A CATALOGUE OF LATE BOOKS: By That Reverend Divine M R. Thomas Beverly, Is now Published Gratis; for the Satisfaction of Many that Desired it, who Live Remote from London; and with the Lowest Prices to each Book, that they may know how to Send for them: They are Printed for, and Sold by William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Marshall at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street near Cornhil.

  • 1. A Solemn Perswasion to Most Earnest Prayer, for the Revival of the Work of God, Bringing Forth the Kingdom of Christ, whenever it appears Declining under his Indignation: Whether
    • 1. In our own Souls:
    • 2. In the Nation to which we belong:
    • 3. In the Churches of Christ throughout:
    Upon occasion of the Late Stroke of Divine Displeasure in the Death of the QUEEN of Blessed Remembrance: Amos 7.2, 5. Price 6 d.
  • 2. The Loss of the Soul; The Irreparable Loss Opened and Demonstrated,
    • 1. By the Excellency of the Soul:
    • 2. The utter Incompetency of the World to answer it:
    • 3. The Misery of a Soul Lost:
    • 4. The Eternal Sting of that Question, VVhat shall a Man give in Exchange for a Lost Soul?
    In a Sermon on Mat. 16.26. VVhat shall it Profit a Man, if be gain the whole world and lose his own Soul? or, what shall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul? Price 6 d.
  • 3. Jehovah-Jireh: Or, In the Mount will the Lord be Seen: Opened and Applyed, in a Practical Discourse, on a Day of Seeking God in Prayer: Month 10th. Day 19. 1694. Price 6 d.
  • 4. The Blessing of Moses on the Tribe of Asher; Opened and Applyed in the Mystical and Spiritual Sense, to every Saint and Servant of Christ: In a Sermon on Deut. 33.25. Thy Shoes shall be Iron and Brass; and as thy day is, so shall thy strength be: Price 6 d.
  • 5. The Great Gospel-Grace of Faith: Its Nature Opened, Illustrated and Argued from Scripture Principles, as so often Affirmed in the word of God, to be Faith by which we are Justified: being the substance of Several Discources on Iohn 17.7.8. Price 6 d.
  • 6. The Faith by which we are Justified in Scripture Sense, according to Scripture, Opened, Explained and Applyed on Rom. 5.1. In Six Sermons. Price 1 s.
  • [Page 2]7. The True State of Gospel-Truth, Established upon the Free Election of God in Christ: The Agreement, and yet Difference; between Law and Gospel; so that the Gospel cannot be styled Law: The Inconditionateness of the Gospel Salvation, the Procedure of the Day of Judgment. Price 6 d.
  • 8. A Compendious Assertion and Vindication of the Eternal God-Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Blessed Spirit; in Answer to a Paper Cast into Both Houses of Parliament in Denial thereof. Price 6 d.
  • 9. An Exposition of the Divine Standard of Prayer, Styled The Lords Prayer; Particularly Treating of the Preface, Of every Petition of it, And of the Conclusion; as of the Prayer of the Kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ; according to that of the Evangelists Mat. 6. 9. Luke 11.1. Shewing that according to its True Elevation, it is the Prayer of the Kingdom, viz. Of the Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ in the New Heaven, or Jerusalem Above; and in the New Earth or Jerusalem Below: Price 1 s.
  • 10. A Brief View of the State of Mankind in the First Adam, and in the Second Adam; being the sum of many Large Discourses upon that Great Context of the Redemption and Mediation of Jesus Christ. Price 4 d.
  • 11. The Model of a Discourse of the Great Point, or Doctrine of Holiness to the Lord. From 1 Pet. 1.15, 16. Price 2 d.
  • 12. A Conciliatory Discourse upon Dr. Crisp's Sermons; on the observation of Mr: William's Disatisfactions in them: in which the Unsearcheable Riches of Christ, and the Covenant of Grace passing Knowledge, is yet Aspired to be made known: Humbly Presented to the Preachers of the Marchants Lecture at Pinners-Hall; to the Sustainers of it, and to the Con­gregation usually Assembled there. Price 6 d.
  • 13. A Conciliatory Judgment concerning Dr. Crisp' Sermons and Mr. Baxters Disatisfactions in them. Price 2 d.
  • 14. A Discourse being the substance of several Sermons on the Sacrament of the Lords Supper; wherein the True Spiritual Nature thereof is Opened and Unfolded: Shewing also in what Sence it is that True Believers do Eat and Drink the Body and Blood of Christ: with Exhortations to Come to that Ordinance; and Several Directions in order to a Constant Habitual and Actual Preparation for it: 1 Cor. 11.23. This is my Body. Mat. 26.26. Mark 14.22. Luk. 22.19. Price 6 d.
  • 15. Evangelical Repentance unto Salvation, not to be Repented of; upon 2 Cor: 7.10. and a most Seasonable short Consideration on that Great Context, Heb. 12.26. Yet once more I shake not only Earth, &c. Upon the Solemn Occasion of the late Dreadful Earth-quake in Jamaica, and the latter Monitory Motion of the Earth in London, and other parts of the Na­tion, beyond the Sea, whereunto is Adjoyned a Discourse of Death-Bed Repentance; on Luke 22.39. Price Bound 1 s. 6 d.
  • 16. A Discourse of the Greatness of the Soul, Price Bound 1 s. 6 d.
  • 17. The Command of God to his People to come out of Babilon, Rev. 18. Price 6 d.
  • 18. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ Entering its Succession at 1697. according to a Callendar of Time. Price 1 s.
  • 19. The Pattern of the Divine Temple, Sanctuary and City of the New Jerusalem: Mea­sured according to Ezekiels Last and Greatest Vision, Chap: 40. to the end; which Temple shall be seen opened in Heaven in the days of the Seventh Trumpet, that there may be a daily Conformity to it. Price 6 d.
  • 20. The First part of the Line of Time, Presenting its several Joynts, in a clear and bright [Page 3]view: from the First to the Last Sabbatism; whose mutual Aspects upon one another, and upon the whole Line; are diligently observed, as a most considerable proof of such a Line; and from thence a very Momentous Confirmation of the Christian Sabbath, or Lords Day, is given: Together with Inferences Tending to Practice, and Particulars moving to a discern­ing of the Signs of the Times, and what ought now to be done in regard of the nearness of the Blessed Sabbatism: A judgment is also drawn from the Situation of the Joynts of this Last part of Time: Containing Twenty Eight Sheets of Large Paper: Price 2 s. 6 d.
  • 21. The Scripture Line of Time, from the First Sabbath, to the Great Sabbatism of the Kingdom of Christ, with the Vision of the Wheels, Explained; and the Vision of the Temple: with a Treatise on the whole Line of Time. Price 6 d.
  • 22. A Demonstrative Scripture Proof from Mahometan Times; the Kingdom of Christ must needs be in its Succession, 1697. Price 6 d.
  • 23. The Prophetical History of the Reformation, or the Reformation to be Reformed; in that Great Reformation that is to be Speedily, according to the Divine Table, or Vision of it, Rev. 10. Compared with other Visions; especially of the Churches, for the further Assu­ring that Grand Joynt of the Line of Time, viz. 1260 Years, allowed to the Beasts King­dom, or to the Roman Apostacy (which because it is to End 1697. must therefore have begun 437) to which is adjoyned the Apocalyptical Vision of the Witnesses, Heb. 9.10. Carnal Or­dinances imposed until the Time of Reformation: Price but 1 s. tho before Sold for more.
  • 24. A Scheam of Prophecies now to be Fulfilled, Price 1 d.
  • 25. A Fresh Memorial of the Kingdom of Christ, Demonstrating from the Solemn Oath of Christ, Rev: 10. by Express Letter of Scripture, and most Historical matter of Fact; it must needs Enter its Succession 1697. and begin so Great and Happy an Era of Time, that in Regard to it, it might well be Sworn, there shall be time ( viz. such as had been) no more, or no further for Ever: wherein there is several Objections answered: Being an Alarm both to wise and foolish Virgins, Price 6 d.
  • 26. A Table of Sabbatical Time: with a Scale of Years. Price 2 d.
  • 27. A Discourse upon the Powers of the World to Come, or the Miraculous Powers of the Gospel and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ; and their certain Return at the Kingdom of Christ in its Succession: To which is Adjoyned, the Great Charter for the Interpretation of the Prophecy of the Scriptures, and more praticularly of the Prophetick Number of Time; Evincing the Kingdom of Christ in Succession at 1697. and consequently Miracles shall then Return. Price 2 s.
  • 28. Those that are minded to have the Discourse upon the Powers of the World to Come; or the Miraculous Powers of the Gospel and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and their certain Return at the Kingdom of Christ in its Succession; without the Great Charter, may have it for 1 s. Price.
  • 29. A Model of Gospel Sanctification in several generals: drawn especially according to the Romans, ch. 7. ch. 8. following that Great Discourse, Rom. 5.12. by way of compari­son between the First and Second Adam: To which is Adjoyned a Chain of Principles, con­cerning The Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ; Humbly offered by way of Appeal to all Chri­stians, espeacially to the Pastors and Doctors of the Churches: that if there be Errors in any of the Principles; or weakness in the Concatination, it may be Publickly Testified and Convinced; for all is founded upon express Scripture, and Reasoned from it, according to Acts 17.3. Price 3 d.
  • 30. The Catechism of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Thousand Years: Shewing [Page 4]by Scripture,
    • 1. That the Great Articles of the Redemption,
    • 2. The Resurrection,
    • 3. The Mystery of the Saints not Dying but Changed,
    • 4. The Judgment,
    • 5. The Delivery up of the Kingdom to God All in All; cannot be Explained at full Dimensions without it:
    The Second Edition, Revised and Corrected, with considerable Additions. Price 6 d.
  • 31. A paraphrase with Annotations on the Revelations, by Another Hand, much agreeing with Mr. Beverly: Price Bound, 5 s.

There are some other Pieces of Mr. Beverly 's that are out of Print.


These Books are likewise Sold by William Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Marshal at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street near Cornhill.
  • 1. Mr. Carryl's Exposition on the Whole Book of Job, in Two Large Volumns in Folio; both Volumns in Quires 30 s. and Bound 40 s.
  • 2. Mr. Pools's Synopsis Criticorum, Latin; In Two Volumns on the New Testament, with the Index; in Quiers 20 s. Bound 30 s.
  • 3. Mr. Bunyan's Works, Containing Twenty Books in Folio; Ten of them formerly Printed, very Scarce; and Ten Left by the Author, Fitted for the Press; in all Twenty Books, with the Map of Salvation: The Impression being almost gone off, there will be a few more Sold for 14 Shillings Bound.
  • 4. Meliticium Chyrurgiae: Or the Marrow of Chyrurgery, with the Anointing of Hu­mane Bodies, according to the Modern Anointings: Illustrated with many Anatomical Observations: Institutions of Physick with Hypocrates Aphorisms Largely Commented upon: The Marrow of Physick, Showing the Causes, Signs and Cures of most Diseases Incident to Humane Bodies: Choice Experienced Receipts for the Cure of Several Distempers: The Fourth Edition, Enlarged with many Additions; Illustrated in its Several Parts with Twelve Copper Cuts. By James Cook of Warwick, Practitioner in Physick and Chyrurgery: Licensed by the Colledge of Physicians. Lowest Price Bound 6 s.
  • 5. Mr. James Cook's Observation of English Bodies, with Directions about the Use of the Bath Waters: Price Bound 2 s. 6.
  • 6. Tachenius his Hipocrates Chynicus, Discovering the Ancient Foundation of the late Viperine Salt: To which is annexed his Clavis to the Antient Hippocratical Physick or Medicine, made by Manual Experience in the very Fountain of Nature; whereby thorow Fire and Water, in a Method unheard of before, the occult Mysteries of Nature and Art are unlocked, and clearly explained, by a compendious way of Operation. Price Bound 2 s. 6 d.
  • 7. Multum in Parvo: Or, A Compendious Spelling Book, to be used so soon as Children know their Letters; by the help of which in a very short time, Children may be able to divide and read the hardest Words. Set forth for the benefit o [...] little Children; and the Rules may help those that be of better capacit [...]es. Price 2 d.
  • 8. A Solemn Scriptural Call: Or, An Epistle to the JEWS, Price 1 d.
  • 9. A New Methodized Concordance, for the Use of Families. Price 6 d.

You may likewise be Supplied at the place above mentioned with most of Dr. Owen's Works: and also the Effigies of Several Divines, as Mr. Carryl, Mr. Pool, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Bunyan, Dr. Owen, Dr. Crisp, Dr. Manton, Mr. Samuel Clark. Price 6 d each.

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