¶ A Proclamation requiring all such as have any Office or Command in Ireland, to make their speedy repaire thither to attend their Imployments.

WHEREAS diverse of Our Subjects that have Commands in Our Armies or Garrisons in Our Kingdom of Ireland, and which have Offices or Places of trust or publique imployment in that Kingdom from Us, and by Our Grant or appoyntment touching the administration of Justice, and Government or Our Revenue there, have of late yeares withdrawn themselves from their said Commands, Offices, Places, and imployments, and make their residence here in severall parts of this Our Kingdom of England or elswhere, which We find at this time to be prejudiciall in a very extraordinary manner to the State of that Our Kingdom of Jreland, and Our present Affaires there; Our Will and Pleasure therefore is, and We do by this Our Proclamation, straitly charg and command, That all persons of what estate, degree, or quali­ty soever they be, that have any Place, Office, or Command in Our Armies or Garrisons in Our said Kingdom[?] [...] [...] ­land, and all Our Officers and [...] whatsoever[?] that have any place or Office of Inheritance for life, or at Our plea­sure, or for any other estate or terme, or that have any publique trust or imployment, touching or concerning the go­vernment or administration of Justice, or Our Revenues in that Kingdom, (other then such as are hereafter mention­ed to be excepted in this Our Proclamation) shall within forty dayes, next after the publishing of this Our Proclama­tion, repaire thither, and make their abode and residence there, and diligently attend and apply themselves to their se­verall Commands, Charges, Places, Offices and imployments, as they will answer the contrary at their perill, letting them hereby know, that for their default or neglect herein, We shall proceed against them to the forfeiture and dispo­sall of their Commands, Places, Offices and imployments, and otherwise to their punishment as farr forth as We may in Justice, and according to the Lawes of that Kingdom. Neverthelesse Our pleasure is, and We do hereby Declare, That this Our Proclamation shall not be construed to extend to such persons as are now under imprisonment in this Our Kingdom of England, for so long time as they shall continue prisoners, nor to such as are now actually in Our service in this Kingdom, or in any of Our Armies or Garrisons, so long as they shall so continue, nor to such to whom for Our especiall and immediate service We shall give licence or dispensation to the contrary under Our Royall Signe Manuall; but that such persons shall be understood to be excepted out of this Our Proclamation.


Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Ʋniversity. 1644.

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