Sold by Edward Fuller, at the Three Crowns and Naked Boy at Strand-Bridge near the May-pole, London.
Seeds of Roots.
- STrasburgh Onion-Seed.
- Red Spanim Onion.
- White Spanish Onion.
- English Onion.
- London Leek.
- French Leek.
- Orange Carrot.
- Red Cerrot.
- Swelling Parsnep.
- Long Turnep.
- Round Turnep.
- Yellow Turnep.
- Skirret.
- Scorzonera.
- Sassify.
- Potatoes.
- Rockambole.
- Shallots.
- Garlick.
- LOndon Radish.
- Sandwich Radish.
- Black Spanish Radish.
- White Spanish Radish.
- Cabbage Lettuce.
- Lombard Lettuce.
- Roman Lettuce.
- Silesia Lettuce.
- Arabian Lettuce.
- Savoy Lettuce.
- Rose Lettuce.
- Red Lettuce.
- Curl'd Lettuce.
- Round Spinage.
- Prickly Spinage.
- Berry-bearing Orach.
- White Beet.
- Red Beet.
- Roman Beet.
- Curl'd Endive.
- Italian Selerée.
- Italian Fennel.
- Sampier.
- Rocket.
- Spanish Rocket.
- Rampion.
- Harts-horn.
- French Sorrel.
- Cardoon.
- Indian Cresses.
- Garden Cresses.
- Broad-leav'd Cresses.
- Curl'd Cresses.
- Chervil.
- Sweet Chervil.
- Purslane.
- Golden Purslane.
- Parsley.
- Curl'd Parsley.
- Alisander.
- Corn Sallad.
- Dutch Asparagus.
- Colly Flower.
- English Cabbage.
- Dutch Cabbage.
- Russia Cabbage.
- Red Cabbage.
- Colewort.
- Curl'd Colewort.
- Sheerwort.
- French Choux.
- Dutch Savoy.
- Coll-Rapi.
- English Melon.
- French Melon.
- Spanish Melon.
- Long Cucumber.
- Short Cucumber.
- Prickly Cucumber.
- Pompion.
- Gourd.
- Mekin.
Pot-Herb SEEDS.
- ENdive.
- Succory.
- Borage.
- Bugloss.
- Burnet.
- Blood-wort.
- Clary.
- Sorrel.
- Marygold.
- Pot-Marjorum.
- Landebeef.
- Summer-Savory.
- Columbine.
- Tansie.
- Nepp.
- French Mallows.
- Orach.
Sweet-herb SEEDS.
- THyme.
- Hyssop.
- Winter-Savory.
- Sweet-Marjorum.
- Sweet-Basil.
- Rosemary.
- Lavender.
- Baum.
- CArdus Benedictus.
- Scurvy Grass.
- Angelica.
- Lovage.
- Smallage.
- Tobacco.
- Dill.
- Common Fennel.
- Sweet Fennel.
- Caruway.
- Cumin.
- Anise.
- Corriander.
- Gromewel.
- Henbane.
- Plantain.
- Nettle.
- Foenugreek.
- Flawort.
- Rhubarb.
- Bur-dock.
- Elecampane.
- Balsam.
- White Poppy.
- Cardamum.
- Gourd.
- Broom.
- Piony.
- Daucus.
- Citrul.
- Worm-Seed.
- Worm-wood.
- Rue.
- Oculus Christi.
- Line or Flax.
- Marsh-mallow.
- DOuble July-Flowers.
- Stock July-Flowers.
- Wall-Flower.
- White Wall-flower.
- Matted Pink.
- Mountain Pink.
- Double Columbine.
- Virginian Columbine.
- Double Larks-heel.
- Upright Larks-heel.
- Rose Larks-heel.
- Affrican Marygold.
- French Marygold.
- Snap-Dragon.
- Candy Tuft.
- Sweet Scabious.
- Spanish Scabious.
- London Pride.
- Capsicum Indicum.
- Venus Looking-glass.
- Venus Navel-wort.
- French Honysuckle.
- White French Honysuckle.
- Scalet Lychnis.
- Rose Campion.
- Noli me Tangere.
- Marvel of Peru.
- Nasturtiam Indicum.
- Colutae.
- Sweet Sultan.
- Ptarmice.
- Red Valerian.
- White Valerian.
- Greek Valerian.
- Branch'd Sun-flower.
- Canterbury Bell.
- Flos Adonis.
- Fox-tail.
- Iron-colour Fox-glove.
- Nigella Romana.
- Urtica Romana.
- Primerose Tree.
- Belvidere.
- Amaranthus Purpureus.
- Amaranthus Coccineus.
- Amaranthus Tricolor.
- Princes Feather.
- Green Amaranthus.
- Love-Apple.
- Thorn Apple.
- Double Poppy strip'd.
- Double Holyhock.
- Lobel's Catch-fly.
- Goats Rue.
- Spenish Mallow-tree.
- Monks Hood.
- Convulvulus Major.
- Convulvulus Minor.
- Bottles of all colours.
- Globe Thistle.
- Great blew Lupines.
- Small blew Lupines.
- Yellow Lupines.
- White Lupines.
- Scarlet Beans.
- Everlasting Pease.
- Snails and Catterpillars.
- Horns and Hedghogs.
- Tulip.
- Auemone.
- Auricula.
- Polyanthos.
- Primrose.
- Sensible Plant.
- Humble Plant.
Seeds of Ever green and Flowering-Trees.
- CYpress.
- Silver Firr.
- Norway Firr.
- Scotch Firr.
- Great Pine.
- Pinaster.
- Phillirea vera.
- Alaternus.
- Pyracantha.
- Arbutus.
- Horn-Beam.
- Laurus Tinus.
- Amomum Plynii.
- Mezerian Berries.
- Ceder Berries.
- Holly Berries.
- Laurel Berries.
- Bay Berries.
- Juniper Berries.
- Yew Berries.
- Mirtle Berries.
- Ever-green Oak-Acrons.
- Cork-tree Acrons.
- Lime-tree Seed.
- Sena Seed.
- Althaea frutex Seed.
- Laburnum.
- Spanish Broom Seed.
- Chesnuts.
- Almonds.
Sorts of
Pease, Beans, &c.
- BArns Hot-spur Pease.
- Short Hot-spur Pease.
- Long Hot-spur Pease.
- Sandwich Pease.
- Grey Rouncival Pease.
- White Rouncival Pease.
- Blew Rouncival Pease.
- Green Rouncival Pease.
- Maple Rouncival Pease.
- Large White Sugar Pease.
- Small white Sugar Pease.
- Grey Sugar Pease.
- Egg Pease.
- Wing Pease.
- Sickle Pease.
- Windsor Beans.
- Sandwich Beans.
- White Kidney Beans.
- Speckled Kidney Beans.
- Canterbury Kidney Beans.
- Lentils.
Seeds to Improve Land.
- CLover-Grass.
- Hop-Clover cleans'd.
- Hop-Clover in the husk.
- Sain-foine.
- La Lucern.
- Spury.
- French Furz.
- Dantzick Flax.
- Hemp-Seed.
- Rape-Seed.
- Mustard-seed.
- Canary seed.
- RAnuncula's, all sorts.
- Double Anemonies, all sorts.
- French Anemonies.
- Tulips, all sorts.
- Double July-flower, all sorts
- Auriculus, double strip'd and plain.
- Polyantho's, all sorts.
- Iris, Persian Chalcedonian, Dwarf, &c.
- Crown Imperial, Yellow, double and single.
- Fraxinella's purple & white
- Hepatica, double blew, and double Peach-colour, white, blew, and Peach-colour, single.
- Crocus's, all sorts.
- Narcissus, all sorts.
- Hyacynthus Tuberiosus.
- Junquils, double and single.
- Piony's, Black, Red, Purple and Strip'd.
- Fritillaria, all sorts.
- Hellebore, white, black, & Christmass.
- Cholchicum Chio, purple, strip'd, &c.
- Gladiolus, all sorts.
- Cyclamen Vernum, & Autumnale.
- Lillies, all sorts.
Sorts of Choice
Trees and
- ORanges, Strip'd and Hermophradite.
- Lemons.
- Cittrons.
- Pomegranats.
- Mirtles, broad leav'd, box-leav'd, Orange-leav'd, Birds Nest, Ʋpright and Double-flower'd.
- Two sort, of upright Mirtles.
- The upright Mirtle of Portugal.
- The Broad-leav'd Mirtle of Portugal.
- The Broad-leav'd Mirtle of Spain.
- A Broad-leav'd Mirtle, the Leaves tipt with white like Silver.
- Rhus Tyrtifolia, & Virginianum, the Mirtle-leav'd and Virginian Sumach.
- Oleander Red and White.
- Phyllerea serrato folio, & Augusto-folio, & foliis leviter serratis.
- Alaternus, strip'd with yellow and white.
- Cytisus, Lunatus, & Secundus Clufii.
- Amomum Plynii.
- Holly's, strip'd with yellow, with white and yellow Berries.
- Arbutus.
- Paliurus.
- Olive-Tree.
- Cedrus Libani.
- Aloes Americana, five Sempervivum, Aloes of America.
- Agnus Castus.
- Arbor Judae.
- Platanus Orientalus, & Octidentalis.
- Tragacantha.
- Horse-Chesnut.
- Jessamines, Spanish yellow, Persian white, &c.
- Cistus, all sorts.
- Geranium noctu Olens.
- Jucca Peruana.
- Nightshade variegated.
- Woodbine variegated.
- Althaea frutex, purple, white, &c.
- Terebenthus.
- Lentischus.
- Laurus Tinus Latifolia.
- Laurus Tinus Augustifolia.
- Laurocerasus, the Cherry-Bay.
- The strip'd Laurel.
- Juniperus Hispanicus, the Juniper of Spain.
- Chamela Tricoccos, or Widow-wail.
- Laurus Alexandrina, Hippoglossum mas, the Horse-tongue Bay.
- Laurus Alexandrina, & Genuvina, the true Bay of Alexandrina.
- Jacobaea Marina incana, Sea-Rag-wort.
- Azedarach, the Bead-tree.
- Piracantha.
- The Marracock of Virginia.
- Pistacia Virginiensis Trifolia the three-leav'd Virginian Bladder-Nut.
- Jasminanum Virginianum, the Virginian Jasmine.
- With many [...]
You may be likewise here accommodated with Spades, Hoes, Reels, Lines, Sheers, Sythes, and Wyre-Sieves, Watring-Pots, Bass-Mats, Melon-Glasses, &c. pr [...] As also, with all sorts of Fruit-Trees, and Ever-Greens; and Artichokes, Liquorice, Colly-Flower, Cabbage, and Tarragon-Plants▪ [...]