His Maiesties DECLARATION To all His loving Subjects, to preserve Inviolable the Securities by Him given for Moneys, and the due Course of Payments thereupon in the Receipt of the EXCHEQƲER.


WHereas We are given to understand, That divers of Our good and loyal Subjects, Goldsmiths and others, who have advanced to Vs great sums of Money for the Pub­lick Service, which are sufficiently Secured unto them upon several Branches of Our Revenue, and other Moneys arising by several late Acts of Parliament, have upon occasion taken from the late Attempt of the Dutch Fleet, and the false Reports spread thereof; been prest in an unusual manner, with many sudden Demands by their Cre­ditors for present Payment, through fears and apprehensions; which may weaken the Credit of Our said Subjects, who have been so useful to Vs, bring an Vndervalue on Our said Securities, and in consequence indanger the Publick Safety in this present Conjuncture: We have therefore thought fit (as well for satisfying the Mindes of Our good Subjects, whose Fears so transported them to call for their Moneys in such a manner; as for the allaying such Iealousies and Misapprehensions as may be taken up by those concerned in the said Securities) to Declare, as We do hereby Declare, That as the Course of Payments in Our Exchequer hath hitherto beén punctual, and according to the due Order, even in this time of disturbance and interruption of Payments amongst Our Subjects; so Our sted­fast resolution for preserving inviolable to all such Our good Subjects, who have lent or advanced any Moneys for Our service as aforesaid, all and every the Securities and Assignments any ways made by Vs for and towards the repayment and satisfaction of the said several Sums of Money: And that We will not upon any occasion whatsoever permit or suffer any Alteration, Anticipation, or Interruption to be made of Our said Subjects Securities; but that they shall from time to time receive the Moneys so secured unto them, in the same course and method, as they were charged, and ought to be satisfied. Which resolution We shall likewise hold firm and sacred, in all future Assign­ments and Securities to be by Vs granted upon any other Advance of Money by any of Our Sub­jects upon any future occasion for Our service. And We cannot doubt upon the publishing this Our Royal Word and Declaration of Our sincere Intention, but that all reasonable persons will rest satisfied that their fears were causeless, and their respective Interests in no danger at all, and that no evil can happen to them on this Occasion; since the Securities by Vs to them given being invio­lable, We doubt not but that Our said Subjects will satisfie every person both their Principal and Interest, as they have formerly done with untainted reputation. And of this Our Declaration We straitly Charge and Command Our High Chancellor of England, the Lords Commissioners of Our Treasury, the Chancellor and Vnder-Treasurer of Our Exchequer, and all other Our Officers and Ministers whatsoever whom it doth or may concern, to take notice and duly to observe the same, as they will be answerable to Vs at their utmost perils.

In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and [...]

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