Orders to be observ'd by all Students in the Ʋniversity at the Approach and during the Continuance of their Majesties here, upon the utmost penalty of the Statutes to be inflicted upon the Transgressors, as the disobedience and insolence of the Offenders shall merit.

WHereas their Majesties have declared their Gracious Pleasure to Honour this University with their Royal Presence upon Tuesday next the twenty seventh of this Month; It is injoin'd to all Students,

That they stand orderly to wait upon the Approach of their Majesties in one rank or row from Emmanuel College, through the Petti Cury by the south-side of S t Maries Church to the Schools, according to the order of Colleges following; that is to say, Emmanuel, Sidney, Christ, Jesus, S t Mary Magdalen, Corpus Christi, Pembroke Hall, S t Peters, Queens, Katherine Hall, Clare Hall, Trinity Hall, Catus, S t Johns, Trinity and Kings Colleges.

That the Undergraduates be in their Gowns and Caps, and after them the Batchelors of Arts, according to the same order of Colleges, in their Gowns, Caps, and Hoods; The Fellow-Commoners in their Gowns; Then the Re­gents in their Gowns, Caps, Hoods and Habits; Then the Non Regents and Batchelors of Divinity in their Gowns, Caps, and Hoods; Then the Doctors of Physick, Law, and Divinity in their Robes and Caps.

That as their Majesties pass by, they all kneel down, and say with loud and audible voices, VIVAT REX, VIVAT REGINA.

That the Deans or Head-Lecturers, according to the Direction of the Masters of the several Colleges, see that all the Students of those their re­spective Colleges keep their places hereby allotted, and stir not out of them till the whole Train attending their Majesties be passed by.

That all under the Degree of Masters of Arts, do then repair to their own Colleges, and be there in readiness to Attend their Majesties with the Masters and Fellows of such Colleges as their Majesties shall be pleas'd to Honor with their Presence.

That none be seen in any College or in the Town, but in his Gown and Cap, the Graduates in their Hoods also; and that all demean them­selves with such modesty, civility and decency as may be to the Honor of the University.

That no Student or Graduate, under the Degree of Master of Arts, enter into S t Johns College, except the Students of the same College, and that the Masters of Arts press not into the Rooms of Entertainment, or stay longer there then they shall be permitted by the Vice-Chancellor.

That at the Congregation the Regents and Non-Regents be present in their Caps, Hoods, and Habits as the Statute requires.

That they place themselves within the inward part of the Benches, if that will contein them, if not, in the lower part of the outward, leaving the upper for such Persons of Quality as may be present.

That both Regents and Non Regents keep their places, that they stand not upon the Benches or Seats, or look over the Partition of the Houses, or gather together in Companies, but deport themselves with such Gravity as becomes so Great and Venerable a Senate, and that August Presence they will then be in, especially considering that acting contrary to this Injunction will deprive their Majesties of what they chiefly propose in coming thither, the sight of the Customs and Formalities of the Universiy in conferring Degrees.

Humf. Gower, Procan.

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