EDINBURGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAJESTY, 1666.
CHARLES, by the grace of GOD, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, to [...] Our Lyon, King at Arms, and his brethren Heraulds, Pursevants and Macers, conjunctly and severally specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch as the French King pretending the execution of a Defensive Treaty with the States General of the United Provinces, and thereby determining Vs to be the Aggressors and Invadors of them (the contrary of which is most notoriously known to all the World) did on the 16/26 of January last declare War against Our Subjects, making himself thus the Aggressor, and rendering the Peace We have alwayes desired with the saids States more difficult, toward which the French Kings Ambassadours never offered either satisfaction for past Injuries done to Our Subjects, or a fair Regulation of the Commerce for the future; We relying upon the help of GOD Almighty in the Iustice of Our Cause, and being assured of the Valour and Affection of Our Subjects in the Defence thereof, have thought fit to Declare, and by these presents do Declare, That We will oppose the French King, and vigorously prosecute this War which he hath so unjustly begun, with the utmost of Our Force by Sea and Land, in the maintenance and [Page 4] defence of our Subjects; enjoyning hereby Our right Trusty and right Entirely beloved Cousen and Councellor John Earl of Rothes Our Commissioner, and Commander in chief of all Our Forces in Our ancient Kingdom of Scotland; and Our right Trusty and right Entirely beloved Cousen and Councellor, Charles Duke of Lennox and Richmond, Our High Admiral of that Our Kingdom, and all Officers and Souldiers under them both by Sea and Land, to oppose all attempts of the French King or his Subjects, and to do and execute all Acts of Hostility in the prosecution of this War against the French King, his Vassals and Subjects; Willing and requiring all Our Subjects to take notice of the same, whom We henceforth streightly forbid upon pain of Death, to hold any Correspondence or Communication with the said French King or his Subjects (those onely excepted who are necessitated thereunto for the withdrawing their Persons and Estates out of France.) And because there are remaining in Our Kingdoms many Subjects of the French King, and likewise of the States General of the United Provinces; We do declare and give Our Royal Word, That all such of the French and Dutch Nations, as shall demean themselves dutifully towards Vs, and not correspond with Our Enemies, shall be safe in their Persons and Estates, and free from all molestation and trouble of any kind. And further, We do declare, That if any of the French or Low-countrey Subjects, either out of affection to Vs or Our Government, or because of the oppression they meet with at home, shall come into Our Kingdoms, they shall be by Vs protected in their Persons and Estates, and especially those of the Reformed Religion, whose interest shall ever be most particularly owned by Vs.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the twenty one day of February, 1666. and of Our Reign the eighteenth year.
EDINBURGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the King's most Excellent MAJESTY, 1666.