MARRIAGE-MUSICK or Nuptial-duties, directed in a fatherly Admonition, to William Beard and Sarah Whiskard, by Z. C. their fatherly friend.
William and
Sarah; both my children dear:
Unto the words that I shall speak give ear:
Providence (still guiding the Creation)
You hath joyn'd; in Natures next relation:
Sith hand is joyned in hand; let your heart
In no condition from each other part.
God that brought you into this relation;
Fall down before with daily adoration:
The glory of his Name esteem most dear:
Let all your wayes be guided by his fear:
His People prize, to them associate;
They will upon you blessings supplicate.
Eph. 5.31, 32.
Marriage is the explaining HistoryOf Union with Christ; that dark mystery.
Heb. 13.4
Marriage is an estate of Honour:Stain you 't not with spot of least dishonour.
Marriage for joynt help,
Gen. 2.20.
the Deity design'd:To burden bear, your strength must be combin'd.
That of this state, you may reap the comforts:
Live each with other, as Christian Consorts.
Adhering each t' other,
Mar. 19.5.
as faithful Doves:Delighting each the other with chaste Loves.
Checking, cheering, counselling each other;
Duely praying, each with and for the other.
The duties all, of this relation near;
Yield each to other with affection dear.
Crosses, and the cares of this condition:
Prepare your selves to beare; with submission
Affections quicken, but your passions curbe:
Those duty spur; these heart and house disturb.
And now,
Prov. 18.22.
my son; the wife that thou hast gain'd,Receive as favour from the Lord obtain'd.
In her alone, (of thy youth the glory)
Prov. 5.19 20.
let it be her chiefest DowrieThee t' enjoy; in Natures sweet communion:
1 Cor. 7.3
And all the effects of this endeared Union.Thy wise to counsel,
Numb. 30 6.8, 11, 13 14.
contradict, command;God thee alloweth; as Lord, Head, Husband.
In all those actions, see that thou approve;
Eph. 5.23 v. 25.
Leading-Line, to be thy dearest Love:
Love rendreth meek; all thy contradiction.
Col. 3.19
cudgels not; enjoyn'd submission.
Loving counsels, will be curtain Lectures:
Serious, not passionate conjectures.
Love is the limit of Soveraignty:
Prohibiting all cruel tyranny.
Thou art her Lord: Give with full affection,
This thy wife; all cherishing protection.
Thy servants and thy children subject make
To her, that of thy power may well partake:
Thou 'rt her Head: all wants of her condition,
Eph. 5.29.
Supply with all nourishing Provision.She's vessel weak,
1 Pet. 3.7.
her honour still repair;For that she is, of Christian grace an heire.
On loving duty, if Comment thou do crave;
Review thy self;
Eph. 5.28.
a Pattern thou shalt haveConformity to this,
1 Pet. 3.7.
speaks thy knowledge:Thy wife constrains, thy Headship to acknowledge
My daughter, dear, to thee I now apply
My counsel; unto which thy heart must ply:
Gen. 24.
thou hast with diligenceForsaken friends, to follow Providence.
This lesson's well learn'd; take out another:
Thy heart give husband more; lesse to brother.
God hath decreed him th' object of thy desire;
Gen. 3.16
Him only to enjoy do thou aspire.
Sarah, play
Sarah's part,
1 Pet. 3.5
give reverenceTo this thy Lord; who hath preheminence
'Bove thee; by the Law of God and Nature:
Yield thou it him in heart, word gesture.
His counsels hear,
Eph. 5.22.
contradictions bear,Commands obey,
Col. 3.16.
in all submissive fear:Usurp not on him,
1 Pet. 3.1.2. 3.4.
left authority,To him submit with all alacrity.
Nature's God this duty hath assign'd thee;
This chastisement justice hath design'd thee.
God made
Adam first in the Creation;
1 Tim. 2.11, 12, 13, 14.
And plac'd
Eve in this subject relation;
Justice found
Eve first in the Transgression;
For 't assign'd her; this submisse affliction:
Let thy obedience ever spring from Love:
Titus 2.4.
Its a principle will carry thee above
Difficulties: causing thee consider;
Though he command,
1 Sam. 25 18, 19.
thou mayst counsel tender.His state to guide, to mutual comfort;
Thy self approving a
Prov 19 14.
prudent Consort.His secret counsels to thy self reserve
Th' honour of's bed and board with care preserve.
In all estates be of him most tender,
To his houshold, portions duly render:
Thy hand and maids with diligence employ:
Prov. 31. from v. 10 to the end of the ch.
That penurie may not his house annoy;
A meek and quiet spirit, (which in Gods sight,
As pearl of greatest prize doth shine most bright,)
1 Pet. 3.4
it will dull thy husbands passions,And attract to thee his full affections.
These duties well discharg'd will give the fame,
To thee of
Sar' and
Scripture-matrons name,
Whose pattern thou must with care cut after,
As thou desir'st to be deem'd their daughter.
These duties now, my children dear, I charge
You well consider, and the same discharge;
The joynt discharge of them will plainly shew,
You both inherit Grace that Gospel-dew,
1 Pet. 3.7.
You will be t' others a living story,
To your selves a crown of constant glory:
Prov. 12.4
Your prayers then shall not be interrupted;
No, nor comforts of your state corrupted:
The object of my hope and intercession,
For you'll be
Abram and
Sarahs portion.
Then will I pray
And daily say
Psal. 128
Bartons Translation.
Blessed are all that fear the Lord,
And walk as God commands,
For thou shalt eat the plenty stor'd
By labours of thy hands;
All welfare shall to thee betide,
And happy be thy life;
Like fruitful vine on thy house side,
Lo, such shall be thy wise.
Thy children round about thy board,
Like plants of Olive-tree,
Behold the man that feares the Lord,
Thus blessed shall he be;
Zion God shall prosper thee
And blesse thee every way;
And thou
Jerusalem's good shalt see
Unto thy dying day.
Yea, with great joy thou shalt behold
A plentiful increase;
Of childrens children (being old,)
Israels publish't peace.