A PROCLAMATION, for dissolving the Parliament.
Forasmuch, as upon divers good considerations, relating to Our service, and the good of Our subjects: We did call the Parliament of this Our ancient Kingdom of Scotland, and did authorize Our right trusty, and right intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, the Duke of Landerdale, to be Our Commissioner during the whole currency thereof, which though the exigency of Our affairs, hath been continued beyond our first intention: We being necessarily ingaged in a war with the States of the Ʋnited Neitherlands. And by the last Act of the last Session of that Parliament, bearing date, the third day of March last; Our said Parliament was by Ʋs declared current, and adjourned to the fourteenth of October next; The peace betwixt Ʋs and the Ʋnited Provinces not being then perfected; and that peace being now brought to its full effect, and seing the present condition of Our affairs doth not require, that Our good Subject should be any longer burthened, with attendance in this Parliament, We have resolve to dissolve the same: Likeas, We, with advice of Our Privy Council, do hereby dissolve the present current Parliament of this Our Kingdom, and do declare the same to be dissolved. Our will is herefor, and We charge you straitly, and commands, that incontinent these Our letters seen ye passe to the Mercat Crosse of Edinburgh, and other places needfull, and thereat, in Our Name and Authority, by oppen Proclamation, make publication of Our dissolving the present current Parliament of this Our Kingdom, and that the same is dissolved, that all Our Leiges may have due and timeous notice thereof. The which to do, We commit to you conjunctly and severally, Our full power, by these Our letters, delivering them by you duly execute, and endorsat again to the bearer.
God save the King.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Andrew Anderson, Printed to the King's most Excellent MAJESTY. Anno Dom. 1674.