A Proclamation for the discovery of Rebells invading the County of Glocester, and for the apprehending of Spies and Intelligencers.

WHEREAS the Rebells in Our City of Glocester, Warwick-Castle, and diverse other places, doe frequently make Incursions into our County of Glocester, (notwithstanding We have sent diverse of Our Forces into that Our County for the security thereof) We doe therefore here­by Charge and Command all and every Person inhabiting in any Towne or Village in that County, as soone as they or any of them shall have notice of the comming in of such Rebells, to give notice thereof to one or more of Our Commissioners for that County dwel­ling nearest the said Towne or Village, or to the Governour or Prin­cipall Officer of Our next Garrison or Quarter; which if he or they shall neglect or faile to doe; We shall esteeme him or them Persons ill-affected to Us, and the peace of the Country, and shall cause their Persons, Goods and Estates to be seised for such misdemeanors. And We doe far­ther Charge and Command all and every Person whatsoever, not to converse with receive, entertain, or harbour any of the Rebells, Scouts, Spies, or Intelligencers, but to apprehend them, or discover to some one or more of Our Commissioners, or the Principall Officer of the next Garrison or Quarter upon the paine aforesaid. And We doe straitly Command every Mi­nister, Parson, Incumbent, or Curate of every Parish-Church within Our County of Glocester to read and publish the same on the next Sunday after the receipt hereof, in the time of Divine Service.


Printed at Oxford, by LEONARD LICHFIELD. Printer to the University, 1643.

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