Published by the Advice of His Privy Council.

OUr Care and Endeavours for the Preservation of the Rights and Interests of the Church, have been sufficiently manifested to the World, by the whole course of Our Government, since Our happy Restauration, and by the many and frequent wayes of Coercion that We have used for reducing all Erring or Dissenting Persons, and for composing the unhappy Differences in matters of Religion, which We found among Our Subjects upon Our Return: But it being evident, by the sad experience of twelve years, that there is very little fruit of all those forceable Courses, We think Our Self oblieged to make use of that Supream Power in Ecclesiastical Matters, which is not only inherent in Us, but hath been Declared and Re­cognized to be so by several Statutes and Acts of Parliament; And therefore, We do now accordingly issue this Our Declaration, as well for the quieting the Minds of Our good Sub­jects in these Points, for inviting Strangers in this Conjuncture, to come and live under Us, and for the better Encou­ragement of all to a chearfull following of their Trade and Callings, from whence we hope by the Blessing of GOD, to have many good and happy Advantages to Our Government; As also, for preventing for the future, the danger that might otherwise arise from Private Meetings, and Seditious Conventicles.

And in the first place, We Declare Our express Resolution, Meaning and Intention to be, That the Church of Eng­land be preserved, and remain entire in its Doctrine, Discipline and Government, as now it stands Established by Law; And that this be taken to be, as it is, the Basis, Rule, and Standard of the General and Publick Worship of GOD, and that the Orthodox conformable Clergy do receive and enjoy the Revenues belonging thereunto: And that no per­son, though of a different Opinion and Perswasion, shall be exempt from paying his Tythes, or other Dues whatsoever. And further We Declare, That no person shall be capable of holding any Benefice, Living, or Ecclesiastical Dignity or Preferment of any kind, in this Our Kingdom of England, who is not exactly conformable.

We do in the next place Declare Our Will and Pleasure to be, That the Execution of all and all manner of Penal Laws in Matters Ecclesiastical, against whatsoever sort of Non-conformists or Recusants, be immediately Suspended, and they are hereby Suspended. And all Judges, Judges of Assize and Goal-delivery, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, and other Officers whatsoever, whether Ecclesiastical or Civil, are to take notice of it, and pay due Obedience thereunto.

And that there may be no pretence for any of Our Subjects to continue their illegal Meetings and Conventicles, We do Declare, That We shall from time to time allow a sufficient number of Places, as they shall be desired, in all parts of this Our Kingdom, for the use of such as do not Conform to the Church of England, to meet and assemble in, in order to their Publick Worship and Devotion; which Places shall be open and free to all persons.

But to prevent such disorders and inconveniencies as may happen by this Our Indulgence, if not duly regulated, and that they may be the better protected by the Civil Magistrate, Our express Will and Pleasure is, That none of Our Subjects do presume to meet in any Place, untill such Place be allowed, and the Teacher of that Congregation be approved by Us.

And lest any should apprehend, that this restriction should make Our said Allowance and Approbation difficult to be obtained, We do further Declare, that this Our Indulgence, as to the Allowance of the publick Places of Worship, and Approbation of the Teachers, shall extend to all sorts of Non-conformists and Recusants, except the Recusants of the Roman Catholick Religion, to whom We shall in no wise allow publick Places of Worship, but only indulge them their share in the common Exemption from the execution of the Penal Laws, and the exercise of their Worship in their private Houses only.

And if after this Our Clemency and Indulgence, any of Our Subjects shall presume to abuse this Liberty, and shall Preach seditiously, or to the derogation of the Doctrine, Discipline or Government of the Established Church, or shall meet in Places not allowed by Us, We do hereby give them warning, and Declare, We will proceed against them with all imaginable severity: And We will let them see, We can be as severe to punish such Offenders, when so justly provoked, as We are indulgent to truly Tender Consciences.

EDINBURGH, Re-printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1672.

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