¶ A Proclamation for the Incouragement of Sea-men and Mariners to returne to their Obedience to the Kings Majesty, and to continue in His Service.
HIS MAJESTY understanding, that many Sea-men and Mariners employed by Merchants being in Rebellion against Him, or apparently adhering to the Rebels, have an Inclination to return to their due Obedience, as Duty and Loyalty doth oblige them; But that the necessity of their Condition is such, as that unlesse they may be assured of satisfaction for their Wages and Entertainment upon their comming to Land, or into the Ports in Obedience to His Majesty, they may be exposed to misery, and so disabled not onely to maintaine themselves and their Families, but also to doe the King that Service which they desire. His Majesty therefore taking the same into His Princely Consideration, and the good Services which these Sea-men and Mariners may performe unto Him; And being willing to give them all fit Encouragement, doth hereby Declare, and Promise in the Word of a King, That what Sea-men and Mariners soever, shall bring any Ship or Ships, or other Vessell whatsoever into any Port or Harbour within. His Majesties Obedience, they shall not onely have their free Pardons for what is past; But shall also be rewarded with two Third parts of the whole Value of every such Ship and Vessell, and the Loading thereof, to be immediately divided amongst the Captaines, Masters, Officers, and Mariners of the said Ships and Vessells; And that they, or as many of them as shall desire it, shall immediately be againe employed, entertained, and set to Sea for His Majesties Service, either in the said Ship or Vessell, that they shall so bring in, or in some other which shall be fitted for that purpose, and have such Entertainment and Wages as hath at any time been allowed unto them heretofore.
Given at His MAJESTIESCourt at OXFORD, this 22 thday of February, in the Twentieth yeare of His Raigne.GOD SAVE THE KING.
Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Ʋniversity.