ARTICLES, OF Visitation and Enquiry Concerning MATTERS Ecclesiastical EXHIBITED To the Ministers, Church-Wardens and Sidemen of every Peculiar or Prebendal Parish Church belonging to the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin St. Mary of LINCOLN In the Triennial VISITATION of the Right Worshipful MICHAEL HONYWOOD Doctor in Divinity, Dean of the said Cathedral Church.

LONDON. Printed by Tho. Milbourn in Jewen-Street, 1673


The Tenor of the Oath to be Administred to the Church-Wardens, and Side-men of every Parish.

YOu shall Swear, truly to execute the Office of a Church-Warden with­in the Parish of and true Presentment make according to the Book of Articles given you in charge, so farr as by Law you are bound. So help you God, by the contents of that Book.

ARTICLES OF Visitation and Enquiry Belonging to the Cathedral Church within the Peculiar and Prebendal Churches of LINCOLN

TITUL. I. Concerning Churches and Chappels, with the Ornaments and Furniture thereunto belonging.

I. IS your Parish Church or Chappel kept in good and suffi­cient Repair? Are the Roofs thereof well covered with Lead, Tile, or Slate? the Windows well Glazed, the Floors well Paved, the Seats well Fastned, and, conveniently placed; and all things so decently ordered, as becommeth the House of God?

II. HATH the Steeple or Tower of your Church or Chappel, or any part thereof been pulled Down, or any of the Lead or Bells formerly belonging thereunto, been imbezelled, sold or made away? In whose Hands or Custody doth the same, or any part thereof Remain? Declare what you know or have heard herein.

III. IS there a Font or Stone, with a good Cover thereunto, standing in a convenient place towards the lower part of your Church, for the Administration of Baptism? And is there in your Chancel, a decent Communion Table, for the Administra­tion of the Lords Supper, with a Carpet of Silk, Stuff, or fine Wollen Cloth, and another Covering of white and pure Linnen to spread thereupon: And have you a fair Communion-Cup, or Chalice, with a Cover of silver, and one or more Flaggons of Silver or Pewter, thereunto belonging?

IV. HAVE you in you said Church or Chappel, a convenient Seat or Pew for your Minister to read Divine Service in? A Pulpit with a comely Cloth or Cushion for the same? a Bible of the last Translation, in a large Volum and the Book of Common-Prayer, both well and substantially Bound? Have you likewise the Book of Hamilies, set forth by Authority? A Book of Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical? And a Printed Table of the degrees wherein Marriage is prohibited?

V. HAVE you a comely large Surplice for the Minister to wear at all times of his Puplick Ministration in the Church, provided and to be duly washed at the charge of the Parish?

VI. HAVE you a Register Book of Parchment, wherein to Register the Names and Surames of all such persons as are Married, Christned or Buried, within your Parish? together with the Names and Surnames of both the Parents of the Children so Christned expressing the day moneth and year of all such Christnings, Marriages and Burials? And is the transcript thereof yearly, within one Moneth next after the 25 of March, brought into the Deans Registry at Lincoln?

VII. HAVE you likewise another Book of Paper, wherein to record the Names and Licences of all such Strangers as are admitted at any time to Preach in your Church or Cappel? As also a third Book wherein to write down the Church-wardens Accounts: together with a strong Chest with Locks and Keys, wherein to keep the aforesaid Books, and all other the afore­mentioned Furniture in safe Custody? And lastly, have you a Bier, with a black Hears-cloth, for the Burial of the Dead?

TIT. II Concerning the Church-yard, the Houses, Gleabs and Tithes, belonging to the Church.

I. IS your Church-yard sufficiently fenced with Walls, Rails, or Pales; and decently kept from the annoyance of Swine, Horses, and other Cattel? Hath any person encroached upon the same? or made any door into it out of his own ground or habitation, without allowance from the Ordinary? Have any Trees there growing been cut down? how long since? by whom? and to whose use and benefit?

II. IS the House of your Parson, Vicar or Curate (with all the out-houses thereunto belonging) kept in good and sufficient repair? Or have any of the said Houses or Out-houses, been de­faced or pulled down without licence from the Ordinary? and by whom? Hath any person encroached upon any Garden, Yard or Close, belonging to your Parsonage or Vicarage house? or cut up any Trees growing thereon? or changed or removed the ancient Marks and Bounds of the same?

III. HAVE you a true and persect Terrier of all Glebe-lands, Gardens, Orchards, Tenaments or Cottages, belonging tr your Parsonage or Vicarage? As also a note of such Pensions. Rate-tithes, and Portions of Tithes, or other yearly Profits (either within or without your parish) as belong thereunto? Have any of the same been with held from your Minister? and by whom; as you know or have heard?

IV. HAVE any of the Antient Glebe-lands belonging to your Parsonage or Vicarage been taken away or exchanged for other, without the free consent of the Incumbent, and license from the Ordinary? have any Inclosures been made in your Parish, to the detriment of the Church be thy decay of Tillage, and con­verting Arable-Land into Pasture? by whom hath the same been made? and how many years since? and how much is your Parsonage or Vicarage damnified thereby in the yearly value thereof; as you know believe, or have heard?

TIT. III. Concerning Ministers.

I, IS your Minister a Priest or Deacon, Episcopally Ordained, according to the Laws of the Church of England?

II. IS he defamed or suspected to have obtained either his Be­nefice or Orders by any Simonical compact?

III. HAVE he been legally Instituted and Inducted into his Benefice? and did he within two months ather his Induction, publickly in she Church, upon some Sunday or Holy-day in the time of Divine Service read the 39 Articles of the Church of England established by Authority, and there publickly declare his assent thereunto?

IV. HATH he any other Ecclesiastical Benefice, Prebend, or Dignity? Is he constantly resident upon his Benefice amongst you? How many weeks in any one year hath he been absent from it, without urgent necessity?

V. HATH your minister a Curate to assist him? Is the said Curate in holy Orders? an able and discreet person, and con­formable to the Laws and orders of the Church of England? Is he allowed by the Bishop to serve in your Church or Chapped? and doth he serve in any other Church beside? and what yearly stipend doth your Minister allow him?

VI. DOTH your Parson, Vicar, or Curate, in reading the daily morning and Evening Service, Administration of the holy Sacraments, celebration of Marriage, Churching of Women after Childbirth, Visitation of Sick Burial of the Dead, and pronouncing Gods Commination against impenitent Sinners, use the form and words prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer, without any addition, omission, or alteration of the same: And doth he use all such Rites and Ceremonies in all parts of Divine Service, as are appointed in the said Book?

VII. DOTH your Minister at the Reading or Celebrating any Divine Office in your Church or Chappel, wear the Sur­plice, together with such other Scholastick Habit as is sutable to his Degree?

VIII. DOTH he observe the Holy-dayes and Fasting dayes, as also the Ember-weeks, and the yearly Perambulation in Rogation-week as in the Comon-Prayer-Book or by the Eccle­siastical Cannons is appointed? giving notice to the Parishoners of every of the same in the Church in the time of Divine Ser­vice upon the Sunday next before?

IX. HATH your Minister been licenced to Preach by the Bishop, or either of the two Vniversicies? If so, Doth he then constantly (unless in case of Sickness. necessary absence or other reasonable impediment) himselfe Preach in your Church or Cappel, one Sermon every Sunday? Or if he be not a Licensed Preacher, or being so Licensed be hindred by Sickness, or other­wise, as aforesaid? Doth he procure a Sermon to be so preached by some other Minister, a Licensed Preacher, or one of the Homilies set forth by Authority to be there read by a Priest or Deacon lawfully Ordained?

X. DOTH your Minister diligently instruct the youth of your Parish, in the Church Catechism? and doth he prepare and [Page 5]present them, being so instructed, to be Confirmed by the Bishop? And doth he endeavour to reclaim all Popish Recusants and other Sectaries (if any such be inhabiting within your Parish) to the true Religion established in the Church of England, and to their bounded duty in obeying the Laws, and submitting to the Government thereof?

XI DOTH he neglect to visit the Sick, or delay the Baptism of any Infant that is in danger of Death? Is there any Child past Infancy or other person of more years through your Ministers default, yet remaining unbaptized in your Parish? Doth he baptize any without Godfathers and Godmothers, or admit either of the Parents to be Godfather or Godmother to their own Children?

XII. DOTH he in his Sermons preach sound Doctrine ten­ding to the edification of the people in the knowledge and faith of Iesus Christ, and obedience to Gods holy Commandements? or hath he at any time (as you know or have heard) preached any False, Heretical, Seditious or Schismatical Doctrine, thereby to seduce the people into parties and factions, to the disturbance of the publick peace and unity either of Church or State?

XIII. HATH he presumed to Marry any persons in private houses? or such as, being under age have not the consent of their Parents, without the Banes first published on three Sundays or Holy-dayes in the Church? or at any other hours than between Gight and Twelve in the morning; unless he had a License or Dispensation so to do?

XIV. DOTH any person preach in your Parish as a Lectu­rer? Hath he allowance from the Bishop for so doing? Doth he before his Lecture, read Divine Service, according to the Book of Common-Prayer? and is he in all respects conformable to the Laws and Orders of the Church of England?

XV. HATH your Minister taken upon him to appoint any publick or private Fasts, Prophecyings or Exercises, not ap­pointed by Authority? or doth he, or any other, either Minister or Lay person, hold any Conventicles or Meetings in private houses with­in your Parish for people of several Families to resort unto, un­der the pretence of Preaching, Praying, Thanksgiving or Humi­liation, contrary to the Laws and Canons in that case provided?

XVI. IS your Parson, Vicar, Curate or Lecturer a man of a so­ber, unblamable, and exemplary life? Doth he familiarly converse with ungodly, vicious, and excommunicate persons? Is he a fre­quenter [Page 6]of Taverns or Alehouses, a common Gamester? a pro­phane, or obscene Iester? a Swearer, Railer, Scoffer, or Quar­reller? Doth he set Neighbours at Variance one with another? or encourage them to Suits and Contention? Is he noted to be an intemperate Drinker? or vehemently suspected of Inconti­nency with any person, either within your Parish, or without? Doth he wear his Hair of an immoderate or uncomly length? Is his Apparel grave and decent, both for fashion and colour, as the Canons of the Church Require? Or is his Carriage and Con­versation in any kind whatsoever, Disorderly or Scandalous, and unbeseeming a Minister of Iesus Christ?

TIT. IV. Concerning the Parishoners.

I. IS there in your Parish any person a known or reputed Here­tick or Schismatik? any Papist, Familist, Anabaptist, Quaker or other Sectary that refuse to come unto the publick assemblies, prayers or services of the Church, or that make pro­fession of any other Religion than what is established in the Church of England? And if there be any such, what are their Names?

II. IS there any person in your Parish, that lyeth under a common fame, or vehement suspicion of Adultery, Fornication or Incest? Are there any common Drunkards within your Pa­rish, or common swearers, or blasphemers of Gods Name, or any that are noted to be railers, unclean or filthy talkers, or sowers of sedition, faction and discord amongst their Neighbours?

III. DO any of your Parish upon the Sundayes or Holy-dayes, follow their bodily and ordinary labour? or permit their servants so to do? are any shops kept open or wares sold? or do any Vint­ners, Inkeepers or other Victuallers and sellers of Bear or Ale, suffer any person to tipple or game in their houses upon those dayes?

IV. DOTH every person inhahiting or sojourning within your Parish, duly resort unto your Church or Chappel, upon eve­ry Sunday and Holyday appointed for divine Service? Do they then and there abide quietly with reverence, order and decency, [Page 7]during all the whole time of Common-Prayer, Preaching, or o­ther service of God there used? and are there any among you that come only to the Preaching, and not to the Common-Prayers of the Church?

V. DOTH every person reverently uncover his head, and so continue all the time of Divine Service and Sermon in the Church? Do they all reverently kneel at the Prayers and stand up when the Creed & Gospel are read, making due reverence when the Name of our Lord Iesus is mentioned?

VI. ARE there any in your Parish that refuse to send their Infant-children to be baptized publickly in the Church unless in case of urgent danger: in which case, the child may be baptized at home by a lawful Minister, after the form and rites appointed in the Liturgy? Or do they send them to be baptized in any other Parishes, or after other form than is appointed? Or do they keep them unbaptized any longer time than the Church alloweth; And are there any Infants or more aged persons in your Parish as yet vnbaptized?

VII. DOTH every Housholder in your Parish cause their chil­dren and servants to learn their Chatechism, and to give an ac­count thereof unto your Minister as he shall require it of them openly in the Church upon Sundays and Holdayes, as in the Book of Common-Prayer is appointed: that when they are well Instructed in the same, they may be confirmed by the Bishops?

VIII. IS there any person in your Parish who being 16 years of age, and well instructed in Religion doth not receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper at least three times in the year, of which Easter is alwayes to be one? Doth any in your Parish refuse to receive the same kneeling: or from the hands of your own Minister, repairing for it to other Parishes and Ministers abroad: Or are there any strangers not of your Parish, that forsake their own Churches, and usually repair to yours for it?

IX. HAVE you any among you that be denounced and declared excommunicate for any crime committed? How long have they been so excommunicated? And do any of your Parish keep society with them before they be reconciled to the Church and absolved.

X. ARE there any living in your Parish who have been unlaw­fully married contrary to the laws of God? Or any that being lawfully divorced have married again: Or any that being law­fully marryed, and not separated or divorced by course of law, do not cohabit together?

XI. ARE there any marryed-women in your Parish, who af­ter their delivery from the peril of Child-birth refuse to make their publick thanksgiving to God in the Church? And when they come so to do, do they come decently apparelled, and make their offerings according to custom?

XII. ARE there any belonging to your Parish, who refuse to pay their duty for Easter-Offerings to your Minister? Or any that refuse to contribute, and pay the rate assessed upon them, for the repair of your Church or Chappel, and for the providing of such Books, furniture and Ornaments, as be requisite for the perfor­mance of all Divine offices there?

XIII. DO any refuse to bury their Dead according to the Rites of the Church of England? And are there any Wills or Testaments of persons dead in your Parish, that be yet unproved? Or any goods administred without a due grant from the Ordi­nary? Did any dying in your Parish or elsewhere leave any Legacy to your Church or Chappel or to the use of the Poor, or to any other pious and charitable purposes? What were shose Legacies, and how have they been bestowed?

XIV. DO you know, or have you heard, of any Patron or other person in your Parish having the presentation or gift of any Ecclesiastical benefice who hath made gain thereof by presenting a Elerk or Minister to it upon any bargain either for money, or pension, or lease, reserve of Tithes or Glebe, or any other part thereof, or upon other Simoniacal compact whatsoever?

XV. IS there any strife and contention among any of your Parish for their Pews or Seats in your Church? Have any new Pews been erected in your Chancel, or in the Body of your Church or Chappel without leave from the Ordinary.

TIT. V. Concerning Parish-Clerks, and Sextons.

I. HAVE you belonging to your Church or Chappelry a Pa­rish Clerk aged 21 years at the least? Is he of honest life and conversation? and sufficient or able to perform his duty in reading, writing and singing? Is he chosen by your Minister, and doth he duly attend him in all Divine Services at [Page 9]the Church? Are his wages duly paid unto him? or who with­holdeth the same from him.

II. DOTH he or your Sexton (if there be any such appointed in your Parish) diligently look to the doors of your Church, that they be locked and opened at due time? And doth keep your Church or Chappel clean from dust, cobwebs, and other annoyance? Doth he toll or ring the Bells at the due accustomed hours before the beginning of Divine Service, Morning and Evening, that the people may be warned to come unto the Church? And when any person is passing out of this life, doth he upon notice given him thereof, toll a Bell, as hath been accustomed, that the neigh­bours may thereby be warned to recommend the Dying person so the grace and favour of God?

TIT. VI. Concerning Hospitals, Schools, School masters, Physitians, Chirurgeons, and Midwives.

I. IS there any Hospital, Almes-house, or Free-School foun­ded in your Parish? Who was the Founder, or is now the Patron thereof? And what is the yearly Revenue, or Stipend belonging to the Governours or Masters, of the same? Is the same ordered and governed in every respect as it ought to be? and are the Revenues thereof rightly employed, according to the intention of the Founder, and of such grants and ordinances as have been made concerning the same?

II. DOTH any man keep a publick or private School in your Parish, who is not allowed thereunto by the Bishop or his Chan­cellor, or the Dean, in their respective Visitations? Doth your School-master teach his Schoollars the Catechism of Religion, set forth by Authority? Doth he cause them upon Sundays and Holy-days orderly to repair to your Church or Chappel? and see that they behave themselves there quietly and reverently, during the time of Divine Service and Sermon?

III. DOTH any man in your Parish, practise Physick, or Chi­rurgery, or any woman take upon her to exercise the office of Midwife, without approbation and license from the Ordinary?

TIT. VII. Concerning Church-wardens and Side-men.

I. ARE the Church-wardens of your Parish yearly and duly chosen by the joynt consent of your Minister and Parish o­ners; or one of them by your Minister, and the other by the Parishoners?

II. HAVE the former and last Church-wardens given up their due accounts to the Parish, and delivered up to the succeeding Church-wardens the Moneys remaining in their hands, together with all other things belonging to your Church or Chappel?

III. DO you note them that come late to Church after Divine Service is begun, or depart before it be ended? Do you suffer none to stand idle, or talk together in the Church-porch or to walk in the Church, or Church-yard, during the time of Prayers, Preaching, or other Sacred Offices?

IV. DO you suffer no mis-behaviour or disorder to be done by men, women or servants, or children in your Church or Chap­pel? Are you careful that none of them sit, lean, or lay their Hars upon the Communion-Table? Do you permit no Minstrels, no Morice-dancers, no Dogs, Hawks or Hounds to be brought or come into your Church, to the disturbance of the Congregation?

V. DO you against every Communion appointed in your Church or Chappel, provide a sufficient quantity of fine white Bread, and of good Wine, according to the nunber of Communicants?

VI. DO you cause all Strangers that Preach in your Church or Chappel, to subscribe their Names the lame day in a Book pro­vided for that purpose, together with the name of the Bishop that licensed them to preach in this Diocess, and do you permit no other to Preach?

VII. HAVE you (the Church-wardens and Sides-men) now sworn to give in a true answer unto all these Articles of Inquiry in all their several Titles, taken sufficient time to draw vp your Presentments, and therein consulted with your Minister for his faithful assistance?


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