His Majestie's GRACIOUS SPEECH To the Honorable HOUSE of COMMONS In the Banquetting-house at VVhite-hall, March 1. 1662.
Printed at London by His MAjESTIE'S Printers; and Re-printed at Edinburgh, Anno, 1662.
Majesties Gracious Speech to the Honorable House of Commons, at
March 1. 1662.
FInding it necessary to say somewhat to you, I thought once of doing it by a Message, which hath been the most usual way; but when I considered, that speaking to you My Self, with that plainness and freedom I use to do, hath more of kindness in it, and with what affection you use to receive what I say to you; I resolved to deliver My Message to you My Self, and and have therefore sent for you hither, which hath been frequently done heretofore, though it be the first time I have done so.
I do speak My heart to you, when I tell you, That I do believe, that from the first Institutions of Parliaments, to this hour, there was never a House of Commons fuller of Affection and Duty to their King, then you are to Me; never any that was more desirous and sollicitous to gratifie their King, then you are to oblige Me; never a House of Commons, [Page 4] in which there were fewer persons without a full measure of Zeal, for the Honour and Welfare of the King and Countrie, then there are in this: The wonderfull alacritie that you shewed at your first coming together, in giving Me so liberal a supply, was an unquestionable instance of this; and I assure you, made Our neighbors abroad look upon Me and you with much the more respect and esteem; and I am perswaded, even broke the heart of some desperate and seditious Designs at home. In a word, I know most of your faces and names, and can never hope to finde better men in your places.
You will wonder now, after I have willingly made this just acknowledgement to you, that I should lament and even complain, that I and you and the Kingdom, are yet without that present fruit and advantage, which We might reasonably promise Our selves from such a harmonie of Affections and a unity in Resolutions, to advance the publick Service, and to provide for the Peace and Security of the Kingdom, that you do not expedite those good Councels which are most necessarie for both.
I know not how it comes to pass, but for these many weeks past, even since your last Adjournment, private and particular business have almost [Page 5] thrust the consideration of the Publick out of doors; and in truth, I do not know that you are nearer settling My Revenue, then you were at Christmass: I am sure I have communicated My condition to you without reserve, what I have coming in, and what My necessary Disbursments are; and I am exceedingly deceived, if whatever you give Me be any otherwise given to Me, then to be issued out for your own use and benefit; trust Me, it shall be so, and if you consider it well, you will finde that you are the richer by what you give, since it is all to be laid out, that you may enjoy the rest in Peace and Security.
Gentlemen, I need not put you in minde of the miserable effects which have attended the wants and necessities of the Crown, I need not tell you, that there is a Republical party still in the Kingdom, which hath the courage to promise themselves another Revolution; and Me thinks, I should as little need to tell you, that the onely way, with Gods blessing, to disappoint their hopes, and indeed to reduce them from those extravagant hopes and desires, is, to let them see, that you have so provided for the Crown that it hath wherewithall to support it self, and to secure you, which I am sure is all I desire, and desire only for your preservation: Therefore I do conjure you, by all the professions of affection you have made to Me, by all the kindness I know you have for Me, [Page 6] after all your deliberations, betake your selves to some speedy resolutions, and settle such a real and substantial Revenue upon Me, as may hold some proportion with the necessarie expences I am at for the Peace and Benefit, and Honour of the Kingdom, that they who look for troubles at home, may despair of their wishes, and that Our Neighbours abroad, by seeing that all is well at home, may have that esteem and value of Us, as may secure the Interest and Honour of the Nation, and make the happiness of this Kingdom, and of this City, once more the admiration and envy of the world.
Gentlemen, I hear you are very zealous for the Church, and very sollicitous, and even jealous that there is not expedition enough used in that Affair, I thank you for it, since I presume it proceeds from a good root of Piety and Devotion; but I must tell you, I have the worst luck in the world, if, after all the reproaches of being a Papist whilst I was abroad, I am suspected of being a Presbyterian now I am come home: I know you will not take it unkindly, if I tell you, that I am as zealous for the Church of England, as any of you can be, and am enough acquainted with the enemies of it, on all sides; that I am as much in love with the Book of Common Prayer, as you can wish, and have prejudice enough to those who do not love it; who I hope in time [Page 7] will be better informed and change their mindes; and you may be confident, I do as much desire to see a Uniformitie setl'd, as any amongst you. I pray trust Me in that Affair, I promise you to hasten the dispatch of it with all convenient speed, you may relie upon Me in it.
I have transmitted the Book of Common Prayer with those Alterations and Additions, which have been presented to Me by the Convocation, to the House of Peers, with My Approbation, that the Act of Uniformitie may relate to it; so that I presume it will be shortlie dispatched there: And when We have done all We can, the well-setling that Affair will require great Prudence and Discretion, and the absence of all Passion and Precipitation.
I will conclude, with putting you in minde, That the season of the Year, the convenience of your being in the countrie, in many respects, for the good and welfare of it; for you will finde much Tares have been sowed there in your absence; the arrivall of My Wife, who I expect some time this Moneth, and the necessitie of My own being out of town to meet Her, and to stay some time before She comes hither, makes it very necessarie that the Parliament be adjourned before Easter, to meet again in the Winter: And that it may do so, I pray lay aside private business, that you may in that time dispatch the Publick, [Page 8] and there are few things I reckon more publick then your providing for the Securitie of the Fenlands, which I have so often recommended to you, and do it now very earnestlie. I pray let no private Animosities or Contests, indanger a work of so great a Benefit and Honour to the Nation; but first provide for the support of the Work, and then let Justice be done for determination of particular Interests.
The mention of My Wives arrival, puts Me in minde to desire you to put that Complement upon Her, that Her entrance into the Town may be with more decencie then the ways will now suffer it to be: And to that purpose, I pray you would quickly pass such Laws as are before you, in order to the amending those Ways, and that She may not finde Whitehall surrounded with water.
I will detain you no longer, but do promise My Self great Fruits of this conversation with you, and that you will justifie the Confidence I have in your Affections, by letting the world see that you take My Concernments to heart, and are ready to do whatsoever I desire for the Peace and VVelfare of the Kingdom.