❧ The Kings Majesties speech, in the Parliament at Edinburgh the seven­teenth day of August, 1641.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

THere hath nothing been so displeasing to me as those unlucky differences which of late have happened be­twixt me, and my Subjects, and nothing that I have more desired, as to see this day, wherein I hope not only to setle these unhappy mistakings, but rightly to know, and to be knowne of my native country. I need not tell you (for I think it is well known to most) what difficulties I have passed by, and overcome to be here at this time, yet this I will say, that if love to my native country, had not been a chief motive to this journey, other respects might easily have found a shift to do that by a commissioner, which I am come to perform my self. All this considered, I cannot doubt but to find such reall Testimonies of your affections, for the maintenance of that roy­all power which I enjoy after 108 descents, & which you have so often prosessed to maintaine, and to which your owne nationall oath doth oblige you, that I shall not think my pains ill bestowed. Now the end of my comming is shortly this, to perfect whatsoever I have promised, and withall to quiet those distractions which have, and may fall out amongst you, and this I mind not superficially, but fully and cheerful­ly to doe, for I assure you that I can do nothing with more cheerful­nesse then to give my people a generall satisfaction, Wherfore not offering to indeere my selfe to you in words (which indeed is not my way) I desire in the first place to settle that which concernes the religi­on and just liberties of this my native Country before I proceed to any other Act.

Edinburgh, Printed by Robert and James Bryson.

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