CERTAIN PROPOSALS Humbly offered by the BAYLIFF And other Inhabitants of Cricklade in the County of Wil [...]s, to William Lenthall and Edmund Webb, Esquires, E­lected to serve for the Borough of Cricklade in the Parliament to be held at Oxford the 21th. of March, 1680.

I. That you would use your utmost endeavour for the Maintenance and Preservation of the true Protestant Religion, as it is now Established in the Church of England.

II. That you would mutually Endeavour the Preservati­on of his Sacred Majesties Royal Prerogative, and of the just Rights and Liberties of his Subjects.

III. That you would by all lawful Means endeavour the Preservation of his Majesties Person and Government from all Attempts and Conspiracies whatsoever.

In Order to which,

IV. That you would use your utmost Diligence in order to the full Discovery and prosecution of the Hellish and Barbarous Popish Plot, and to bring all Offenders to Speedy and Condign Punishment, and utterly to abolish and root out all Popish Principles, tending to the Subversion of Government, in whatsoever Sort, Party, or Sect of Men you meet with them.

London, Printed for Robert Clavell at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1680.

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