THE CASE OF THE Transport-Ships, taken up in the Years 1689, 1690, and 1691, for the REDƲCTION of IRELAND. Humbly offered to the High Court of PARLIAMENT

WHEREAS an Act passed the last Session of Parliament, Entituled, An Act for Granting to His Majesty several Additional Duties upon Coffee, Tea, &c. towards Satisfaction of the Debts due for Transport Service, for the Reduction of Ireland; which Act was to Continue but for Three Years, at Five Pounds per Cent per Annum Interest.

And the said Fund being only given for Three Years, it hath so far Lessened the Value of the said Debt, as that those many Poor People, in the sundry Sea-Ports all round this Kingdom, who are concerned therein, can obtain very little or no Credit thereon.

And many of them being Widows, and Fatherless Chil­dren, who, for want of what hath been so long their just due, are rendered real Objects of the Pity and Compassion of this Honourable House:

It is therefore Humbly Pray'd (for the better Relief of the Persons concerned in the said Debt) That it may be En­acted, That the Duties arising by the said Act, may be continued in Force for Payment of the Interest of the said Debt, until the Principal shall be provided for by the Parliament.

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