hands, by which thou hast conveyed this Mercy to us. Direct our Governors with the Spirit of Wisdom and Righteousness. Rule Thou in the midst of our Publick Councils, for the Advancement of thy Glory, and the lasting Welfare of this great People. Dispose the Hearts of the whole Nation to all Lowliness and Meekness, and Forbearance of one another in love, that no Seditions may disturb this State, no Schisms distract this Church: but as Members of one Body, Professors of one Faith, Sons of one Father, and called to one Hope, we may earnestly endeavour to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, and with one Heart and one Mouth Glorifie God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, to whom be ascribed all Honour and Praise now and for ever, Amen.
O Lord we beseech Thee to keep Thy Church and Houshold continually in Thy true Religion, that they who do lean only upon the hope of Thy Heavenly Grace, may evermore be defended by thy mighty Power through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
THe Peace of God which passeth all Vnderstanding, keep your Hearts and Minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Iesus Christ our Lord: And the Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, he amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.