And His Majesties PROCLAMATION for Disbanding of all Forces with
[...] raised by His Authority, and not allowed by Parliament, Secret Councell, or Committee of Est
RIght trustie and Right welbeloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and Right welbeloved Cousins, Trusted and wel [...] ved Councellors, and Trustie and welbeloved; We greet you well. After so long and sad an interruption of the happy understanding betwixt Us and Our good Subjects of Our Kingdom of Scotland (which hath exceedingly afflicted Us) and lest the sad effects thereof may have alienated the affections of many of that Kingdom from Us, and preferring nothing to the love of Our Subjects, on which Our Safety and Greatnesse most depends, and without which We propose not to Our selves any Happinesse; We have thought fit to labour to dispossesse them of all prejudice, rather by shewing them Our present resolutions, then remembring them of Our former differences, having come hither with a full and absolute intention to give all just Satisfaction to the joynt defires of both Our Kingdomes, and with no thought either to continue this unnaturall War any longer, or to make a division bewixt the Kingdoms, but to Comply with Our Parliaments and these intrusted by them in every thing, for settling Truth and Peace. Your Commissioners have offered to Us divers Papers in your name, expressing your loyall intentions towards Us, for which We cannot but returne you hearty thanks, and shall study to apply Our selves totally to the Councells and advices of Our Parliaments: We have alreadie sent a Message to the two Houses of our Parliament of England, and your Commissioners at London, which We hope will give satisfaction; We have likewise written to all such within Our Kingdom of Scotland as have any Commissions from Us, to lay down Armes, Disband their Forces, and render their Garrisons; and have written to Our Agents and Ministers abroad for recalling all Commissions issued forth by Our Authority to any at Sea, against any of Our Subjects of either Kingdoms; and have sent Letters to the Governour of Our Citie of Oxford, to quit that Garrison upon Honourable Conditions, and disband Our Forces there, which being granted to him, We have resolved presently to give the like order to all Our other Garrisons and Forces within this Kingdom. And that the truth of all these Our Reall intentions may be made known to all Our good Subjects in Scotland, We desire the inclosed Proclamation may be Printed and published together with this Letter, at all convenient places; hoping none will beleeve but that this is our voluntary and cordiall resolution, and proceeds from no other ground, then Our deep sence of the bleeding condition of Our Kingdoms, and that Our reall intentions are (with the Blessing of God, and his favourable assistance) to joyne with Our Parliaments in settling Religion here in purity (after the advice of the Divines of both Kingdoms assembled at Westminster) and Our Subjects of both Kingdoms in freedom and safety: So expecting your Councells and advices in every thing wherein We shall be concerned, We bid you very heartily farewell.
From Newcastle the 19 of May 1646.
CHARLES, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. To Our Lovits Our Lion King at Arms, and his Brethren Heralds and Pursevants, Our Sheriffs in that part, Greeting. Whereas nothing hath been more grievous to Us then the sad effects have flowed from the unhappie Differences betwixt Us and Our good Subjects; for the remedy whereof We are resolved to leave no means unassayed, which may bring a happy understanding betwixt Us and them: And for that end, to comply with the desires of Our Parliaments and those intrusted by them, in every thing which may contribute to the speedy settling of Truth and Peace in all Our Dominions; That with Gods assistance, We may see Our Subjects happinesse under Our Government, equall to the best times of Our Royall Progenitors: And that all Marks and Signes of Differences betwixt Us and them may be removed, and all Acts of Hostility may cease, and none cover or shelter themselves under the pretence of any power or authority from Us; We have resolved to recall and discharge, Like as hereby we do recall and discharge, all Commissions by Sea or Land, issued forth by Us, to any person or persons, under what pretence soever, within Our Kingdom of Scotland. And therefore Our will is, And We charge you straitly and command, That incontinent thir Our Letters seen, you passe, and by open Proclamation hereof at the Market Crosses of Edinburgh, Stirling, Glasgow, Dundee, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Innernesse, and other places needfull, In Our name and authority, Command and Charge, All persons, of whatsoever quality or degree within Our said Kingdom of Scotland, who are now in Arms by vertue or warrant of any Commission or authority flowing from Us, which is not allowed by Our Parliament, or Committee of Estates, or Secret Councell there, under what pretence soever, That they and every one of them, forthwith after the Publication hereof, lay down Arms, Disband their Forces, and render their Garisons to any whom the Committee of Estates of Our Kingdom of Scotland shall appoint; With certification, That if any person or persons, of what quality or condition soever, shall refuse, or delay to lay down Arms, Disband their Forces, render their Garisons; or that shall hereafter, under pretence of Our Service, or of any former Commission from Us, commit any hostile Act or Acts, shall be immediatly pursued and proceeded against by all manner of wayes, without Mercy. Likeas, hereby We disavow and disclaim all Acts of Hostility that shall be done hereafter, by any person or persons whatsoever, under pretence of Our Service, or of any such Commission or Warrant from Us, which is not approven by Our Parliament, Secret Councell, or Committee of Estates of that Kingdom of Scotland. The which to do, We commit to you Our full power by thir our Letters.
Given under Our Signe Manuall at Newcastle, the 20. day of May, and of Our Reign the 22. year. 1646
THe Committee of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, Having read and considered His Majesties Letter and Proclamation above written, Do with all dutie and thankfulnesse acknowledge His Majesties gracious goodnesse, in giving such large expressions of His Resolution to comply with His Parliaments and these intrusted by them, for settling Truth and Peace in all His Dominions. And that the same may be known, to the satisfaction of all His good Subjects, the Committee, according to the Warrant, of His Majesties Letter, Ordains the said Letter and Proclamation to be Printed, and Published at the Market Crosses of all the Royall Burrows of this Kingdom: And that the Burrows and others His Majesties good Subjects witnesse their thankfulnesse therefore by Ringing of Bells, putting on of Bonefires, and others expressions of joy formerly used in cases of the like kinde.