A PROCLAMATION, For Publishing the PEACE between His MAJESTY and the
States-General of the
Ʋnited Netherlands.
WHereas a Peace hath been treated and concluded at Breda, betwixt His Majesty and the States-General of the United Netherlands, and the Ratifications thereof exchanged, and publication thereof there made the fourteenth of this instant August: In conformity whereunto, His Majesty hath thought fit hereby to command, that the same be published throughout all His Majesties Dominions.
And His Majesty doth declare, That all Ships or other moveable Goods whatsoever, which shall appear to be taken from the Subjects of the said States-General, after the twenty sixth day of this instant August, in the Brittish and North Seas; After the twenty fourth day of September next ensuing, from the mouth of the Channel, to the Cape St. Vincent; After the twenty second day of October next ensuing, on the other side of the said Cape, to the Equinoctial Line, aswell in the Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, as elsewhere; And lastly, After the fourteenth day of April, one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, on the other side of the aforesaid Line, throughout the whole World, without any exception or distinction of time or place, or without any form of Process; shall immediatly and without damage, be restored to the Owners, according to the said Treaty. And hereof His Majesty willeth and commandeth all His Subjects to take notice, and to conform themselves thereunto.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the twenty fourth day of August, one thousand six hundred and sixty seven, and of Our Reign the nineteenth year.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1667.