A PROCLAMATION, For calling a Convention of ESTATES.
The large and real testimonies, which Our good Subjects of Our ancient Kingdom of Scotland have given of their fidelity and affection to Our Person, Authority and Government, do daily confirm the resolutions We have taken to be very tender and carefull of their concerns, and to improve all occasions which may tend to their happiness and peace; and upon that account, have been hithertills sparing to put them to any charge for carrying on this War, wherein We are now engaged, with the Inhabitants of the United Provinces, for the maintainance of Our own Honour, and the Peace and Trade of Our Kingdoms: yet, being confident of their readiness to hazard their lives and fortunes in this just quarrel, wherein Our Honour and Service, and their own Interest, is so much involved, as to the issue and event thereof; and that they may witness their zeal and resolutions to maintain the same, by a national Supply and Taxation, as has been formerly granted to Our Royal Ancestors, when their occasions required the same. Therefore We have thought fit, to call a convention of Estates of that Our ancient Kingdom, to meet at Edinburgh upon the second day of August next to come: And do hereby require and command, all Archbishops, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, Bishops, Lords and Officers of State, of that Our Kingdom, to be present, and attend that diet. And also We do require all Our Sheriffs of the several Shires, and their Deputes, that if there be any new election, made for this year, of Commissioners to Parliaments or Conventions, they make timeous intimations to these Commissioners, to keep this meeting: But, if there be no elections already made, that then they forthwith call and conveen all the Free-holders in their respective Shires, that according to the Laws and Acts of Parliament, elections may be made of fit persons to be Commissioners for this convention, and that Our Royal Burroughs make choice of Commissioners accordingly; and that they, and all others having interest, attend this convention of Our Estates, under the pains contained in Our Laws made thereanent. And that all Our good Subjects may have due notice of this Our Royal Will and Pleasure, We do hereby command Our Lyon, King at Arms, and his brethren Heraulds, Macers, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, to make timeous Proclamation hereof at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and at the Mercat Crosses of the head Burroughs, in the several Shires of that Our Kingdom.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the second day of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty five, and of Our Reign the seventeenth year.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1665.