A PROCLAMATION, For a Publick General Thanksgiving, throughout the Realm of Scotland.

CHARLES, by the grace of GOD, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
To all and sundry Our good Subjects, Greeting;

Forasmuch as Our Navy Royal, under the command of Our dearest Brother the Duke of York, hath, upon the third day of June last, obtained a glorious Victory over the Fleet set out by the States of the United Provinces: And We finding it suteable, that a solemn return of Praise be paid to Almighty GOD, by whose special Hand, and signal Appearance for Vs and the justice of Our Cause, this great Salvation hath been wrought; Have judged fit, by this Our Proclamation, to indict a general and publick Thanksgiving for the cause aforesaid. Our will is herefore, and We straitly command and charge, that the said Thanksgiving and solemn Commemo­ration of the goodness of GOD, manifested by the conduct and management of this late Action, be religiously and solemnly observed through this Our whole Kingdom, upon the second Thursday of July next, being the thirteenth day thereof; Requiring hereby Our Reverend Archbishops and Bishops, to give notice of this Our Royal Pleasure to the Ministers in their respective Diocesses; and that upon the Lords-day immediatly preceeding the said thirteenth day of July, they cause read this Our Proclamation from the Pulpit in every Paroch Kirk: And that they exhort all Our loving Subjects to a chearfull and dévout performance of this so becoming a duty they owe to the Name of the LORD Our GOD, who has done these great and auspicious things for Vs, and for the Honour and Interest of Our Kingdoms.


Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1665.

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