A PROCLAMATION, For calling a Convention of Estates.
The great kindness We bear to that Our Ancient Kingdom, hath at all times inclined Us to be very watchful over all its Concerns: And considering, that all Kings and States do, at present, carefully secure themselves and their people, by providing against all such Forreign Invasions and Intestine Commotions, as may make them a prey to their Enemies; And that it is not fit, That that Our Kingdom should only, of all others, remain without defence, especially at a time wherein those execrable Field-Conventicles (so justly termed in Our Laws, The Rendezvouzes of Rebellion) do still grow in their numbers and insolence; against all which, Our present Forces cannot in reason be thought a suteable security. Therefore, and that We may be the better enabled to raise some more Forces, for securing that Our Kingdom against all Forreign Invasions and Intestine Commotions, and to maintain them in the most equal and regular way, and to let the World see the unanimous affection of Our people to Us; We have thought fit to call a Convention of the Estates of that Our Ancient Kingdom, to meet at Edinburgh upon the twenty sixth day of June next to come: And We do hereby Require and Command, all Archbishops, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, Bishops, Lords, and Officers of State of that Our Kingdom, to be present, and attend that Dyet: And also we do require all Our Sheriffs in the several Shires, and their Deputs, That if there be any new Elections already made for this Year, of Commissioners to Parliament or Conventions, they make timeous Intimation to these Commissioners, to keep this Meeting; but if there be no Elections already made, That then, they forthwith call and conveen all the Free-holders in the respective Shires, that according to the Laws and Acts of Parliament, Elections may be made of fit persons, to be Commissioners for this Convention: And that Our Royal Burrowes make choice of Commissioners accordingly, and that they and all other persons having Interest, attend this Convention of Estates, under the pains contained in Our Laws made thereanent. And that all Our good Subjects may have notice of this Our Royal Will and Pleasure, We do hereby Command Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers, Pursevants, and Messengers at Arms, to make timeous Proclamation hereof at the Market Cross of Edinburgh, and at the Market Crosses of the Head Burghs in the several Shires of that Our Kingdom.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the twenty third day of May, 1678. and of Our Reign the thirtieth Year.
GOD save the KING.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1678.